The Men of CLE-FD updated (25 page)

BOOK: The Men of CLE-FD updated
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“It wouldn’t be much a challenge without that stuff.  Anyhow, get the stopwatch ready, I have a feeling we are going to be rocking Illuminations tonight,” Lincoln said dancing in place.


Sweat trickled down the sides of his face under his helmet.  His body heat doubled its average temperature thanks to the bulky turnout, bunker pants and boots.  Taking a deep breath, he hoisted the 30 pound hose over his shoulder and took position in the middle of the pact with his two running mates. “Okay, guys, we got this right?”

Anthony tilted his helmet on his head. “We got this.”

Jon squared his shoulders. “We stand by our motto of being the supermen of Station 30 and we are determined to come out victorious.”

Orlando gave each of them a fist bump before mentally focusing on breaking the record by setting one of his own.  The bragging rights for winning would be awesome, but the main prize he looked to collect waited outside to greet him after the event.  He had made up in his mind he was going for it all tonight.

Three…two…one… The official got the race underway.

 Orlando’s team took off passing fellow competitors wanting to be the first to reach the entrance of the Gray Lady.  He didn’t think of this as a race but as an actual rescue with people depending on them to save their lives.  The fire at the high-rise a week ago was a lesson in the amount of brute strength it would take to tackle the climb and let him gauge where his weakness lay.


Regan watched the stopwatch as it ticked down.

“Where it is now?” Lincoln asked for the third time in five seconds.

“They are one minute into the race.  I don’t know if I can stand this, Lincoln.  Orlando is trying to do this in eight minutes.  How is it possible to climb 804 stairs in eight minutes?”

“I’m assuming the idea of victory, the bragging rights, or all the money he’ll hand over to the charity.  Come on, Regan; they are men!  Their existence is to hunt and kill the enemy.”

Regan laughed. “You make it sound like an episode of Animal Kingdom.”

“Well, it is only these animals are on two legs.  How many minutes are left now?”

Regan bit her lip.  “Lincoln, there is only seven minutes left according to my timepiece.  My heart is going to stop if he makes it and it will break if he doesn’t.  How do I handle either?”

“Be happy, Regan.  Either way those guys are winners.”

Regan watched the clock stop with no announcement from the officials.  She was hoping her stopwatch was off a minute or two.

Then cheers from inside the building erupted.

Regan thought her nerve endings would become threadbare when officials gathered in a circle outside TowerCity to confer. “What are they doing now?”

Lincoln latched onto her arm. “I don’t know but the suspense is killing me.”

An official came forward to speak through a bullhorn.  “Ladies and gentlemen, the first team of firefighters has reached the top and set a new record.  We’ll announce where all the teams finished after the event is over.  However, the first team to reach the top floor is Cleveland Fire.  The team consisting of Lieutenant Orlando Torres, Firefighter Anthony Jenkins, and firefighter Jonathan DeMinico, who represent the supermen of Fire Station 30 reached the top in record time.  The new record for climbing the 804 stairs is eight minutes and thirty-five seconds.  Let’s make sure to give these speedy firefighters as well as all the firefighters who tackled the Gray Lady today, a hefty round of applause when they exit the building.”

Regan and Lincoln fell into each other’s arms overjoyed. “I can’t believe they did it!” Regan squealed.

“Believe it, girl.  Look at the guys from the firehouse celebrating.  They really are an awesome team.”

The last team of competitors reached the top floor officially ending the race.  Regan and Lincoln joined the cheering squad to wait for team Cleveland Fire to exit the building.  Several firefighters exited the building dragging their gear tired from the grueling task.  Orlando, Anthony, and Jon exited together laughing and slapping each other on the back.  They didn’t even appear winded, but then they had time to rest while waiting for the last team to finish the race.

Regan waited as Orlando stripped down to his t-shirt and tossed his coat in the truck.  She went over to him and he gathered her in his arms. “Congratulations, baby.  I am so proud of you—I’m proud of all of you,” she said hugging him.

“Thanks, baby.  I couldn’t lose with you cheering me on.  Winning feels great but knowing I had you waiting for me is better than winning.”

“Why did it take you so long to come out?  They wouldn’t let you use the elevators until everyone finished?”

“We didn’t take the elevator, we walked down.”

“Are you serious? You ran up and walked down?”

“Hey we are supermen,” he said beating his chest.  “Anyhow I have been waiting to do this all day.”  He pulled her close and lowered his head take her into a passionate kiss.

Regan heard the heckling coming from her sister and others as she kissed her man. Yes, her man.  The man she loved and didn’t care that they were putting on a public display or his body odor was killing her sinuses.

She broke the affectionate kiss after someone threatened to turn a fire hose on them.  She wiped his mouth of her lipstick with her thumb.  “How are you feeling besides being soaking wet and mighty ripe?” She asked holding a finger under her nose.  Despite his musky smell, he was turning her on.

He reached for a cold bottle of water and dumped the content over his head. “Once I get my body temperature down, I’ll be fine.  That was a tough run and my legs are starting to get stiff, but it was worth it to accomplish something this big.  I probably won’t do it next year, but I think we set the bar pretty high.”  He laughed. “And yeah, I know I smell.  We have to do a quick interview for the local newspaper before we leave; I’ll shower at the station and meet you at your place later.”

“You mean at our place.  I want you to move in with me.”

“Baby, are you sure you want us to live together?”

“It will be more like semi-living together since you’re only home three days out of the week.  And yes, I want you to share your home with me.  I’ll even let you have the basement to make into a man cave that I promise never to enter.”

He lifted his brow teasing her.  “Seducing the landlord to get free rent….nice move,” he said clicking his tongue and winking his eye.

She batted her long lashes.  “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.  Anyhow, you are being summoned by your teammates.” She heard Anthony and Jon calling for him.  She gave him another kiss. “Don’t be too long at the firehouse, we’re celebrating tonight.”

Lincoln sashayed over to her. “He was smiling big time.  What did you say to him?”

“We decided to take our relationship to the next step, Lincoln.  I asked him to move in with me.”

“Whoa, Regan, have you thought this through?  Dating and living together is a huge step and you are recently divorced.  What about that job in South Carolina.  What happened with that?”

Regan flipped her hand. “I turned that interview down.  Lincoln I was hired by ABC.  I’m going to tell Orlando tonight that I’m staying in Cleveland and with him forever.”

“Thank God,” Lincoln said holding her sister to her.  “If we can lure mom and Carter back home, it will be like old times.”

“I doubt that will happen.  Carter enjoys mom living with her.  But if there are any weddings planned for the near future, they will definitely come home for that.”

Lincoln raised a dismissive hand. “Don’t look at me.  I’m not ready to be a wife or change dirty diapers.  I’m still a kid at heart.”

“Well get ready, Lincoln.  I think Anthony has plans for you.  Well, let’s get out of this crowd before it causes a traffic jam.  I want to go home and wait for Orlando.”

Lincoln nudged her sister on the back. “I know what you want to do when he gets home.  Give the man a break and let him regain his strength.”

“You have a dirty mind, Lincoln.  A dirty, dirty mind,” she said shaking a finger at her.  She did want to consummate the new arrangement with Orlando but later after the party so it wouldn’t be rushed.

Chapter Thirteen

Later at Illuminations the men of station 30 that were able to attend the celebration with their spouses or significant others crammed around the bar and tables enjoying the celebration.  The rumble of the conversation, some of it loud, filled the air.  Several firefighters from other houses and neighboring suburbs had come to give their congratulatory rounds of high-fives, toasts and to party with them, as well.

Orlando broke away from a group celebrating to find Regan.

He found her sitting with Lincoln, Anthony and a few other people.  He snuck behind her bending down to whisper in her ear.  “I want to dance.”

Regan mouth spread into a grin.  “You have enough energy left to dance?”

“Baby, I want to dance with you for the rest of my life.”

Orlando pulled her chair from the table and escorted her to the dance floor.  Sergio and Marcella were dancing when he interrupted them.  He tapped Sergio on the shoulder.  “Sergio, I want you to meet Regan,” he said over the music.  “Get used to her face because she will be around a lot if she agrees to marry me maybe next year.”

Regan froze where she stood.  Sergio hugged her stiff body. “Welcome, to the family, Regan.  This is my wife Marcella.  We can’t wait to get to know the woman that has restored Orlando back to his normal self.”

Regan smiled weakly and greeted Sergio and Marcella once sensations returned to her body.  She looked at Orlando.  He stood gallant and sure of himself.  Maybe sure of what her answer would be.  “What did you just say to Sergio?” She asked.

Orlando picked her up in a big bear hug. “I said I want you to be my wife.  Will you marry me, Regan?”

She answered without hesitation and with elation and excitement in her voice.  “Yes, yes I will marry you.”

She held on tight as he swung her around.  “She said yes! This beautiful woman has agreed to marry me!”

“Orlando put me down! My dress is too short for this.”  He put her on her feet.  Regan pulled her dress down and held his hands. “You are crazy you know that?”

He couldn’t stop the smile from widening across his face. “I’m crazy in love with you but it won’t be rushed this time.  I don’t want a Las Vegas wedding I won’t remember.  I want to do this right, Regan.  We can wait until you find your footing in life, but, baby, I cannot live without you in my life.”

“I got my foot in the door.  You are looking at ABC’s newest weekend correspondent.  I’ll have to work my way up from the bottom, but this job will not take precedence over you or our marriage.  I promise you that, Orlando.”

He smiled boyishly.  “We have a lot to celebrate tonight.”  He signaled to the DJ.  The music changed to Latin fare.  He took Regan in his arms and began to swing her around to the fast-paced music.

Her head dropped back with laughter as she fell in step with his beat.  Orlando looked up to see Sergio and Marcella dancing along with them.  Soon Lincoln and Anthony, and those that knew how to salsa or just didn’t care they were messing up the sexy dance joined them on the dance floor.

Orlando pulled Regan close to his body, drowning out the music as he looked into her eyes.  “What’s wrong?” She asked.

Emotions clogged his throat. “I can’t believe this is real, Regan. I didn’t think I would ever experience such overwhelming love with a woman.  My work as a firefighter has been the center of my world and for the first time in my life, I’m putting something else before it.”

She cupped his face. “We’re going to make this work, baby.  Second chances don’t come around for everyone and we’re lucky it found us.  I’m going to do everything in my power to keep us together.  I will be there when you need me and wherever you need me. Except…”

He frowned.  “What exceptions are you talking about?”

“Except for rock climbing and those twenty-mile bike rides.  I will stick to spinning if you don’t mind.”

He laughed. “I can accept that.  I love you, Regan Richards.”

“I love you too, Lieutenant Torres,” she said gyrating her hips to the music.

He put his arms around her waist. “Let’s show them how it’s done,” he said leading her into the middle of the dance floor.

The music filled the roomy space as the dancing got underway.  Orlando let himself bask in the happiness running through his body.  Tonight they would drink and dance.  Later he would hold her close as they slept and, in the morning, they would go shopping for the perfect engagement ring.

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