The Nights Were Young (14 page)

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Authors: Calvin Wedgefield

BOOK: The Nights Were Young
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              Marie joined Kate at the bras. 

              “He really likes you,” Kate said.  “I mean he really, really likes you.  More than any other girl he’s been with.”

              “Did he say that?”  Marie felt a sudden jolt of excitement. 

              “No.  He doesn’t talk to me about stuff like that.  He doesn’t even talk to his guy friends about stuff like that.  Actually, Travis doesn’t talk to anybody about anything personal to him, only you, and he’d probably be pretty pissed off if he knew all the stuff you’ve told me that you two talk about.”

              Marie glanced back at the red thong. “Well don’t tell him that I’ve told you anything.”

              “You know I won’t.” 

Kate picked out a bra and put it over her chest. 

“This won’t hold my girls in,” she muttered.  She shook her head. “Anyway, back to my point.  Marie, he’s never been like this.”

              “Like what?”

              Kate hung the bra back on its hanger and paused.  She looked Marie in the eyes and smiled. “Happy, Marie.  He’s truly, truly happy with you.” 

              Marie did not speak.  She stood still, unable to understand how she felt then. 

              “Just don’t break his heart, all right?”

              “I’m not going to.” Marie walked away. 

              Kate jumped to her, realizing she had upset her and said, “Let’s just talk about something else.  What are you doing this weekend?  My parents aren’t gonna be home.  Feel like having some cocktails?”

              “Seems like we’re in the same boat,” Marie said.

              “What boat?”

              “My parents aren’t going to be here this weekend, either.  It’s their anniversary and their taking some

              Kate grabbed her and spun her around.  There was a delighted expression across her that made Marie laugh in confusion. 

“What?” Marie asked.

              “We’re partying at your place this weekend!” Kate yelled.

              “What?  No!”

              “It’s not even your choice Marie!  It’s happening.”  Kate grinned.  “And I know what you can wear for Travis.” 

She looked behind Marie.

              Marie turned around and saw the red thong.





















It was certain: there would be a party at Marie’s parents’ house Saturday night
.  Marie checked her reflection a dozen times, and she checked her phone several dozen times for any new messages from Kate. 

“This is insane,” she whispered. 

Her parents could come back for some reason or another, maybe her mother would hate camping or her father would have broken a bone climbing a rock.  Or maybe they would just hate each other and come back to the house.

              Her parents had already been gone for several hours, and it was ten o’clock.  Marie was sure they were long gone, but her stomach still dropped when headlights crawled up the driveway to the front door. 

no, she thought.
It’s Mom and Dad.

She breathed easier after seeing it was Travis’s truck. 

              Kate rode in the passenger seat.  “Let’s party!” she yelled into the quiet night. 

Marie raced outside to the truck. It was drizzling; the tiny, cold droplets gave her goose bumps. “Be quiet,” she said.  “Everyone else is probably asleep.”

              “Whatever,” Kate said, spilling of the truck.  “Look what Travis got from his mom.”

              Travis strutted up to Marie with a large bottle of Silver Wolf Vodka, almost full, and wrapped his arm around her. “This is gonna be fun, pretty girl,” he said, and he kissed her on the cheek. 

              “Won’t your mom know it’s gone?” Marie asked.

              “Hell no,” he answered. “She doesn’t notice anything.” 

He tore off the lid and took a gulp. 

              The last to get out of the truck was Joey, and he was his usual awkward, silent self.  He stood next to Kate and waved when Marie looked at him. 

              “Are you sure you don’t want any more people?” Kate asked.  “I mean there’s only four here.  That’s not even really a party.”

              “Yes I’m definitely sure,” Marie said.

              “It’s still a party,” Travis said, “just a small one.” 

              “Well anyway it’s cold,” Kate said. She left them and made her way into the house. 




              It was two hours later, and the Silver Wolf bottle was near half-empty and the four were each having trouble standing straight.  Marie was giggly, Kate was loud and confused, Travis was holding his liquor well, and Joey was moving slowly and sleepily.     

              They were playing a card game on the coffee table in the living room. 

Kate drew a queen from the deck, which meant she would choose the next person to drink from the bottle. “Joey, drink!” she cried.

              “Don’t make him do it,” Travis said.  “The guy’s about to go into a coma.”

              Joey was shaking his head. 

Kate leaned hard against her boyfriend, almost bringing him down.  “Alright, alright, alright, alright,” she slurred.  “I guesses I choose me.” 

She snatched up the bottle - she nearly knocked it off the table - and drank.  Marie had to pull the bottle away from her and put it back on the table. 

              “It’s your turn,” Marie said to Travis. 

              He pulled his card: a jack. 

              “Make a toast!” Kate screamed.

              “Toast!  Toast!” Marie and Kate chanted. 

              Travis wobbled to his feet and held up the bottle. “Quiet, quiet.” 

              The girls settled.  For a few seconds Travis stared forward. 

              “You’re too drunk to think!” Kate yelled.

              “Shut up!  I’m thinking,” he said, rubbing his forehead. 

              Kate burst into unstoppable laughter so intense that she fell onto her back and clutched at her stomach.  Marie laughed with her. 

              “This right here… is to being young,” Travis said. 

Marie’s laughter settled and she listened to him. 

The humor in him had left.  He was serious; the light in his eyes dimmed and his voice grew softer.  “This is to never growing up, and to staying young forever.”

Marie almost believed it, that she would never have to move forward or
grow up
. Things could stay with this way;
could stay this way, until the end of everything.

Kate stopped laughing. 

They watched Travis in silence, and in that silence Travis took his drink of the vodka and sat back down.

              “I’m done with this game,” Kate muttered.

              “Me too,” Marie said.

              They sat in silence. 

              Suddenly Kate hopped up, “Let’s--” She stumbled and fell on top of Joey. 

Marie and Travis laughed.  She sat next to him on the floor and he put his arms around her.

              “Let’s fall?” Travis asked.

              Kate fought back to her feet. “Let’s play hide and seek,” she said, gleaming with excitement.

              “Seriously?” Marie asked.

              “Yes seriously.  Marie you’re it.”

              Marie looked at Travis. 

He smiled and whispered in her ear. “This could be fun.”


A few minutes later…


Marie leaned against the wall in the corner of the living room. 

“One!” she called out.  “Two!” 

She heard frantic footsteps and Kate whispering swear words behind her. 

“Three!  Four!  Five!  Six!” 

There was no more noise. 

“Seven!  Eight-nine-ten!” she counted quickly. 

Then she spun around a little too fast, catching herself on the wall.  The room was empty. She walked to the stairs and slowly climbed up. 

              She opened her bedroom door.  No one. 

She could hear something from the bathroom, breathing, very light breathing.  She opened the door, and through the shower curtain she could see Travis’s shadow.  She closed the door behind her.  The only light was coming from a small nightlight above the sink.  She crept to the bathtub, and then yanked back the shower curtain.  There he was: her beautiful trouble. 

              “I guess I’m it,” he said softly.

              “Guess so.” 

He stepped out of the tub and put his hands on her hips.  Their faces came closer until his lips fell lightly on hers and moved across them. 

“We should find the others,” he said. 

              She put her hands on his chest and stopped him from moving forward. 

“I don’t want to,” she whispered.  She leaned forward and started kissing, soft at first, then growingly aggressive. 

His hands started moving over her and hers over him.  Breathing got heavier.  Skin got warmer.  He touched her chest, and she let him.  She squeezed his arms; he picked her up and sat her on the counter; her legs wrapped around his hips, and he grabbed her hips and pulled them closer.  She felt his stomach, ran her hand along his belt, then felt lower and heard him moan.  His hand ran down her stomach; he unbuttoned her jeans and saw her thong.

              “Wow,” he said.

              Marie looked down and saw that her red, lacey thong was showing. 

“Shut up,” she said, giggling.

              He kissed her and whispered, “I like it.”  

              They kept going, hands and hearts racing - electrified. 

The future was disappearing from her thoughts. There was only now, with Travis, and she was beginning to lose sight of any life without him. 

One of his hands held her hip and the other moved back to the top of her jeans.  His hand slipped underneath everything and suddenly she felt it against her.  She leaned up and brought his mouth back to hers, his hand writhed back and forth, and their breaths shortened.

              “I don’t really know what I’m doing,” he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear when he spoke. 

“Just keep doing it,” she said. 

She clutched his shoulder and rocked against him and he pulled her closer and her eyes closed and he went faster until suddenly - it seemed as if the world spun completely around in a matter of seconds. 

Then everything was calmer. 

Marie grabbed his hand. 

“No more,” she whispered. 

Heavy rain was pouring against the window.  There was lightning, and a faint thunder sounded moments after. 

              They remained still. 

“That was--” he started.

              Marie kissed him softly.  She could see in his eyes that happiness Kate had spoken of.  She felt it too, and she understood it, and she understood him because she felt the same way.  He was free when he was with her. 

              Suddenly there was a pounding on the door that shattered the quiet.   

“Quit having sex!” Kate yelled from outside. “There are two other people out here that are getting bored!”

              The lovers laughed quietly.  Travis’s head rested on her shoulder. 

“I guess we should get back now,” he said. He kissed her neck.

              She nodded, then kissed him on the cheek, pushed him away and hopped off the counter.  Her hand brushed against his pocket and she felt something strange and heard a crackling sound, like plastic. 

“What is that?” she asked.

              “What’s what?” he said sheepishly, trying to turn his pocket away from her. 

              She reached into his pocket and pulled out the plastic something: a condom.  Travis laughed nervously and looked down. “Kate made me bring it.  Just in case.”

              “Just in case?”

              “Yeah.  I mean I told her we weren’t going to.”

              “Oh really?”

              He paused.  “Are we?”

              Marie rolled her eyes and smiled.  She left him speechless while she walked out of the bathroom, carrying away what had been in his pocket.           


Kate and Joey were lying on the couch.  Joey nodded off and Kate would poke him when his eyes shut for too long. 

“Stay awake, dummy.  It’s a party,” she said.

              Marie sat at the end of the couch next to Kate’s feet and rubbed her neck. 

              “You’re bad at hide and seek,” Kate said.  “You’re not supposed to have sex during the game.”

              “We didn’t have sex,” Marie groaned. 

              Kate mocked her in a high pitch. “We didn’t have sex.”

              Travis jaunted down the stairs carrying something Marie immediately wished he had not found.  It was her guitar. 

“Travis!  Put that back in my room!” she demanded.

              “Look what I got,” he announced.

              “Can you play?” Kate said.

              “Yeah and Marie can sing,” Travis said cheerfully.

              “No I can’t,” Marie said fast. “Trust me I --”

              “Yes you can,” Kate said, pushing her off the couch.

Marie staggered to Travis and leaned against him. 

              The rain was heavy outside.  Lightning flashed again and the thunder groaned after it. 

              “You have to sing for us,” Kate demanded. 

              Travis started playing chords, swinging blues chords.  He played them well, and it surprised Marie.  A twinge of excitement caught her and began to override her embarrassment and lit her up. 

              “Ooooo, you’re good Travis,” Kate said.

              He strummed harder, bobbing his head and whipping down on the strings.  Marie could not help but start to sway.  He smiled at her. 

“Come on baby sing!” he howled. 

He called her baby, and that was the end of her fight against it.

Oh baby!  You just can’t love me no more!

              Marie belted out the words.  Kate howled.  Even Joey was up and smiling.  He danced his own awkward dance next to Kate.  Travis strummed wildly, and Marie kept whaling.

I want you, but you just can’t love me no more!

              You’ll never find a home, you’ve always gotta go!

              And baby I can’t take anymore!

She stopped and covered her blushing face.  Travis stopped and wrapped his arms around her. 

“That was great, pretty girl,” he said. 

Kate and Joey were clapping.

              Marie kissed him, and she took the guitar from him. “Go sit.” 

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