The Manga Girl (18 page)

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Authors: Lorenzo Marks

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Manga Girl
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Nick nodded, looking directly into the old woman’s eyes, and she spoke again.

“She says you have great beauty in your heart, and you are destined to have a long and happy future with Lucy.”

Mama Bunko turned her craggy face towards Lucy and frowned. She spoke once more to Aunt Akiko who informed them, “Mama Bunko says there are difficult times ahead for Lucy, but whatever happens Nick, you must be strong, and always be there for her. She needs you.”

For the first time since Nick had known her, Lucy blushed. She bent down and kissed the old woman and then they retook their seats in the corner. Everybody in the room seemed to be looking at them before normal conversation slowly resumed.

“I gather Mama Bunko is a highly respected old lady,” Nick said, noticing that for some reason, his hands were trembling.

Lucy, looking somewhat emotional said, “She is
, which means she came over from Japan before the immigration ban of 1924. When she was a young woman, she was the spiritual advisor to the
- that’s the boss - of the American yakuza, and then became his mistress. For a few years, she was an influential woman in the Japanese community. It seems you’ve made quite an impression.”

“What was all that about ‘difficult times’ ahead?”

Lucy shrugged. “Mama Bunko’s a fortune teller. People still come to her for readings.”

“And that part about you needing me. Is that true?”

Lucy picked up Nick’s hand and kissed it. Mama Bunko saw her do it, and for the first time that day, she smiled.

Looking around, Nick noticed that Ken Yamaguchi had already left the party.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Nick came home from work, tired and hungry, and discovered that his house was an absolute mess. For five days, Lucy had been a model of efficiency, polishing and dusting, washing dishes, even leaving meals for him in the refrigerator. The only downside was they hadn’t had any sex in that time and Nick was beginning to wonder how much longer her period was going to continue.

She had twice jerked him off in front of the television and had given him a couple of memorable blow jobs in bed, but Lucy’s ‘box of delights’ was strictly off limits and it was beginning to drive him nuts.

Even so, he had been patient, and knowing Lucy’s voracious sexual appetite, Nick knew that when she was ready, it would be well worth the wait. Surveying the absolute carnage in the living room and kitchen, Nick suspected the day had arrived - but inevitably, it was going to happen Lucy-style.

Considering how neat it had been this morning, Nick’s wanton young housemaid must have gone to great lengths to trash the place. Books, cushions, clothes, bath towels, cutlery, were strewn across the living room floor. There were several still-wet stains in the carpet - God knew what they were - and in the kitchen, she had emptied the contents of the pantry and freezer and distributed them over the floor, in the hallway, and even on the back lawn.

Nick paused at the bottom of the stairs. The house was eerily quiet and feeling a little like Inspector Clouseau in a Pink Panther movie, he tip-toed up through the detritus of tissue paper, toiletries, clothes, magazines, and - incredibly - gardening utensils. Lucy had been a busy girl.

Cringingly, he checked the bathroom pausing only long enough for a mental snapshot of the pile of towels in the overflowing tub, the toothpaste smeared on the mirror, and whatever the hell she had used to block the toilet. Lucy’s bedroom was empty, as was the box room. Nick pushed his bedroom door open and stepped inside.

A blonde girl was bent over in front of his dresser, rifling through his underwear drawer. At first, he had a crazy idea that it was Summer, but then he recognized the shapely thighs, round buttocks, and narrow hips.


She turned around and Nick’s jaw dropped. Her hair was straight and bright yellow, her eyes, a sparkling pale blue, and her lips, glossy red. She was dressed in a cosplay maid’s outfit that pushed out her breasts and barely covered her ass cheeks. It looked as though one of her manga cartoons had come to life.

Lucy looked at him coyly, and said, “I’m sorry sir, my name is Miki. The agency sent me.”

With her soft put-on accent, and her radically altered appearance, Nick was almost inclined to believe her.


“Where is Lucy?” Nick asked, playing along.

“She went out,” ‘Miki’ answered, pulling down the corners of her mouth. “She made this terrible mess and told me I had to clean it up before the master of the house came home. Are you the master?”

She was so convincing in her role that it crossed Nick’s mind that she might actually suffer from multiple personality disorder.

“Yes I am,” Nick said.

“She told me you punish your maids if they do wrong.”

Damned if he wasn’t getting a stiffy, Nick replied, “I most certainly do, er…?”


“Right, Miki.”

She came over and looked up at him with eyes that seemed too big for her head.

“Do you want me to clean up before you punish me?”

Nick’s cock was straining against his jeans now.

“No Miki, I have a better idea. I’m going to punish you
you are cleaning up.”

Lucy’s lips parted slightly and she drew in a sharp breath. As their relationship had developed, Nick had become increasingly imaginative. What Lucy wanted, was for Nick to take the initiative and surprise her with his ideas - the more degrading, the better.

“Go and start by cleaning up the bathroom,” Nick said. “I’ll be there in a moment.”

Lucy dipped into a little curtsey and disappeared out of the door. Nick remained where he was for a minute, thinking about how he just wanted to fuck her in that cute little uniform.
he told himself.
We have to play the game first.

He found Lucy on her knees in the bathroom, draining the tub. Her short skirt had ridden up, exposing a pair of white frilly knickers.

“Leave that for now,” Nick said. “I want that toothpaste cleaned off the mirror.”

Lucy rose and demurely looked around for something to clean it with.

“You’ve… I mean Lucy has soaked all the tissues and towels,” Nick said. “So you’ll have to use your tongue. I’m going down to the basement and I expect you to have licked it all up by the time I get back.”

Hurrying downstairs, Nick wondered whether she would do as instructed. After all, she wasn’t setting these punishments anymore and she was quite entitled to refuse at any time.

He unlocked the basement and went to Lucy’s desk. The bottom drawer containing all of her BDSM toys was still unlocked. He had a rummage through, picking out various objects and placing them on her desktop. With no prior experience, he had learned a lot about bondage sex since Lucy’s arrival. He still wasn’t sure if it was really his scene, although he had to admit some of the games certainly titillated him. But whether it was the spanking and restraining, or just his desire for Lucy, he wasn’t sure.

He reviewed the items in front of him, trying to decide what would be suitable. Finally, he selected a pair of leather wrist cuffs, a small flogger, and a pair of intriguing nipple clamps with little silver bells attached.

Sure enough, back upstairs, Lucy had her pink tongue pressed up against the mirror, and Nick could see the lines in the white toothpaste where she had been.


She turned around and gulped, swallowing a small mouthful of fresh mint. Her ‘big-eye’ contacts made her look so synthetic that it was easy to imagine he was about to abuse a life-size wind-up doll.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

Lucy obliged, and Nick fastened them with the cuffs. Then he turned her towards him and unbuttoned her maid’s dress until he was able to pop her breasts out over the top. He took each of her nipples between his fingers and began to pull them to erection. All the while, Lucy stared up at him with an expression of childlike reverence. When her nipples were nice and hard, he attached the clamps, eliciting a gasp of surprise.

“Okay,” he said, admiring his alterations. “Now you’ll have to use your mouth to tidy up, and I’ll know exactly where you are because I’ll hear the bells. I’m going to get something to eat.”

He left her there, went down to the kitchen, and with just a twinge of remorse, heated up one of the dinners that Lucy had thoughtfully left in the fridge. He ate in front of the television, listening to Lucy’s tinkling breasts. He sure as hell hoped this role play was turning her on, because he hadn’t tasted her juicy little muff in nearly a week.

Eventually, his little plastic maid came into view carrying a sodden towel clenched between her teeth. He watched her go into the kitchen and then went upstairs to inspect her progress. She had done a pretty good job of putting things away, most of it in the laundry bin. Back in the kitchen, he found her on her hands and knees, her bound wrists behind her, licking strawberry jam off the floor. There was a lot of food spilled here and Nick figured it was time to change the game.

He stood behind her with the flogger. She was wearing fishnet stockings but no shoes, and she was perched up on her toes, displaying her maid’s knickers. Nick brought the flogger down on her rump and she yelped, her head jerking up. After a moment, she resumed her licking and Nick gave her another swat. The flogger, with its multiple leather strands, was giving her enough of a sting without causing any damage.

Lucy opened her thighs and wiggled her ass. Nick gave her a backhand and a forehand, left cheek, right cheek. Still she remained prone, lapping at the floor tiles. Nick knelt down behind her, and took hold of her waistband. Slowly, he pulled her knickers down to her knees, revealing her flushed ass cheeks. His dick was throbbing as he pulled it out and rested it against her right buttock.

“Would Miki like a rest?” he asked.

“Yes please, sir.”

Nick pulled her cheeks apart and examined her tiny anus and damp sex. Taking himself in hand, he rubbed his swollen glans up and down her cunt lips. Lucy let out a shuddering sigh and turned her head to one side, resting it on the floor. Nick shifted forward, and the head of his cock disappeared inside his artificial maid.

“Oh God, sir! Please, I’m aching.”

Nick pushed her dress up and gripped her slender waist as another inch of his manhood slipped into her body. He wanted to tease her some more, but he was as desperate as she was. Unable to hold back, he began thrusting hard, Lucy grunting in unison, and her face rubbing into the jam. Her pussy was red hot and she gripped him tight. The sensual bliss was excruciating as they fused together, feeding on each other’s pent-up desire.
As Nick shot into her, Lucy’s cuffed hands screwed up into balls and her whole body convulsed. Spent, he remained inside her, still hard, savoring the feverish suction of her vaginal wall. He looked down at the profile of her exotic face and her unnaturally bright yellow hair.

“And how long will Miki be staying?” Nick asked, panting.

“I have to leave tomorrow, sir,” she said, her own voice uneven. “But the agency is sure to send me back here again. I just don’t know when that will be.”

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