The Manga Girl (26 page)

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Authors: Lorenzo Marks

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Manga Girl
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He lowered his eyes again to his wood carving and wondered what further surprises there were in store. He didn’t have long to wait. Johnny Ho rang a silver bell, and a moment later, Satoru led Yuriko and Lucy out of the kitchen.
Chapter Thirty-Six


Yuriko came first, and she was stark naked except for a number of leather straps encircling her body.
There was a thick collar around her neck, two more straps around her small pert breasts - fastened tightly enough to restrict the blood flow, giving them a reddish hue - and two more around her waist and thighs. But it was the rest of her kinky get-up that caused Nick to stare in disbelief - yet another strap cinched her knees together, and connected to that was a metal rod which ran up between her breasts and joined with her neck collar. Halfway up this, another rod stuck out at a forty-five degree angle, and her wrists were shackled to the far end, forcing her to stretch her arms out forward. Finally, Satoru had placed a large tray laden with Japanese food dishes upon her upturned palms.

The bindings on her knees meant that she couldn’t straighten her legs and had to walk in a kind of half-crouch, with her back and arms straight. Nick could see from the tension in her face, and the muscles straining in her slender thighs, that the posture was both awkward and painful. Johnny Ho’s guests didn’t show any sign of shock or disgust at the poor girl’s discomfiture as she lowered the tray to the table, and slid her trembling arms out from under it.

Nick now turned his eyes towards Lucy who was following behind. Although she wasn’t in such a contorted pose as Yuriko, her ‘attire’ was no less humiliating. She too, was effectively naked, and her jaws were still thrust wide apart by the degrading o-ring gag. Her arms, bound together at the elbows and wrists, were forced straight down behind her back, but it was what Satoru had done to her front that was causing most of her distress. A thin chain had been threaded through her nose ring and then connected to two sides of a circular silver tray that stuck out horizontally before her. Her breasts, resting on the tray, were connected by the nipples with a single clamp, and a selection of cigarillos had been stuck into the resulting cleavage. Two bottles of sake and some glasses also adorned the tray and their weight pulled on the chain, forcing her to strain her neck in order to keep her head up, and the tray level.

Satoru removed the bottles and glasses and Lucy let out an audible sigh of relief as the tension left the chain. As he served drinks, Satoru spoke quietly and Lucy knelt precariously beside Johnny Ho. Nick tried to make eye contact to try to reassure her, but she kept her eyes averted.

Nick found Lucy’s docility a little disconcerting. As painful as it was to see her like this, he drew strength from the hope that he could eventually find a way to save her - but Lucy’s customary willfulness seemed to have been completely extinguished. In their sex-play at home, although it had sometimes been a little wild, Nick had always stopped short of really hurting her. He had no idea what Lucy’s real pain threshold was, nor of what she had already been forced to endure.

As they ate, Johnny Ho and his guests talked amongst themselves in Japanese as if Nick wasn’t there. Their indifference served to emphasize the fact that he was not a guest but a prisoner - and he had only been invited to dinner so that he could take part in Lucy’s debasement.

Nick picked at his food, and eventually Johnny Ho said, “I apologize for our rudeness, Nick. We prefer to discuss business in our own language. Madam Takeda was just saying how lifelike your carving is.”

“The last time I saw that, it was in my basement,” Nick said.

“And an interesting basement it is too. It seems we have similar tastes.” Johnny Ho stroked Lucy’s hair as if she were his pet, while Satoru poured more sake.

“You broke into my house,” Nick said to Johnny Ho.

“Well, that would make us even, wouldn’t it? But in fact, when you eventually do go home, you’ll see that there are no signs of breaking and entering.”

“So how did you…?” Nick began and then let his voice trail off as the obvious sunk in.

“That’s right, Nick. You let us in quite willingly. As I said before, scopolamine really is a powerful drug.”

Satoru loaded the empty dishes onto Yuriko’s tray and she hobbled awkwardly out of the room after him. Johnny Ho then spoke to Lucy and she shuffled on her knees around to Madam Takeda who selected one of the cigarillos stuffed between Lucy’s breasts. While Lucy served Ken Yamaguchi, Satoru brought Yuriko back, her tray this time laden with a bottle of brandy and glasses. When Lucy reached Nick, he looked down at her pitifully. She continued to avoid eye contact and Nick wondered whether this was out of shame, or fear of punishment. He wanted to do something to ease her suffering, but at the moment he knew the situation was hopeless. As a gesture of defiance, he declined the cigarillo, and put a gentle hand on Lucy’s shoulder. He felt her flinch slightly at his touch and then she scuffled back to her position at Johnny Ho’s side. Watching her, Nick felt a stab of distress as he realized that Johnny Ho would use every opportunity to reinforce the idea that Lucy was once again his property.

“So you’re probably wondering exactly what we were doing in your house,” Johnny Ho continued once drinks had been poured and cigarillos lit.

Nick most certainly was, although he wasn’t sure it would make pleasant listening.

“Let’s see,” Johnny Ho continued. “You made a few calls, and then tidied up so that anyone snooping around wouldn’t get suspicious.”

“Suspicious about what?” Nick asked.

“Your month-long road trip. Your boss was very understanding, and it sounded like your buddy Sid bought it. You told them that you had driven up here and that Lucy had told you to leave and never to contact her again, and now you needed time to get over her.”

Lucy glanced briefly at Nick then, and he thought he spotted the slightest shake of her head.

“So no-one is going to come looking for you here,” Johnny Ho added, sipping his brandy. “Oh yeah. We hid some souvenirs - with your prints on - that the ATF and DEA might find interesting should you decide to be difficult later. You won’t be able to find them, but one phone call will make sure that they will know exactly where to look. ”

Nick could feel the proverbial noose tightening around his neck.

“But I have a feeling you’ll be highly cooperative, won’t you, Nick? You want to help Lucy, even if that means hurting her to do so. Quite a conundrum, huh?”

Nick’s lowered his gaze towards Lucy - her nose pierced and ringed, her mouth forced open, saliva dripping off her studded tongue and running freely over her chin, her nipples painfully shackled together, her arms pinioned behind her - and knew that Johnny Ho had read him correctly. He would rather participate in Lucy’s torments, however reluctantly, than leave her to the merciless whims of Satoru. Somehow, he believed that by remaining here, he might be able to lessen her anguish - not that he really had any choice in the matter. There was another reason that drove him to stay - as awful as the circumstances were, he could at least keep tabs on Lucy and see her every day. The alternative - not knowing - would be too unbearable to contemplate.

“Regardless,” Johnny Ho continued. “If not for Lucy, there are also your family and friends to consider.”

“What about them?” Nick felt his mouth drying up. In his desperation to locate Lucy, he hadn’t considered the possibility that Johnny Ho would involve anyone else. He had naively believed that this was just between the two of them.

“Your parents, Jack and Sophie Logan, living in that nice big house in Windham, New Hampshire? And your sweet sister, Christie, out in L.A.? Long blonde hair, blue eyes. You even gave me her photograph. Then let’s not forget Sid and Summer. I’m sure you wouldn’t want anything unfortunate to happen to any of them.”

Nick could scarcely believe what he was hearing. The noose was now firmly tightened.

“There’s one more thing for you to consider,” Johnny Ho continued, picking up the wooden carving of Lucy. “As I told you before, the reason I have decided to keep you here, participating in Lucy’s ‘reprogramming’, is that I cannot tolerate her harboring any feelings for you at all.” He held the wooden figure to the light and studied it. “Therefore, you’ve got to do everything in your power to ensure that she absolutely despises you. I’m going to give it a month, and if by that time, Lucy isn’t one hundred percent devoted to me and me alone…”

With a twist of his wrist, Johnny Ho snapped the statuette’s head off. “Lucy will be of no use to me.”

Nick stared at the decapitated carving and swallowed.

“So what’s your decision, Nick? Are you going to behave?”

Nick knew he was completely trapped. Everybody he cared about was at risk, and even though there was a possibility that Johnny Ho was bluffing, he was not going to take a chance on calling it.

“You’ve left me no choice,” he said dejectedly.

“In that case,” Johnny Ho said. “I think it’s time we got started with the after-dinner entertainment.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Satoru removed the trays from the two tightly-bound girls and led them down to the dungeon. Kono refilled everybody’s glasses and the conversation, punctuated with laughter, resumed in Japanese. Johnny Ho, noticing that Nick wasn’t drinking, said, “Don’t worry, it’s not laced with scopolamine this time. Please join us.”

Aware that Kono was lurking menacingly in the background, Nick took a tentative sip of cognac.

“Finish it,” Johnny Ho prompted, his tone less pleasant this time. Nick drained the glass, which was greeted with much approval from the rest of the table.

Nick had to ask. “What have you given me?”

“Nothing harmful,” Johnny Ho said. “Just a strong stimulant, which I think you’ll find rather pleasant.”

“You’re going to need it,” Yamaguchi mocked. “You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.”

The Japanese reverted to their native tongue again, leaving Nick to ponder Yamaguchi’s words. He was their plaything now, just like Lucy and Yuriko. He watched them smoking, drinking and getting in the mood, and wondered how he had managed to get himself into this nightmarish situation.

After about ten minutes, he began to feel a little light-headed, and… something else - he found that his eyes were being magnetically drawn towards Madame Takeda’s partially exposed breasts, their milky, white flesh rising and falling as she talked and laughed. He looked at her heavily made-up face, and her black hair, pulled up into a tight bun. She must have been over forty, but she was an extremely seductive woman. He caught himself visualizing her bent over the table, with her legs spread as he slapped her naked bottom, her plump cunt lips pouting enticingly. . .

What the hell is happening here?
he thought.
They must have given me an aphrodisiac mixed with a hallucinogen!

His mind was lucid, but a warm, fuzzy feeling was growing in his lower abdomen, and his cock was rigid. Madame Takeda turned towards him and smiled, and to his internal horror, he grinned back!

“Now, now, Nick,” Johnny Ho chuckled. “Your darling sweetheart is downstairs.”

Addressing him in English for the first time, Madame Takeda said, “Do you find me attractive, Nick?”

Nick’s palms were sweating and he struggled to speak. “I… I don’t know. Yes, you’re a very sexy lady…”

“I think he’s ready,” Yamaguchi said.

“Then let’s go,” said Johnny Ho.

They went down to the dungeon and Nick surveyed Satoru’s handiwork in a state of aroused horror. His body tingled and all his senses were focused, as he recorded every detail in sharp relief.

Lucy was hanging upside-down from the steel frame. Her legs were stretched wide apart and she was still stark naked. Her wrists were bound behind her back and her mouth was still stretched open with the ring gag, saliva trickling down over her reddening face.

Yuriko, wrapped up in a leather corset that squeezed her tiny waist impossibly tight, was kneeling at Satoru’s feet. Her small breasts peeked out over the top, and she was naked from the waist down. Her feet were adorned with red ankle boots, and Satoru had completed her kinky attire by placing a black rubber hood over her head, leaving only her nose, mouth and chin exposed.

Johnny Ho and Yamaguchi sat on a wooden bench, but Madame Takeda remained standing.

“You too, Nick,” Johnny Ho said, before Nick could sit down. “You’re part of the show.”

Then, to Nick’s surprise and shameful pleasure, Madame Takeda pulled her latex dress up over her head and dropped it onto the floor. She was wearing a red bra with matching panties, and Nick’s already stiff member throbbed harder.

With Lucy watching from her inverted position, Madame Takeda approached Nick and, fixing her eyes on his, unbuttoned his shirt. Mesmerized, Nick watched her as she slid it over his shoulders and then rubbed her fingers over his chest. Without taking her eyes off him, she undid his belt and pulled down his zipper. Rooted to the spot, Nick allowed this bewitching older woman to slide his shorts down, and then he stepped out of his shoes and stood naked in front of everyone, his penis sticking out like a ramrod.

Finally, Madame Takeda looked down, and then wrapped her fingers around Nick’s shaft. He gasped as she slid her hand up and down, pulling his foreskin back and scraping her long nails over his glans, whilst testing the weight of his balls with her other hand. After toying with Nick’s genitals for a while, Madame Takeda stepped back and unclipped her bra. Her breasts literally popped free like a pair of white melons with long brown nipples that captured Nick’s undivided attention. Next, she rolled down her panties, and Nick’s eyes were now riveted on the thick black bush growing between her legs. They faced each other completely naked, and Nick was overcome by a powerful urge to mount this mature Asian woman and pump her for all he was worth.

Before his base instincts got the better of him however, Madame Takeda went over to the bench and sat down next to the two Japanese criminals. She opened her legs and leaned back and opened her pussy lips with her fingers, displaying the moist, pink interior. Nick gazed as if in a dream, as Satoru nudged Yuriko over to Madame Takeda, positioning the blinded girl’s face between the older woman’s thighs. Catching the scent of her pussy, Yuriko poked out her tongue and began probing Madame Takeda’s meaty labia. As he watched the lesbian act - the trussed-up, hooded girl on her knees, the small twin apples of her ass exposed, Madame Takeda tweaking her own long nipples, head thrown back - Nick found that he was gripping his own dick and gently massaging it.

But now events were taking another bizarre turn. Satoru went over to a cabinet and returned with a short-handled leather whip which he proffered to Nick. When Nick refused to accept it, Satoru again rummaged in the locker, this time returning with a vicious-looking thin steel rod. Without hesitation, he brought it down hard across Lucy’s dangling breasts with a whoosh and a crack. Lucy screamed through her ring gag, shaking her head violently as a wicked purple stripe rose up across her chest.

Satoru raised the metal rod again, but this time Nick rushed over and grabbed his arm. Even in his emotionally aroused state, he’d got the message. This was the deal. Nick had to inflict pain on Lucy in order to prevent Satoru from dishing out far worse punishment. He just prayed that Lucy would understand. Once more, Satoru held out the whip and this time Nick accepted it before Satoru could administer such intense agony again.

Nick briefly examined the whip, which consisted of a handle and five leather strips. He had no idea how hard he was supposed to hit her, but he feared that if he didn’t leave any marks, Satoru would take over again. He shuddered at the thought of what she would look like after a beating like that - the welt across her tits had already turned an ugly shade of blue.

Lucy was still making sobbing noises as Nick dealt the first blow, the leather thongs landing on her right thigh and then curling around to her buttocks. Lucy cried out again, but the whip only left a series of red lines which meant he hadn’t broken the skin. Trying to avoid Lucy’s eyes below him, Nick dispensed the next strike, this time leaving a trail of red stripes on Lucy’s stomach. Hating himself, Nick continued the onslaught over her buttocks, across her back and legs, and at Satoru’s insistence, on her already-wounded breasts. Lucy was wailing through the ring gag, her tears mixing with her saliva and dripping onto the concrete floor, when Satoru finally indicated that Nick could stop.
Panting, he studied the results of his labors, and although her body was crisscrossed with red lines, he had avoided causing her serious harm.
Poor Lucy!
She hung before him, her now crimson face, inches from his cock, her body trembling.

Nick turned around and saw that Yuriko was still servicing Madame Takeda’s sopping cunt with her tongue, and that Johnny Ho and Ken Yamaguchi were examining Lucy’s battered and suspended body with lewd curiosity. Nick hoped that it was over. Lucy had been up there for quite some time and it was clear that blood was accumulating in her head.

Unfortunately for Nick - and more so, for Lucy - they were just getting started.

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