The Other Barack (50 page)

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Authors: Sally Jacobs

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Dewey, Alice G.
Dickson, A. G.
Dorfman, Robert
Dreams from My Father
(Obama, President Barack)
DuBois, W. E. B.
Duesenberry, James
Dunham, Madelyn
Dunham, Stanley
Dunham, (Stanley) Ann
background of
birth of Barack II,
divorce proceedings by
infatuation with Obama
marriage to Lolo Soetoro
marriage to Obama
move to Seattle
Obama's visit (1971)
Dunlop, John
East Africa Journal,
criticism of Sessional Paper N. 10 in
Economics: An Introductory Analysis
economics, shift in focus of
Edwards, Edgar O.
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elkins, Caroline
Embu tribe
Emergency Regulations
Epstein, Judy
The Fire Next Time
Freedom and After
(Mboya, T.)
Frost, Ellen
Gabor, Robert
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gendia Primary School
General Chemical Allied Workers Union
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
Gerald, Kimo
Gerschenkron, Alexander
Ghai, Dharam
Ghana, independence of
Gibbs, Robert
Gilpin, Peter
Goldsworthy, David
Gray, Clive
Gregor, Dorothy Heckman
Habiba Akumu
abusive treatment of by Onyango'
escape of
marriage to Onyango
at Obama's funeral
visits to Obama
Hagberg, Gordon
Hake, Andrew
Hamilton, J.A.
The Harvard Century
Harvard Crimson
Harvard Lampoon
Harvard University
black students at
economics program
Obama's attendance at
questions about Obama's marital status
racial issues, student interest in
refusal to accept Obama's doctoral dissertation
relationship with Kennedy administration
termination of Obama's scholarship funding
See also
Obama, Barack Hussein, at Harvard University
Hasegawa, Ed
Hawa Auma
ethnic makeup of
impact of statehood on
Hawaii, University of
diversity at
Obama's attendance at
parochial character of
See also
Obama, Barack Hussein, at University of Hawaii
Henry, David D.
Histories of the Hanged: The Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire
Holmes, Stephen “Hummer,”
Homeland: An Extraordinary Story of Hope and Survival
Honolulu Advertiser
on first Boeing 707 to land in Hawaii
on Obama
Houser, George
Hungu, Johnson M.
Huxley, Elspeth
Ikeda, George
Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)
International Marketing Institute
Isigie, Jackson
Jok' Owiny
Ka Leo O Hawaii,
on Obama
Kagumba, Helga
Kariuki, Josiah Mwangi, assassination of
Kendu Bay
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, John F.
Africanization of
colonial period
discontent with colonial regime
drive for advanced education
economic crisis in
ethnic divisions in
ideological rift in KANU
independence of
Kikuyus, political dominance by
Mau Mau rebellion
political assassinations in
post-independence opportunities in
preparation for independence
rise of nationalism in
trade union movement, rise of
Western women in
Kenya: The Quest for Prosperity
(Miller and Yeager)
Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU)
Kenya African National Union (KANU)
Kenya African Union (KAU)
Kenya Federation of Labor
Kenya Federation of Registered Trade Unions (KFRTU)
Kenya National Archives, Obama documents in
Kenya People's Union (KPU)
“The Kenya Question: An African Answer” (Mboya, T.)
Kenya Tourist Development Corporation (KTDC)
Kenyatta, Jomo (Johnstone)
birth date of
detention of
economic program of
expansion of political power by
as general secretary of Kikuyu Central Association
legacy of
mission school education of
as president of Kenya African National Union
as president of Kenya African Union
suppression of opposition by
newsletter for new readers
Keynes, John Maynard
Obama, Grace Kezia Aoko
Kheel, Theodore W.
Kiano, Julius Gikonyo
Kibaki, Mwai
Kikuyu Central Association (KCA)
challenge to colonial government by
dominance of Kenyan politics by
loss of land to settlers
and Mau Mau rebellion
Turukat, Kimnyole arap
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kinyengi, Mrs. Michael
Kirk, Elmer
Kisumu massacre
Kital Village
Kobilo, Wilfred Obama
Kogelo Union Association
Kungu, Waruhiu wa
Laubach, Frank C.
Laubach literacy method
Lauster, Julie
Leary, Timothy
Lennox-Boyd, Alan
Lennox-Boyd Constitution (1957)
Leontief, Wassily
Lonsdale, John M.
customs of–28, 62
history of
language of
Luo Customs and Traditions
(Mboya, P.)
Luo Kitgi Gi Timbegi
(Mboya, P.
Luo Union
Lyttelton Constitution (1954)
MacDonald, K. D.
MacDonald, Malcolm
MacLeod, Iain
Madoho, Obama
Makerere University
Malcolm X,
Mama Sarah.
Ogwel, Sarah
Masakhalia, Francis
Maseno school
Matheka, G. M.
Matiba, K. S. N.
Mau Mau rebellion
Mayor, A. W.
Mbeche, Oyuko Onyango
Mboya, Paul
Mboya, Susan
Mboya, Thomas
CIA and
educational airlift to America
Kenyatta's hostility toward
letters from Obama
as Minister for Economic Planning and Development (MEPD)
as Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs
murder of
on Obama's family responsibilities
as rising political leader
visits to United States
McCabe, Sumi
McCroskey, James C.
McKeon, M. F.
Meru tribe
Metaxas, Arthur J.
Metaxas, Georgia
Miller, Norman
missionary schools
Mitchell, Josephine
Mohamed, Jan
Moi, Daniel T. arap
Montero, Frank
Mooney, Mark
Mooney, Sara Elizabeth (Betty)
background of
development of literacy program
friendship with Obama
marriage to Elmer Kirk
speech at Nairobi Peoples Convention Party meeting
support for Obama's educational goals
travel in Uganda
Muga, Richard
Mule, Harris
Mumbo, Dora
Murashige, Juditha Clark
Muriungi, Joseph K.
My Footprints on the Sands of Time
Nachmanoff, Arnold
changes in after independence
expansion of tourist facilities in
political protest organizations in
racism in
Nairobi Times,
on Obama's fatal accident
Nairobi to Shenzhen : A Novel of Love in the East
Ndegwa, Duncan
Ndegwa, Philip
Ndesandjo, Mark Okoth Obama
New York Times,
on Kennedy administration and Harvard
Ngala, Ronald G.
Ng'iya School
Ng'weno, Hilary
Nixon, Richard
Njiiri, Kariuki Karanja
Njoga, Akumu.
Habiba Akumu
Njoroge, Nahashon Isaac Njenga
Nkrumah, Kwame
Noll, Roger
Not Yet Uhuru
Notes of a Native Son
Nwafor, Azinna
Nwosu, Uchenna C.
Nyamweru, Celia
Nyandega, Grace Kezia.
Obama, Grace Kezia Aoko
Nyang'oma Kogelo Primary School
Nyanza Ex-Soldiers Association
Obama, Auma (Rita)
Obama, Barack Hussein, early years
abandonment of by mother
as author of books for literacy instruction
Barack, pronunciation of
birth of
birth of Roy (Malik)
change of name to Barack
conversion to Christianity
friendship with Mboya
friendship with Mooney
interest in political activism
marriage to Kezia
at Maseno School
oppositional nature of
physical appeal of
preparation for university admission
rejection of application for educational airlift
talent for dancing
working in Mombasa
Obama, Barack Hussein, at University of Hawaii
alcohol abuse of
birth of Barack II,
celebrity status of
civil rights activism of
claim that baby would be given up for adoption
conflict with university and immigration officials
courtship of Ann Dunham
decision to attend Harvard
educational funding
election to Phi Beta Kappa
experience of racism in U.S.
feeling of superiority to other undergraduates
financial difficulties
impatience with those of lesser abilities
interest in communism
marriage to Ann Dunham
oppositional nature of
pursuit of women
social life
vision of future of Kenya
Obama, Barack Hussein, at Harvard University
affair with Ruth Baker
alcohol abuse of
conflict with university and immigration officials
financial support for
as model for younger students
provision of financial assistance for brother's education
pursuit of women
social life
struggles with coursework
termination of scholarship money
Obama, Barack Hussein, in post-independence Kenya
abusive treatment of family
alcohol abuse
automobile accidents
birth of George Hussein Onyango
birth of Mark Okoth
cars, love of
at Central Bank of Kenya
conflict with Owuor
criticism of Kenyatta
death of
dishonesty in workplace
disillusionment with Kenyan politics
divorce from Ruth
doctoral dissertation
embrace of Luo roots
fears for safety
financial problems
friendship with Otieno
funeral of
Hawaii, visit to (1971)
heirs, legal battle to establish identity of
Jael Atieno, marriage to
at Kenya Tourist Development Corporation (KTDC)
at Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning
Ndegwa, resentment of
oppositional nature of
period of decline
political beliefs
pride in white wife
pursuit of women
reconciliation with Ruth
revocation of passport
Ruth Baker, marriage to
Sessional Paper No. 10, critique of
at Shell/BP
social life
as social outcast
source of reckless behavior
storytelling, propensity for
Obama, David
Obama, Ezra
Obama, George Hussein Onyango
Obama, Grace Kezia Aoko
birth of Roy (Malik)
claim that sons are Obama's
courtship and marriage to Obama
denial of divorce from Obama
enrollment in courses at Church Army school
financial help from Helen Roberts
Mooney and
Ruth and

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