The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1)
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“Lucia!” the shop owner crooned and smiled. Her scaled skin was red, with pretty white markings slithering up her bared arms and across her neck. She was Voushan, a lizard-like species from a very small planet. “I’m so happy to see you!” Her four fingered hand waved in greeting.

“Eroya, it’s good to see you too,” Lu accepted the hug when the Voushan approached her. They loved being touched by warm blooded beings. “I have news.”

The minutes passed quickly as Lucia conducted her business and then said her goodbyes. Once they were heading toward the airbus rental, Soren spoke up.

“You were on the Trepnil ship to retrieve stolen property?”

Lu looked up and over at him, as he was now walking beside her. She nodded, curls bouncing. Her hair was a frightful mess of wild proportions with the dry heat. “That was the reason my friends and I were there. I didn’t get the shipment that was originally stolen from her, due to the unexpected explosions, but the crate of
crystal in the craft I ended up taking will make up for it.
,” she sung with a grin. “The credits she’ll get from selling that barrel of
fruit will reimburse her plenty.” Soren’s lopsided grin made Lucia smile wider. “What?”

“You are kind, Loo-Sha.” Soren said this softly, in that velvety, lyrical language of his.

Don’t blush. Don’t you dare!

“Ehh,” she shrugged it off. “Only sometimes.”

Once they got to the airbus rental, Soren waited with Lu as she punched in her identification number on the small screen next to an empty lane for payment of the rental. Soren was back to being fascinated with
; asking questions, pointing out things that he wanted explanations for and openly staring at other travelers bustling about the outdoor platform. It was alright though, since they openly stared back at him. Apparently she wasn’t the only one who’d never seen Soren’s species before, and that was saying something.

The medium sized, bullet shaped airbus floated down the lane and stopped in front of them. It was glossed to a pale gold sheen, and Soren stared at his reflection oddly. The front top half of the airbus was one way glass from the inside with the ability to cloud say, if a person wanted to catch some shut eye without the sun beaming in their face. She swiped her fingertips against the side and the shaved door pushed in and slid aside. She ushered Soren inside, and laughed as he had to bend over to even fit in the craft. Maybe she should write a letter about height discrimination to the company.

He set their basket of items on the floor against the other side of the airbus. It was roughly ten feet in width and length, with a cushioned front bench and control panel. The back had a bench of the same material, but it was capable of folding down into a large cot. Lu motioned for Soren to sit as the door slid shut. Lucia plopped down beside him and stretched her legs before typing in her home coordinates.

“Departing for territory Curra,” the smooth feminine voice announced, startling Soren. “Arrival in four hours and fifteen minutes.” The airbus smoothly shifted forward along the lane until they were on the outskirts of the capital, where it continually climbed higher and higher. Airbuses were regulated to fly low, to lessen possible collisions with spacecraft’s descending from the cloud line.

“You live far from here,” Soren stated, looking all around at their view.

“Mhmm,” Lu agreed. “It would be double the time if we drove a transport. But don’t worry, it’ll fly by.”

I’ll have to teach him the beauty of puns next.

Chapter 7

As the airbus reached Curra, it slowly descended toward the quarried, red stone street. Around each stone, a short, spongy blue and green moss grew that gave the street an elegant overgrown look. Old, winding trees dotted the sides with hanging vines floating above as they drifted up the shaded street. Large creeping flowers of all colors mottled their trunks and begged passersby to admire their beauty. Some family residences could be seen from the street, some were hidden away behind trained plant life; some were large homes, some were smaller. Most of the homes along her street belonged to old bloodlines though. Her neighborhood was considered a part of the historical holdings in Curra. Her father’s family had been one of the original settlers of the territory.

Lu spotted an old neighbor and his partner taking an evening stroll. She thought to wave, but then remembered they wouldn’t be able to see her. “That’s mister Wan and his mate, Para,” she informed Soren. “They’re a sweet old couple.”

The airbus slowly curved to the right as they reached the entrance to her home. The drive was a single lane of pearly white pebbles leading up to the sprawl of her family’s off-white, stone residence. Calf high waxy leafed shrubs with yellow flowers dotted the drive and large buzzing insects flitted from bush to bush. Cream colored arches reached across the drive with more of the green vines creeping up and over to hang above them, sweating a sap that could be collected for moisturizer.

“Oh look!” she tapped Soren’s knee repeatedly as she leaned forward. Her parents were outside on one of the terraces toward the back corner, near where the driveway ended at the side of the residence. Once they hedged closer, she saw her father look up and notice company was arriving.

“Coordinates reached,” the speakers beeped when the airbus came to a halt and the lights along the roof hazed on.

Lu stood up and opened the door. She hopped off the craft easily, and the crunch of the pebbles under her feet was a welcome sound. Her fingers curled and waved at her father when his grin threatened to be permanently plastered to his face. He hurried toward her, his airy emerald robe flowing behind him.

“Lass!” he roared, pulling her up into a bear hug that constricted the air from her lungs as he swung her around. Lu’s own arms squeezed his neck and at that moment she was thankful to have survived the Treps. “Ahh, you’re finally home.” One last squeeze and he set her back on the ground.

“One of these days, you’re going to snap her in half Angus,” Nova, her mother, batted him away so she could hug her next. She was a few inches shorter than Lu, landing at five foot nothin’. Her parents made an odd pair; her father was six and a half feet tall, burly and gruff with laughing blue eyes and curly red hair that was turning white along his temples. Kind of gave him an air of sophistication. Her mother on the other hand had a burnt caramel skin tone a few shades darker than Lu’s, thick and black straight hair that was swept back and shone in the sun, hanging to her waist. She was plump and dainty with coal eyes, and always getting after her father to
act proper
. He always responded by flipping her over his shoulder, carrying her around like a caveman until she gave in and laughed, if only to be put down.

“Hey mama,” Lucia sighed, hugging the tiny woman with less gusto so as not to break her. When Nova stilled and gasped, Lu pulled away and followed her gaze to Soren. He was standing outside of the craft, looking all around him with that same wide-eyed wonder she’d been getting used to. She felt herself smiling.

“Mama, dad,” she addressed them as she approached Soren and tugged on his hand, pulling him out of his observation. “This is my friend, Soren.” Her smile froze on her lips as she waited for them to breathe. “He’ll be staying with us for a while.”

“Oh dear,” Nova finally exhaled, her hand fluttering to her throat when Soren grinned at her, flashing his mouthful of white, dangerous teeth. The sight of it didn’t disturb Lucia as it once did. After a week of being alone in space with him, it was hard to imagine he’d harm another person. Though all
should be very,
wary of him.

“Hello,” Soren tilted his head in greeting to both of her parents. “Your home is beautiful.”

D’aww, he’s making conversation!

Down girl.

Her father was the first one to get over his shock. “Thank you. We are proud to live here.”

The silence stretched on as her mother just stared and stared, Soren staring back. Angus eventually nudged his mate and she blinked repeatedly, like she was just realizing she’d been the one acting
. She was a social butterfly and very adept at carrying a conversation with the smallest input. Lu considered it a talent she had no patience to learn.

“Just a friend?” she squawked, and then in a softer tone, “Honey, it would be rude to show up with another male when Quinton has made his intentions for partnership with you known.”

And there it is.

“My god, mama,” Lucia moaned and dropped Soren’s hand to toss her arms in the air. “I literally haven’t even been back five minutes and you’re bringing
up and with that idiot, no less!”

Angus sighed.

“Well excuse me that I
for your wellbeing,” she huffed indignantly. “Everyone is waiting for the announcement of your intentions.”

“I already told Quinton no. I will not partner with him,” Lucia’s brow was raised and wrinkled, a mix between incredulity and frustration. “He’s a spoiled brat who simply wants another possession and it
will not
be me! I didn’t break things off with him for lack of reason.”

“But people will talk, Lucia, once they see you’ve brought another male home when Quinton has made his intentions
clear!” Nova stomped her dainty foot in a very unladylike way.

“So let them talk! I’m happy to give those old bags something to crow about!” Lucia stomped her own foot, mimicking her mother.

Angus choked and Nova glared up at him. “You encouraged this! She’s too willful and stubborn!”

“Now, Nova-”

me, Angus!” she shoved a finger in his chest. “I told you this would happen.” And with that, her mother turned and stomped off with Angus trailing behind, trying to reason with her. Lucia just couldn’t believe she’d done that. It was a new record. Lu hadn’t even left the drive before she’d brought up partnership.

“My presence causes you trouble?” Soren looked down at Lucia, conflicted.

“No,” Lucia turned to him and repeated it again quietly. Her fingers found their way to Soren’s jaw as she rubbed him and scratched under his chin and along his neck, some of her frustration ebbing away at the sound of his loud purring. “I want you here. My mother is worrying over things she doesn’t need to worry about. You’ll get used to it too. She means well.”

What had Quin been telling people?
Questions circled her tired brain but they were interrupted by high pitched squeals tumbling down the drive toward her. She pulled her hands from Soren and grinned at his grunt of annoyance that she wasn’t still scratching him.

“Lulu! Lulu!
!” her little nephew sighed in awe of Soren. Lucia bent down to pick him up in a fit of hugs and kisses but he was much too interested in the strange alien. “It’s
,” he whispered, eyes the size of plates.

is blue,” she corrected. “Zan, meet my friend Soren. Soren, this is my nephew Zan.”

“Hello, Zan,” Soren nodded and smiled without showing any teeth.
He must be realizing people are nervous around sharp teeth.

“Hi,” Zan peeped and just continued to stare. After a moment, Soren turned to pick up the basket from the airbus and began to follow Lucia as she carried Zan in her arms toward the side entrance of the house. The glass paned door led into the large, blue and white mosaic floored kitchen where she found the rest of her family. Her dad’s parents were sitting at a small table near the wall of windows overlooking the back terrace, playing a word puzzle and drinking tea. Her sister was chopping vegetables on one side of the stone island while her partner sat on a stool across from her, tapping on a glass tablet.

Everyone quieted.

“Mama, Lulu brought home an
!” Zan yelled, startling everyone and wiggling out of Lucia’s arms. “His name is Soren and he’s blue!”

Lucia shook her head, turning to usher Soren inside before closing the door. The arched doorways in the Herana residence would fit him perfectly. He didn’t even have to duck.

“So that’s why mom stormed through here a few minutes ago,” her sister, Frellie, smirked as she continued to chop the vegetables. “Should I start calling you Ryla now?”

Lucia scowled at her and popped a piece of the chopped vegetable in her mouth and opened the door to the cold box. She grabbed a couple fruit flavored beverages and popped their tops. Everyone was just waiting for her to say something while splitting their glances between her and Soren.

“Even if it
like that,” Lucia motioned for Soren to follow her to the other side of the kitchen. “I don’t see how it matters.”

“I’m sure Quin will think otherwise,” she taunted.

Lucia nearly growled. “Quin can eat a dick!” she yelled over her shoulder before disappearing into the hall with Soren. She heard Frellie’s partner honk with laughter before Zan started asking if he could have an

Why does everyone care what Quin thinks?
Lucia went round and round in her head as she traveled the open, wide halls. The halls connected the wings of the residence together and met in the middle for the common part of the home that held the den and entertaining area for gatherings. It led to the middle of the main terrace in the back of the house as well, which also held the large garden.

A breeze blew and the sheer curtains that covered open archways of the hall billowed on the waves of hot air. The evening birds and insects began their nightly lullaby as the last streaks of dark gold, purple and orange began to fade into the pitch of night. Dor Nye’s four white and blue moons were already visible, large and decorating the night sky.  She was happy to be home, even if it was strained.

The west wing of the residence was smaller than the others, but it was perfect for Lucia, since it was just her. Upon opening the double glass paned doors, the sensor solar lights along the tops of the walls illuminated the large main room of her wing. The polished stone floor was littered with freshly beaten rugs in rich colors and intricate patterns. A projector screen sat on the far wall where overstuffed couches and poufs were arranged around a low laying table. Three arched doorways draped in curtains led off both sides of the main room; two on the right, one on the left. The left led to her bedroom while the others led to her study and a cleansing room. She told Soren this information and showed him around.

“Loo-Sha?” He finally said when she plopped down on the couch beside him, after having filled the bath pool.

“Yes Soren?”

“Why have we not spoken about the night of the festival?”

Immediately writhing bodies and soul shaking orgasms assaulted her brain. Before she could control herself, a gush of wetness flooded her pussy, causing her to slam her thighs together in a knee-jerk reaction. Her jaw slackened and she bit her bottom lip to stifle any kind of sound when Soren scented the air. On cue his pupils dilated and his expression turned hungry.

Don’t look down, don’t look down,
look down.

Her eyes looked down and regret washed over her in a deafening wave. The fabric of his spacesuit was straining against his growing erection and her gaze only made it worse. It twitched and swelled further as she watched it. Like lightning, Soren’s hands shot out and maneuvered her body so quickly, she didn’t register what was happening until he was hovering over as she lay along the couch. Her thighs were painfully spread as he pinned her with his hips and the weight of his body. When she made a grunt of protest, he growled and the zipper was deftly pulled until her chest and stomach were exposed.

!” she tried to chastise him but it came out as a moan. When his hand lay over her right breast, her spine arched and the nipple pinched into a hardened nub that seemed to shoot electric jolts straight to her cunt. The sound that bubbled forth from her throat caused Soren to jerk his hips and groan. Lucia’s muscles tightened at the impact and her breath went out in a rush.

She heard another zipper and felt the moment her pussy was exposed to the air. Looking down, she saw his freed, massive cock oozing green pre come that dribbled onto the creamy skin of her belly. Her hands reached up to push against his chest, but he was like a wall of stone. Her touch only seemed to excite him further and his hips humped again, the base of his cock rubbing against her clit. Lucia threw back her head and saw stars spark her vision. When Soren pinched her hardened nipple between his fingers, Lucia’s throat worked and she yowled as her pussy squeezed and shuttered while her body hummed so hard she visibly shook with the force of it. Just as she was cresting, Soren pulled back and the head of his cock shoved against her clenching cunt.

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