The Naughty Sins Of A Saint (19 page)

BOOK: The Naughty Sins Of A Saint
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“Looks like he found himself a bitch,” the heavyset man said as he turned away from his television.”

“Yeah,” Lance said to his boss. “That’ll only spur this shit on further.”

“Well, not exactly, Lance. Keep your eye on the prize. This will work in our favor. Saint is fearless. That’s been the problem dealing with him all of these years. Now that we know he’s all in love, we can take care of his ass once and for all.”

“Because of him, the cops stopped by my jobsite. The movement is suffering because of him, too. He’s a one-man wrecking ball. He’s ignored all of us even after we formed an alliance with the Black Elite Master Group.” Lance loosened his tie. “We’re going after her, right?”

“I’m done trying to reason with him. I’m done warning him. If we do anything to him, he won’t care. If we take her out, though, he’ll be destroyed. I’ve heard enough of his disgusting rhetoric to know how he’d respond. He wouldn’t even be able to breathe. He’d probably commit suicide which would be an added bonus. Let them have a little honeymoon. I want him to have his last hurrah. Follow them, watch his schedule, and then I want you to take – her – out.”


* * *







“Not only did you get married to a dude that talks about sex all day for a livin’, you barely know him, and he looks damn near white! What is he anyway?” Xenia’s twin sister asked as her best friend Stacy nodded in agreement. Both watched Xenia pack her large black suitcase to fly to New York to visit her new husband. “He’s cute though, but that still doesn’t excuse this craziness! What kills me is that you called me after that interview goin’ the hell off. You made it seem like he was the worst thing to walk the Earth, and now he’s your soulmate? What the hell happened between then and now?” Xenia turned to her sister Porsche and smiled as she flashed her huge, triangular diamond ring.

“If I tried to explain it to you, it’d just sound worse than it already does. Just know that I do love him. I love him with all my heart.”

Stacy put her hand on her hip. “He must be doin’ you proper. You’re dickmatized! The way you walk is all jacked up now. Xenia, you were knock-kneed, but now you look bowlegged. That’s so messed up!” Stacy laughed, her thick, Caribbean accent falling fresh on each word.

“I’m gonna miss my plane messin’ around with you.” Xenia hugged and kissed them both. “I’ll call you guys later!”


* * *







rubbed her eyes as she tried to adjust to the time change. She waited at JFK airport with her purple plaid bag, desperately wishing she had brought a warmer coat as she rubbed her arms from the chill. A shiny white Lexus SUV soon pulled up. She smiled, hoping it was her Saint. She heard the muffled hip hop music pouring out the car – “We Want Eazy” by Eazy-E. Just then, she received a text message:


I’m looking rite @ U. Get ur sexy ass out here.


jumped up and down as she picked up her bag, meeting Saint halfway as he quickly turned on his blinkers and took her bag from her. Saint kissed her quickly before taking her by the hand, practically dragging her to the car. He opened her door then swiftly placed her luggage in the back. He got back in the drivers seat and slammed the door.

“We have to hurry, Honey. I’m not supposed to be parked here,” he said, then made a quick get-away. He drove through the typical Friday night New York City cramped traffic without breaking a sweat. Xenia hadn’t been to New York in over a year, and she always enjoyed the city. It had a completely different vibe than L.A., but she loved it all the same. The city lights lit the night sky as they made their way into Saint’s parking garage below his penthouse nearly an hour after they departed. The gigantic, gloomy looking space reminded her of something from a horror movie. Saint turned off the car and looked over at his new bride. He smiled, then reached over and gently grabbed the back of Xenia’s neck, bringing her face closer to his as he urgently kissed her. She closed her eyes, loving the feel of him on her skin, tasting his tongue once more, and feeling his hands on her body.

“I missed you so much,” he panted as he delicately kissed the side of her neck. “Let’s go inside.” They got out of the car. Saint popped the hatch and removed Xenia’s belongings. He carried them inside. Xenia was immediately hit with the smell of green tea and fresh strawberries. She stood in the doorway, looking at the exposed brick walls, high ceilings, carefully painted beams, large oil paintings, and tall glass vases filled with shiny gold and silver decorations. Her heels clicked as she walked across the hardwood floor.

“Make yourself at home, Honey. Give me just a sec,” she heard Saint say as he left, disappearing behind his bedroom door. Xenia looked around. His modern kitchen reminded her of a photo she saw in a magazine on the plane. She looked up in one corner of the room and admired a painting of a Black woman with long dark locks embracing a blonde, muscular man. She took notice of his neatly stacked mail on the white marble countertop. A small cactus with a tiny cowboy hat sat on his kitchen window sill. There was a black lacquered sculpture in one corner that reminded her of a vulva. She laughed as she approached it, caressing the top of it as she studied it more carefully.

“It’s what you think it is.” Saint’s voice cut through the air as he removed the cap from a bottle of water. He had on scarlet satin pajama pants. His bare feet looked pale against the dark floorboards.

“Very interesting,” Xenia laughed.

“Yeah, I saw it at an art gallery about two years ago and loved it. It’s called ‘Black Pussy’ – original, right?” he teased as he handed her a bottle of water.

“I haven’t seen you in two weeks,” Xenia said as she turned towards him, her lust building. She looked at the way his loose pants flowed around his groin with each step he took.

“I know – it’s been quite a transition, that’s for sure. I’m being inundated with interview requests. I was hoping it’d die down, but it hasn’t. We’ve apparently caused quite an uproar.” He turned the bottle upward and guzzled the last of the water. Xenia watched his Adam’s apple move up and down with each swallow.

“Why don’t you come on in our bedroom and make yourself comfortable?” Saint offered as he threw his empty bottle away. He walked towards the bedroom. Xenia followed as he opened the double doors, revealing a large, steel bed covered in fresh white linens. In the center of the bed were flower buds grouped together in the shape of a heart. On each pillow were three white long-stemmed roses. On the wall at the head of the bed was a large photo of a nude man and woman making love. The bedroom smelled like fresh lemon zest. Saint took the water from her hands and replaced it with a glass of champagne with a strawberry.

“Your home is beautiful,” Xenia said as she continued to look around. “I love what you did with the flowers. You’re so romantic.” Xenia beamed as she scanned the room.

“Thank you. It’s your home now too. I set your luggage over there.” Saint pointed to a small table. “I’d love to nibble on you tonight,” he said with bated breath. He walked up to Xenia, pushed his soft lips forward, and brushed them against the side of her neck. “I’m sorry we haven’t had a honeymoon yet. I’m working on that. I promise.”

“We’ll work something out. We’ve both been really busy, and with all this crazy media attention, it sure isn’t helping.” Xenia hugged him tightly. “They even bothered me at the airport,” she added, right before she pushed her lips against his.

“Well, no one can bother you here,” he whispered in her ear as his hands slowly roamed her body, lightly massaging her lower back, behind, and hips with his fingertips. His deep breathing in her ear sent shivers up her spine. “How are you feeling tonight?” he asked as he held her closer to him, bringing her into him, pressing her close to his heart. “I understand if you’re too tired. It’s been a long day,” he smiled thoughtfully.

immediately thought, ‘He must be crazy if he thinks I’m going to miss another night of that. It’s been over two weeks since he made me lose my mind.’ She stepped back and quickly started to remove her clothing to make certain what she had in mind. Saint stood back and smiled mischievously, watching her disrobe.

’s eyes canvassed the area, “Where is your bathroom?” she asked. Saint pointed, and she immediately went inside, preparing for what she had been long desiring. The odd, L-shaped room was magnificently designed. An assortment of broken sea shells covered one wall with iridescent cream, silver, and earth tones. A tall silver fountain was in the corner, providing a relaxing feel while the wall across from it featured a mirror framed with matching white seashells. Xenia hit the light above the sink. Classical music began to play. She looked at the blue tiled shower stall. Asian plants lined the wall above. A neatly stacked pile of thick white towels and matching wash cloths sat on an adjacent shelf. She opened Saint’s medicine cabinet, turning bottles around to read them. She looked at a transparent, light-brown bottle, turning it back and forth as she read the name of the medication – “Clarinex.”

“Just allergy medicine,” she whispered to herself. The rest of the medicine cabinet was filled with cortisone cream, lotion, aftershave, and assorted vitamins. She frowned because she could not find anything more exciting to tease him about. She looked at herself in the full-length mirror, admiring her legs before grabbing one of the clean wash cloths. She pumped the foaming cherry scented soap on the bathroom vanity and jumped in the shower, quickly bathing. Upon drying herself, she reached into her purse and sprayed perfume behind her ears. She placed one foot on top of the toilet and began to lotion her legs with creamy cocoa butter, starting at her feet and working her way up to her waist. She heard Saint play Juvenile’s song “Ha” and rap to it outside the bathroom. She shook her head and laughed. “I’m still not used to this man being in love with rap music – too funny,” she said to herself.

She wet her hair, adding a dab of the cocoa butter to her tresses as she worked her fingers through her thick mane. Her nimble fingers quickly braided one side, then the other until she was left with two long, thin, wavy braided sections that she combined into a ponytail.

When she came out of the bathroom, Saint was relaxing on top of the thick, white comforter, his tanned, muscular legs stretched out. Lying there completely exposed, he was waiting for her patiently. The lights were low and the hip hop music was replaced with R&B. Blackberry scented candles flickered in the darkened room. Dim bluish-white light cast itself from around the poster-sized photo behind the bed.

“Come here,” Saint said as he watched her move towards him, hunger in his eyes. She immediately laid beside him on the lavish, red-petal-covered bed, disrupting the design he had so painstakingly created. Xenia felt butterflies as she studied his handsome face. The strange lighting in the room caused his hazel eyes to turn various shades of green right before her. She put her hand up to his jawbone, touching his face lightly. Saint tilted his head to the side and kissed her delicately, brushing his bottom lip against hers. He listened to her breathing, becoming intoxicated by her familiar floral scent. “You smell good. You always smell good,” he said softly in her ear as he gently touched the back of her hair.

“It’s Michael Kors, from Sephora. I always keep it in my purse,” Xenia answered as she began to fall in lust all over again. She inhaled and took in the subtle scent of his bare skin. She could smell the zesty soap he had used, as well as a hint of the Carolina Herrera cologne he would occasionally wear. He was always well put together, even in the buff. He leaned against his bulky, white pillow, raising one leg and allowing his other to flop open while he lazily reclined on the satiny sheets. He caressed the side of her face with his fingertips, leaning in and kissing her again, this time, framing her chin with small, delicate pecks. Xenia nervously looked down between his legs. His penis lay semi-erect. She looked at his stomach, taut with a beautiful 8-pack and soft, black pubic hair around his pelvic area, running the length up to his firm chest. His new wedding band shone in the darkness. Its three sizeable diamonds and four emeralds embedded in platinum made quite a unique impression.

“I can’t believe we’re married,” she said as she glanced at her own beautiful rings. She had selected the triangular diamond ring herself. It was distinctive, like their relationship, rare and going against the norms of conformity. Its quality was magnificent, so much so that they had to wait for a security officer to arrive so that the store manager could remove it from the case. Saint and Raphael managed to find the store they had seen on the way to the hotel. Madison’s was a private, upscale jewelry store that required appointments. After pulling a few strings, the owner accepted their late night call, allowing them to peruse his wares before they ran off to become husband and wife. Saint had smiled to himself when he saw what she had chosen. She had no idea that it was the same shape as the White Knights of the Round Table emblem – a triangle, representing the Black woman.

“I can’t believe we’re married either – but in a good way,” Saint said as he swallowed and caressed the wispy hair along her temples. He leaned down, kissing her neck little by little, causing her to once again melt in his arms. He knew her spot and went in for the kill. Slowly massaging her neck with his lips, Saint wrapped one arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him as he breathed heavily in her ear. He slid his fingers down her backside, gripping her left cheek firmly but gently as he continued to lavish attention on her neckline. Xenia moaned, instantly becoming damp between her slightly quaking thighs. Saint lowered his head further, taking one of her rigid nipples into his warm, awaiting mouth. He lovingly went over the nipple in slow, hot circular motions, then counter clockwise while he simultaneously caressed her stomach. He played with her navel, rubbing his thumb tenderly across it, back and forth. Xenia kissed the top of his head. His straight black hair tickled her chin. She pressed her thighs together as she lie facing him, trying to contain the dampness threatening to drip out of her at any moment.

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