The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel (10 page)

BOOK: The Mystic Paradigm: An Evolutionary Novel
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Chapter 17

The Journey


After a restless sleep by all at the University, the day of the journey had arrived much too fast. People from all over the world began to focus their energy on the safe passage and return of these three young travelers. To many, the future of their world was based on the success of their mission. People knew this and put positive energy toward the journey. It was also a great stepping stone into the unknown.

Civilization had advanced rapidly in the 60 years since the revolution ended. There had been much progress in understanding our connection to the larger universe. Most lived now with a higher sense of perception and were able to connect with the larger energy field. There was a general understanding of our connection to the universal oneness. These concepts had been integrated into society for several generations and people had seen the positive affect this belief had on the world, both inside themselves and outside. This journey would now allow the Earth people to move to the next level.

The portal chamber was buzzing with excitement and activity. The control room was making ready the energy shift, and the team of scientists fixated on checking all the steps of the process. The noise level was kept to a minimum out of respect for the sacredness of this event. Many mystics on the University grounds near the chamber were in meditation and trance to help the travelers with their journey. The energy vibration was exceptionally high, which gave Talis, Joshua and Layia an extra boost of confidence while preparing. Tara and Bryan were also close by as they were an important part of the team. Intense excitement filled all of their minds with a strong mix of anxiousness. Joshua tried to stay calm, but felt the same emotional confusion that had haunted him for days. Talis and Layia sensed this and stayed close to him, trying to give him the needed support to make the journey. In truth they were all nervous.

A small team of scientists prepared the portal in a quiet almost reverent manner. They were excited as they knew that this work would take them to a different level. Never again would things be the same. Marti and his assistants made the final adjustments on the portal to make sure it was ready for the journey. Everything tested out well. They knew it was time.

Talis, Joshua, and Layia prepared themselves to enter the actual portal chamber. A large door stood before them, a door that soon would be closed to the others. The inner portal chamber room would raise the frequency and vibration of the travelers. This was the first stage of entering the other dimension.
What are we doing?
Talis asked to himself. He stayed calm, knowing that his steady leadership was essential.

Tara calmly helped the three travelers with small communication transmitters. She had devised these in the last few days, choosing to stay at the University and work with the science team. These devices would be an energy beacon to help locate the travelers and also a way to communicate. They were operated by special body sensors that could detect general behaviors and thoughts. The scientists didn’t know if they would work properly, but Tara was confident with her invention.

Tara spoke to each of them gently and with faith. “I will monitor each of you with my sensors. I will be here for your support. Reach out to me if you have any need. You all will be fine.” They all smiled at her. The young tech was short on conversation for the most part, so her words meant a lot to the others.

Bryan also reached out in his quiet way and gave them all a warm hug. “May the energy of light be with you. May you be embraced by the other side. I too will be here for you if you should call. Blessings to you all.”

The five new friends spent a few quiet moments together in peace.

Select members of the Joint Council were present. Helena made a short but powerful prayer to help everyone focus. “May the spirit of the highest vibration be with you. May the other dimension treat you with loving kindness. May you be grounded and stay connected to the Earth Mother. May you soar into the heavens as Light Seekers. We ask the Divine Spirit, the Universal Energy Force, and the One that connects us all, to bless and protect you. Blessed be.”

“Blessed be,” the young travelers said restlessly.

Michael of the Elder Council briefly spoke to the travelers and bowed before them. “It is an honor to have you journey for our people. You are all brave and we will remember this deed. We wish you the very best.

,” the group said. Talis looked at Jasmine and tried his best to let his suspicions of Michael go. He had upmost respect for him and the other Elders. What was he sensing? He needed to let that go and focus on his journey. Jasmine gave him a loving glance of support.

Jasmine ended the brief ceremony with a special chant and song. The beauty of her ethereal voice echoed throughout the large chamber. Her notes floated into the silent air. She bowed to the three travelers. Talis looked at her with tenderness. They parted with one last intense energy exchange, both of them feeling the deep connection. Talis and the others acknowledged the prayers and gently waved goodbye. They anxiously turned around and walked into the chamber. The glass door was closed behind them.

“One minute until initial energy burst,” Marti said with excitement.

The countdown started. Talis, Joshua and Layia looked at each other with a subtle fear on their faces. None of them were sure they wanted to be there in that moment.

Talis joked to try to keep everyone centered, including himself. “Here we go folks. See you on the other side.”

They all smiled and relaxed as best they could. Layia quickly went into meditation so she could access her chakra energy centers to help center herself. Joshua looked away, breathed deeply and started to enter his relaxed state of mind, letting go of his tension for a moment. Talis sat back and focused on the moment.

“Ten seconds… Five, four, three, two, one. Initial energy burst commencing.”

The chamber was quiet. Then a strong burst of energy enveloped all in the room. A strong, bright light came from the inner chamber where the three travelers were. The portal device was fairly quiet, but the changing energy could be detected on the instruments. Everyone knew something was happening. The energy became intense. A second strong burst of energy occurred in the inner chamber. Tara checked her monitor and looked toward the three.

As quickly as it all started, it was done. The chamber was empty. The three travelers had vanished. The chamber was eerily silent as everyone absorbed the moment.

“I hope we did the right thing,” Marti mumbled in a hopeful tone to the others in the control room. They all looked toward the empty room.

Chapter 18

The Other Side


Talis, Joshua and Layia could still see the outer chamber of the portal, but they knew their energy had changed. They could also see each other, but their bodies seemed almost transparent. Their cells vibrated at a very high frequency and their physical selves quickly transformed into pure energy. Within a few moments a bright colorful tunnel or vortex of some sort appeared before them. Their bodies were light, almost floating, as they moved around effortlessly.

Talis acknowledged the others within their new surroundings. “Can you all hear and see me?”

Joshua and Layia both nodded as they moved around the bright vortex.

“My body feels very light,” Talis said. “I can see directly through all of you, yet your form is still present on some level.”

Layia looked at them and spoke without verbal words. “We should now be able to communicate without much effort through our minds.”

Joshua followed her lead and was elated. “Yes. My mental power is strong. I can project myself by my thoughts and feelings alone.”

Talis looked around and saw what seemed to be the appropriate direction to take in the tunnel of light based on the description they were given. “I believe we are on the outer dimension. We should follow the path.” He motioned toward the way they should proceed.

They all moved their translucent bodies freely and followed the surreal path of light. In a moment they were quickly thrust into the energy portal and began moving faster. Their thoughts raced as they sensed a oneness in this place. Life raced before their eyes, each person seeing this pass before them. The past, present and future for a moment blended into a joint energy. The feeling of this gave them peace. They relaxed as they moved quickly into the next dimension. As they slowed down their acceleration, they entered what felt like a dream state or vision. Within moments, a large ceremonial type room surrounded them, not quite solid in the physical form, but visible to them all. It was an enormous bright white sanctuary, with an ethereal energy that they had never experienced on Earth.

“We should wait here for our guides. That is the feeling I am picking up.” Talis communicated to the others as they all absorbed the high vibration of this room.

Layia responded rapidly as they adapted to their new light bodies. “I will work on keeping us grounded.” Her energy centers became visible to the others. Beautiful colors emanated from her chakra
areas and danced within the room.

Joshua moved about with his new weightless body, losing himself in the energy that was part of them.

Suddenly, the room changed form and they were seated by a beautiful temple. They slowly entered the chamber and saw an energy form appear before them.

“My friends from the earthly plane, we welcome you.”

The three travelers looked up at the large energy form pulsating at the altar. It was formless, pure light energy, yet they could hear a feminine voice in their minds. The entity began to change appearance and slowly, as they adjusted their sight, they could see a human-like outline. She glowed with celestial energy as the form came closer to them.

“I am Auria. I will take the form of human energy so that you can see me more clearly.”

They all bowed to her in deep respect.

Talis greeted her. “Blessings to you, Auria. I am Talis. This is Joshua and Layia.”

“Yes, we have been expecting you. We are here as helpers in your journey. I once had physical form such as you in another place like your Earth. I have ascended to this realm. Now my duty is to guide others when they reach this dimension. I have chosen this path.”

“We are grateful for your help. Do you know why we are here?”

“We understand that you come to rebalance your energy field and to communicate with some of your lost mystics. We have much to show you, but I can only direct you on your journey. The path must be yours to take.”

“Are there others like you in this dimension?”

“Yes, there are various souls that are in this realm. Some have helped you directly on your planet. Most communicate and counsel through your people that access these higher frequencies. You will meet some entities, but many may be formless. It is here that all souls take a higher energy form. We also choose to join with and separate from the One when it is needed. I am here for you as a separate soul, yet my connection with the Divine is always with me. In truth, there is no separation in the spirit world.”

Layia directed a thought to Auria. “Are you among those who speak to us at the University?”

She smiled looking at Layia in a tender manner. “There are teachers and guides for all souls on Earth. The seers such as yourself have a more direct access to us, yet all can reach out to us and communicate. There are many who help you. Yet, as I mentioned before, we can only guide. Ask and we shall help, but we cannot interfere in your journey. We assist as we can in the essence of the Divine, the One that connects us all. It is from here we all come and to here we all return.”

Talis refocused his thoughts, trying his best to keep on task. “What is our next step in this process, Auria?”

“We will help you find your mystics. There you will find some of your answers.”

And with that Auria became a pure energy form, then disappeared.

Joshua spoke to the others. He felt uneasy in his new body. “I am unclear as to our role here, or as to what we ask. Though I do feel a sense of peace, I feel disoriented, like my spirit is joining the larger energy field. Is this wise?”

Layia came closer to him and spoke softly. “Keep grounded in your own identity, but do not fear the merge of energy. Know that you are of the earth. I will keep my chakra energy field balanced so we are grounded. It may be easy to get lost in this dimension, yet I detect only harmony.”

Talis was eager to continue the journey. “I will try to summon Auria or another entity again.” And with that thought she appeared before them.

Auria came into energy, then into form so all could see. She was joined by two other entities. “These are the souls that will lead you to your mystics.” Like Auria, the two forms slowly became human-like, taking a form the three travelers could identify with.

“I am Larus, and this is Forena. We are guides of the earth realms and are familiar with your world. Allow us to assist you.”

The three young Earth travelers graciously acknowledged them.

“We are grateful you are here to assist us. Blessings to you,” Talis said respectfully.

Joshua suddenly felt at ease with these souls and opened his thoughts to them. “Have we communicated before? I feel like we have met.”

Forena faced him and bowed. “I am one of your guides, Joshua. I watch over you and try to assist when you ask. This is why I am here.”

He was delighted that she was here. He felt at peace for the first time in many days.

“Were you the one appearing in my dream?” he asked, thinking he might finally be able to let that go.

“No, my friend. That was not my presence, but another who seeks you.”

Joshua looked concerned again, his energy jumpy. “Who seeks me, then?”

Forena was quiet as she looked at him for a moment. “The answers lie in your journey ahead. That is all I can reveal to you. Be patient, my dear Earth friend.”

Joshua didn’t know what to think. He looked into her eyes with frustration. His energy waved in and out of frequency. Layia struggled to keep him grounded. He then calmed himself and regained his composure. “I am happy with your presence here Forena. Thank you for appearing.”

The group was still. Talis was not sure what just went on with Joshua or what he should do.

Larus then turned and addressed Talis. “I have been a guide since before your uprising on Earth. I was a guide to your grandfather Markus. Now I am here to guide you.”

Talis understood his purpose clearly. He asked, “Where is it that we will go to see the mystics?”

“We will take you to a realm that is between this dimension and yours. This is where your mystics are. They are caught between what you symbolically refer to as heaven and earth, between the physical and the spirit worlds. Some of your shamans of the ancient teachings refer to it as the middle world, where ancestral and guiding spirits live. It is a close similarity, but it is somewhat different than that. You shall experience it for yourself and we will be with you.”

Talis, Joshua and Layia looked at each other, not knowing what to think. This was all new to them and they all were disoriented. They had to trust in these spirit guides. They really had no choice.

Talis again asked the logical questions, keeping his mind grounded on their task. “Is this why the energy field is weakening?”

Auria, silent until now, interjected gently. “We cannot tell you all of this place, you will need to experience it for yourself and connect with your mystics. With time you will understand. We are here to assist in your journey. Do not be fearful. The energy of the universe will guide you all.”

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