The Other Barack (49 page)

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Authors: Sally Jacobs

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Mueller, Susanne D., “Government and Opposition in Kenya 1966–1969,”
Journal of Modern African Studies,
Vol. 22. No.3 (September 1984). Nellis, John R. “The Ethnic Composition of Leading Kenyan Government
Scandinavian Institute of African Studies,
1974, 14–15. Ng'weno, Hilary. “Thomas Joseph Odhiambo Mboya's Murder and the Return of One-Party State.
Afro Articles
, Dec. 7, 2007.
Odhiambo, Atieno E. S. (2004), “Ethnic Cleansing and Civil Society in Kenya, 1969–1992,
Journal of Contemporary African Studies
, 22, 29–42.
Taylor, Frank J. “Colorful Campus of the Islands.”
Saturday Evening Post,
May 24, 1958.
The following is a list of telephone interviews that took place with the author.
Abercrombie, Hal; multiple interviews
Abiero, Kevin; August 2010
Achola, Milcah; May 2009
Aguda, Osewe; March 2010
Alberti, Peggy; June and September 2009
Ayot, Henry; April 2010
Azikiwe, Chukwuma; multiple interviews
Baldwin, Sylvia; August 2009
Benjamin, Ed; April 2010
Blake, Susan Botkin; multiple interviews
Bonuke, Joel; February 2010
Brimble, Maureen and Michael; January 2010
Butler, Jack; February 2010
Chirls, Diane; August 2010
Cohen, David; multiple interviews
Connan, Dominique; May 2010
Dewey, Alice G.; November 2009
Dukakis, Kitty; February 2010
Dulo, Paul; April 2009
Ekpebu, Larry; April 2010
Eldridge, Pal; August 2009
Elkins, Caroline; October 2008 and March 2010
Enright, Ernest; September 2009
Epstein, Judy; November 2009
Frost, Ellen; April and September 2009
Geller, Laurel; February and September 2009
Gerald, Kimo; December 2009
Ghai, Dharam; March 2009 and November 2010
Gilpin, Peter; multiple emails
Gray, Clive; September 2008
Gregor, Dorothy; September 2009
Harper, Jim; November 2010
Harvey, David; July 2009
Hesselmark, Gunilla; January 2011
Jacobson, Beth; March 2009
Khairallah, Saad; October 2010
Kirk, John; December 2009
Laubach, Bob; April and June 2009
Levine, Judy; May 2010
Lonsdale, John M.; multiple interviews
Lucas, David; January 2010
Maganjo, Mwangi; September 2010
Mandell, Stuart; June and September 2009
Marglin, Stephen; May 2009
Mboya, Susan; multiple interviews
McCabe, Sumi; August, 2009 and April 2011
McCauley, David; July 2009
McClelland, Peter D.; June 2010
McCroskey, James C.; November 2009
Metaxas, Georgia; July 2010
Mitchell, Josephine; June 2010
Mooney, Esther; October 2010
Murashige, Juditha Clark; November 2009
Muriuki, Godfrey; April 2009
Ndesandjo, Mark; November 2009
Njiiri, Ruth; November 2009 and February 2010
Nachmanoff, Arnold; April 2009
Ngari, Mwaura; October 2009
Noll, Roger; multiple interviews
Nottingham, John; April and October 2009
Nwosu, Uchenna; multiple interviews
Nyamweru, Celia; June 2010
Obama, Said; October 2008 and February 2010
Odaga, Asenath Bole; February 2009
Ogolah, Gladys; February and August 2010
Okoda, Sebastian Peter; July and October 2010
Okul, Erastus Amondi; April 2010
Omolo, Leo Odera; multiple interviews
Omondi, Arthur; January 2009
Otunnu, Olara; July 2010
Pala, Taa O.; February 2011
Pressman, Florence; September 2010
Rait, Barbara; February 2010
Rajula, Nick; March 2009
Rege, James; November and December 2009
Roberts, Charleen multiple interviews
Ruenitz, Robert M.; April 2009
Ruthazer, Debby; April 2009
Saffarian, Jane; January 2010
Sandberg, Lars Gunnarsson; October 2009
Schydlowsky, Daniel; multiple interviews
Shipton, Parker; multiple interviews
Singer, Marty; February 2010
Smith, Bruce R.; October 2010
Sylla, Richard; July 2010
Tith, Naranhkiri; multiple interviews
Toutonghi, Mary; August 2009
Ugoh, Sylvester; February 2010
Wairagu, Lazarus; December 2009 and March 2010
Wanyee, Lydia; August 2010
Weiss, Cora; February 2009
Weya, David Owino; March 2010
White, Larry; August 2009
Wilson, Catherine; November 2009
Woodward, Kathryn Roen; December 2009
Zeckhauser, Richard; May 2009
Zeigler, Lee; July 2009
The following interviews were conducted in person with the author, unless otherwise indicated.
Adhiambo, Elly Yonga, in Kanyadhiang, February 2009
Akello, Joseph, in Nyangoma, November 2009 and March 2010
Aringo, Peter, in Nairobi February and June 2009 and March 2010
Arungu-Olende, Shem, in Nairobi, March 2010
Asiyo, Phoebe, in Washington, DC, May 2009, and Nairobi, March 2010
Ayah, Wilson Ndolo, in Nairobi, March 2010
Ayodo, Damaris, in Nairobi, February 2010
Ayoro, Oyiro, with Beatrice Akoth in Gem Kodiaga, June 2009
Ayot, Henry, in Nairobi, June 2009
Calleb, Omogi, in Kendu Bay, October 2009
Hungu, Johnson, in Nairobi in May and November 2009 and March 2010
Isigie, Peter, in Nairobi, February 2009
Kagumba, Helga and Mboya, in Achego, May 2009
Kinyua, Wilson, in Nairobi, June 2009
Kobilo, W. E. Obama, multiple interviews in Kenya, 2009 and 2010
Kut, Julius, in Ng'iya, February 2009
Madoho, Obama, in Alego, February 2009
Masakhalia, Francis, in Lavington, February and May 2009, and in Nairobi, March 2010
Mbeche, Oyuko Onyango, in Nairobi March 2010
Mboya, Dan, in Gendia, Karachuonyo, October 2009
Mboya, Susan, in Nairobi, November 2009
Muga, Richard, with Beatrice Akoth in Kendu Bay, November 2009
Muguku, Faith Njeri, in Nairobi, May 2009
Mule, Harris, in Nairobi, March 2010
Mumbo, Doris, in Nyangoma, March 2009
Ndegwa, Duncan, in Mombasa, October 2009
Ndemo, Bitange, in Nairobi, March 2010
Ndesandjo, Ruth, in Nairobi, February 2010, and Boston, April 2010
Ndolo, Penina, by Beatrice Akoth in Kanyadhiang, March 2009
Ndungu, Owen, in Nairobi, February 2010
Ng'weno, Hilary, in Nairobi, February 2009
Obama, Ezra, multiple interviews in Kenya throughout 2009 and 2010
Obama, George Hussein Onyango, in Nairobi, June and November 2009
Obama, Grace Kezia, in Bracknell, England, December 2008
Obama, Hawa Auma, in Oyugis, June 2009
Obama, Rajab Ouko, multiple interviews in Nairobi
Obama, Said, in Kisumu, February 2009
Obama, Sarah, in Alego, February 2009
Obama,Wilson, in Kisumu, March 2009
Obama, Wycliffe, in Kisumu, February 2009
Obama, Zeituni Onyango, in Boston, November 2008 and April 2009
Obondo, Alex, in Nairobi, March 2010
Obure, Nyaringo, in Nairobi, November 2009
Ochieng, Philip, in Nairobi, October 2009
Ochieng, Stephen, in Nairobi, March 2009
Odida, Dominick, in Ng'yia, June 2009
Odour, Allan, in Nairobi, June 2009
Ogembo, William Onyango, in Nairobi, February 2009
Ogutu, Alfred Obama, in Kanyadhiang, October 2009
Ogutu, Dibo, in Nairobi with Felgona Atieno Ochieng, November 2009
Okatcha, Fred, multiple interviews in Nairobi in 2009 and 2010
Okeyo, Achola Pala, Nairobi, March 2010
Okumu, Joash Muga, in Kital village by Beatrice Akoth, March 2010
Okun, Joseph Muga, with Beatrice Akoth in Kendu Bay, June 2009
Olum, Gondi Hesbon, in Nairobi, October 2009
Oluoch, Charles, in Kanyadhiang, February and May 2009
Omondi, Peter, in Nairobi, February 2009
Omolo, Leo Odera, in Kisumu throughout 2009 and 2010
Onono, Jared, in Nairobi, February 2010
Onyango, Meshack J., in Nairobi, May 2009
Opar, David, with Beatrice Akoth in Kendu Bay, November 2009
Orinda, Amir Otieno, in Kosele, March 2010
Orinda, Razik Otieno, in Kosele, March 2010
Otula, Paul, in Maseno, February 2009
Owino, Arthur Reuben, in Kodiaga in Gem, November 2009
Owino, Okongo, in Kisumu, June 2009
Owuor, Jeremiah, in Nairobi, June 2009
Oyiro, Ayoro, with Beatrice Akoth, Karachuoyno, November 2009
Oyucho, Manasseh, in Nyangoma, October 2009
Rabuku, John, in Nyangoma, November 2009
Saitoti, George, in Nairobi, February 2010 Schramm, Paula, in Nairobi, March 2010
Wamae, Matu, in Nairobi, February 2010
Wasonga, Otieno O., in Nairobi, February 2010 Wasonga, M. Kings, in Nairobi, February 2010
Yamo Charles, by Beatrice Akoth in Gendia, April 2009
Obama, Grace Kezia, in Bracknell, England, December 2008
United States
Abercrombie, Neil, in Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 2009
Coleman, Joyce Kirk, in Dallas, Texas, February 2010
DeMello, Edward, in Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 2009
Edwards, Edgar O., in Poultney, Vermont, April 2009
Harvey, David W., in Syracuse, New York, May 2009
Hasegawa, Edward, in Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 2009
Holmes, Stephen, by David Arnold in Exeter, New Hampshire, December 2009
Ikeda, George, in Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 2009
Krim, Bob, by David Arnold in Boston, Massachusetts, December 2009
Laubach, Bob, in Syracuse, New York, May 2009 Lauster, Julie, in Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 2009
Nwafor, Azinna, multiple interviews in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with Judy Rakowsky, 2009 and 2010
Nyangani, Paul, multiple interviews in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009 and 2010
Obama, Zeituni Onyango, in Boston, Massachusetts, November 2008 and April 2009
Parker, Richard, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 2009 Prather, Donna, in Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 2009
Stephens Dorothy and Robert, in Marblehead, Massachusetts, July 2009
Varez, Dietrich, on the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, the Big Island, Hawai'i, June 2009
Wells, Mary Beth, in Cypress, California, June 2010
Zane, Pake, in Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 2009
The letter n after a page number indicates a note.
Abdullah, F. E.
Abercrombie, Hal
Abercrombie, Neil–108, 118, 126, 214–215
Abercrombie, Shirley
Abiero, Adede
Adhiambo, Elly Yonga
African-American Institute
African American Students Foundation (AASF)
African Elected Members Organization (AEMO)
African Metropolis: Nairobi's Self-Help City
African Scholarship Program of American Universities airlift to America
Airlift to America
Akello, Joseph
Alpert, Richard (Ram Dass)
American Committee on Africa (ACOA)
Anderson, David
Anglican Church
Argwings-Kodhek. M. G.
Aringo, Peter Oloo
Arrow, Kenneth
Arungu-Olende, Shem
Asiyo, Phoebe M.
Association of African and Afro-American Students (AAAAS)
literary magazine
Ayah, Wilson Ndolo 199
Ayodo, Damaris
Ayodo, Samuel O.
Ayoro, Oyiro
Azikiwe, Chukwuma
Baker, Ida
Baker, Maurice Joseph
Baldwin, James
Baldwin, Sylvia
Barack, pronunciation of
Baring, Sir Evelyn
Benjamin, Ed
Bernard Otieno
Black Orpheus
Blake, Susan Botkin
Bonuke, Joel
Boston Globe,
profile of Obama in
Bowers, B. L.
Bowles, Sam
British colonialism in Kenya
compulsory registration system
creation of native reserves
government schools
influx of European settlers
political reform
taxation of natives
Uganda Railway
Browne & Nichols
Bunche, Ralph
Bundy, McGeorge
Calleb, Omogi
Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West (East West Center)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chamberlin, Ed
Charles W. Atherton House (YMCA)
Church of Scotland missionary school
Clark, Roy M.
Cohen, David William
Cole, Arthur, W. H.
Congress of Berlin (1884)
Constituency Elected Members Organization (CEMO)
Dahling, Lyle H.
Daily Nation
Das Leben kommt immer dazwischen
(Obama, A.)
DeMello, Alonzo

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