The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1)
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Within moments, Lucia gasped a lungful of air as her body threw itself in a violent torrent of sensation over the cliff she’d been teetering for what felt like years. Her scream erupted in a keening cry of ecstasy that hurt her own ears and broke off into a gurgled moan after her lungs expelled all oxygen. Soren continued to piston into her aching cunt, wringing out her orgasm until he abruptly stopped, sunk to the hilt. Panting, Lucia collapsed to the floor underneath her, only supported by Soren’s lower limbs as his grip on her hips painfully tightened. She began to struggle for some leverage, moving her heavy arms to try and lift herself up.

“Stay.” The growling click of his command sent her heart slamming against her chest so hard she felt it would bash itself against her bones and give out. Panic rose through her lust filled haze to every nerve ending as she felt Soren’s cock
inside her pussy, stretching her to the brink of what she thought was humanly possible.

!” she choked out and attempted to rise again. Two hands gripped her shoulders and slammed her back down into the floor. That menacing growl deepening and crawling over her skin like tiny needles, kicking in her fight or flight instincts. Her knees bruised against the floor as the weight of him curled over her back, his face at the nape of her neck. The growl vibrated through him and she could
it knocking against every bone in her body. He completely incapacitated her, his enormous frame caging her in. In her desperation, Lucia was keenly aware of everything around her,
in her
, on top of her. Soren’s warm breath fanned the back of her neck as he scented her, blowing the small curls every which way. Something probed the opening of her cervix and she froze.

A squeak bubbled in her throat at the uncertainty of what was happening. Soren groaned, resting his forehead against her unruly hair. “I am… implanting…,” he growled and jerked his hips snuggly against her, going still other than his heaving chest at her back. The sting of her wounds didn’t even register.

” she squawked, all too aware of the temperature change in her womb as something slipped, and
inside. Her body betrayed her alert mind as it began to overheat, and spark alive again. Soren moaned as his cock twitched and pulsed inside of her. He ground against her ass, the movement causing his sac to brush against her clit. Soren did it again, and again until Lucia came for the nth time. Her fingers curled and gripped the carpet in a painful clench as her pussy clamped down on the impossibly massive swell of his cock, threatening to split her in two with how her muscles pulled taught. Peripheral vision sparked and clouded as she forgot to, no
, breathe. Every tendon stretched and contracted in a soul shaking seizure of pleasure. She tried grasping for control of her body to tell it to function, but couldn’t take hold. The punishing onslaught of tremors milked the orgasm, sending every sensory on the fritz.

Soren roared.

Lucia’s mind cracked and she gasped, the sharp intake of air in her starved lungs sending a high pitched whine into the room.  Her chest shook and convulsed with each hurried, deep pull of sweet oxygen. Limbs coming alive, she flailed, scratched and screeched in mindless, blissful aftermath. “W-what-,” gasp-moan-whimper “What did you do!” Her eyelids drooped heavily and she tried pulling herself away as Soren gripped her to his chest and collapsed to his side, trapping her in the cage of all six of his limbs.

As her orgasm ebbed and with it whatever was in the
, she slowly went limp, completely wrung dry. Her head lolled against his arm and the sounds of heavy panting was the only noise made. She couldn’t even properly feel alarm that his cock was still swollen, firmly stuffed inside her pussy and
. Her brain was short circuiting as she tried to string together coherent thoughts and effectively relay them. Anger
, numbing bliss
and apprehension coursed through her bloodstream like the best drug she’d never had.

“Not hurt you,” Soren chopped out between heaves. “Go limp soon.” Soren’s inability to form full sentences let her know she wasn’t the only one struggling.

I’m going to murder Re’Len.


Soren agonized over his actions as Lucia’s breathing became heavy in her slumber. His
was still pumping into her womb and it was blissful and he hated himself for loving it so much. Her pheromones had turned him inside out and he’d lost control of himself.

Soren couldn’t remember
mating before. Had he mated in his life before enslavement?

If it felt like this every time...

His mind reeled and he couldn’t imagine how any
could go without
. He wanted to do it again already and he wasn’t even finished yet. When his hips involuntarily jerked once more, he felt dirty for taking pleasure while the human in his arms was asleep. He couldn’t withdraw yet without harming her or himself. It was torture, feeling her squeezed so tightly around him and the pulsing of his annex and sac as they continued to betray his will and drain his fluids into her womb.

A tiny part of his mind tried to convince him it was just nature taking its course; he wasn’t taking pleasure while she slept, it was just his body

Soren groaned as another tremor wracked his frame and the embarrassment of his behavior had him burying his face in her soft, wild curls.

Chapter 5

Hours later, Lucia mumbled and smacked her lips together during her attempt to wake up. The dry, cottony texture of her tongue had her grimacing and trying to wet her throat with saliva. She was burning up and her hairline was damp with sweat. It felt like she was wrapped in a breathing furnace.


Her eyes popped open and she went rigid. Blue arms were wrapped around her, cushioning her body from the floor and her legs were entangled with Soren’s. As her body slowly woke up little by little, she began to wiggle free, and then realized Soren was still

Soren woke with a stretch and withdrew with a slurping, sucking sound; the lewd noise and loss of warmth and weight between her legs caused her to shiver and bite back a moan. A hot gush of sweet, earthy smelling fluid wet her thighs and the floor under her hip until she was half sitting in a puddle of apple green come. Lucia’s eyes widened slightly, wondering how the hell Soren hadn’t shriveled into a raisin after ejaculating a small lake. Pushing herself to her knees, Lucia paused as a cramp released in her abdomen and some of the weight and pressure she’d been feeling released in another
of Soren’s come flooding her pussy and running down her skin. Horrified and slightly intrigued –
but mostly horrified!
-, she wrinkled her nose and threw an incredulous glare at Soren, who in turn looked sheepish and averted his gaze down and to the side.

“I will get the beam lash,” he said, his velvety deep voice back to normal; what she was used to and not that terrible, spine cracking growl from before. Lucia watched him raise, eyes snapping to his semi hard strange cock and bulging in quiet alarm.
My poor snatch!

“Why?” she finally asked when he turned his back and exited the room only to emerge moments later with the lash. She struggled to her feet, hand slapping into the puddle of goop on accident. Shivering at the raunchy, filthy state of her body, she shook out her fingers and the come went flying in stringy webs across the carpet.
Oh, gross!
Wiping the remaining slime against the flimsy wrinkled dress she still had on, she turned her attention back to the alien who was now kneeling before her and exposing his back. Even on his knees, Soren was almost eye level with her.

“I disobeyed,” he moved his face but stopped himself before he looked up into her eyes directly. “I did not extract myself from you when ordered.” Shame emanated in waves from his body and the tone in his voice. “I do not know what came over me.” A visible tremor wracked through his body when he shut his eyelids, cock twitching even as he was bent over in submission for punishment.

Rolling her eyes to the ceiling, Lucia let out an exasperated sigh and snatched up the lash. The movement had her swaying on her feet while she tried to get used to the sore, bow legged feeling between her legs. Come oozed down past her calf to her ankle, tickling the entire way. “Get up you big idiot. I’m not whipping you.” Soren’s head snapped to look at her so quickly she could hear tendons popping in protest. “I should!” she amended, not wanting him to think what they did was okay even as her body nearly gravitated toward him for another mind shattering orgasm. She couldn’t whip another being though, especially with the beam lash. It was raw energy that sliced across the skin and felt like liquid fire; you wouldn’t bleed, you’d welt. Lucia visibly shuddered. She didn’t even believe in slavery, she just wasn’t about to divulge that information yet. Once they were on Dor Nye, she would tell him. But he wasn’t the one she was truly aggravated with.


“Grrrrr,” Lucia harrumphed loudly and stomped her way to the door.

Soren’s eyes widened and he regarded her warily. “Is this a threat cry?” The question only made Lucia more irritated. She made a swipe at the panel and the door opened. Stopping for a moment she turned back around as she remembered something.

“Soren, what did you mean by ‘

“You are fertile,” he replied, getting to his feet and once again causing her to crane her neck. “My
will only extend when implanting my egg into a fertile female.” Soren said this scientifically, as if this was some kind of conference between lab monkeys and not apocalyptic information.

?” Lucia screeched, eliciting a wince from Soren. She held up a hand, cutting him off when he began to repeat himself about his
. “I heard what you said the first time,” she shrilled. “Your cock lays
?” The queasy feeling gripping her stomach had her puffing her cheeks in an attempt to keep the bile in her throat from rising further.

“I do not understand this reference to Earth’s domesticated fowl.”

“Mother of Pearl,” Lucia gripped her forehead and pointed at his limp appendage that could almost be a fifth arm hanging between his legs. “Your

Soren looked down and repeated the word, tasting it on his tongue. “This is a strange word for my annex.
. I like this word.” He nodded once as if to say he’d keep it. “My root is inside my cock. It is what breached your womb.”

Lucia’s scalp pulled tight and tingled, itching and stinging at the harrowing knowledge this freaky alien
laid a fucking egg
. And
inside her
no less! Turning back around, Lucia marched out of the room and yelled out into the ship. “Wade!”

“Yes captain?”

“Pull up the Alien Species Database and search Melier.”

“Yes captain.” The ships main screen lit up with whirring information until blue bolded text and a holographic of a male similar to Soren’s physique rotated in front of her. “Species: Melier originating from planet 8457 in Frolten Galaxy, known as Melierun. Population is unknown. Life expectancy is one hundred twenty space terms. Species is omnivorous-”

“That’s nice Wade, but skip to reproduction please,” Lucia scowled and gripped the edge of the controls dashboard. Lucia refused to look behind her, even though she felt Soren’s presence drawing ever near. It was like her body couldn’t
trying to orbit closer to his heat.

“Yes captain. Melier are originally a hive species consisting of many males and one breeding female. This is still practiced in rural regions of Melierun while more populated regions mostly consist of monogamous mating pairs.” A hologram of the female appeared and Lucia couldn’t help but grimace. The pregnant females were very, very bloated. “Females carry up to twenty fertilized eggs at a time from multiple hive males, bringing to term as many as three fetuses per gestational period. Gestation is six months.”

“Are humans and Melier compatible, Wade?”

Lucia held her breath while the moments ticked by.

“No captain. There are some species compatible with-”

“Thank you, Wade,” she sagged with relief, knees freely knocking together.

Disaster fucking averted!

Another trail of come oozed down her other leg and it got colder the further it went, reminding her she was in need of a very hot shower. When she turned around, she nearly flattened herself against a still naked Soren.

“We are not compatible, Loo-Sha?” His hairless brows pulled together in an openly curious, if not disappointed, expression that was a little unnerving. She wasn’t sure what to say. Her mouth bobbed open, closed and opened again. They were
physically compatible.
, she thought to herself as her eyes strayed to his cock again before she closed her lids and sighed.

“We’ll talk about this later.”


The hot water sluiced her body and it was energizing.
Oh sweet hot water
, she hummed. Even the bland soap that reeked of chemicals couldn’t ruin her relish. Thinking of Re’Len and Soren though, could and did.

Why can’t you just shut up long enough for me to have a tiny bit of peace?

It’s not in my nature. We need to think about all this!

I really am losing my mind, always having conversations with myself.

Re’Len. Soren. Drugged. Orgy. Sex crazed mewling. Egg laying. Copious amounts of


Lucia slapped the sensor with her slippery palm and the water shut off. She wrung the excess water from her hair before stepping under the body dryer. The warm air circulated around her and she fluffed through her wet curls until they were just slightly damp and the rest of her skin was dry. Since her own clothes weren’t clean and there was no way she was ever putting that dress back on anytime soon, she was left with wearing one of the clean spacesuits she’d found in the cabin. She stepped into the oversized suit and pulled the zipper from her calf, up her body and to her neck. The synthetic fabric cinched to her skin to fit her body just right.

Her mind went in circles as she tried to piece together all that had happened in the past two days and the questions that begged to be answered. Would the Treps leave her alone or were they lying in wait outside Sanru rotation? They really were a sore bunch, and the trouble they’d wrought for a slave and a merchant ship was really ridiculous. Lu knew it wasn’t about
she’d taken, but that she’d
at all.

Maybe I really should find a new line of work. Or go legit. I
make a decent antiquity merchant.

What was she going to do with Soren? She couldn’t keep him as a
. Maybe as a paid servant? No, that wouldn’t work. Her family had servants already and it would look really strange if Lucia came home with someone so alien,
to serve her. Her mother didn’t know what she
did, so it might make her ask questions Lu didn’t want to answer. And she couldn’t just
him to fend for himself. He had no idea how the universe really worked, and the idea of someone taking advantage of Soren made Lucia seethe.

You’re stuck with him.

, necessarily. He was amusing, when he wasn’t sniffing the air like a bloodhound and going weird on her.

But what about


The sex! It was wet, wild and fucking scary. You loved it.

Lucia stopped short, curled her fingers and raised her shoulders in annoyance. “I will not talk to myself, I will not talk to myself
, I will not talk to myself

“Natives approaching the ship, captain.”


Re’Len was next on her list of issues that continued to grow, it seemed.
How could she?
Lucia thought she’d been a sweet lady, but she’d been tricked! Last night’s events replayed in her mind as she walked through the ship at a thoughtful pace. It was like a vid; perfectly crisp images flitted behind her eyelids of bodies writhing in a wave of raw, animalistic lust. Her first orgy and she wasn’t sure she would ever want to see one again.

The door slid open and Lucia descended the ramp, a sour look puckering her forehead. “Re’Len,” she began and stopped short. The male on Re’Len’s right was the one from the previous night; the one who
at her. He was grinning now, as if he could read her mind. He knew she recognized him.

“Lucia,” Re’Len smiled, a mixture of regret and warmth. “I must apologize about the festivities.”

“Y-yes,” Lu stuttered and dragged her gaze from the male to glare at Re’Len. “I was reduced to a mewling hussy! Literally
and whining and rolling around. I don’t even want to think about what shape I’d be in if
had drunk whatever was served last night.”
I didn’t even think of that until this moment. He’d have ripped my body apart.
“I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful for all you’ve done, because I am. I’m very, very appreciative.”

“I understand,” Re’Len nodded. “The drink is called
; it is made from the
vines, once the harvest is complete. To us, it aids in pleasure but I have never seen its effect on humans. I must say, your reaction was beautiful.”

“Very beautiful,” the grinning male purred.

Lucia’s jaw slackened.

“It is a shame you did not join with us,” he said, a wicked gleam in his green eyes.

“But,” Re’Len continued. “Next year, I will be sure to supply another choice of drink, so you will not be forced to endure
effects. That is, if you will join us next year. You are welcome to.”

Lucia pursed her lips, unsure what to say. Re’Len and the Sanruki people of Yu’Lem had been nothing but kind, if not strange. It seemed like Lu was being really rude about the entire thing.
It’s just sex.
But it was the unknown of what was happening. She really did feel like she was going crazy last night. It seemed pointless now to fuss on about it, after they apologized and invited her back.

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