The Men of CLE-FD updated (2 page)

BOOK: The Men of CLE-FD updated
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Okay.  Enough talk of bad memories; we are here to party.”  Lincoln cracked her knuckles.  “I let talking about that asshole side-track my mission to hook you up with a real man.”

Regan didn’t respond and looked around the crowded room.  There were plenty of men in attendance; however, the majority of them were with women.  She would never date a married man even though another woman didn’t have a problem dating her husband.

She rested her chin on the back of her hand reminiscing and wondering if Mark even remembered it was her birthday.  She didn’t expect a call from him since he was with someone, but it would have been nice if he had said something.  After all, they’d been together for fourteen years before getting a divorce.

The divorce had been final exactly one year and three months. This was her first birthday without him at her side.

Regan pushed the glass away from her.  “Well, the car accident last year not only gave me a concussion and broken bones, but it also knocked some sense into my head.  Life is too short to care about someone that doesn’t care about me.  Mark made the choice to be with Naomi and threw our marriage away.  I have to move forward and not look back.”

So are you ready to get out there again?  If you are, there are some fine men in the club tonight.  Too bad I’m seeing someone.”

Regan evenly adjusted her breasts under the tight tank dress. “Yes.  I am ready to be wild and free again.  But don’t expect too much from me in the beginning; I was with one man for the last fourteen years and it is not completely out my system yet.”

I understand.  I’m asking you to be receptive to guys asking you for a dance or wanting to buy you a drink.  I’m not saying for you to throw yourself at the first man that pays you a compliment.”

I’m open for anything within reason. I’m ready to drink, dance, and let my hair down tonight.  So you got my back right?”

I got you, girl.  Just don’t get sloppy drunk and make a fool of yourself,” Lincoln said laughing.

Me get sloppy drunk?  Shoot, I’ll be ready for a nap by the time I’m half done with this gigantic drink.  I swear the bartender forgot to add any fruit juice.”

Lincoln tapped Regan on the back of the hand.  “Hey, here comes Anthony.  I asked him to bring some of his friends to the party.”

I hope he did. You are lucky to date a firefighter.  White-collar men aren’t that much fun once you get to know them,” she said laughing.  “They will spend a lot of money on a date but are pretty dull when it comes to letting loose.”

It wasn’t easy getting him.  He had just broken up with his long-time girlfriend and was reluctant about dating me since I was a friend.”

That had to be weird at first.  You two were like best friends and now you are dating.  The first time you were together had to be uncomfortable.”

It was but I will always remember our first night together.  His personality drew me to him the first day I met him at the firehouse.  But he didn’t see me as a woman he would date.  He thought I was too young for him.  I really had to show him we could have more and now two years later we are going strong.”

Well, hold onto him.”  Regan didn’t want to look over her shoulder but was anxious to know if he had any friends tagging along with him.  “So, did he bring any friends?”

Lincoln shook her head.  “Hmm, looks like he’s alone.”  She stood up as he came over to the table.

Hey, Lincoln,” he said pulling her into a hug.

Anthony, I’m glad you made it.”

He kissed Lincoln on the cheek.  “I told you I would be here.  Baby, you got a nice crowd to come out tonight.”

You know I like to do things big.  Anyhow, I can’t take credit for everybody here—there is another party going on in the club.”

Doesn’t matter who is here as long as you drew in a crowd to help celebrate your sister’s birthday.”

True.  Speaking of which, doesn’t Regan look great tonight?  I’m hoping she will have so much fun that she will move back to Cleveland permanently,” Lincoln said crossing her fingers.  “At least I will have one member of my family living in the same city as I am again.”

Anthony smiled and kissed Regan on the cheek.  “Happy birthday, Regan, and, yes, you do look beautiful tonight.  Both of you look very beautiful tonight.”

Smiling Regan, said, “Thank you, Anthony, for coming.  I know you worked today and this is probably the last place you want to be.”

She felt the hard calluses on the palm of his hand has he held it.  Anthony fit the sort of man she sought to date this time around.  She desired a man who worked with his hands, and was not afraid to get dirty or smell bad from doing such hard work.

The old-school song playing in the background reminded her of Mark.  They had been a couple since high school and married shortly after graduation.  Mark’s reputation as a suave mover and a shaker in the entertainment industry was the beginning of their downfall.  A pretty boy by nature, he would never be caught dead in jeans or sneakers.  His attire consisted of designer suits in every cut, style, and color with shirts and shoes to match.  He hardly ever wore the same suit twice.

She’d help create the monster he’d grown into by willingly putting her career on hold until he finished law school and established himself as an industry leading entertainment attorney.  At the time, she didn’t mind supporting his career. But as his job had them bouncing around the globe catering to his clients, she became homesick and lonely for attention.

As exciting as it was in the beginning, his lifestyle began to grate on her nerves.  She enjoyed meeting celebrities she had read about in magazines.  Some were exactly how the media portrayed while other celebrities were palatable.

However, she grew restless living in Mark’s shadow.  She had put it off long enough. She was ready to plan a career in journalism.  She longed to return to New York where they had a permanent residence and to attend college.  Mark would repeatedly hound into her that she didn’t need to work.  She had a successful husband who provided luxuries beyond her imagination.

Regan didn’t dispute that.  She had money, closets full of designer clothing, and a beautiful penthouse apartment in Manhattan.  What she did disagree about was her state of mind.  She was not happy and felt alone.  While he was leaving his footprints in the sand, she had to take a backseat and watch and began to resent him for not being supportive of her dreams.

As the years passed, the traveling became excruciating for Regan.  The
from whining celebrities irritated her as Mark began paying less attention to her needs and more attention to the needs of his clients; especially the female clients.

His pull into the celebrity limelight caused him to drift further away from her and their perfect marriage.  She sensed their marriage hung in the balance by the arguments they would have when alone.  So intense, Mark counter-argued she was becoming a pain in his ass and instead of embarrassing him by appearing unpleasant to his clients, he agreed she should return to New York to attend school or do whatever she needed to do to make her happy.

She took his advice and did just that.  But it wasn’t long before rumors surfaced Mark was having an affair with Naomi, his personal assistant who began traveling with him.  Regan did not believe the rumors until Mark confirmed it was true and moved out of their penthouse.  However, the affair was short-lived, and Mark begged her for a second chance to salvage their marriage.

Stupidly, she agreed and put off filing for divorce after he agreed to stop traveling and work from his New York office.  Although she refused to quit school, they did reunite after a three-month long separation and weekly sessions in marriage counseling.  Shortly after reconciling, Lincoln, produced proof to Regan, Mark continued to keep company with Naomi.  Regan confronted him, and Mark tried to deny the affair was still going on, only the pictures showed evidence it clearly wasn’t over between the boss and his attractive blonde assistant.

No longer able to trust the man who’d taken her virginity as a teenager and what seemed to her ‘
the best years of her life’
, Regan filed for divorce, packed her bags and moved to Chicago to live with her older sister to embark on a career and work on closing the chapter of her life with Mark Richards.

Regan sighed coming to the present.  She could only drool over Anthony’s dark creamy complexion and manly physique.  He was a firefighter, tall and muscular, but attached to her sister.

Lincoln continued needling Anthony and pushed him hard on the shoulder with her index finger. “Where are your single friends I asked you to bring?”

Anthony rubbed his shoulder.  “They will be here.  One of my partners couldn’t make it until the end of his shift but promised he’d stop by for a drink.”

Regan released a breath shaking her head listening to them banter back and forth.  Suddenly a wave of depression washed over her.  Her attention was not on whatever they were talking about any longer and she needed a change of scenery. “Lincoln, I’m going up front to mingle for a bit.”

Okay, but don’t be stay away long.  We have other people coming.”


Regan lifted her hand dismissing her sister.  Anthony’s eyes widened as Regan turned to walk away from them.  “Damn!  Why is she having a hard time finding a man?”

Lincoln crossed her arms.  “Baby, I told you about her divorce from her idiot husband.  She is going through a rough transition and I think she is lonely.”

I still don’t get what the hell was wrong with that fool leaving her fine ass for another woman.”

Lincoln thinned her lips holding in a jealous tone.  “He could not keep it in his pants. Anthony, I want Regan to meet a trustworthy man; can you help me out with that or would you rather salivate over my sister wishing you could have her?”

He stretched his neck to get the last glimpse of Regan before she disappeared out of his view.  He caught sight of Lincoln’s scowl and switched gears.  “I’d be glad too.  You know—help you find her a man. Not me, help her out.”

Be serious, Anthony.  That’s my sister you’re ogling like a dog.”

Baby, she is fine but can’t hold a candle to you,” he said puckering his lips attempting to kiss her.

Lincoln pulled her head away.  “Nice try, Anthony.  You better be glad I’m used to your sense of humor or you would need a rescue squad about now.”

I wouldn’t do anything to ruin our relationship, Lincoln.  And definitely not with your sister,” he added.

She softened her tone knowing he was kidding.  “I know, baby. So are you in?”

All right, I’ll see what I can do.  Orlando needs a good woman.  Lord knows his ex-wife is a freaking nutcase.”

Ex-wives mean drama.  Regan does not need that in her life.  I think she is still carrying some feelings for Mark, and if he manages to worm his way back into her life for a third time, there is a chance she would take him back.  I cannot let that happen.”

Anthony asked. “Well, if he has changed his ways, then why not?”

Mark is not capable of changing his ways; he only looks out for himself. Furthermore, I do not like him.  That bastard will not get another chance to hurt my sister.”

You women are brutal on us.  We make a mistake and can never be forgiven.”

That’s not true. Regan did give him another chance, and he screwed it up.  He does not deserve my sister’s heart to crush a third time.”

All right.  What are her requirements?  There aren’t many brothas in my firehouse.  Those that I know personally are married or ready for retirement.  I mean will it bother her Orlando is Hispanic?”

Lincoln bit her lip, unsure.  “I guess it wouldn’t matter, but I don’t know for sure, she’s only been with Mark.  I keep forgetting he is Hispanic.  If it weren't for his last name, I would never connect him to the Hispanic culture.”

Well, a lot of Orlando’s family is from Puerto Rico and he does speak Spanish fluently and he embraces the Hispanic culture.  However, his mother is African-American, and he embraces her culture.  So, I’m not sure what you would call him.”

She rolled her eyes.  “God, Anthony, I don’t care what his race is as long as he isn’t involved with another woman.  And since Orlando is one hot specimen of a man, how can you be sure is not involved with a woman?  I’m trying to hook Regan up with a nice guy she can trust.”

Anthony clicked his tongue.  “I know Orlando for sure is not involved in a relationship.  The damn job has been his relationship lately.”  He eyed her asking.  “Exactly what do you mean by ‘he is one hot specimen of a man’?”

Oh shoot, I forgot he is a workaholic.  I’m trying to get her out of the house for fun.”  She lifted her brow amused she had got a rise out of him.  “You know what I mean—he is not only handsome but has one hell of a body.  I can say that after the way you were looking at Regan’s ass.”

We are even now.  I won’t look at Regan anymore and you sure as hell won’t be slobbering over Orlando.  Anyhow, I have other friends besides the guys at the firehouse coming tonight.  Firefighters don’t really have a good record when it comes to relationships.  Are you sure you want me to introduce her to Orlando?”

Lincoln snickered after hitting a nerve with him. “Anthony, are you saying we aren’t going to last?”

Damn, I’m going to shut-up and stop talking because now you are taking it personal and this is not about us.”

I’m sorry.  This is not about us.  Go ahead and finish what you were saying,” she said pretending to zip her lip.

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