The Naughty Sins Of A Saint (10 page)

BOOK: The Naughty Sins Of A Saint
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“The triangle with the red line?”

“Yeah. Is this a cult?” Raphael joked.

“No. The black triangle represents the Black woman – like the skirted symbol on women’s bathroom signs. The red line represents our love for her. It’s just one red line, meaning one of us for one of her, and it’s at a slant, denoting that the relationship is still not socially accepted.”

“I’m still trippin’ off you. I remember when you were still a clumsy virgin,” Raphael laughed.

Saint smiled, “Yeah, I remember that. First timers are always nervous. I had no idea how to get that thing on. You grabbed a banana from your mom’s fruit basket and showed me,” Saint laughed. He saw his phone ringing and picked it up.

“Saint Aknaten,” Saint said as he quickly updated part of his schedule online.

“Oh, um, Dr. Aknaten, this is Xenia, Xenia Donnellson from WXCR 107.8. I interviewed you last week if you recall. I didn’t expect you to pick up the phone. I thought this was – well – never mind,” Xenia stumbled. “I was notified that you were in town. I contacted your agent a few days ago about your coming again, but never received a call back. Sorry to call you so late and not use the other number, but this number was listed as well…” Xenia paused, “…but I was going to…Are you still there?”

“Yes, Xenia,” Saint said, a grin spreading across his face while his dick perked up, eavesdropping on the conversation.

 “Well, uh, OK. I’m trying to see if there is any way we could have a follow-up interview. You created quite a buzz, and we’re still being inundated with emails and inquiries,” Xenia explained.

Saint sat silently on the phone for a few seconds to form his thoughts into words. He stood up, placing his hand over the cell phone. “Excuse me, everyone, I need to take this call privately. I’ll be right back.” Saint walked briskly past everyone, motioning to T-Rex as he headed out the conference room door. Saint stood out in the dimly lit hallway and put the phone back up to his ear.

“Xenia, I don’t really have time for a follow-up interview, and in all honesty, after the last interaction with you, I don’t desire to have a second interview with you. You made it quite clear that you didn’t want to deal with me again, either. I’m curious, though – why the change of heart?”

“Honestly, because you were one of our highest rated interviews.”

“What are you doing?” Saint asked as he heard a slurping noise.

“What do you mean?” Xenia asked.

“I heard something. What was it?” Saint questioned as he stood a bit further from T-Rex.

“Oh, sorry. I’ve been too lazy to get up and refill my coffee mug so I’m still been drinking this cold cup. I just licked some of the coffee off my finger is all,” Xenia answered.

To no avail, Saint tried desperately to push all the sordid, sexual thoughts out of his head that those words conjured up.

“Interesting that you called me, actually,” he redirected, “I was going to call you, but not about the interview.”

“Why would you contact me seeing as you’ve made it clear that you believe I threw you under the bus?”

 “Because my interest in you really has little to do with that brief interaction,” Saint explained.

“Your interest in me? What interest in me?”

“Have dinner with me, and I’ll explain it then.”

“Dr. Aknaten, are you asking me out on a date?” Xenia laughed. “You can’t be serious.”

“Yes, I am asking you on a date, and I’m very serious,” Saint answered as his heart rate increased.

“You mean to tell me after that outlandish fight we got into here at the studio last week that you’d actually want to break bread with me? Now that’s truly comical, Dr. Aknaten. You just sat here and told me you didn’t want to do a second interview and cried like a bitch about the way I treated you a second ago. You’re not my type anyway, so I’ll have to decline your offer.” Despite her tough talk, Xenia couldn’t suppress a grin.

“Did that feel good to you?” Saint asked, smiling on the other end of the phone.

“Did what feel good?”

“To tell me no and try to insult me just now?” Saint grinned.

“As a matter of fact, yes, it did,” Xenia admitted. “I don’t like you, Dr. Aknaten. This is strictly a business call. I meant what I said to you – every word of it. While you were here, I didn’t want to argue with you anymore. You’re obnoxious. I know women throw themselves at you. I already admitted that you’re a very attractive man, and to make matters worse, you have a sexual reputation that paints the picture of complete whoredom. I’m sure your ego gets fed 24-7, but obviously it isn’t enough, now is it? Now you’re trying for the only woman who isn’t paying you any attention. You’re insatiable. I found out all about you. You suggested I do better research, and I did! I’m not into the shit you’re selling. I prefer to date brothas, and that’s what I’m sticking to.”

“Is a brotha doing more than keeping you warm at night, Xenia?” Saint laughed. “You want more, and you can’t find it. I could see it in your eyes. Don’t hate the messenger. I’m not the enemy. Does the man you’re dating understand the things you say when you finally let your wall down? Does he know what size shoe you wear, your favorite places to go, the saddest event in your life, your favorite perfume? Could he identify you by a few strands of hair in his shower, or might they be from another chick he’s been doing? Does a brotha have a monopoly on the ability to love you, simply because you share similar ancestral backgrounds? Love and ancestry are two different things and have little to do with one another besides loving one’s culture. Has any brotha made love to you so completely that your body ached when he wasn’t around from real physical withdrawal? Yes, I was a whore, a proud one. I’m still quite perverted in the traditional sense of the word, but my whoredom and perversions, as you call it– I really like that word ‘whoredom’ by the way – I may have to borrow that,” Saint laughed, “My perversions would serve you well, over and over and over again.” Saint smiled. “I didn’t cry like a bitch. I never cry, but I bet you do once you realize another brotha has used you and left you, again. Don’t you?”

“You’re a cavalier psychopath,” Xenia shouted. “You can’t handle me, Dr. Aknaten. You must know this. Look, as much as I’d like to keep up this pissing contest with you, I have to go. I have things to do, and you’re wasting my time by trying to get into my panties.”

“I beg to differ. I can handle you, and that’s what you’re afraid of. I don’t try to get into anyone’s panties. I make panties drop on their own. Anyway, I’ll do the interview, Xenia, if you agree to have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

sighed. “Really? Are you serious? So now you’re going to blackmail me.”

“How is this blackmail? I’m offering you something you want in order to get something I want. It’s called bartering. It’s an equal trade. It’s been in existence since the beginning of time.”

sighed, “And just how long does this dinner have to be, Dr. Aknaten? You aren’t fucking me, either, so please don’t get any grandiose ideas.”

“I think it’s a bit premature to talk about what will and won’t happen, but regardless, the dinner should only last an hour or two, after which, you’re free to go. I can send a car to come pick you up around 7:00. I’ll rearrange my schedule so that I can see you tomorrow night. What time is this tentative interview where you’ll once again attempt to cut my balls off, forcing me to embarrass you over the air again?”

laughed. “I truly can’t stand your ass. Everything about you is extremely irritating. You told me I was small. You’re the one who’s small. You need to look in the mirror.”

“Not everything about me is irritating and small. I assure you,” Saint laughed.

 Xenia rolled her eyes. “No wonder so many people called and let you have it. Anyway, the interview, Dr. Aknaten, should be tomorrow morning. You don’t need to come by. We can tap you in via the internet. Seeing you just one time is enough for me. Do you have Skype?”

“Yes,” Saint answered dryly. “I’d prefer to come in person though, and that’s what I’ll do.” He quickly hung up and walked back into the room to complete his meeting.

“Gentlemen, there’s been a slight change of plans.”


* * *







“You’re on the air with Xenia Donnellson and our special guest, Dr. Saint Aknaten. Dr. Aknaten has been gracious enough to do another interview with us in response to so many of your requests. We have time for just one more call. Oz, you’re on the air. Please state your question or comment.” Xenia rolled her large, dark eyes at Saint. He winked at her, causing her to turn away quickly from him, more annoyed than seconds earlier.

“Yeah, this is Oz. I’m a Black man, and I get where this cat is coming from. Us Black men are comin’ up short. We got sistas takin’ care of us, and lots of us did run to white women as soon as we got the chance. It’s like we want everything the white man has. If some of these Black women want to have a decent life, they’ll have to date dudes from other races. It’s as simple as that.”

“But why would you say that Oz? Aren’t you capable of giving a Black woman ‘a decent life’ as you put it?” Xenia placed her ink pen behind her ear.

“I say it because we aren’t treating y’all right. I wasn’t raised to act the way some of my friends and male relatives act. They just dog out our women so bad. All I want to date is Black women – don’t get me wrong – but this man is providing a service as far as I’m concerned. Black women need more men that are husband material, and we can’t foot the bill all the time. It is what it is!”

“Dr. Aknaten, would you like to weigh in on Oz’s comments?”

“Yes,” Saint said, as he removed his lightweight jacket, exposing a tight black shirt that clung to his muscles. His Rolex shone under the reflection of the studio light, and his eyes glowed as he propelled himself slightly forward, resting his elbows on the table. Xenia took notice of his shirt, watching his slim but muscular frame contort. “Thank you Oz, for your honesty. I think if more Black men were honest about this situation, they’d see that it really isn’t just a preference or choice, but a necessity. This is about survival and enjoyment of life for the Black woman. She can’t keep sacrificing herself for the greater cause all the time. It’ll destroy her. She’ll be annihilated. Holding the world on her shoulders is no longer the appropriate action to take. It’s time for someone to place her on his shoulders instead, cater to her and take her to places, emotional depths, she never knew existed.”

looked over at Saint, shaking her head as she grimaced.

Saint held his right hand up to Xenia, spreading his middle and ring fingers apart in Star Trek formation then flicked his tongue in between them.

’s eyes bucked in shock. Saint looked at her and leaned far back in his chair, laughing so hard that his eyes watered.

“Uh, Dr. Aknaten, thank you so much for coming in today. That’s our time, Ladies and Gentlemen,” Xenia said, flustered. “Until next time, keep it crunk, and as I always say, have a Xenia-filled day.” Xenia cut off the broadcast as her producer started to spin music as the next show was scheduled to start.

“Thank you for your time, Dr. Aknaten. I’m glad we didn’t get into any arguments this time around. I suppose you’re still going to force me to go out with you tonight.” Xenia looked at her computer.

“I’m not forcing you to do anything,” Saint responded. “I offered my time with you this morning in exchange for your time with me this evening. Didn’t we already cover this? I keep a pretty hectic schedule right now, but I made it work. We traded something we both wanted. Now, if you’re trying to renege, that shows me once again that you’re afraid of me when you have no reason to be.” He stood up and rubbed his hand through his hair.

laughed. “See, you’re starting shit again. You’re trying to provoke me,” she smiled.

“I’m not starting anything. I’m just stating the facts,” Saint clarified.

“You’re one of those people who call others player haters when they have genuine complaints about you. I’m not afraid of you! What’s there to be afraid of? I mean, seriously?” Xenia laughed in annoyance.

“You’re afraid that if you go out with me, you may actually like me and have a good time. That would mean all of your Black power, Black love, and Black world would come into question. Your wall of falsehoods would come tumbling down. We both know it’s true. You use that as part of your platform. If you enjoy the romantic company of a non-Black man, a non-brotha, that would make you a sell-out. I don’t think you hate me at all, Ms. Donnellson. You protest entirely too much for it to be hatred. Matter of fact, I think this is a hunt-and-chase situation. You want me to chase you like a dog chases a pussy…cat. I think you know what this is about, and you know I’m right. I’ve been hunting for a long-ass time. I’m a pro at this shit. I just finally ran into someone who’s worth chasing, and I’m more than ready. I’ll see you at 7:00.” Saint walked out of the studio, closing the door behind him.

“I don’t like your ass, and I never will!” Xenia called out as she slammed her pen down on the table. “Fucking conceited bastard!” she yelled, causing her producer to look up at her in confusion.


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