The Men of CLE-FD updated (8 page)

BOOK: The Men of CLE-FD updated
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Naomi doesn’t know my family the way you do.  Regan, you have been a part of my life for the last fourteen years, you can do this for me.”

“Yes, I could.  And I would be by your side if I were still your wife.  I can’t hold your hand anymore; Naomi is with you and she should be at your side; not your ex-wife.”

Regan, don’t make me beg.”

“Then stop asking me to do something you know I won’t do.  I will send flowers, but I will not be attending the services.”

When did you turn into a total bitch?”

Regan swallowed hard.  The bad attitude was working in her favor now.  “The day you decided to screw your assistant in our bed.  I have to go.”  She clicked off the sync device and pulled from the parking space.

Twenty minutes later, she pulled into the parking lot of the gym and hurried to the advanced spinning class slated to start in five minutes.  Her stomach growled as she took the stairs and ran down the hallway making it in time as everyone saddled up for the ninety-minute workout.


Orlando punched at Sergio’s hands until his muscles ached from the hours of rigorous sparring.  He didn’t have enough strength left to go on, and wrapped his arms around Sergio’s body, leaning against him to rest.  “I’m tired, Sergio. I gotta rest for a bit,” he said walking over to the bench.

“Okay, we will take a break or call it a day,” Sergio said, putting a towel around his neck. 

Orlando sat on the bench, and pulled off the boxing gloves to unravel the tape from around his hands.  His boxing session was over for the day as he could barely lift his arms.  All he wanted to do was hit the showers and grab some breakfast.  His sparring partner and childhood friend sat on the bench next to him to do the same with his gloves.

“I’m assuming we are done since you’re taking off the gloves.”

 “Yeah, I’m beat.”

“What’s bothering you, Orlando?  You came at me hard today, but you tired quickly.” Orlando chuckled, “Pent up aggressions, and lack of sleep.  I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“I’m a pro; I can take it,” Sergio said laughing.

“But you need to get laid to get rid of that that pent up aggression.  Two years with no sex is a long time, brother.  I don’t know how you do it.”

“I think about Maggie and it brings my anger back to the forefront.  Plus, I had an encounter with this woman last night that enforced my rule to stay away from them.”

 “Orlando, I believe Maggie is acting out because she wants you back.”

“Hell will freeze over before I take her evil ass back,” Orlando said, scooping the discarded tape from the floor.

 “Then stop letting her make you evil.  What girl did you meet last night?”

“I went to a birthday party.  Anthony’s girlfriend wanted to hook me up with her sister.”

“What did she do to turn you off?”

“First, she was a knock-out.  Nice body, beautiful smile, and she smelled good.  Her skin was so damn soft.  Her eyes... a man could get lost in those eyes.”

 “Wait, you got all that just by looking at her or did you hit it?”

“Almost, Sergio.  It took everything in me to stop myself from accepting her advances.  I mean she was about yea-high but strong as hell,” he said laughing and using his hands to demonstrate her height.

“You turned down a woman throwing herself at you.  You need a shrink, man.”

 “Nah, I couldn’t do her that way. She’s recently divorced and searching for herself.” He shook his head. “She got me going, Sergio; but I walked away from it with my celibacy intact.”

 “Your discipline and willpower is to be applauded. But look, the Latin-American festival is approaching. Why don’t you come and join us for a day of fun in the sun? Maybe you can operate a booth and pass out literature regarding the fire department this time. There aren’t that many Hispanic firefighters on the force.”

“That’s a good idea, but I have to run it past my superiors first. Technically, I could represent the Hispanic and African-American drive since I am both.” Orlando got up, tugging at his arm. He hadn’t boxed that hard in months and the soreness was setting in his arms, chest, and back. Sergio gave him the thumbs up and headed in the opposite direction.

“Cool, keep me posted. I’m hitting the weight room. If you’re not too exhausted, join me in there; I’ll spot you on the bench press.”

Orlando’s phone vibrated on the bench. “Yeah, I’ll be there in a second.” He picked up the phone without looking at the number. He was on-call to cover for Lieutenant Murad in case he couldn’t make his shift due to jury duty.

“This is Orlando,” he said using a towel to wipe the sweat from his face.

Where are you?”

He pulled the phone from his ear looking at the number.  “What now, Maggie?”

I need to see you ASAP.  My car is acting up and you need to look at it for me.”

“I’m not your mechanic!  Where is your man?”

Orlando, I need your help.  You fixed everything when we were married.  Are you at the gym?”

“Maggie, take your car to a shop or catch a damn bus; I’m not fixing shit for you.  I’m hanging up now.”

Don’t hang up on me!  What is going on with the house?”

The two hour workout to relieve his stress was waning.  Maggie’s voice grated on his last nerve.  “The same damn thing that was going on last week when I talked to you—nothing.  I’m thinking about renting it out.”

Oh no, that would make me responsible for running over there when tenants have a problem.  I don’t want that headache.  Why don’t you stick to the plan to sell the house and we split the money?  You don’t need a place that big.”

“You don’t have anything to do with my house.  I’ve been thinking long and hard and I’ve decided I’m not giving you any money if I sell it.”

You are being hateful, Orlando.  You made a promise and I expect you to stick to it.”

“Well, I’m reneging on my offer.”

I’m not giving you the satisfaction of doing that.”

“You screwed yourself in this deal when you moved out the house; now you fucking deal with it.”

I don’t want to discuss this over the phone, Orlando.  I’m coming to the gym; make sure you’re there.”

His temper heated as he spewed into the phone, “Go to hell, Maggie.”

I’ll see you in a bit, darling.”

The phone line went dead.  The biggest mistake of his life was marrying Maggie after three months of whatever they were doing.  His friends warned him, but he wouldn’t listen and married her anyway.  The one time he heard a voice in his head, he ignored it when he should have run screaming into the dark. 
Screw the pain; time to work off more steam by lifting weights
.  He said putting his bag back in the locker.

Two hour later Orlando exited the gym to face the heat and bright sunlight.  He paused on the steps to soak in the hot rays of the sun.  Since early that morning, the temperature must have raised a number of degrees.  It was sizzling and not a cloud graced the sky.  He put on his sunglasses and slung the heavy gym bag over his shoulder.

His plan for the day was to do a few minor repairs in the house, but the heat could hamper doing much work.  He then had to call the realtor to inquire about putting the house on the market to rent instead of sell.  He was paying a mortgage on a house sitting empty.

Orlando observed a woman walking on the sidewalk.  The strut of her full hips definitely turned his head.  The clothing she wore didn’t hide her occupation either.  The skimpy bright orange mini skirt hugged her plump rear-end and the matching short halter-top strained to cover her enlarged breasts.  He shook his head not understanding why she needed to sell her body when she was an attractive woman.

Then he chuckled witnessing the attire of other pedestrians enjoying the day.  The summer brought out the best and worst in Clevelanders.  Long winters had people starving to get outdoors for fresh air and socializing.  The crime rate seemed to triple but fires were few.  Except around July Fourth when amateurs decided to put on firework displays in their yards.  His unit had responded to plenty of roof and garages fires despite the ban on illegal fireworks.

The door to the gym swung open knocking him down the steps.  He grabbed for the handrail as he tumbled down the four concrete stairs landing on his stomach.  “What the hell!”  He swore stunned and sprawled on the hot asphalt.

The woman shrieked, “Oh, my goodness!  I didn’t see you standing there.”

“No freaking kidding,” he scowled rolling over to sit up.

Regan gasped once she saw whom it was she’d knocked down the stairs.  She wrung her hands together watching him pick grit from his scarred elbow.  “Orlando, I’m sorry.”

His head popped up when the woman called him by name.  “I don’t believe you pushed me down the stairs?  Are you that pissed at me about last night?”

She trotted down the steps to see about him.  “I was looking at my phone and not paying attention to where I was going.  I didn’t do it on purpose.”  She dropped her bags to help him.

He sat on the ground she went behind him, hooked her arms under his broad shoulders in an attempt to lift him to his feet.  “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to help you up,” she grunted.

He brushed her gently away.  “I’m okay to stand on my own.”  He stood up brushing the dirt off his clothes.  His white tank shirt was now filthy with black asphalt and dirt across the front.

“Oh man, look at your shirt.  Take it off.”

“What?”  He asked a little confused.

“Take it off.  I will wash it for you.”

He shook his head refusing.  “That’s okay.  It’s just a little dirt; I’ll survive.”

“I insist….now take it off,” Regan demanded.

“All right, but remember you gave me an order.”  He grabbed the shirt from the bottom pulling it up and over his head.  Tossing it to her, it fell on the ground as she stared at him.  He got that look a lot at the gym.  His hard-ripped abs and hairless chest were the two things that drove women crazy.  A sly grin creased his lips as Regan forced her dilated eyes away.

“Um, okay, um…,” she stuttered.

“I have another shirt in my bag,” he said retrieving the dark blue t-shirt with the City of Cleveland Firefighter’s insignia imprinted on the front.  As he put it on, he felt he was on display as other women leaving the gym ogled and whistled lewdly.

Regan cleared her throat.  “You get that all the time I bet.”

“No more than you do,” he said scanning her over in the denim shorts and sleeveless rainbow colored knit blouse.

She nodded.  “We’ll call it even on who gets the most whistles.  Orlando, about last night….”

“Regan, there is no need to rehash that.  I owe you an apology.”

“I thought I owe you one.”

“How about we both forget it ever happened?  Well, I was about to get some breakfast and run errands.  I’ll see you around.”

“Right,” she said hitching the straps of the gym bag and purse on her shoulder.  “I have tons of things to do today myself.  I have to find a place to stay.  Lincoln’s apartment is entirely too small for three people.  She needs her privacy and I’m the third-wheel that has to go.”

“I guess it would be uncomfortable walking in on her and Anthony.  What are you looking for a house or an apartment?”

“I’m not sure if I want to buy a house or rent an apartment since it is just me and I haven’t made up my mind if I’m staying in Cleveland.”

“Your first priority should be safety.”  His voice trailed off as he heard a familiar sputter of a car pull into the driveway.  He dropped his head.  “Shit,” he muttered under his breath.

“What’s wrong?”  Regan asked as his complexion darkened.

“Here’s the deal.  My ex-wife is about to make a scene because I am talking to you.”

Regan hunched her shoulders.  “Why would she do that?  We are just talking?”

“She’s crazy; that is the only way I can explain her.  You might want to take off while you have a chance.”

Regan stiffened and took a stance.  “I don’t think so.”

He bucked his eyes.  “Excuse me?”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Regan trust me you don’t want to lose brain cells battling with her.”

“We are only talking; not making out in public like rabbits,” Regan said with a quirked brow.

“She won’t see it that way,” Orlando said with a grin.  He kinda liked her boldness; it showed she possessed the courage to stand up for herself.

“If you ex-wife can’t accept the truth then tough cookies on her part.”

He burst out laughing.  “You are one feisty woman.  By any chance is your ex-husband missing any vital body parts?”

With a smug face, Regan folded her arms across her chest.  “Mark walked away with his pieces intact.  He is lucky I don’t look good in prison orange.”

“Ah, I guess that is a good thing,” he said glad Regan had bumped into him, literally.


Regan knelt on one knee balancing her purse as she went through the contents.  “Orlando, sit on the steps.  I have bandages and antiseptic spray in here somewhere.  Let me clean your booboo so it doesn’t get infected.”

Orlando bent his arm looking at the bleeding sores ranging from small to large.  “Are you going to kiss it too?”  He asked with a lopsided smile.

Regan flashed an assertive smile in his direction watching the astute grin on his face grow in proportions.  “If that’s what you want me too.”

She enjoyed the speechlessness, as Orlando clearly did not want to go tit-for-tat with her.  He shook off her comment and said, “I didn’t think I fell that hard.”

“I am such a klutz at times.  I was wrapped up in my phone and not looking where I was going,” she said cleaning the wound with a cotton swab.  “At least I don’t do that while I’m driving and crash into people.”

Seeing Maggie approaching, Orlando coughed.  “Regan, we have company.  You can put your stuff away.”

“I’m almost done.  All I have to do is spray it and put a bandage on it.”  Her back was facing away from the street traffic as she worked on his arm.

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