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From “Anonymous” interview.
E. S. Atieno Odhiambo, “Ethnic Cleansing and Civil Society in Kenya, 1969–1992,”
Journal of Contemporary African Studies
22, pt. 1 (2004): 29–42.
John R. Nellis,
The Ethnic Composition of Leading Kenyan Government Positions
(Uppsala: The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1974), 14–15.
Minutes of the second meeting of the Kenya Tourist Development Corporation, May 4, 1970, AHC/3/12, Minute no. 13/70, Kenya National Archives.
Minutes of the first meeting of the executive appointments committee of the KTDC, May 11, 1970, AHC/3/12, Minute no. 1/70, Kenya National Archives.
Minutes of the second meeting of the KTDC executive committee, June 15, 1970, AJ/2/8, Minute no. E5/70(b), Kenya National Archives.
From Nyaringo Obure interview.
Barack Obama,
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
(New York: Random House, 1995), 215.
From Ruth Ndesandjo interview (February 2010).
B. Obama,
Dreams from My Father
, 65.
, 66.
Ibid., 68.
Auma Obama,
Das Leben kommt immer dazwischen
(Cologne: Germany: Bastei Lubbe GmbH & Co. KG, 2010), 27.
Ibid., 63.
Ibid., 64.
Barack Obama [Sr.], letter to the Ministry's personnel officer March 11, 1978, Barack Obama's personnel file, held by the Ministry of Planning, National Development and Vision.
A. Obama,
Das Leben kommt immer dazwischen
, 72.
Ibid., 72.
B. Obama,
Dreams from My Father
, 217.
David Kariuki and Blamuel Njururi, “M.P.s Demand Full Probe into J.M.'s Murder,”
The Daily Nation
, March 14, 1975, 4.
Norman Miller and Rodger Yeager,
Kenya: The Quest for Prosperity
(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994), 52.
From Harris Mule interview.
Y. F. O. Masakhalia, letter to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, November 14, 1975, Barack Obama personnel file.
Joseph K. Muriungi, letter to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning's personnel officer, February 15, 1978. Contained in Barack Obama's personnel file.
Ministry of Finance and Planning records, National Archives in Nairobi, folios 104 through 110.
Y. F. O. Masakhalia, memo, August 6, 1976, Barack Obama Personnel File.
Obama wrote dozens of memos about the project that are contained in the Ministry of Finance and Planning records, Nairobi National Archive, folios 18, 31. Details of the project are spelled out in two specific memos:“Brief on the Kenya-Sudan Road Link,” prepared by Obama for Harris Mule, May 28, 1979, EPD/A/132/79/01; and “Brief on Kenya/ Sudan Joint Projects,” prepared by Obama, September 12, 1980, EPD/A/132/79/01.
David. K Leonard,
African Successes: Four Public Managers of Kenyan Rural Development
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), 1, 69.
From Johnson M. Hungu interview.
Barack Obama, memo to the Ministry's Personnel supervisor, November 3, 1977, Barack Obama personnel file.
From Owino Okongo interview.
African Successes
, 202.
Jael Atieno testimony, April 1989, Succession Cause No. 233, High Court of Kenya.
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William Onyango, “Economic Planning Man Dies in Crash,”
The Nairobi Times
, November 30, 1982, 5.
Certificate of Death No. 109369, Nairobi, Kenya. This document is available in the files of Succession Cause No. 233 in the High Court of Kenya.
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