The Manga Girl (20 page)

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Authors: Lorenzo Marks

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Manga Girl
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“If you want to see me naked, it comes with a price,” he continued. “I get to spank you both. Bare-assed, over my lap.”

Even as he said it, Nick’s erection grew more intense.

Lucy’s eyes had their usual glint of anticipation, but Nick was more interested in Summer’s reaction. He was effectively offering her a deal -
if you want to play with Lucy, then I get to play with you.

“I think that sounds fair,” Lucy said unsurprisingly.

Now it was down to Summer. She swallowed some wine and said, “Okay, sir, I’m in. Go strut your stuff.”

Nick stood up and went over to the center of the lawn. He was only wearing jeans and a vest and the damp cut grass stuck to his bare feet. Facing them, even semi-drunk, he felt a sudden twang of stage fright. They had both seen him naked before of course, but somehow, posing in front of them like this, he felt a little conspicuous. The garden’s high hedges protected them from outside observation, but Nick glanced around anyway before pulling his vest up.

“I think you should dance,” Summer giggled.

“You know I can’t dance,” Nick said, his vest still halfway up his chest.

“Well at least try and be sexy. We want our money’s worth if we’re going to be punished for it.”

“Wait a minute,” Lucy said, fiddling with her iPod, and a moment later they were listening to the old Nine Inch Nails classic, ‘Closer’.

Nick gave them a level look before slowly slipping his vest over his head. The sprinkler came around and a stripe of cold water hit his torso. He turned his back to them and undid his jeans, wiggling his ass as he shuffled them down to his ankles.

The girls let out a mock scream of delight as Nick then edged his shorts down over his buttocks, letting them sit at the tops of his thighs. He had been building a tan all summer and he knew that in contrast his ass was snow white.

As Trent Reznor sang
‘I wanna fuck you like an animal
’, Nick stepped out of his boxers, cupped his hands over his genitals and turned around to face them. With one hand over his balls, he tried to conceal the length of his boner with the other, as the sprinkler sprayed his face and neck.

“Come on,” Lucy yelled. “Let’s have a look!”

Teasingly, Nick slid his hand down the length of his shaft and then placed his hands behind his head, his manhood jutting out in front of him. The sprinkler hit him again, drenching his waist and thighs this time.

“Shake it,” said Summer.


“Make it bounce.”

Well, well, you
a dark horse,
Nick thought.

Still with his hands clasped behind his neck, his body now drenched, Nick began rotating his hips in time with the music, his cock flapping up and down against his stomach, and his balls swinging wildly. The two girls clapped and laughed with delight.

So this is what it feels like to be a Chippendale,
Nick thought.
Chapter Twenty-Five


Lucy snapped first, leaping out of her seat and bounding across the wet grass. She raised her arms above her head, rotating her hips in a way that put Nick to shame. They danced together, the sprinkler dousing their bodies. Nick reached over and untied Lucy’s top, pulled it away, and stared at her wet, shiny breasts jiggling as she writhed to the beat.

The music segued into Prince’s ‘Cream’, another sexy number, and the possibility occurred to Nick that Lucy had thought this all out in advance. You couldn’t count anything out with this girl. He was so enraptured by Lucy’s naked tits that he hadn’t seen Summer get out of her chair. Now the three of them were dancing together, Summer’s pliant, fit body moving, if anything, even more seductively than Lucy’s. Nick could see her pointed nipples and a thin covering of pubic hair through her swimsuit.

He pulled at the tie-string of Lucy’s bikini bottoms and she was suddenly naked. She turned around and Nick gazed at her sodden hair clinging to her neck, her back shining in the sun, and her perfect round ass.

When he looked up, Summer was silently watching him, and reading her expression correctly, he reached over and pulled her swimsuit down over her shoulders and arms, then exposing her pert breasts, tightly-muscled stomach, and finally kneeling to drag it down over her legs.

Now they were all dancing naked together under the open sky, and Nick experienced a raw rush of bestial pleasure. Lucy put her arms around his neck and kissed him open-mouthed, her nipples rubbing against his chest. Nick found Summer’s arm and pulled her in closer and then Lucy turned her head and her eager tongue darted inside Summer’s mouth. Summer had her hands on Lucy’s buttocks and her knee between her legs, and Nick squeezed up behind Lucy, jamming his cock up between her ass cheeks, as they all swayed together, now to the sound of the Pussycat Dolls.

This is like some weird pagan rite
, Nick thought woozily.
And Lucy is the High Priestess.

Lucy suddenly squirmed away from their three-way embrace, dropped to her knees, and eyed Nick’s cock hungrily.

“Not yet,” Nick said, gently pushing her head back as her lips formed a perfect circle.
He walked across the sodden lawn and sat down in a garden chair, his dick still poking upward.

Lucy scrambled towards him on her hands and knees, her hair sticking to her face. When she reached the patio, she got to her feet and then flopped belly-down over his waist, offering him her shiny rump. Nick caressed her ass cheeks with the palm of his hand, squeezing and stroking. Without being told, Lucy spread her thighs, inviting him to touch her sex. Nick ran his fingertips along the insides of her thighs, and then along the lower curves of her buttocks.

Lucy had been experimenting with her pain threshold recently, increasingly urging him to spank her harder. Playful little love slaps were no longer enough, it seemed. His cock squashed beneath her belly, Nick put his left hand on the nape of Lucy’s neck and then brought his right down on her ass with a resounding slap. Lucy’s head came up with a gasp and rightly so - he had put some weight behind that one. He hit her again, and this time she screeched. Wondering if his neighbors could hear, he delivered three more hard strikes, turning Lucy’s ass a nice pinkish color. Taking a break, he trailed his finger down her crack, tickling her asshole and then her velvety folds below, which elicited a questioning squeak from Lucy.

As he resumed his vigorous spanking, Nick watched with fascination, as an entranced Summer sat on the grass fingering herself, her inflamed labia pouting furiously. Nick was so engrossed in watching Summer teasing her clitoris that he was surprised when Lucy began wriggling violently beneath him.

“Nick stop! It hurts!”

He looked down and saw that her ass was now bright crimson. He let her up and she plopped down on the lawn rubbing her cheeks. Just as he was about to ask her if she was okay, Lucy said throatily, “Summer, it’s your turn.”

With a misty expression that made Nick wonder if Lucy had drugged the wine, Summer pulled her finger out of her chuff and assumed the punishment position over his lap. He could feel the muscles of her stomach against his prick and her hard little nipples prodding against his thigh.

Nick went a little more gently with Summer, slapping tentatively at first. He was surprised at how hard and toned her buttocks were compared with Lucy’s. As he disciplined this attractive blonde on her bare bottom, an image popped into his mind of her standing in Lucy’s room, the first time they met. There was no way he could have imagined that, a couple of months later, she would have allowed him to do this to her.

Summer endured her spanking without noise or complaint. Nick doubted that she got any sexual pleasure from this, but like him, saw it as a means to an end - Lucy’s delectably tight pussy.

Sitting cross-legged on the lawn, Lucy said with a tinge of frustration in her voice, “Let’s go upstairs. Now.”

Neither Nick nor Summer saw any reason why not, so they followed her up to the bedroom, her bare buttocks bouncing enticingly as she mounted the stairs. Inevitably, Lucy took the lead by pushing Nick onto his bed and he lay back as the two wet and naked girls knelt on either side of him.

Although he was no longer in any doubt that Summer was in love - or at least, in lust - with Lucy, he really couldn’t work out if the feeling was reciprocated. Lucy was such a sexually liberated being that she was quite capable, in Nick’s view, of having sex with Summer just to be nice. So he observed the scene unfolding above him with more than just a carnal interest. Lucy was the love of Nick’s life and he was certain that she was more than a little fond of him. Summer however, was so physically infatuated with Lucy, that she was apparently willing to participate in her sex games involving men, even though she was evidently a lesbian.

Ignoring Nick’s prone body, the two girls leaned towards each other and, their fingers entwined, kissed open-mouthed. It was the strangest feeling, he thought, lying there as an observer, feeling their heat and passion. Lucy began massaging Summer’s nipples and Nick could hear their breathing accelerate. Summer grabbed a handful of Lucy’s hair, and Lucy’s hands dropped down to massage Summer’s buttocks.

The kiss seemed endless and just as Nick was wondering if they had forgotten him, Lucy pulled her mouth away with a loud sucking sound, and maneuvered Summer around until her parted thighs were poised above Nick’s face. He looked up at those salty, distended lips and as his fingers gripped Summer’s waist, he felt Lucy guiding his cock inside her own pussy.

Summer allowed herself to be lowered onto Nick’s waiting tongue and the two kneeling girls resumed their twisting and gyrating. Engulfed by Summer’s hot thighs, his tongue lapping at her vaginal nectar, Nick began thrusting his cock up into Lucy’s cunt. They were using him as a vessel, a human dildo, and Nick couldn’t have been happier to oblige.

As they began building towards their crescendo, Nick yet again found it hard to comprehend that he was actually here, tongue-fucking Summer whist simultaneously ramming his dick into Lucy. He felt, rather than heard, their whimpers as they pressed their cunts down, smothering him, their hot juices bathing both his face and groin.
With a series of violent spasms, Nick came, and all three trembled and shivered together until finally they were done. Nick lay still, panting into the dark cleft of Summer’s ass, inhaling her mixed female odors.

Eventually, Lucy climbed off him and then Summer lifted up and rolled over and they lay on either side, faces pressed against each of his shoulders as they drifted into an exhausted, satisfied sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Nick opened his eyes, disoriented at first, and then he remembered.

It was dark and he had no idea what time it was. He was lying on his side with Summer molded to his back and with his right hand cupping Lucy’s breast. Unable to get back to sleep, Nick contented himself by feeling their two hearts beating, slow and rhythmic in a state of deep sleep.

The effects of the afternoon wine diminished, Nick again quietly marveled at what was happening to his sex life. It wasn’t as if he had suddenly become a stud - his change in fortune simply revolved around Lucy. What she saw in him was anyone’s guess, but while she was with him, she was acting like a sexual magnet, drawing in whoever happened to be nearby.

Nick had awoken with an erection and the close proximity of the two naked babes was making him feel a little fidgety. Not wishing to disturb them, he turned his thoughts towards the day ahead. He had been neglectful of his carvings recently, as had Lucy with her painting - too much spanking and fucking, basically. But his old routines had long since fallen by the wayside and he now found it easier and more pleasurable to capitulate to whatever came up next.

Summer moved against him and her arm came around his waist, her fingers brushing against his rigid cock. Nick froze, still not sure of what was permissible with her. Although they had been sexually intimate twice now, he had never actually had intercourse with her, and they hadn’t done anything without Lucy’s knowledge and approval.

After a tense minute, Summer’s level breathing told him that she was still asleep. For Nick however, this situation was becoming unbearable. Taking a calculated risk, he slowly freed his arm, and taking her limp hand, positioned her slim fingers around his cock. Holding his hand over hers, he gently slid her fingers up and down his length. Summer breathed a sigh into the back of his neck, but otherwise didn’t move. When he let go of her hand however, it kept moving, slowly gliding up and down his shaft.

Oh, shit!
he thought with a start.
She must be awake!

Summer’s hand kept up the rhythm, but still she gave no other indication of consciousness.
Is it actually possible to jerk someone off in your sleep?

Lucy mumbled and Nick discovered that his right hand was toying with her nipple while Summer massaged his penis. His breathing was coming in trembling little gasps now, as Summer’s lazy masturbation worked its magic. Mouth closed, and breathing through his nostrils, Nick ejected a line of sticky semen across Lucy’s stomach. He waited for a reaction on either side of his body but none came. Summer’s hand came to rest, still gripping his member. Lucy, with a pool of Nick’s cum settling on her belly, continued to snore softly, her lips slightly apart.

His tension relieved, Nick felt sleep creeping up on him again as he tried to assimilate what had just transpired. Had Summer been playing games or did she suffer from a kind of sexsomnia?

Either way, he drifted off with a smile on his face.




He woke up alone to the delicious fragrance of coffee and frying bacon, and with the sun streaming in through the window. Despite having overeaten the previous day, he was famished.
One of the side effects of having a sexual dynamo living in your house?

He pulled on some shorts and went down to join the girls in the kitchen. Summer was eating muesli at the kitchen table which was also adorned with bowls of fresh fruit, whole wheat toast, juice, and milk. Lucy was facing the oven wearing an apron and nothing else.

She glanced over her shoulder and said, “Hey, sleepy-head. Hungry?”

And so began another baking hot summer’s day, Nick reading the sports pages and eating bacon and eggs, Summer and Lucy watching the portable television and devouring their health foods. Occasionally, Nick would glance up at Summer, but she gave him no meaningful acknowledgment.

After breakfast, the girls cleaned up the mess from their barbecue, Nick offering to help, but Lucy, still nude under her apron, insisting that he should relax on a Sunday.
He was just wondering what they were going to do with the day when his cell rang. To his surprise, it was Rob.

“Hey buddy, what’s up?”

“Hi Nick.” Rob sounded a little out of breath. “What are you guys doing this afternoon?”

“I was just thinking about that myself.”

“How would you like a late Sunday lunch this afternoon? My treat.”

“Umm, special occasion?”

“Kind of… Tanya and I are getting engaged.”


“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“When did you pop the question?”

“An hour ago.”

“So you just woke up and said it?”

“Something like that.”

“Well, congratulations!”

“Thanks. We’re pretty excited, and I know it’s short notice, but we thought it would make a nice excuse to get everyone together.”

Nick thought.
That day at the beach did end up kind of bittersweet.

“Sounds like a nice idea. Summer’s here too. Let me check.”

He called out into the garden, “Do you guys fancy lunch with Rob and Tanya today?”
Lucy was bending over the table, legs slightly parted, giving him a rearview glimpse of her snatch.

“Sure. Who else is going?” she called back.

“Who else is going?” Nick asked Rob.

“Andy and our parents. Kylie’s bringing her new boyfriend, and Jason’s bringing his new girlfriend. Sid, if I can reach him.”

The whole gang, expanded version.

“Everyone,” Nick called out. “Rob and Tanya are getting married.”

“This afternoon?” Lucy asked excitedly.

“No.” Nick rolled his eyes. “They’re
it this afternoon.”


“Okay, we’re good,” Nick said into the phone.

Rob gave him the location of a country inn near South Natick
and told him they were all meeting up at three, casual dress.

“I don’t have anything to wear,” Summer said, after Nick had rung off.

“You can borrow something of mine,” Lucy said. She piled the breakfast dishes into the sink and said to Nick. “Miki will do them tonight.”

She winked at him, squeezed his crotch and said, “Do you want to help us choose our party frocks?”

Nick watched her naked butt disappear into the hallway, then turned his attention back to the paper. He could hear the two girls laughing upstairs and it dawned upon him how happy and relaxed they seemed now. Instead of straining their relationship, their three-way sexual trysts had somehow bonded them in an easy, natural way. The tense and edgy Summer of old had been replaced by a cuter, more girlish version, and even though it was clear that she was strongly attracted to Lucy, Nick didn’t feel the slightest bit threatened.

“Nick!” Lucy yelled down the stairs. “Come and tell us what you think.”

With a wry smile, Nick went up to Lucy’s old room and in a low voice, said, “Wow.”

They were standing on the bed, striking an affected modeling pose, arms around each other, one knee bent. Lucy was wearing a figure-hugging, coral halter-neck cocktail dress that barely reached the tops of her thighs. Summer was dressed in an equally scanty strapless mustard and blue mini dress. They both looked absolutely stunning.

“I’ve never seen these dresses before,” Nick said.

“There’s a lot you haven’t seen yet,” Lucy beamed.

The outlines of both girls’ nipples were noticeable and Nick said, “I hope you are going to wear knickers.”

“Want to check?” Lucy asked, blowing him a kiss.

Nick took the hem of her dress and raised it to up her belly button. She was wearing a pair of white satin panties that hugged the smooth contours of her pubic mound. Nick pressed his nose against the thin material and inhaled and Lucy slapped him lightly on top of the head.

“We’ll be late if we get started. Check Summer.”

Nick hoisted Summer’s dress up to reveal an equally snug pink pair. Inexplicably, he kissed her on the inside of her thigh.

“So is our dress code to your liking?” Lucy asked.

“Oh yes,” Nick replied.

“Good.” Lucy pulled her dress up over her head, and then took her panties off. “Go and find something to wear. Summer and I are going to take a shower.”

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