The Manga Girl (25 page)

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Authors: Lorenzo Marks

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Manga Girl
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Chapter Thirty-Four


Nick stared up at the ceiling and tried to focus his eyes. Slowly, he sat up, feeling light-headed and dry-mouthed. A quick personal inspection revealed that he was naked, that all his bodily hair below the neck had been removed - and that he was also sporting a massive erection.

He couldn’t remember anything after drinking the Scotch in Johnny Ho’s living room and he had no idea how much time had passed. He stood up shakily and leaned on a table to steady himself. He noticed that there were silver chains attached to the table legs and with a jolt he realized that this was where Lucy had been trussed up in that degrading and painful posture. He looked around the basement with morbid curiosity. Unlike Nick’s own makeshift dungeon, this place had been fitted out as a fully functional torture chamber. A quick survey of the room revealed a number of metal cages of varying shapes and sizes, a medieval rack, chains hanging from the ceiling, a steel frame with leather cuffs attached, a sinister-looking iron box, a set of wooden stocks, a vertical pole, on top of which sat a gigantic dildo, and some rubber hoses and pumps, whose purpose, Nick could only guess at.

Seeing nobody else in the dungeon he went over to the stairs, his penis bouncing annoyingly before him. His mind in a turmoil, he needed to decide what to do, and in order to do that, he had to find out what had happened. He was practically certain that he had been drugged with scopolamine, and therefore Johnny Ho had compromised him in some way. His mind was a blank, so he could have done anything, and the fact that he was naked, sexually aroused, and depilated, did not bode well.

He quickly climbed the stairs, pushed open the trapdoor, and climbed out. The cabin again appeared to be deserted. The first order of business was to find something to wear. He went upstairs and discovered that the loft covered half of the cabin’s floor area and contained three bedrooms.

He went into the first room and encountered a petite Japanese girl in a skimpy maid’s outfit bending over the bed, and showing off her white panties. When she whirled around, wide-eyed, Nick was dismayed to see that it was not Lucy, although the girl did have a striking resemblance to her ‘Miki’ persona. They both froze for a moment and then the maid’s eyes dropped briefly to Nick’s swollen dick. He put his hands over it and said, “Bathroom?”

The girl pointed towards a pine door in the corner and hurried shyly out of the bedroom. Nick located a towel which he wrapped around his waist. It was an improvement, but his wretched hard-on refused to subside. He went down the short passageway and stood at the balcony that overlooked the downstairs area.

The windows were open and summer air filled the room. Outside, Nick could hear somebody grunting and panting, punctuated by an intermittent smacking sound. He padded downstairs, opened the back door and cautiously went out onto the deck.

Johnny Ho was sitting on a swing-chair watching Satoru training Lucy out in the grass clearing. She was still naked, although Nick noticed that her body had undergone some slight modifications - her nose had been pierced by a small gold ring, and inside her mouth - which was forced open by a metal ring gag - he saw that her tongue had been adorned with three silver studs.

Lucy was skipping with a pink plastic jump-rope. Her entire body was shining with sweat and her wet hair stuck to her face and neck. As she pounded her bare feet on the dry grass, her breasts bobbed wildly up and down, saliva dribbled off her chin, and her unfocused eyes rolled in their sockets.

She was clearly exhausted, but whenever she failed to raise her knees to waist height, Satoru - who, Nick observed, had a white plaster stuck on the bridge of his nose - would deliver a sharp crack with a bamboo cane across her exposed buttocks.

Johnny Ho glanced across, and said, “Nick, welcome back. Come and join me.”

Noticing Kono sitting at the far end of the deck, Nick sat on the swing-chair, a respectable distance from Johnny Ho. He was becoming increasingly uncomfortable about his rigid cock, and wondered which narcotic was coursing through his veins to have caused it.

“She’s been at it for almost an hour,” Johnny Ho said. “In this heat, she could very well collapse from dehydration.”

Unable to take his eyes off Lucy’s glistening, bouncing body, Nick anxiously said, “I thought you wanted to subjugate her, not kill her.”

“It’s all a question of degree,” Johnny Ho said. “Satoru knows exactly what he’s doing. He’ll push her right to the brink. The idea is to use the physical pain and stress to systematically dismantle her personality. When she is finally broken, he’ll rebuild her exactly the way I want her.”

The admiring way in which Johnny Ho spoke, left Nick in no doubt at all that he was dealing with a complete sociopath. Of one thing he was absolutely certain - he had to find a way to stop this before Lucy was lost to him forever.

The cute little Japanese maid came out with a jug of iced fruit juice, a glass of which was offered to Nick. As parched as he was, Nick was reluctant to slake his thirst while Lucy was being forced to exercise naked in the burning heat.

“You might as well drink it,” Johnny Ho said. “Lucy’s not getting any, regardless.”

Unable to contain himself, Nick guiltily sucked on the straw as the cold liquid slid down his throat like nectar. He could only hope that Lucy’s exhaustion prevented her from comprehending the tormenting sight.

“Why are you doing this to her?” Nick asked.

“I told you why. To restore my honor. Plus, I enjoy it.”

Nick said, “I’m assuming Lucy isn’t the first, then.”

“Hell, no. There’ve been plenty of others. Yuriko, the maid that brought our drinks, has a rather intimate knowledge of my dungeon. She was a certified dental assistant before I broke her in. Now she just cooks and cleans - amongst other things. I’ll show you after dinner.”

Nick was suddenly struck by how distressingly bizarre this all was. He was sitting in a state of undress, cock erect, watching the love of his life being publicly humiliated, and the man responsible was inviting him to dinner. Despite the fact that he was being held against his will, Nick’s status had assumed that of a house guest.

Lucy’s legs finally buckled and she collapsed onto the hot grass, her breath coming in rasps and her chest heaving. Satoru brought the cane down sharply across her nipples, leaving a wicked red stripe and Lucy’s body jerked in pain. He shouted at her, presumably to get up, but the poor creature simply had nothing left. Wretchedly, Nick watched as Satoru grabbed a fistful of Lucy’s hair and jerked her upright. She slumped to her knees but managed to avoid pitching forward.

Satoru spoke to Johnny Ho who nodded, and then said to Nick. “Let me explain how this is going to work. I want Lucy to believe that you are getting sadistic pleasure from her ordeal. Eventually she’ll believe that instead of loving her, you just think of her as a sex toy to be abused for your pleasure. Satoru and I will continually reaffirm to her that this is, in fact, the truth. She’ll see you eating well and sleeping comfortably and her resentment will gradually turn into pure hatred. When I am convinced that I have destroyed her love for you, I will let you go.”

“Aren’t you worried that I will go to the cops?” Nick said, regretting it immediately.

Johnny Ho smiled. “I’ve already arranged an insurance policy for that which I will tell you about over dinner.”

Nick’s heart sank. Whatever it was must have occurred while he had been drugged.

“There’s only one snag,” Nick said. “There’s no way I’m going to hurt Lucy.” He glanced at Kono. “Even if you threaten to kill me.”

Johnny Ho raised an eyebrow. “You know something, Nick? I really do believe you mean that. Of course, under the effects of scopolamine, you would do whatever I tell you to.”

Nick looked at him despondently. Johnny Ho could turn him into an automaton and there would be nothing he could do about it.

“But I only wanted to use that for my other purposes,” Johnny Ho went on. “Also, it’s not how I want to proceed with this. Neither of you will be drugged,” he leaned forward menacingly, “because, I want you both to remember, Nick. I want her tears and screams and pleading as you debase her, etched in your memories forever.”

Hearing that, Nick realized that Johnny Ho was capable of feelings after all - the sick fuck was actually jealous of him.

Johnny Ho continued, “So it’s important to me that you are both aware of what is going on. But in case you won’t fully cooperate, I’m going to have to give you an incentive. Every day Satoru will give you a choice. Either you can torture Lucy, or he will. Satoru will decide what you have to do to her, of course, but if you balk, then you can watch while he takes over. I can assure you that Satoru’s punishments will be much harsher than yours.”

“You mean if I agree to hurt her, I’ll be saving Lucy from even greater pain?”

“Cruel to be kind, you could say,” Johnny Ho said.
Chapter Thirty-Five


Nick watched helplessly as Lucy wavered on her knees. His dick was still rock-hard under the towel, and he put his hands over his lap. Until now, she hadn’t acknowledged his presence, whether through fear or exhaustion, and he found it upsetting that she just stared dully ahead.

Johnny Ho said, “She hasn’t been given anything to drink all day, and before she started her exercises, Satoru fed her two large spoonfuls of table salt. She must be desperate for something to drink by now. Let’s go and see.”

He picked up the still half-full jug of fruit juice and walked over to Lucy. Her eyes locked onto the jug and she let out a low moan through her ring gag. Pitifully, she raised her arm but Johnny Ho held it out of reach. Slowly he swung the jug to and fro in front of her face, and Lucy’s eyes followed its every move. She tried to swallow, but her throat was too dry and she gagged. Then Johnny Ho raised the jug to his lips and began to drink, and Lucy whimpered and a tear trickled down her face. When he had drunk his fill, Johnny Ho tipped the remainder onto the grass. Lucy immediately fell forward onto her hands and knees and poked out her studded tongue to try to salvage some of the liquid, but Satoru jerked her back up by her hair and delivered another blow of the cane across her ass. A series of desolate sobs emerged from deep in Lucy’s throat as Johnny Ho returned to the deck.

“Know what I’ve decided, Nick?” he asked. “Lucy’s not getting
to drink today.”

“Jesus Christ!” Nick said, seeing the despair in Lucy’s eyes. “She could go into shock!”

“She should be okay for electrolytes for a while with the salt she’s consumed. Satoru knows a lot about the effects of dehydration. Right now she should only be feeling the early effects - dry mouth, decreased production of saliva, impaired swallowing, and a craving for fluids - well, we all saw that.”

“You’re just going to leave her like that?” Nick asked, his panic rising.

“I am, yeah. But you can help her,” Johnny Ho said. “If you want to ease her thirst, you can - by pissing in her mouth.”

Nick looked at him, aghast.

“But if you’re going to do it, now’s the time. Or she remains thirsty,” Johnny Ho added.

Nick could only imagine the anguish the poor girl must be suffering. She was still making that choking sobbing noise and had a look of utter misery in her eyes. As abhorrent as the idea of publicly urinating into Lucy’s mouth was, Nick actually did believe that it was her only chance of relief.

Johnny Ho looked at his watch. “Not going to help your girl? Alright then…”

“Okay, okay,” Nick said. He stood and let the towel go, his thick penis sticking out before him. He had no idea when he had last urinated but at least he had a glass of juice in him. As he approached, Lucy’s eyes met his and he detected a flicker of recognition, although whether through drugs or pain, her mind was clearly addled.

Nick stopped with his cock level with her face and she looked fuzzily at its bulbous head. For a moment, it looked as if she was going to take it into her mouth, but then she just looked back up at him submissively.

With great effort, Nick said, “I’m sorry, Lucy, this is all they will let you drink right now.” Then as an afterthought he asked her, “Do you want it?”

He wondered if she understood his meaning, but then she imperceptibly nodded her head. Johnny Ho was right; she must have been absolutely desperate to quench her thirst. Nick tried to concentrate. If he couldn’t go, Johnny Ho might lose patience and then she would have to suffer for the whole night.

Slowly, he felt his bladder loosen and then with a sudden rush, a fountain of urine spurted out of his cock. Because of his erection, he had trouble controlling the spray, and at first, his piss blasted her in the eyes and up her ringed nostrils. She jerked her head back, and he guided the tip with his hands, directing the stream into her mouth. Lucy coughed as the yellow liquid hit the back of her throat, but she didn’t turn her head, instinctively understanding that she had to get as much inside her as possible.

Nick stood naked in the open air, urinating into the mouth of his girlfriend, while the three Japanese gangsters watched the show. His piss covered Lucy’s face and chest, mingling with her sweat, and dripped from her breasts. As the flow weakened, she was able to gulp it back more effectively. Finally, it slowed to a dribble and Nick shook the last drops onto her extended tongue. She turned her wet face up towards him and Nick was sure he detected a tiny light in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. Although restricted from speaking by the ring gag, it seemed to convey to Nick that she understood who he was and that he had come to save her - at least he dared to hope so. He put out his hand and tenderly stroked her damp hair but Satoru slapped it away.

Nick made a point of staring derisively at his taped nose and then walked back to his seat, his wretchedness tempered by a glimmer of hope that the two of them would somehow get out of this okay.




Dinner, Nick was informed, was at seven. Kono escorted him back and locked him inside the same room where he had regained consciousness… when exactly had that been? How long had he been here? Only Johnny Ho could tell him that.

To his amazement, the closet was now stocked with a selection of his clothes - which meant that somebody had been to his house, a thought that both disturbed and intrigued him. In the half bath he found his razor and other personal accessories. Like his clothes, these were items that only he would have selected. Feeling slightly nauseous at the thought, Nick realized that at some point he had been taken to his house and then returned here - and he remembered absolutely nothing about it! With a shiver running down his spine, Nick wondered what else he had done - or more accurately, what Johnny Ho had instructed him to do.

Nick dressed in a button-down shirt, slacks, and his brown docksiders. He wasn’t sure how formal Johnny Ho’s dinners were, but frankly, he didn’t give a shit. Despite Johnny Ho’s superficial courtesies, Nick knew he was as much a prisoner here as Lucy, and probably in as much danger.

At five to seven, Kono unlocked the door and Nick followed him to the stairs, noting that Kono no longer felt it necessary to brandish the gun. Looking down over the balcony, Nick saw Johnny Ho sitting at the dining table with Ken Yamaguchi, the shady guy he had met at Mama Bunko’s birthday party, and a strikingly elegant woman wrapped in a black latex dress cut low enough to reveal most of her round, white breasts.

As Nick came down the stairs, Johnny Ho glanced up and said, “Ah, Nick. We’re just about to start.”

Nick took a vacant seat and Johnny Ho introduced his guests. “I believe you’ve already met Ken. He oversees most of my business ventures.”

“Very good to see you again, Nick,” Yamaguchi said unctuously.

Nick didn’t return the greeting because something else had caught his attention - sitting in the middle of the table was his wood carving of Lucy.

“And this is Madam Takeda who runs an exclusive hostess club in Manhattan,” Johnny Ho continued, indicating the exotic woman who inclined her head. “She’s here to appraise Lucy as a prospective employee, once her training is complete.”

Startled, Nick said, “I thought the objective was to restore your manhood in front of your cronies.”

“Oh, it is. I’ll show her off when I need to. But I don’t want her hanging around twenty-four, seven, and I’ll need someone to watch over her in the meantime.”

Nick had no idea what kind of establishment Madame Takeda ran, but judging from her attire, there was every chance that Lucy’s duties would involve more than just serving drinks. A sudden vision of Lucy being forced to service an endless succession of elderly businessmen both appalled and terrified him.

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