The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: The Melier (Women of Dor Nye Book 1)
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A grin widened her lips. “Wait, so you’re talking about Dor Nye aren’t you? You want to make a new alliance between

Gi’Ren sighed. “It will not work.”

“The probability is high,” Val’Zun agreed. “Dor Nye is the only trade planet we do not have alliances with. Humans are dirty, lesser creatures.” Grams snorted at this and Val’Zun continued on in a pinched tone, as if it was paining him to say it. “But they may not be hopeless.”

Lucia giggled. Zun looked
put out after that admission. She still couldn’t believe Soren hadn’t told her any of this. Why though? Maybe he thought she wouldn’t support it. Even the thought was ridiculous. She wanted to bridge their worlds too, and she hadn’t even seen Melierun yet. “This is good!” she nodded.

“It is nice you think so,” Gi’Ren grinned then. “We will use you to convince them.”

Lucia coughed and took a drink of water. “That’s a
idea!” She looked between them both. “If you haven’t noticed, I don’t know when to shut up. I’m the worst possible candidate to
a human hating planet to create a new alliance!”

“I have to agree,” Grams said. “She’s much too combative.”

“It is you or no one,” Val’Zun said. “It is you that will be the mother of Val’Ja’s progeny. It is you that will
our people humans are not worthless.”

Lucia groaned.

“This is going to end badly.”


“I can’t believe you would keep that from me, Soren!” Lucia paced in front of the couch of her wing. Soren was on the comm. Val’Zun quickly shoved a pouf out of the way before she tripped on it. “You just disappear and then I have to find out from Grams that you’re at the
, preparing to take seat at Assembly! When were you going to tell me?”

“When the time was right,” Soren sighed. “It is important I do this for many reasons, Loo-Sha.”

“No, I completely get it,” she softened her voice. “I’m very proud that you’re doing this. That doesn’t get you off the hook for keeping it from me though.” Lu exhaled, rubbing on her stomach and plopping down on the couch while she looked into the screen of her comm. “When will you be home?”

Soren groaned. “Maybe tomorrow night.”

” she hopped back up. “How am I to sleep?”


The night without Soren as her body pillow was extremely uncomfortable. She tried pillows, blankets, stuffing cushions between her knees, sleeping in different positions- nothing was working. Lucia huffed and lay on her back, staring in the darkness at what she assumed was the ceiling. An ache began in her lower back and she tried her side. After a few minutes, another ache started. Lucia sighed as she started to get angry out of her desperation to get some shut eye.

“I cannot sleep when you make that much noise,” Val’Zun hissed from the couch in the main room.

I can’t seem to sleep at all.

After five minutes, Lucia flipped again and tried
pillows between her knees instead of one. That worked for about sixty seconds and then she let out a frustrated moan. Just when she was considering the couch in the den might be more comfortable, she heard the curtains

“Move over,” Val’Zun said gruffly, as if he was so
. The bed dipped and Lucia froze.

“What are you doing?” she whispered harshly. She didn’t know
she was whispering. Something about the dark just instantly caused her to whisper. Val’Zun didn’t answer, he just rolled her over and lay down on the bed.

“Go ahead,” Val’Zun grunted. Lucia didn’t hesitate. She placed his arms in the spots that she deemed comfortable. A couple minutes passed by and she was uncomfortable again. Val’Zun hissed. “What is wrong now?”

“I can’t get comfortable! If you haven’t noticed, there’s a boulder between us!” she whisper yelled. “And you’re stiff as a board.”

Val’Zun sighed into the darkness. Lucia couldn’t see his face, but she had a suspicion he was rolling his eyes. She tried moving his arms again and stuffing a pillow under her stomach between them. That felt a little better. She draped a leg over his thigh and that was
better. Lucia
her comfortability and laid her arm over Zun’s chest. “Just stay like that the rest of the night, and I’ll be set.”

“Now I am uncomfortable.”

“Too bad,” Lucia sleepily drawled, and drifted to sleep.


Lucia yawned and stretched, snuggling closer to her warm body pillow. Her nose tickled and she scrunched it up. She opened her eyes and saw the sheet pitching into a tent. Lucia lifted her face to look up at her Melier pillow and he was scowling down at her.

“Your pheromones will not
,” Zun seethed. “And I could not sleep with your constant snoring.”

“I do
snore!” Lucia moved and her shin slipped, kicking his cock stand. Zun’s whole body jerked and he wheezed.

,” Lu made an
face. Zun looked even more furious. “Just… stay still a little longer. I’m still tired.”

“I do not know how Val’Ja puts up with this

slipped again, eliciting another jolt and bark of displeasure. Her chest shook with silent glee as Zun continued to grumble and growl. She drifted back to sleep.


Soren was gone another night and Lucia’s discomfort was at an all-time high. When Gi’Ren refused to be her body pillow after Val’Zun purposefully decided to sleep on the den couch, she was pulling at her hair and roaming in circles. She’d tried a bath to relax her and it hadn’t helped. She’d built a pillow fort and tried sleeping on that; no good.

Laying against the pillows with the solar lights on low, Lucia called Soren. It was late, but she just wanted to check up on him, hear his voice and say goodnight. When he answered and she saw his face, she sighed and smiled. “Hello handsome,” Lu greeted. They chatted for a few minutes and Lucia felt a little more relaxed.

A while passed by after she’d ended her call and she just lay there, thinking about the future. Would Soren’s parents really dislike her, as Zun and Ren implied? Would her youngling be hated by people who didn’t even know her, just because she’s half human? Who could hate a youngling, of any species?

Lucia brushed a few stray curls off her forehead and exhaled. She really shouldn’t have these types of thoughts when she was trying to relax. It was only riling her up.


A grumbling Val’Zun stalked into her room and lay on her bed beside her, glowering. Lucia cocked her head suspiciously. “Are you here to be my pillow?” His yellow eyes slowly curved her way, widening and shrinking repeatedly.

He’s trying to control his temper.

I have no idea why I make him so mad.

You’re rude.

That’s beside the point.

“Your incessant whining has turned Val’Ja soft,” he stated bluntly.

“Soren called you?” Lu sucked in her lips.

“Yes. He threatened my annex if I did not offer my body as your
.” Lucia could tell Zun was on the verge of biting a
and shredding her sheets. His claws had lengthened just a smidge.

I will not laugh.

I will not laugh.


I will not laugh!


Zun’s growl clicked along menacingly.

“If you both do not shut up,” Gi’Ren yelled from the couch. “
will do more than threaten your annex.”

Lucia arranged his arms again and tucked in her pillow like she had the previous night. His growl was ever present and it was hard to relax. At some point, her fingers reached up to rub his jaw and scratch under his chin. The growling stopped abruptly and Lucia figured it was due to surprise. She pet his scales there along his neck and scratched some more. The silence soon turned to reluctant purring and Lucia was able to drift to sleep.

They’re such an easy bunch of beasties.

Chapter 21

Days came and went and Lucia thought her stomach was going to literally peel like a berry and the babe inside would pop out. Her stomach felt too tight as the skin stretched over it and her belly button poked. When she voiced this aloud one day, it sent Soren, Val’Zun and Gi’Ren into a tizzy. They paled and immediately called Dr. Trex to see if that was possible, despite Lucia telling them she was just describing how she
. In between wheezes as she tried to catch her breath, of course.

Family from around the territory and her Quar Loy relatives began arriving and the guest rooms throughout the wings began to fill. The residence was abuzz with familiar faces and the amount of humans milling about was making Val’Zun and Gi’Ren irritable. Often she found them sequestered in her wing since it didn’t have any guest rooms, watching terribly made vids from the capital, in order to avoid the
‘excess amount of humans’

“You two have to stop being antisocial,” Lu began one day as she lay backward over a pouf. It was surprisingly stress relieving for her spine. She wasn’t sure how she was going to get back up, but. “If you want our worlds to be allies one day, you have to convince the
regular human
populace you’re not human-hating baboons.”

“We are not baboons!” they said at the same time. Lucia got a sense of deja vu and she couldn’t help the smile that split her lips.

“Focus,” she coached them. “Don’t you want to support your brother? He’s out there making nice with the family, showing that he’s not a monster and that he’s beginning to love this planet the rest of us call home.” Lucia refrained from saying
‘be more like him’
because that never went over well with her and Frellie and she had suspicions it would be ten times worse with this bunch. At least they both looked like they were contemplating her words when she put it like that. “Now come on, grab the
hide and help me off this pouf.” Lu waved her arms in the air.

They grumbled and helped her up and slowed down to keep pace with her waddling. The gathering room was being setup with lots of cushions. Her Quar Loy grandparents were there, which she was most excited to see. Grandma Ryla was just happy to see another
join the family. She’d been the
‘dirty secret’
of her mom’s side, which was ridiculous. It was much better now, but back in her day, there were even less interspecies relationships. They all felt up her exposed belly when she got in the room, which vexed Zun and Ren, since it was another
thing humans did. Every time the babe kicked and she would rush to have Soren feel, they would be highly disturbed. Apparently Melier females were very private about their pregnancies all around.

“This is going to be a big youngling,” Grandma Ryla cooed at her stomach and she giggled. It was true. Lucia felt she’d have a permanent bow to her spine after the birth.

She waddled her way to the middle of the room and directed Zun and Ren to spread out the
hide in the center on top of the cushion of other hides strewn about. Soren found his way to her and sunk down to kiss the belly before standing and kissing her. His lips were nice and warm, as always, matching the warmth of his hands that stroked her skin tenderly. Lucia sighed as that
curled up her core. Zun and Ren groaned and tried not to breathe as her pheromones assaulted them even more.

“Sorry guys,” she whispered and giggled into Soren’s lips as she kissed him again. Her fingers ran over his bald head, scratching under his jaw. Soren started to purr as he pulled away, his tail coming up to tickle the back of her neck. “Hey, how come my
are the only ones that affect you? Why not Grams or Nova or Frellie?”

Soren roared a laugh as Zun and Ren looked horrified.

“I’m serious,” Lu persisted. “We’ve established it’s not
the fish perfume. Soren said my scent was potent before his
.” Lucia gave him a dirty look at that. “It’s not the Yadana blood, else you’d be affected by Nova, Frellie and Gran.”

“I do not know,” Val’Zun moaned, rubbing his nose as if it was sore. “Some human’s pheromones are less offensive. Yours are…” he growled this last part. “
.” Zun and Ren were completely disgusted about it.

“It is most annoying,” Gi’Ren’s breathing was stifled, like he was trying to only gulp enough oxygen to hold out for a few seconds longer.

Lucia bubbled laughter. She turned her attention back to the hides. “Are you
you want to use the
hide? I mean, it’s really more of a token of an important milestone in your life;
life, really.” Lucia walked around the rug, eyeing it and rubbing her lips. “I don’t want to

“We will clean the
,” he mimicked her emphasis. “This too, will be a milestone in
life. Two birds, one stone.” Soren smiled with his big teeth and it was contagious.

It’s so cute when he picks up human expressions.

Zun and Ren grunted, ruining the moment.


“Soren, just do
,” Lucia moaned with her ass in the air. Her nightgown was tossed over her back and she was on all fours in the middle of her bed. “I
you.” Soren hadn’t touched her in
because he was convinced Dr. Trex was wrong and the babe would
him fucking her mother.

Soren paced the floor at the end of the bed, chancing glances at her dripping pussy and growling in frustration. “This is not wise, Loo-Sha,” he grated. The tip of his cock was sticking up from the band in his sleep pants, already oozing sap.

“Soren,” Lucia warned him sternly. “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to scream bloody murder and wake the whole goddamned house!” Her voice rose to a shrill end. Soren growled, gusted air and continued pacing. His hands scrubbed his face and his head.

“A’Drast’s mane, I cannot fucking breathe!” Val’Zun groaned from the main room.

“Ja’Rokno would be less painful,” Gi’Ren added, muffled by something.

“Soren!” Lucia yelled and slipped her hand through her lips, circling her nub and inhaling sharply. Unable to help herself, she slipped a few digits into her sopping channel and moaned loudly. It sucked her fingers and slurped and clenched, sending sounds throughout the room. Three groans responded, sending Lucia over that first edge and she cried out with a swift, short orgasm. Her fingers kept working as she still wasn’t satisfied. One wasn’t enough. Her fingers weren’t

Lucia’s breathing was jagged and loud and needy. “
” she cried. Soren roared and
through the curtains. Lu could hear him gasping for air and the
of the curtains again as he re-entered. With a growl, he bounded up onto the bed, dropping to his knees behind her and then he slapped away her hand. Soren didn’t even remove his pants; he just pushed them down and shoved his swollen, throbbing cock as deep as he could. The satisfied, almost pained, moan from them both was like music to her ears.

Immediately Lucia’s pussy clamped around him and she came loudly. “
,” she demanded. The orgasms she’d had just
fulfilling. They didn’t shake her core and make her lose her mind. She
that earth shattering orgasm. “Fuck me,” she gasped around his thrusts. His pelvis slapping against her ass and thighs was almost a deafening clap.

Lucia’s pussy felt like it was being split and she
it. The chills of that orgasm she wanted started licking its way from the arches of her feet, climbing up her calves and pulling so tightly she couldn’t move. It flowed down from the tips of her fingers, the palms of her hands and sung down her back until both met in the middle and her womb
, wringing her body like a rag as her orgasm gushed back over Soren’s cock. Her shaky screams were ear splitting and she couldn’t stop herself, as she began to shake and vibrate with the violence of it.

Soren roared so loud it rung her ears as he started ejaculating but he didn’t stop, he kept going. One orgasm wasn’t enough for him either. Lucia was near out of her mind, ripping at the sheets as she held on. Her knees were soaked and puddling with her fluids and Soren’s, causing her to slide forward only to be pulled back against Soren as he came again, filling her shaking, seizing cunt while they both clamored.


Fifteen minutes later, Lucia was ushering her parents and grandparents from her wing. She and Soren had woken the household and they’d all thought she was going into labor. When the door had crashed open, Val’Zun and Gi’Ren had apparently been rushing to leave the wing and were halfway across the room when Lucia had her much needed
orgasm. Gi’Ren made it past the group and out of the wing to safety and fresh oxygen, but Val’Zun had dropped to his knees as Lucia’s gush of pheromones hit the air. The tip of his cock was jutting up over the top of his sleep pants, as Soren’s had, and he started coming there on the floor in front of her family.

Val’Zun was drowning in her pheromones as he barely was able to hold himself on his hands and knees while stream after stream of his green sap spewed across the polished white stone floor at Grams feet. He was a snarling, growling, gasping mess and when he tried to get up, he slammed back down on his knees, panting for air as he spouted a string of curses in his native tongue.

“Oh boy,” Grams had said, careful to step around the large green puddle as Zun was vibrating with aftershocks and choking on the pheromones still thickly perfuming the air. He’d thankfully covered the tip of his oozing, still hard and throbbing cock with the one of his hands after he’d stopped coming when he tried to get up. Lucia wasn’t sure her Grams would’ve been able to properly function if she saw it and it may have scarred the rest of her family. More than the puddle of green come that they all had to walk around, that is.

“I cannot take this!” Val’Zun wheezed, trying to get up again and failing. Gi’Ren was nowhere to be found near Lucia’s wing of the residence. “Loo-Sha,” he panted, snarling on a moan as she walked past him in her nightgown, legs covered in mixed fluids. “Back away,” he barked and groaned, trying to stand again.

“Zun, what’s wrong?” Lu reached out but stopped at his snarl. Soren emerged, his pants pulled all the way back up. He offered his brother an arm and Zun took it, staggering to his own feet and heavily leaning on Soren.

“This house is so messed up,” Frellie threw her hands in the air and left the wing. “When she’s really in labor, someone please wake me.”

Soren half dragged Zun through the curtains; followed by the sound of the shower turning on. Lucia’s brows rose as she turned back to her family. “Well.”

“Try to keep it down dear,” Grams chastised. “Non-humans and roaring in the middle of the night is the stuff of nightmares.” Her gaze slunk back to the green puddle on the ground and she carefully stepped around it, leaving. “Goodnight sweetling!”

A little while later, once her family was gone, Lucia ventured into the cleansing room. Soren was leaning up against the sink counter and Zun was sitting on the floor of the shower, still panting as cold water ran over his body. Lucia grimaced. “Is he going to be okay?”

Soren grinned, kissing her forehead and then looking back at his poor brother. “He will live.”

“Yeah, but he
all over the floor in front of the
,” she whispered.

“I can hear you,” Zun growled. “I am
aware of what happened.” He went on to pant about
‘fucking pheromones’

Pressure released in Lucia’s abdomen and a gush of fluid splashed under her. She looked down at the puddle and back to Soren and Zun who were both staring at her. Lucia nodded furiously. “It’s time!”


An hour later, Lucia was on her knees in the gathering room, surrounded by her bleary eyed family as she breathed through another contraction. Gi’Ren had finally been found, hiding on the terrace as he tried to get his body under control. He and Zun sat beside Soren in the first ring of cushions, watching her with black gazes. Lu could tell they were nervous, since they’d never seen any birth of any kind.

Lucia had been wiped down and bathed in lavender scented water to help calm her. The robe she wore buttoned at the bust and flowed open down to her ankles. As she sat there, everything in front exposed from the belly down, she focused on inhaling through her nose and exhaling through her mouth. Women in her family took turns coming up to rub her shoulders and lower back, as was customary.

Dr. Trex was there too, to monitor her health. She didn’t mind and he’d become somewhat a part of her family over the months. His excitement about the birth was cute, and she knew she was in good hands.

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