The Manga Girl (19 page)

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Authors: Lorenzo Marks

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Manga Girl
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Chapter Twenty-Four


Nick sat in a lawn chair in his front garden watching Lucy prancing around his Ford Mustang in her tiny black bikini, and brandishing a beige chamois-leather. She had managed to get herself completely soaked in the process of washing his car, and her satin skin gleamed in the sunshine.

Minus the wig and contacts, this was the original Lucy again, and Nick sat back enjoying the sight of her sodden swimsuit molding itself to her body, her rigid nipples
and enticing slit, clearly on view. On several occasions, passing motorists had slowed and rolled down their windows and Lucy had reveled in posing seductively as she cleaned, even acknowledging a wolf-whistle with a wave.

Nick had offered to help - in fact, was a little reluctant to leave her alone with his ‘baby’ - but it seemed Lucy was serious about upholding her part of the ‘work-in-lieu’ arrangement. So he had popped open a can of Heineken and kicked back, listening to Lucy’s bubbly chatter as she soaped and then polished his car.

“What do you think?” Lucy asked, throwing the chamois at Nick and draping herself over the adjacent chair, legs akimbo.

“Positively gleaming,” Nick said, staring at the damp triangle of nylon-spandex covering her crotch. “I’ve felt terrible, sitting here watching you work.”

“Get me a beer then,” Lucy said. “I’m parched.”

Nick went into the cool house and fetched two more cans of Heineken from the spotlessly clean kitchen. In the refrigerator, apart from the beer and two bottles of chilled wine, Nick saw that Lucy had prepared a large bowl of mixed salad, sliced French bread, zucchini, jacket potatoes in foil, a variety of sauces and marinades, and had stuffed the freezer with steaks, hamburgers, chicken and shrimp. He had absolutely no idea how such a petite girl could possibly want to eat so much. It must, he figured, have something to do with her excessive sex-drive.

“When did you buy all that food?” he asked, handing her a beer.

Lucy pressed the icy can against her forehead and said, “This morning, while you were at work. I stopped at the supermarket on the way back from Saturday classes.

“Are we having a barbecue?”

“I saw the Weber in the shed, gave it a dust-off and thought ‘why not’? It’s a lovely day for it.”

“What were you doing in the shed?”

“Looking for the lawn mower.”

“You mowed the lawn?”

“Go take a look.”

“Shit, Lucy, I don’t want you to kill yourself.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got plenty of energy left for your perverted sex games.”


perverted…?” Nick’s voice trailed off as Summer came riding up on her mountain bike.

“I invited her,” Lucy said. “Hope you don’t mind?”

“Of course not,” Nick replied, and to his surprise, his heart was beating a little faster. He hadn’t seen Summer since their trip to the beach, and the image of her taking Sid’s cock in her mouth still loomed large in his thoughts. She walked up the garden path wearing a pair of black Lycra cycling shorts and a Patriots football shirt.

“What was it today?” Nick asked her. “Soccer? Swimming? Triathlon?”

“Volleyball. We won. Lucy, why are you almost naked?”

“I’ve been competing with the Mustang for Nick’s attention. I think the car edged it.”

Nick noticed Summer’s eyes briefly linger on Lucy’s bare midriff before she said, “So are we going to eat, or what?”

On the back patio, Nick fired up the grill while Lucy found some plastic covers for the garden furniture. As the two girls busied themselves in the kitchen, Nick gazed contentedly around his yard, the air sweet with the fragrance of freshly cut grass. This was his first barbecue since he’d inherited the place - he hadn’t even known there was a grill in the shed. Slowly but surely, he realized, Lucy was turning his house into a home - albeit, a decidedly kinky one.

When they came back out, Summer was wearing a white one-piece that tugged enticingly at her crotch. “It’s one of Lucy’s,” she explained, noticing Nick’s not-to-subtle gaze.

While Summer laid the table and Nick started grilling the meat, Lucy disappeared once more into the shed and emerged with a hose pipe and sprinkler.

“You should have a pool,” she said, attaching the pipe and opening the outside faucet.

Their part done, the girls sat at the table drinking Riesling and gossiping, while Nick stood at the grill, beer in one hand, spatula in the other, watching the sunlight sparkling in the spray.

“Tanya says Jason isn’t speaking to Rob,” Summer informed Lucy.

“Why ever not?”

“Rob thinks he blames him for what happened on the Cape.”

“What was he so pissed about anyway?”

“Kylie showing us her tits, I guess.”

“He really
an asshole. Speaking of which, did he find out what Andy did with Kylie afterwards?”

“Not sure. Maybe Kylie told him.”

“Well, if she did, then it’s
problem,” Lucy said. “I told everyone to keep quiet. You know how
some people can be.”

Summer sniggered.

“Well it’s true,” Lucy shook her head, laughing. “I still can’t believe Andy kissed her butt hole. I thought he was such a shy boy.”

“It was the magic spell you cast over us,” Nick said from behind a cloud of barbecue smoke.

“I don’t believe that,” Lucy twirled the stem of her wine glass. “Everybody did what they secretly wanted to do. I just set the stage.”

Nick glanced at Summer who had turned a little pink. Maybe it was the sun. He had another vision of her spitting out his best buddy’s sperm and an uninvited semi-erection stirred in his pants.

He cleared his throat and said, “Burgers are ready. Lucy, can I have a glass of that wine?”




After they had gorged themselves like pigs, they opened a second bottle of wine and bathed in the glorious afternoon heat. A loop of background music drifted from Lucy’s iPod speakers as the sun moved along the open sky, stretching the shadow of Nick’s sycamore tree across the lawn.

Lucy too, was stretched out, her bare feet up on the table amongst the remains of their feast. “Do you think I ruined it?” she asked, studying a lone cloud in the sky.

Nick wasn’t sure who she was speaking to, so he said, “Ruined what?”

“Our new gang. Everyone seemed to be getting along so well.”

Her voice sounded thick and syrupy and, with the food, wine and heat, Nick felt as though he was in a semi-dream.

Summer rolled her head lazily to one side and said, “You think so? I thought there was an underlying tension the whole time. It wasn’t really a natural group of friends, just a bunch of girls and a bunch of guys brought together by you and Nick.”

“Interesting that you talk about us in the past tense,” Nick observed.

“Because I think Lucy fucked it up. We’ll never be able to look each other in the eyes again after that.” Summer finished her glass and, grabbing the bottle from the ice chest, refilled it.

“You mean by organizing a little sex orgy at the end of what would have been a perfect day at the beach?” Nick grinned.

“Hey, nobody was forced into it,” Lucy protested. “And anyway,
still friends, aren’t we?”

But of course, Nick knew,
was different. Even though none of them had spoken about it since, their unexpected and intense threesome in his basement had altered their relationship permanently, and he knew they were both thinking the same thing.

He regarded the two girls in their swimsuits, eyes closed, wine glasses clasped on their bellies, their skin glowing in the afternoon sun. He mentally rewound to two months earlier, the first time he had talked with them in his living room, forbidden sexual fantasies marching through his head.

Fantasies no longer
, he mused, as his eyes wandered over their scantily clad bodies.

“What are you staring at, Nick?” Summer asked, surprising him because he’d thought her eyes were shut.

“Sorry. I was just thinking about…”


Lucy was now watching him too, a distracted smile on her lips.

The hell with it.

“Actually, I was visualizing you performing oral sex on my best pal, and also of you grabbing my dick and jamming it inside Lucy’s wet cunt.”

There. Said it.

They both looked at him for a long moment, and then they exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

“I think he should be punished for having such lewd thoughts, don’t you?” Lucy asked.

“Absolutely,” Summer replied. “What do you think?”

“Let me see…” Lucy scratched her chin. “Since he’s been ogling our bodies, I think we should see his.”

“Excellent idea,” Summer said. “A striptease.”

“Over by the sprinkler,” Lucy added. “A wet one.”

They waited for his response which, they were probably unaware, was actually a raging hard-on. Looking at their expectant, slightly intoxicated expressions, the alluring curves of their bodies, and the healthy shine of their skin, a wicked notion popped into Nick’s head.

“I might remind you young ladies that
am the master of this house,” he said in a mock haughty voice.

This performance was old hat for Lucy of course, but the prospect of bringing Summer on board caused him to tingle with excitement. Nick was not under the illusion that Summer was sexually attracted to him - but he was convinced that she was as much in love with Lucy as he was. It was a gamble. Either one of them might balk - but he didn’t think so after what happened last time.

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