The No-cry Sleep Solution (65 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Pantley

BOOK: The No-cry Sleep Solution
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nights.” (Choose how many nights you are willing to do this.)

6. If you find you can’t let her cry in her crib, even with you standing at her bedside, you can then hold her, rock her, hum to her, rub her back, put your cheek against hers, anything that helps her or you. (If your husband or another of your baby’s caregivers can handle this part, it’s often much easier on both Baby and Mommy.)

7. If your baby does not depend on nursing or a bottle, but wakes you repeatedly to be held or rocked, you can use this same idea. Except, keep your baby in his crib, and lean over to pat, rub, or otherwise soothe your baby while keeping him in his crib. (One mother tried this and actually fell asleep on the floor with her hand through the crib slats, patting her baby’s bottom!)

8. Whisper words of comfort (these are mainly to keep you calm, and can also help your baby know that you are

there). “This will all be over in a couple days. I love you.

It’s OK. Mommy’s here. Time to sleep.”

9. At any point that either you or your baby are too upset, go ahead and nurse, give her a bottle, or resort to whatever method calms her down and helps her go back to sleep. By this point your baby will be very tired; she will fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer. There is no reason to push yourself or your baby to the limit. Just try again with the next night waking, or tomorrow night.

10. You may want to choose a time when you stop the process for the night. For example, “I’m going to do this until 3:00 a.m. After that I’m going to just bring her to bed so we can both get some sleep.”

Follow Your Plan for Ten More Days


11. I know that we both believe that any crying is bad. But if Mommy is at the end of her rope, with no more patience for gradual adjustments, or if Daddy is threatening to move to a motel, it may be the last resort. You have been a very attached mommy, and your baby has been nurtured and

loved. Certainly, being well rested and peaceful is important for both of you. Martha and Williams Sears in
Breastfeeding Book
declare, “Crying and fussing in the arms of a loving parent is not the same as crying it out.” So if you feel you must resort to this process, don’t beat yourself up over it. Just get through it as quickly as possible, and give your baby lots of daytime love and snuggles.

12. Remember, at any time, even in the middle of the night, it’s perfectly OK for you to give up this idea and use Idea Number One on page 209.


Complete a Log,

Analyze Your Success, and

Revise Your Plan as Necessary

Every Ten Days

Now that you’ve followed your sleep plan for at least a second set of ten days, it’s time to do another set of sleep logs, analyze your success, and make any necessary changes to your plan.

You will also use the information in this chapter after every ten days that you follow your sleep plan until you feel satisfied with how your baby is sleeping.

Using these forms, create your new logs, and again, be sure to read the instructions that follow them. Photocopy the forms to make sure that you have enough to take you through to your ultimate and final sleep success, or create your own in a notebook.

Review the information in Chapter 8 as you move through this process.

Keep This Book Handy

Even after your baby sleeps through every night, and naps like a dream, it’s highly possible that you’ll still experience setbacks over the next few years. All of the issues that we discussed in 215

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The No-Cry Sleep Solution

Coby, five months old

Chapter 8 (such as ear infections, teething, and vacations) are likely to disrupt even the best sleeper’s schedule. Don’t fret too much about this normal occurrence. Just dig out this book and follow your plan for a week or two to get your baby back on track.

Use the logs and the evaluations on the following pages every ten days until you reach your ultimate sleep success, and then use them at any time in the future when your baby’s sleep needs an adjustment.

Revise Your Plan as Necessary Every Ten Days


Ten-Day Nap Log

Baby’s Name: ________________________________________

Age: _______________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________

How many days have you been following your plan? _______

Time baby

How baby

Where baby Where baby How

fell asleep

fell asleep

fell asleep



1. Review Table 2.1 on page 48, or copy the information from your first log:

How many naps should your baby be getting? __________________

How many naps is your baby getting now ? ____________________

How many hours should your baby be napping? ________________

How many hours is your baby napping now ? __________________

2. Do you have a formal nap routine? __________________________

3. Are you watching for sleepy signs and putting your baby down for a nap as soon as you notice he’s tired? ________________________

4. Are your baby’s naptimes/lengths consistent every day? __________

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