The Naughty Sins Of A Saint (14 page)

BOOK: The Naughty Sins Of A Saint
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squinted, her eyes a mixture of wildness and anger as physical exhilaration consumed her.

“I’m training your body, Baby,” he whispered. “You can’t rush this. After tonight your body will move when mine moves. You’ll soak your panties as soon as I even look at you. You’ll beg me to suck those big, pretty titties. When I decide to fuck you tonight – when I decide, not you – afterward, mark my words,” he said close to her, his warm breath tickling her eardrum, “your pussy will be customized for my dick only. You won’t want anyone else but me inside you ever again.”

Saint dropped down, disappearing between her thighs again, darting his tongue in and out of her, switching back up to her clitoris and sucking it hard.

“No!” she screamed. “Don’t you understand English? Jesus Christ!” She reached down between her legs and violently pulled his hair. He quickly reached up and grabbed her wrist, pressing her hand down onto the bed as he continued to ravish her pussy. He looked up at her, threatening her once again with his eyes. He shook his head “no,” then waited as water gushed out of her. He pushed his thumb inside her and rubbed her clit with his index finger. He added his tongue again to the mix, all three parts of him working overtime. He slid his tongue around, swiping eagerly from left to right until she lifted off the bed screaming and panting. “Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God! Ahhh! Mothafucka!” He gripped her hips, bringing her slowly back down to the bed.

Raphael woke up out of a sound sleep, suddenly hearing the racket next door. He rubbed his eyes and squinted as he turned the nightstand light on.

Saint waited a few seconds, and then started eating her all over again, this time causing Xenia to convulse and pass out. He smiled as he looked up at her sleeping face. He burst out laughing as he continued to circle her gently, simultaneously rubbing her inner thigh and pinching her, to revive her slowly but surely. Xenia’s eyes flashed opened and she looked around the room in confusion. Feeling the slight aching and wetness between her legs, she curled up as the next orgasm took her breath away, almost causing her to black out again. She gripped the sheets as she bent over the bed, yelling out, “Saint, why?” as tears fell down her cheeks. “Why are you doing this to me?”

He slowed down until he was licking her at a slow crawl. A puddle lay between her legs, saturating the sheets. Saint sat up, watching Xenia pant and breathe erratically. Her body glistened and shone with oil and perspiration. Her muscles twitched as her body continued to have involuntary spasms. She clenched her eyes closed again, teetering in and out of reality. Saint kneeled on the bed, sitting up as he carefully caressed her stomach with his fingertips. Xenia went completely limp, as if her skeleton gave up supporting her from the volcanic tightening. Her eyes closed again as if she were falling into a deep sleep. Satisfied that he had her right where he wanted her, he spread her legs wide open and pressed his eight-inch long cock against her. Xenia slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, tears still streaming from the unforgiving, multiple orgasms. She moaned appreciatively, finally being taken out of her misery as she felt him gliding slowly inside her. Her pussy walls grabbed his dick, bathing it in their wetness. She cried out as he continued to push slowly inside until he was completely in.

Saint moaned loudly, as he started to thrust in and out. He reached underneath her, gripping her butt cheeks, digging his fingertips into her soft, fleshy ass, pulling her body as close as it could come to his.

“My Goddess,” he whispered, overwhelmed with his own emotions. “I finally found you.” He felt his body tensing up. He looked down at her and realized she was taking control of his every thought and movement. Her body, her soul, her essence was showering him in love he had never felt before. ‘This is some good-ass pussy. Damn!’ he thought as he groaned raucously.

As their bodies became one, she entered his mind and his bloodstream, changing the very person he was with the electric currents from her very being as their souls reunited from past lives. He stopped temporarily, gaining control over himself, breathing slowly. ‘Get control of yourself,’ he thought as he paused to regain his composure. He began again, moving in recurrent movements and contortions. Saint piloted his hips upward at the end of each thrust, ensuring he brushed against her clit. Xenia cried in ecstasy as mild, short orgasms rippled over and over. She looked up at him. Her eyes glossed over, blurring his image. Saint’s body, drenched in sweat, slithered like a snake as he moved in and out of her rhythmically.

“Saint,” she uttered, barely able to speak coherently.

“Yes, Baby,” he whispered as he continued to proficiently pump his hips in an erotic horizontal dance.

“I had a dream about you last night,” she said, her throat dry and her body tired.

“Did you?” Saint closed his eyes and concentrated on how good her soaking wet pussy felt wrapped snugly around his dick.

“Yes. We were on purple clouds.”

Saint’s eyes flew open. He slowed his thrusts to a crawl. “Tell me more,” he said, barely audible, swallowing hard.

“I went to bed angry because I didn’t want to see you. I wanted the interview, but the first time I saw you, you scared me.”

Saint started to move inside of her again, working his way around in circular motions, hitting her walls from left to right.

“I was so attracted to you,” Xenia continued. “It made me feel sick. I couldn’t figure out why.” A tear fell from her eye as her body continued to rock towards the headboard, her breasts bouncing from the repeated thrusts. “I had the dream, and it was like, we were together – as a couple. I felt – so happy, so loved, appreciated and – wanted.” Xenia sobbed into the pillow as her body continued to quake with orgasm after orgasm. Saint caressed her arm and stomach lovingly, slowing his thrusts briefly, but not relinquishing his position.

“Xenia, I know. I knew you were supposed to be mine. I had the same dream right before I met you.”

looked up at him briefly, then turned her face and buried it in the pillow, biting it tightly as her pussy continued to pulsate from the tight fit of Saint’s fat dick pumping in and out of her. Saint began to speed up again, driving deep, making Xenia scream out his name as he reached down between their smacking bodies and rubbed her clitoris. He leaned down closer over her, sucking her hard nipples. Saint moved faster and faster, his rhythm more demanding and determined, forcing her body to remember him. His body now claimed her as goddess, too. Xenia lie limply, Saint’s warning came to fruition. Her legs felt like clay as she tried to get control of herself after the repeated orgasms. She felt drugged, clinging loosely to consciousness. She looked up at him again and wondered what made him so dominant. How did one man possess so much sexual magic? She hissed, her teeth clenched as she sucked air and rolled her tongue around in her mouth, hungry for more and more. Her craving was now voracious.

 ‘No one man should be this sexually powerful,’ she thought. Before the last orgasm would end, a second and third would begin to churn. It was enchanting anguish. He was dangerous, a weapon that needed to be stowed away. No wonder women flocked to him. No wonder he had to file restraining orders on previous lovers who refused to accept that he had moved on to someone else. How could one not become addicted to loving this good, this unbelievably lovely, this deliciously nasty?

looked at him, hating him for turning her out yet loving him at the same time. She had failed to keep her own rules and became his latest conquest. She so desperately hoped he had not played her as revenge for the first interview incident. He seemed like a man that could harbor vengeance. He appeared to have the ability to be calculating, even at times cruel. His dick was an instrument of bewitching torment, his tongue a wet sword of blissful destruction, his hands masters of sweet annihilation. His whole body was a temple of pleasure and doom, all in one lean, muscular package. Saint looked down at Xenia, studying her face, reading her thoughts. He had become one with her. They would no longer be able to not live without the other. They both realized it without the need to utter a word. He saw her as crack cocaine, and he willingly took a hit knowing he would follow her to the depths of Hell if that was where she ran. She saw him as crystal meth, Ruffies, and Ecstasy all wrapped in one little, serrated pill, and she washed it down with her pride and self-respect. There was no turning back. They were completely addicted to one another. Xenia sobbed as she watched him staring at her. She became suddenly angry as she thought about the control he now had over her.

‘He owns me now,’ she thought, her heart pounding. She hated him for making her want him, and the venomous emotions welled up in her chest, cutting off her breathing and making her struggle with herself. Without much thought, she reached up as he dove deep inside her and raked her long nails across his chest, drawing blood. Saint’s eyes widened as he fell down upon her like a wounded soldier. He quickly held her down with his powerful body as he drilled her mercilessly, stretching her pussy open with the girth of his cock. Xenia screamed out, gripped his back as he plunged inside her again and again. She sliced his back, fighting, biting, as her feet slid rapidly up and down his brawny legs. She tried desperately to keep him inside and push him out at the same time. Saint quickly grabbed her legs and put them over his shoulders.

“Don’t move another got damn muscle. Stop fighting it,” he said as his climax gripped him. “It’s too late. You’re mine now.” He breathed rapidly as he jetted his stream, releasing his velvety semen inside her. The warm cum gushed. Her pussy quickly contracted, taking it to never to be seen again. Xenia lie dazed. Saint looked down at her lovingly. He pressed his lips onto hers, sloppily kissing her all over her face as the last of the flow left his body. His sweat-drenched body remained entangled with hers until he finally released her and rolled over onto his back, panting and gasping for air. Digital Underground’s “Kiss You Back” lulled them into the present. Saint winced at his stinging back and chest. He smiled and then laughed as he looked down at the four, long, red scratch marks pulsating with blood. “He’ll mark her, and she’ll mark him,” he said, breathing heavily. Xenia covered herself with the sheets, looking around the room in wonder. She finally built the courage to look back over at Saint, who was now resting comfortably with his eyes open. She felt weak as she gazed at him, filling with desire at the mere sight of him. Saint looked over and watched as she slowly rose. She had a strange look in her eyes. He moved to the center of the bed, parting his thighs as he helped guide her body down onto his stiff shaft.

“Mmm, you like to ride, Baby?” he asked as he watched her undulate.

“I love it. I’m a pro. It’s one of my favorite positions.”

He pumped softly inside her pussy while she gently moved her hips around in a circular motion. Xenia felt possessed, willing to do any and everything for him. She no longer had any control over her own body. It seemed to climb on him all on its lonesome. Every part of him was mouthwatering, and she wanted to taste every inch of his physique. Saint stared up at her, watching her breasts jiggle and bounce as she rode him fantastically hard. The thrashing noise of their bodies grew louder as Saint gradually increased speed. Xenia felt the dull pain from the nonstop lovemaking subside and waves of pleasure quickly replace it.

 “I don’t want to want you,” Xenia confessed as she continued to gallop, rocking and rolling her hips with all of her might. “No one will respect me.”

“I’ll respect you. You’ll respect yourself. That’s all that matters,” Saint assured, as she bathed him with her pussy nectar.

moaned. “I feel so weak when you’re around, even from our very first meeting. You drain me of my power. I’ve never felt anything like this before. You’re either an angel or a demon.”

“I’m just a man – a man who wants you badly.” He reached up and stroked her wild hair,

was gripped again by a treacherously lovely orgasm. Her whole body seemed to be paralyzed as she fell on top of his chest, moving in slow churns and gyrations. “Oh, God!” she yelled between loud sighs. She realized she had completely lost count. It was in the double digits, and she no longer had a concern to keep score. Saint made his point over and over. Her thoughts took over as fear reemerged. She looked down at him angrily, resisting the urge to scratch his face. Saint looked at her and impishly smiled. He started to speedily pound upwards into her, jostling her around as he held her lower back with his arms, hugging her securely to his body.

“Stop it! I’m on top. This is my shit!” Xenia scolded.

“Well, fuck me the way you did it at first. What the fuck are you doing? What are you waiting for? I thought you said you could ride. This isn’t a ride. It’s a damn turtle and snail parade!”

“Real fucking funny.” Xenia rolled her eyes. “I’m running this right now!”

“You ain’t running shit! You’re barely moving,” Saint said.

“I wish you’d shut the fuck up!”

“Don’t act like the HBIC if you can’t do what you’re supposed to do. I’m trying to bust a nut! You’re supposed to ride my dick like you’re harboring a fugitive in that ass. Run on it! You got up there like you were all big and bad, like you were the shit. You’re moving too fucking slow now, daydreaming and shit. What are you thinking about? Either ride my goddamn dick, let me take over, or get the fuck off!”

Tyga rapped in the background, “Everything I do, well we-we-well done.”

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