The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1)
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“Nearly six hours. The festivities have begun, but do not worry,” she sing-songed. “You have not missed the best part. Come, we will dress you.” At that point, Lu noticed Soren was no longer in his spacesuit, but a sheer gold vest that showed the expanse of his nipple-less, belly button-less chest and stomach when it hung open. The pants he wore weren’t sheer, thankfully, but they did match the color of his vest. They were harem pants that cinched at his ankles, and billowed with any movement he made. Lucia was simply draped in a white sheet.

She slowly sat up, careful to only put weight on her right side. Soren fussed about her, not letting her make any moves on her own as she was helped to the stone floor.


Soren’s mind was everywhere and nowhere all at once. He’d tried not to touch her, but his hands would not
. Her hair was so soft, her
was so soft; everything about Lucia was
. Why did he like that so much?

For six hours, he’d stared at her, willing her to wake up. The healer had assured him she would be fine, even with the fever, but it was hard to believe her. Lucia was too soft and her body was vulnerable. Soren hadn’t thought she’d be able to withstand a toxin.

The amount of relief he’d felt when Re’Len’s words rang true and Lucia opened her peculiar colored eyes, was the only time he’d truly let his body relax. This tiny human had shown him such kindness, knowing he was a slave; he felt he had to protect her to show his immense gratitude.


“I have packaged some healing salve for when you leave us,” Re’Len nodded and patted a small pouch on a shelf. “Apply it daily and you will heal quickly. Now come,” she urged, smiling ear to ear. “We dress you!” She shooed Soren away as they entered another room and a handful of other females were waiting. Their dusky orange skin in various shades and fuzzy, draping manes of different colors was a site of beauty. They flitted about, predatory in their movements, aside from their warm smiles. The sheet was pulled from Lucia’s body and the females circled her, touching her and petting. She assumed it was because they didn’t see many humans around town.

“Your skin is very soft,” the one with black hair crooned.

“Such an alluring color.”

“Your hair is very wild,” another purred.

Sheer gold material matching Soren’s outfit was draped over her head. Her curls sprung and bounced back to normal once the neckline was pulled past her face. As the dress was properly slid onto her body and dangled at her ankles, Lucia felt a sense of unease. It was a sleeveless dress, pinched at the shoulders and the neckline rounded to expose only the tops of her collarbones, mimicking in the back. Two slits split the dress up the sides, reaching to just above her hip and exposing her legs and the sides of her ass. It was tight around the chest and hips, every dimple and bump outlined. Everything that wasn’t exposed was viewable by default due to the gauzy, sheer fabric.

“I don’t know if I can wear this,” she croaked, realizing the rest of them wore similarly racey dresses and fabrics. Lucia wasn’t from a culture that shied away from showing skin, but they certainly didn’t walk around
and all of the women surrounding her were extremely lean, with very little curvature.

Curvature? They have mosquito bites with nipples.

Oh god, I must look like a blob.

“Of course you can.”

“You look delicious.”

Re’Len fluffed up Lucia’s hair, bouncing the loose, springy locks that shot out every which way, its length tickling her shoulders. “Come, we have waited long enough.” Hands turned her and slowly, encouragingly guided her back through the door. Soren’s head snapped up as his black eyes traveled her body. She inwardly cringed, because Re’Len and the others didn’t realize what kind of trap they were setting.

“Down, boy,” Lucia chastised and tossed a finger at Soren. To her surprise, he looked away and controlled himself. The females crowding her back softly giggled and moved her along with them. Soren had to duck through the doorway, and immediately whoops of joy and guttural cries filled the air. They were cheering the
Lome Warrior.

Groan. This is going to go to Soren’s head, I just know it.

Individuals crowded Soren, patting him on the back, speaking enthusiastically about his prowess. Females touched him, flirted and squeezed parts of his body, making him jump in surprise. That part made Lucia crow with laughter. On the inside, of course.

Lu made her way around the gathering, tasting the succulent dishes, savoring the delicious tangy drink and talking with those that stopped her to ask how she was feeling and congratulate her on such a courageous mate. After the fifth time she said he wasn’t her
, she gave up and let them think what they wanted. She was much too interested in eating, drinking and being merry and when a dance started, she was eager to learn the steps. Males and females alike danced with her, eliciting laughter and shrieks of joy. It was enrapturing.

The large fire in the middle of the gathering roared into the night. The giant logs set in a steeple would burn well into the next day. It was warm and Lu gravitated toward it after she bowed out of the dancing, like a moth to a flame.

I’m practically naked! It’s amazing my nipples haven’t snapped off by now.

Even with the movement of the dancing, she couldn’t seem to keep as warm as everyone else.

In the midst of warming her body and getting lost in the flicker of the flame, she didn’t notice the excess amount of moaning right away. Her ears twitched, lips pursed and she began to survey her surroundings.

What. The fuck.

A cry of pleasure ripped the air and startled her further. Bodies rocked around her, some fully naked, some half clothed. Her wide, amber eyes settled on a female that suckled and licked at a males hips and the pale pink bobbing of his
. It was thick at the base and tapered toward the end where it
like it was

Holy shit, holy shit!

What the hell kind of planet have you landed us on?

Swiveling her head this way and that, she settled on another couple. The male was slamming into her cunt before he suddenly withdrew and spurted pearly arcs of liquid across her back. The male was looking at
. A hungry grin split his lips and Lucia’s knees knocked together out of fear and sick arousal. Lucia quickly looked away and stared blindly into the fire, trying not to panic. She had to
of how to slip from the crowd.

A wall of warmth slid up behind her.


“I have never been so happy to see you in the past twenty-four hours I’ve known you, than I am
now.” She turned around crowded into his personal space while her head fell back on her neck to look at him in the eyes. “There’s some sort of orgy going on,” she whispered harshly, as if anyone could hear her above the waves of sex and bleating. “Get me out of here!” Her arms lifted and Soren picked her up. She clung to his neck and peered over his shoulder. A loud, guttural moan from one of the males as he came rung in her ears and she felt a gush of wetness between her thighs.

Oh god, oh god.

Soren hissed.

Lucia’s thighs squeezed as best they could while being draped in his arms.

Shit, shit, shit!

!” she moaned.

Soren made his way through the writhing bodies strewn across the ground and every surface while Lucia tried to not spontaneously combust in his grip.
It must’ve been the drink. It had to be.
It was like her body was on fire and there wasn’t anything she could do to stop it. Half of her was embarrassed, the other half wanted to throw down on the floor and rub against anything warm and willing.

“Something is
” she throatily mewled at Soren’s neck as he continued to pick his way through the sea of flesh. “Did you drink anything?”

“No,” he grunted.

Fuck. It
the drink!

A bolt of
shot through every nerve ending in her body and she cried out, her jaw going slack as the muscles of her legs squeezed together and her hips jerked lewdly. “I just-” she squeak-moaned. “I just came!” Her nails dug into Soren’s shoulders as her pinched nipples jutted into his chest. Her pussy drooled down the crack of her ass, leaking through the
of a dress and onto Soren. Another lightning sensation rippled through her spine and straight to her core as she keened with another orgasm. Soren held her tighter as she thrashed about against his body and
to breathe. She threw back her head and cried in ecstasy and her call was answered by more howls from the grunting bodies around them.

,” she panted, feeling pressure build back up. “Soren, I don’t think I can make it!” Lucia was nearly climbing him in her attempt to escape to the ground and be sexed by anything with a pulse. His grip threatened to break her bones and she still clashed against him.

“Loo-Sha,” he grunted as if he was in pain. “Be still.”

,” she moan-yelled, her throat dry from the orgasms. She wriggled with all her might in his grip as they finally broke through the sea of bodies. The crashing ocean of pleasured sounds getting quieter and quieter, but all Lucia could hear was the rush of blood in her ears and her own moans. Her pussy flexed at empty space and her hands grabbed at anything they could land on. Soren ran through the night covered field to where their craft sat alone. The ramp extended and the door opened when they were within the ships range; the light a beacon in the blackness around them. At the jolt of the metal ramp beneath Soren, Lucia sobbed a whimper of need when the tiny vibrations hit her core.

Once they were inside, the door closed and a heavy breathing Soren headed for the cabin. Lucia barely registered anything around her as he set her on the floor. She rubbed against the carpet like a Ro’Catta in heat.

“This isn’t
” she puffed, sliding across the floor and moaning up at Soren. He stood at the far wall, eyes completely black and expression hungry, but suspicious. “Make it
!” Flipping over to her back, her fingers found her slit and began rubbing through the fabric. Two swipes and she came again, her musk permeating the room. At the loud sound of Soren scenting the air, Lu whimpered and moved to her knees, jutting her ass into the air.

” she half yelled, half whined.

I’m whining! I’ve lost control of myself!

What was in that fucking drink?!

“Take off your
,” she panted. A mewl of urgency gurgled in her throat as she snuggled her cheek against the carpet and spread her knees.

“Loo-Sha…” Soren ground out painfully, but obeyed. Within a few blinks, he was naked and Lucia’s eyes bugged at his jutting cock. The tip was tapered to a rounded point and it was a pale blue, like the bulging veins winding up the shaft, but there was no
like one may see on a human male. A long, two inch slit started at the tip, finishing on the underside. His sac was tight and didn’t dangle. To Lu’s horror, his cock jerked under her gaze and a drizzle of
ejaculate oozed from the slit.

It’s too big!

Breathe, Lucia!

“Do it, Soren,” she begged and gasped as another peel of sensation ruptured through her cunt. Her body was hyper sensitized and aware of Soren’s heat before his touch. When he peeled up the back of her dress, the slight pull of the sticky fabric had her gulping for air.
This is insane!

“Loo-Sha…” Soren growled as his hand slid up her thigh and over her right ass cheek.

,” she pushed back into his hand. “
, Soren!”

He settled a knee between her thighs and kicked them further apart until every muscled pulled. Her nipples scraped the carpet and she felt it so much it

The tip of his cock bobbed against her cunt and Lucia thought she was going to fly apart with anticipation. She went to push her hips back, but Soren hissed and gripped her waist so she couldn’t. Before she could say anything, the tip of his cock sunk into her and her mouth O’d with surprise.

Soren withdrew just a hair and sunk further and further until somewhere in Lucia’s crazed mind, panic set in. Her cunt tightened as he plowed the rest of the way in, slamming against her cervix. The sharp pain of her womb being battered had her sucking breath between clenched teeth at the same time Soren growled with excitement. Immediately, he pulled back and slammed in again, knocking the breath from Lucia. Each time he withdrew, her pussy sucked him hungrily back in with lewd, wet, slurping sounds.

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