The Last Betrayal (4 page)

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Authors: L. Grubb

BOOK: The Last Betrayal
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Thankfully, there is still coffee in the pot so I don’t have to wait around to make it, thank fuck. I grab my mug and head to the bathroom for a hot shower, needing to unwind my knotted back. Shit, sleeping on the sofa wasn’t such a hot idea after all.

Stepping under the piping hot spray, I moan in satisfaction at the water pounding on my aching muscles. Ten minutes later, I wrap my wet body in a fluffy black towel and dry off. Walking out of the bathroom, I shiver as the cold air hits my skin, goose bumps rise all over, and I hurry to my bedroom to find something to wear tonight.

Choices, choices. I stand in front of my closet, fingers tapping my mouth, thinking of which dress to wear. I need something that will knock Champ on his ass when he sees me.

I’ve narrowed it down to two dresses. Both extremely short. One red and one black and gold. I glance over at my alarm clock by the side of my bed, checking to see how much time I have. Noticing I have spent half an hour picking an outfit, I curse under my breath and grab the red dress. Fuck it that will do.

I place the red Versace dress on my bed and walk to my dresser underneath the window. Opening the top drawer, I pick out a lacy, red, Victoria’s Secret bra and thong set and hurriedly put them on.

I sit at my vanity that’s situated against the opposite wall to my bed. Drying my hair quickly but efficiently, I soon have silky and natural curls, cascading over my shoulders. Perfect.

I apply my make-up, brushing shadow on my eyes to create a smoky effect. Done. Looking to the clock one more time, I have fifteen minutes to get my ass ready and downstairs to meet Alexis. I jump up from my vanity and over to my bed quickly slipping my dress on, struggling with the zipper at the side.

Returning to my closet, I pick out my red, Lou Boutin pumps and shove my feet into them. I quickly grab my Prada shoulder purse, stuffing essentials in it and closing it with difficulty. Damn, I look like some rich kid, but I was left a hefty insurance from my parents when they passed away. Why the hell they left me anything is beyond me, they hardly knew I existed.

Hearing my cell chime from the other room, I rush out, tripping on the carpet and almost falling and breaking my neck. Damn, that would of fucking hurt like a bitch.

“Hello?” I answer, breathless from rushing in heels.

“I’m downstairs, hurry your ass!” she shouts at me.

“All right. All right, chill it. I’m on my way down.” I end the call and shove my phone in my bulging bag.

Making sure to lock the door behind me, I make my way carefully down my apartment building’s stairs. Maybe wearing heels was a shit idea after all.



I’m sitting here like an idiot, glancing in the direction of the main doors. She has to come; I need to see her angelic face again. Even if she isn’t ready to talk to me in front of everyone, I can at least look at her.

Lost in thought, I don’t realize that Cobra leaves to the table and walks toward the entrance of the main room. I shake my head to clear the clouded thoughts and look over to him.

I freeze. Sitting there with my eyes wide. Lauren looks fucking stunning. Blonde hair curled around her shoulders, short, red dress and fuck me heels, and legs that go on forever. I appraise her from head to toe. I swallow and my dry throat makes me cough. I quickly take a swig of my Bud before I embarrass myself further, but not taking my eyes off the sex kitten that’s walked into the room.

Placing my empty bottle on the table with a thud, I stand and walk over to say hello to them.

“Hello, beautiful, it’s so good to see you,” I say giving Alexis a peck on the cheek.

“Hey, Champ! Your hair is getting longer.” She chuckles, tugging on my hair playfully. I gently slap her hand away while laughing along with her. “Don’t touch the hair, babe!” I exclaim in mock horror.

Everyone around us laughs at my pussy ways, and I throw them the finger, shaking my head.

I take a chance at looking at Lauren. She’s staring at me with a smile on her face.

“Do I amuse you, baby?” I ask seductively.

A rosy tint glosses her cheeks, and she looks down at her hands clasped in front of her. Instant, fucking, hard-on. I discreetly rearrange myself to get more comfortable before I lean forward and, with two fingers, tilt her head up.

“You aren’t shy, Lauren, I know you’re not. Don’t hide your face from me.” I lick my top lip and smirk arrogantly. I know what I do to her and she can’t fucking hide that.

Her eyes are as wide as saucers; she stares at me, visibly swallowing. Speechless? Well, who knew?

“Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?” I chuckle mercilessly. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

She hit my arm with a resounding smack, making me laugh harder knowing that I’d achieved a response from her.

“Shut up, Champ. You’re such a loser.”

I can see she’s trying damned hard not to smile or laugh, the corners of her mouth are twitching. Warmth pools in my stomach at the sight of her letting go around me again. Maybe our relationship is salvageable.

“Come on, babe, let’s get you a drink, shall we?” I take her hand and lead her to the bar, pushing a few brothers out the way so we can get served.

“Hey, watch it, brother,” Flipper says to me, wiping down his navy shirt with his hand. Oops.

“Well, stop hogging the fucking bar then,” I retort, my eyes creasing at the corners in amusement.

“Something funny?” he asks me.

“Yeah, you spilled something down your shirt.” I can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of me at the expression on his face.

“What can I get y’all?” Brian, the newest prospect, asks us from behind the bar. His southern drawl entices the attention of all the club whores every day. He isn’t short of pussy, that’s for sure.

“Bud, and whatever the pretty lady wants.” I turn my head to look at Lauren, a smile flitting across her face. It’s so good to see it again, even if she is trying to keep it hidden. I know it’s there and what it does to me.

“Vodka and Redbull, please,” she informs him.

“Coming up!” Brian exclaims. He can be a bit eccentric when he wants to be, but he’s a great laugh and hardworking. I’m sure it won’t take long ‘til he’s patched in.

After placing our drinks on the bar coaster in front of us, he gives a nod of his head and rushes off to serve others. I collect our drinks and turn to find an empty table. Shit out of luck, as always, I lead Lauren out to the backyard, where there are a few empty picnic tables.

“Why are we coming outside?” she asks from close behind me.

“Because, if you didn’t realize, there were no tables available inside.” I toss a look over my shoulder at her. The corners of her lips twitch in amusement and the light shining in her eyes has me smiling.

We reach one of the benches and I place our drinks down carefully. I just had to pick the fucking wobbly table.

Before I have a chance to move us to one of the others, she gingerly sits down on the opposite side to me, placing her hands in front of her on the table.

“I don’t bite, sweetheart. Not unless you ask.” I wink at her.

“Hilarious. I just need a clear head around you to even hold a conversation,” she quips back, an eyebrow raised in defiance.

“Point taken.” I sit and take a long pull of my beer. Motherfucking heaven. The cold liquid runs down my dry throat, floating nicely into my stomach. I moan in appreciation, and I feel Lauren’s eyes on me, eyeing my chest flexing under my white, button-down shirt. “Like what you see, babe?”

“I’ve seen better,” she retorts, picking her drink up and taking a tentative sip.

I stare at her with my mouth open in shock. Did she really just say that?

“Didn’t hear you complaining a few months back.”

“Touché,” she laughs. “Okay, yeah, I like what I see. I just didn’t feel like giving your ego a boost is all.”

This made me laugh out loud. And I mean full-belly laughing. “You’re too funny. I don’t have an ego.”

She just gives me a sarcastic look before taking another drink from her glass.

Calming down, I prop my head up with my hand. “So, how have you been?”

“Okay, I guess. I have horrible nightmares, but they seem to be dying down now,” she assures me, lowering her head. Shame? No idea why.

“Look at me,” I tell her. Once she’s raised her head, I continue, “Why do you look ashamed? Hell, after what you went through, I’d be surprised if you didn’t have nightmares. I know I would have.” I stroke my free hand down her cheek, her soft, porcelain skin cool under my touch.

Her eyes flutter closed at the contact. I know she’s missed me, I can tell by the wistful look on her face, her breathing uneven, and this has my dick rock-fucking-solid at the thought of having this woman again. Fuck, I’ve missed her so bad.

“I’ve missed you, Lauren,” I whisper, rubbing my thumb along her full bottom lip.

“I’ve missed you too,” she claims, barely audible mind you, but I heard it.

I stand and lean over the table. Placing my lips over hers, I brush my mouth lightly against hers. It’s not long before the kiss turns hot and steamy. I place both hands on the sides of her face to hold her in place as I fuck her mouth with my tongue.

Fuck me, I’ve missed this. My dick is straining painfully against the zipper of my jeans, and I pull back, placing one last peck on her swollen lips before seating myself back down. I wiggle around, trying to get myself comfy. I look up and see Lauren touching her swollen mouth with her fingertips, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. Her cheeks have a rosy glow to them and her eyes are smiling. Heat warms my chest at her perfection. To me, this girl is my world, my woman and motherfucking perfection personified.

“You okay there, sweetheart?” I question, crossing my arms on the table in front of me.

“More than okay,” she announces, before clamping her mouth shut. By the shocked look on her face, I don’t think she meant to say that out loud.

I down the rest of my Bud, placing the empty bottle in the trashcan by the table. “Want another drink?”

“Sure,” she replies, a more prominent smile upon her face.

I stand and swing my legs over the bench seat before walking to the opposite side to assist Lauren. I hold my hand out to her and my heart warms when she takes it without hesitation.

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