The Monster's Defiled Sex Slave (Contract of Eternal Submission Part 3)

Read The Monster's Defiled Sex Slave (Contract of Eternal Submission Part 3) Online

Authors: Bree Bellucci

Tags: #paranormal erotica, #shapeshifter erotica, #monster sex, #monster erotica, #paranormal bdsm, #beast erotica, #submission training

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Contract of Eternal Submission Part 3




Bree Bellucci







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Bree Bellucci
on Smashwords



The Monster's Defiled Sex Slave
Contract of Eternal Submission
Part 3

Copyright © 2012 by



This book is a work of fiction and any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of
the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.



Adult Reading Material

The material in this document contains
explicit sexual content that is intended for mature audiences only
and is inappropriate for readers under 18 years of age.



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Contract of Eternal Submission



* * * * *



“No.” Savannah whispered staring at her phone
that she had just dropped into her pasta. “He wouldn’t.” Elijah
wouldn’t do that to her. She had just signed herself over to him
and he had signed himself over to her. Although now that she
thought about it she wasn't positive about the latter. Was he bound
to be faithful to her?

“No, Elijah,” she pleaded quietly as she
picked up her phone and wiped the sauce from it. She slowly opened
the phone and read the text again hoping that the message had

-You are nobody. You are nothing but a cunt
for Elijah to put his dick into. He doesn’t want to be with sluts
who so easily spread their legs for him. Did he tell you he’s at
work just now? He’s with me tonight and I’m getting ready to wrap
my lips around his beautiful cock. Enjoy your dinner, whore.-

Savannah didn’t want to over-react, but she
felt her breath quickening and her heart start to pound with fear.
She had fallen too hard for Elijah, too quickly. He couldn’t do
this to her. With shaky fingers she punched out a text to him; she
was too afraid to call.

-Where are you?? Please call me.-

She swallowed and looked around the table;
her appetite had vanished. She pushed back from her seat and the
chair scraped loudly across the floor. She paced the large living
room, feeling trapped as she quickly moved from one end to the
other. Her mind was filled with disgusting images of Elijah with
another woman. She grabbed madly at her hair, trying to erase the

It couldn’t be true. She kept checking her
phone, willing it to buzz or ring but it was eerily quiet. Had
Elijah put it down while some other woman was sucking him off? Did
someone else have their lips wrapped around Elijah’s sweet head,
sucking at his crown, pleasuring him until he exploded?

“No!” she yelled loudly, and she clapped her
hand over her mouth, embarrassed by her outburst. Savannah felt
like a caged animal just sitting in the apartment. Instead of doing
nothing she decided to work off her anger and fear. She had no idea
where Elijah had been called away for work so she couldn’t go check
up on him. This was probably for the best, only God could only
imagine a crazy paranoid little girl running into an operating room
just to satisfy her jealous suspicions.

She had a sick vision of Elijah holed up in
the on-call room getting a blowjob like he was in some bad episode
of Grey’s Anatomy. She went into her room, and tore open her drawer
of workout clothes and threw on a shirt and yoga pants. She quickly
laced up her sneakers and raced out of the apartment.

Clutching her phone tightly, she burst
outside into the warm evening and began to walk south, barely
taking in her surroundings. She made her way up town towards Union
Square. With each pounding foot against the pavement, she felt a
deep ache in the pit of her stomach. Would Elijah really use her
like this? Was he some type of womanizing man-whore? She certainly
could tell he was very experienced in the sack but she didn’t get
the impression that he was a player. He seemed way too busy to be
juggling multiple women.

Her frustration was growing by the second,
Savannah cut through Union Square, vaguely aware of the band that
was playing. What the hell did she know anyway? She was
twenty-three years old and had only been in one real relationship.
She was not an expert by any means, and she was already in way over
her head with Elijah. Tears of hurt and anger leaked down her
cheeks and she brushed them away quickly, embarrassed that she was
crying in public. She was already attracting a few staring
onlookers and she tried not to think about it.

As she hurried towards the Meatpacking
District she suddenly felt her phone buzzing. It was Elijah calling
her. Excitement and anxiety flushed through her veins, she tried to
steady her voice and compose herself. She moved off the sidewalk
and into an alcove to get out of the way, she took a deep breath
before accepting the call.

“Hello?” Her voice sounded raspy and

“Savannah? Are you okay?” Elijah’s voice was
warm and filled with concern. Just the sound of his familiar voice
made Savannah want to fall to the ground and weep.

“No, I am not okay,” she snapped in a
somewhat steady voice. “Where the hell are you?”

“I told you. I had to work. I’m at the
hospital. What is this about? Did you like the dinner?”

Savannah took a deep breath, trying to focus.
“The dinner was lovely. Elijah. What I didn’t appreciate was the
anonymous text that came through just as I was about to start
eating. Whomever it was said that I was nothing but a cunt for you
to use and they were getting ready to suck you off.”

Savannah heard the rush of air leave Elijah
before he spoke. “What?” he practically growled.

“Yes. I got it immediately after your text.
The person referenced that you had just texted me and that you
weren’t really at work but with her.” She sniffed, unable to hide
the fact that she was crying. She hated sounding weak in front of

“Savannah, I promise you that I am at work,”
he said sincerely, his voice filled with the passion that Savannah
had come to know. “When I sent you that text I was at the nurse’s
station reading over charts before I entered a patient’s room. I
promise you that there is no one else. You are the only woman who
is sucking me off.”

Savannah heard some shuffling and then Elijah
spoke again.

“I am so hard for you, Savannah,” his voice
was soft and sensual, it reminded Savannah of the hot sex that she
now desperately craved from him. “I’ve been thinking about you and
your body non-stop. Imagining how you milked my cock this
afternoon, making me come so hard in your mouth. It’s only you,
Savannah. I want to take you back to my cottage and fuck you again
and again until my cock is imprinted on your pussy.”

Savannah sank to the ground, filled with
relief. There was no one else.

“But then who was it Elijah? Who had my
number? Who was messing with me? How did they know you just texted

“I have an idea,” he said darkly, “and I’m
going to take care of it as soon as I hang up. I don’t want you to
worry about this for one more minute, do you understand?”

Savannah had a million other questions but
Elijah’s voice demanded obedience.

“Savannah, promise me that you will let this

“I’ll try,” she said honestly. Suddenly a
fire truck raced by, it’s sirens blaring loudly.

“Where are you?” Elijah’s voice was now
harsh. Savannah suddenly was afraid to tell him where she was.

“I’m in the Meatpacking District. I needed to
get out of the house.”

“The Meatpacking District? For god’s sake,
get home and try to stay out of trouble!” He reprimanded. “Did you
even enjoy any of the meal?”

“Not really.” Savannah suddenly felt very

“Savannah O’Hara, get your sweet little ass
home and stay inside. I don’t want you out trolling the streets
alone. And go eat something. You’re going to need all the energy
you can get, once I come for you later.”

Elijah's orders were evoking a range of
emotions in her. At first she felt annoyed and resentful over the
fact that Elijah was ordering her around; she could do whatever she
damned well pleased and go anywhere she liked. However she did feel
guilty for not enjoying Elijah’s dinner earlier, it was such a nice

She also felt hot, unbridled lust for the
dirty things Elijah was planning on doing to her. The thought of
seeing Elijah later tonight lifted her spirits immensely, and she
felt like in that moment she would do anything Elijah asked of her
from now on.

“Okay. I’m going to go home and shower and
then enjoy the delicious meal you sent over. I’m still upset that
someone would harass me like that, but I guess I’m going to have to
trust you to handle it.” She was already making her way down Hudson
Street to get back to her apartment.

“Baby, you’ll soon learn that I handle
everything.” Elijah’s tone was confident and authoritative and it
sent shivers down her spine. She knew that Elijah was the type of
person that you didn’t want to cross.

Before hanging up, Elijah said he would call
when he was leaving the hospital, and his car would come for
Savannah before taking them both out to Greenwich. Savannah decided
that it would be wise to pack a bag for the things that she would
need the next day. She felt guilty that she wouldn’t be around when
Sage got in. She wanted to give Sage the full scoop on Elijah, but
it would have to wait and surely Sage would understand.

Savannah entered her apartment and made a
beeline for the shower, stripping off her sweaty workout clothes
and tossing them along the hallway. Once she was fresh and
showered, she pulled on some comfy sweats before moving back to her
untouched dinner.

She had to warm most of the food in the
microwave, but everything was still delicious and she ate nearly
three plates of pasta. After she had had her fill, she cleared
everything away, placing the large amounts of leftovers in plastic
containers so Sage could enjoy more later. The clean up was
mind-numbing work which, after today's exiting events, is exactly
what Savannah needed. She let her mind wander as she mechanically
scraped food, sealed containers and cleaned dishes. She was still
feeling restless and once she had the kitchen practically
sparkling, she moved into the living room.

Something about being involved with Elijah
made her anxious. She couldn’t just flop down on the couch and
watch TV or pick up a book, her mind wandered too much. She had the
sudden urge to touch herself every time she thought of Elijah, but
she knew he would take care of her tonight and she didn’t want to
ruin the buildup.

"We'll save that for later," she said to
herself out loud.

Instead, she walked over to the small
staircase that led upstairs to the roof. Sage and Savannah lived in
a "top unit" and incidentally had access to the roof, which for
them was the icing on the cake for such a beautiful living

Savannah walked out onto the roof and sighed
as she sank down into one of the comfy chairs. She stared around at
the buzzing city, something about the constant chaos was calming to
her. She found it funny that the hustle and bustle of New York City
was able to calm the storm inside her. Perhaps it was simply
witnessing something so much greater than herself that reeled her
bank into reality.

She trusted Elijah, yet something still
didn’t feel right about that text. What made Elijah have an idea of
who could be harassing her? Savannah sat there on the roof,
thinking about everything, until the sun had gone down and the
twinkling city lights had appeared. Savannah retired back inside
and she started to put together an overnight bag to take to
Elijah’s. Just as she was throwing in her last pair of shoes,
another text came through.

-On my way. Be there in 10. No panties.-

Savannah smiled coyly at his request and
quickly changed her clothes. She put on a bra and a short and
simply cut teal dress. It was flattering and sexy with an alluring
view of her cleavage but it was long enough to still be classy. She
felt herself begin to moisten between the legs as she imagined what
Elijah had in store for her this evening. She scrawled a quick
apology note to Sage and told her to help herself to the leftovers.
Then she grabbed her bag and went to wait on the steps outside the

Minutes later, a dark sedan pulled up and
Savannah couldn’t help but feel like Carrie Bradshaw in Sex In The
City. Savannah’s own Mr. Big stepped out and she was instantly
filled with unbridled lust at the sight of his sexy body. He was
dressed in his work clothes from earlier, but his hair was slightly
disheveled. Elijah grinned a sexy, lopsided boyish grin at her and
Savannah ran right into his arms, squeezing his torso tightly.

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