The Naughty Sins Of A Saint (24 page)

BOOK: The Naughty Sins Of A Saint
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“Girl, it’s way deeper than that! He has droves of white men, Asian men, all kinds of men, followin’ him around the country for advice. You should’ve seen this tape I just saw. OK, let me explain it another way. I married him because I love him. He let me see his heart, but he’s more raw in his profession. He’s less edgy with me than his professional persona suggests. He treats me differently. Do you understand now?” Xenia asked.

“I bet he does. I read up on his escapades,” Stacy said snidely. “He refuses to confirm anything, but everyone heard about that lawsuit. Dude’s dick is addictive apparently, like the shit has cocaine on it. You better watch out, Xenia. How do you know he’ll be faithful?”

“Because I just know. I don’t expect anyone to understand us. I didn’t call for you to talk badly about my husband,” Xenia said.

“Well, I’m goin’ to talk about him!” Stacy said.

“I don’t need your approval, my mama’s, or Porsche’s. I get hell at work, and I don’t need this shit from you. You’re supposed to be my friend. What about all those low life mothafuckas you deal with? Those five-cent mothafuckas ain’t worth shit and have a million women. My man, who’s very sincere, loving, kind and generous, treats me like a queen. And yes – he puts in work and dicks me down proper. He’s also well taken care of! His ass isn’t goin’ any damn where. He’s on lockdown and happily so. Of that, I’m completely sure.”

“Girl, please!” Stacy said. “Someone with his sex appeal and confidence isn’t gonna be faithful. Some woman tried to break into his hotel room! She was completely whipped, dick whipped, that is, and he totally dissed her and wouldn’t let her back in. He even called Security after he turned her out. I work in the news room. I went through all kinds of research on this guy and he…”

“Uh, you can stop talkin’ about my husband’s dick. Don’t let that come out your mouth again. I let it go the first time, and now you’re just goin’ crazy with it. You keep crossin’ the line,” Xenia said.

“That’s the whole damn point! I shouldn’t even know about your husband’s dick, but he gave it out like candy, so now everyone knows about it!”

 “I know what he did in the past, Stacy! At least I actually know. The hos you dealin’ with, you don’t know what the hell they’ve been up to! I take solace in knowing my man likes to fuck, he did it a lot, and he did it well, and now he’s only doin’ it with me! If I didn’t know any better, I’d think your ass was jealous.”


“You heard me. I think you’re jealous that my sexy-ass husband, who’s also smart as hell and famous, is good to me. And by that I mean, I get good lovin’. He doesn’t just fuck, he’s romantic. I’m treated like a princess, I get jewelry, coats, shoes, expensive hand bags – all kinds of shit, just because. I don’t ask for a goddamn thing, he just gives me the shit – has it mailed to me when we aren’t together. You’ve seen some of the shit, and I’ve noticed how you look when I get yet another package! I get flowers sent to my damn job, and bitches there give me the gas face. I’m sick of you women actin’ envious over some dick that doesn’t belong to you. He’s mine! I think you’re all jealous. Stacy, this whole conversation is fucked up.”

“I see he’s turned your ass out too. You sound like a dope fiend, and no one can say anythin’ bad about your dealer. I see how it is.”

 “You’re goin’ behind my back checkin’ up on my man like you’re a private investigator or somethin’. Go do a check on some of the mofos you roll with. I bet you’ll find some shady shit.” Xenia felt her whole body heating up as she yelled on the phone. She felt so protective of her husband. Now she knew what it meant to be a ride-or-die chick. She had never felt so violent when it came to a man she loved. She didn’t even like other women looking at him for too long. It would make her blood boil.

“Xenia, calm down,” Stacy said softly. “I’m sorry. I see you think it was rude for me to talk to you about your husband.”

“You’re damn right it was rude! All you need to care about is how he treats me. He treats me good, damn good. I’ve been tellin’ you that practically every day. I wasn’t tryin’ to brag. I was just so happy. I’ve never been treated like this before. He’s probably had more sexual liaisons than anyone I’ve ever dated, but what’s so funny is that he’s also probably the most faithful. As a matter of fact, I know he is. This man came after me with the explicit intent to marry me. Not to impregnate me and leave, not to hit it and quit it, none of that. He opened himself up to me on the first night and laid his cards on the table, and he’s been consistent. He calls me all the time, even when he’s at his conferences. Between breaks he’ll call or text me. He emails me. He asks me about my day. He actually gives a damn about me!” Xenia’s voice shook. “When we’re together, I can’t even explain to you how the most mundane activities of domestic life are interesting and filled with excitement and love. He’s intense but warm and loving. I don’t care that it’s been a short time, everything he says and does adds up. At this point, there are no red flags or that strange gut feeling we have when we know a man is playin’ us. Just because someone was promiscuous doesn’t mean he can’t change and ever settle down. He loves me, and you bitches can’t stand it!” Xenia cried.

“OK, Xenia. I said I apologize. I’m glad you’re happy, I really am. Now, you said you needed to talk to me about makin’ an appointment of some sort. What was that about?” Stacy changed the topic, not wanting to upset her best friend any further.

rolled her eyes. “The place was huge, and there wasn’t one empty seat in this DVD I just watched. It wasn’t an audience, it was a congregation. They love this man. I’ve got to get us some airtime. People have wanted to interview us as a couple ever since the news of the marriage broke. I knew what he did, but not to this extent. I thought you’d love to have first dibs at gettin’ us on your station. I was callin’ to help you, but I see…”

“No, no! I’d love to! I’m sincerely sorry, Xenia. Thank you for this. I feel honored.”

“Can you get a joint interview scheduled soon? He and I need to address the public. It’s time we set the record straight.”


* * *









Two weeks later…


Saint sat back in the limousine, his long leg extended as he played with his cell phone. The slight grimace on his face let Xenia know that this may be easier said than done.

“Why are you sitting over there with an attitude? Look, you agreed that we need to do this. Both of us keep being bombarded, and there are so many false stories out here swirling about you – about us,” Xenia said as she stared at him, flipping her long braids over one shoulder. Saint refused to look up. Instead, he kept playing with his Blackberry as his eyebrows dipped even further. Xenia waved her hand and sighed in anger. “You’re so difficult at times.”

Saint continued in his silence until they arrived at their destination. They were let out of the car and entered the San Diego television studio. Before they were microphoned and sat down, Saint pulled Xenia to the side.

“Don’t let them manipulate us,” he said as he looked her closely in the eyes. He put his finger up over her lips. “I know that this is your expertise. I know you think you know what you’re doing, but please, trust me on this. Please promise me that you won’t fall into their traps. We’re being interviewed by a woman I’ve never even heard of, and that pisses me off. It’s like we aren’t even important enough to have a seasoned journalist interview us, yet we’re important enough to get a prime time slot. It’s a diss!”

“Saint, what are you talking about? We don’t have to answer anything we deem inappropriate,” Xenia assured, “and I’m sure Stacy chose someone she thought would do a good job tonight. You’re being paranoid.”

Saint rolled his eyes. “It isn’t that easy all the time.” He took her by the hand and led her to the set.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Aknaten,” the reporter said as she sat down in a chair beside them. I’m JoAnn Daniels.”

 “Hello,” Xenia said cheerfully.

“Thank you for accepting our invitation to interview you both. Your friend, Stacy, gave us a call on your behalf, and we’re so glad she did.”

Saint looked at the woman and sighed. He leaned back in his chair like he was a sixteen-year-old showing off in a new Cadillac. He had let his hair grow out a bit, flaunting thick, black luscious waves. His long, keen nose; full, soft lips; and haunting hazel eyes made him a source of stares from various women and gay men working on the set. Xenia looked over at him after the reporter stepped away. In clenched teeth and narrowed eyes she said, “Saint! Sit up straight! Now!”

He looked at her and sucked his teeth. Cutting his eyes to the other side of the room, he nonchalantly surveyed their surroundings.

“Saint, you’re pissing me off to no end!” She grabbed the arm rests of her chair tightly.

“Good, and you need to lower your damn voice. Don’t talk to me like that. I’m not your fuckin’ child,” Saint said as he now played with his fingernails, inspecting his cuticles closely. “Maybe after this we’ll have some good make-up sex, because there is about to be a fight of epic proportions if you don’t stop trying to pull rank on me. You know better than that.”

’s eyes grew. “Boy, I don’t who the hell you think you’re talkin’ to! Make-up sex? Not on your life. You’re not touching this again until you get an attitude adjustment,” she threatened, knowing her heart wasn’t really in it. She would surely cave before he did.

“Fine. I’m sorry, if that’s what you want to hear,” Saint said flippantly. “Just don’t talk to me like that, and we’ll be cool. I don’t know if you’re nervous or what your problem is, but cut that shit out. It’s annoying.” Saint slowly sat up. Xenia rolled her eyes. Just then JoAnn Daniels returned.

“OK, we’re going on the air in two minutes!” she said with a wide grin as she sat down with the couple.

“Who the hell are you, and why did Stacy think you were the best choice?” Saint asked angrily as he stared the woman down.

hit his arm. “Stop it!” she warned. “I’m so serious.” Saint looked at Xenia, rolled his eyes, and shrugged. JoAnn smiled nervously as she looked over her notes, ignoring Saint’s question.

“Good evening, everyone. Thank you for tuning in for our live interview with Dr. and Mrs. Aknaten. Dr. Saint Aknaten is best known for his books, private conventions, and videos concerning interracial relationships between non-Black men and Black women. His educational and professional background is in psychology, sexology, and biology. He’s a licensed sex therapist in the state of New York. His wife, Mrs. Xenia Aknaten, formerly Donnellson, is a nationwide, syndicated radio personality out of the Los Angeles area. I want to thank you both for joining us tonight,” JoAnn stated.

nodded politely.

“In the local celebrity news, it’s been stated that this union was quick. Some even suggest it’s for publicity. Can you address this speculation?”

“My husband and I met not too long ago. I’ve known about him, however, for years. He was difficult to get an interview with due to his schedule. When we did meet, we got to know each other well in a short time span. I really can’t explain it, but I assure you, this isn’t a publicity stunt. We’re very much in love,” Xenia said.

“Mrs. Aknaten,” JoAnn said.

“Please call me ‘Xenia.’”

“Xenia, you’re known for pointing out racial disparities, calling people on the carpet for their ill treatment of African-Americans, and you’ve been very outspoken regarding what’s termed ‘Black love’ up until this point. Can you explain your sudden turnabout?”

“It’s not a turnabout. I’m still going to point out racial injustices. I’m still on the radio doing just that. I still care about issues that affect my people. After meeting Dr. Aknaten, I acknowledged that love is love, and it has no color. I still feel, however, that all the races are beautiful, and that when people find love, they should embrace it.”

“You two, in some ways, seem to be polar opposites. Was that the attraction?” JoAnn asked.

“How are we opposites, JoAnn?” Saint sat up again, looking at JoAnn with disdain. JoAnn blushed. “Well, for starters, Mr. Aknaten, you’re very outspoken as it pertains to sensitive issues. You also have a reputation for being verbally combative, sexually graphic, and quite frankly, unpolished.”

Saint remained calm even as he looked at JoAnn closely, as if resisting the urge to verbally tear her from limb to limb. “I’m most of those things, but ‘unpolished’ isn’t one of them. I create the tone needed for whatever venue I’m in. If I need to act subdued, I do that. If I need to be energetic, I do that. I don’t sit around yelling and screaming at home. I’m consistent with her. I’m the same Saint in the morning, afternoon, and evening. I don’t talk about all the woes of swirlers to her, either. Oh, and for the record, a ‘swirler’ is someone who dates or has sex with a partner of another race. I’d hate to use slang and not clarify and risk a possible accusation of being unpolished. There’s the Saint at home with his family and friends, and there’s the public speaker, a man who believes in what he’s doing and is demonstrative about it. I’m excited about what I do. I love what I do, and it shows when I speak to my fans. I don’t have to be put in a box in order to make you or whoever else feel more comfortable. Xenia and I aren’t opposites at all. She acts differently on the radio than she does at home as well. That’s part of her job, to entertain her listeners. She doesn’t have to do circus acts for me. She can just chill and be herself.”

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