The Irresistible Bundle (157 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Carina tentatively grabs the luxurious watch and clasps it onto his left wrist. Marco stares at it for a quiet moment. My chest constricts. I'm thrilled that Carina found something this profound. If anything it makes me nervous that my first gift falls short. I grip Carina's waist tightly trying to ground me. I want him to like it as much as this one. Carina and I agreed to get a joint gift and separate individual gifts, the perfect reflection of our relationship.

It's nothing big
is on the tip of my tongue but I bite it back. I will not belittle my gift. I spent weeks trying to come up with something that could portray my feelings and sentiments. Marco reaches over with anticipation. He carefully unwraps it, not wanting to ruin the hard work Carina put into wrapping it.

"Wow" Carina breathes as Marco pulls out a three-strap leather bracelet. The copper clasp blends beautiful with the brown leather. "That's a sailor's knot right?" She motions to the front of the bracelet.

"Yes" I quietly reply. Marco caresses the leather watching me. He's waiting for me to explain the significance to Carina knowing that I don't give anything without purpose and meaning. "It's symbolic of harmony, friendship, and deep love."

"Affection too" Marco softly adds.

"Yes" I agree. "Typically it shows the unification of two into one..."

"But since we're three you ensured the straps and knots entwined cohesively" Carina astutely observes. "Three into one" She proudly states.

My heart swells as I stare at Marco. It wasn't intentional but he bears our love in threes. "Marco's ring, Carina's watch, and my bracelet" I caress each item staring in stunned wonder as I make the observation aloud.

"Well I'll be" Carina gushes. She's giddy with the revelation.

"I love them all" Marco beams. He pulls us onto the kitchen floor drowning us with his love.


"Carina couldn't get away but she wanted to ensure that you got your gift now" I announce as I enter Marco's office. He has several birthday gifts behind his desk from the staff. I expect a few regulars to come in later and give him something too. My man is just that fucking awesome.

"You don't have to get me anything more" He admonishes. "I've already had a phenomenal week and you guys must've broken the bank with the jewelry."

I snort unable to hold it in. Marco has no idea what I've been saving up to get him for a while now. "Well, we already got this so just open the damn thing."

Marco grabs another small package. He warily eyes it. "You know I'm about maxed out with jewelry. I've already exceeded my quota."

"We know" I chuckle agreeing with him; for a man who doesn't wear anything to one who now sports a ring, bracelet, and watch...

"Okay" He hedges. Marco unwraps the gift. His brows furrow as he digs through layers of tissue. He freezes the moment his fingers make contact with the object. "What is it?" He looks up at me rather than continuing to finish.

"Look" I urge. Marco pulls out the copper credit-card-sized metallic insert. "You can carry that with you in your wallet all the time. It won't get ruined or bent out of shape."

Marco fingers the imprinted words. He holds it up staring in stunned silence at the simple gift. He reads the inscription aloud:

We love you for who you are

For whom you've been

For whom you'll be

And for who we are with you

"It's kind of a mash-up of two famous quotes" I awkwardly state.

"It's well said" His soft smile melts me. "I'll carry it with me always."

"Great" I feel like a fucking pansy my face hurts thanks to the massive smile plastered across my face. It isn't often that we surprise Marco with something. Carina found this on Pinterest and wanted to make it our own. We ordered it ensuring that it was mailed to Griffin and Diego's place. "You ready for lunch" My voice cracks a bit. This has been an emotional day. I'm so filled with love for this man that I'm afraid I'll explode.

"Absolutely" he places the copper insert card into his wallet. I hold my hand out; he entwines our fingers reminding me why I love him so much. He's never afraid to show his feelings. He never holds back. Marco has taught me a lot. I still have a ways to go but I'm doing everything to deserve him and Carina.

"This day just can't get better" He says as he leans into me.

"You have no idea" I devilishly smile. I drag him out of the club heading to lunch. Staff members sing happy birthday to him. It's a time-honored tradition: until the club opens every time they see him they sing him happy birthday regardless the number of times they've already seen him. Each time they sing it in a different way. This time they're rapping to him. Fucking hilarious.

My eyes keep darting to my phone waiting for that phone call. From the moment I checked my email this morning I've been counting down for this. Technically this could count as his birthday, anniversary, and Christmas gift all in one. But I won't do that.

"Can we just stay home tonight?" Marco sighs throwing himself onto the couch. He's had an eventful day. The staff at the club hounded him all day. Nic and the girls threw him a mini party at the estate. And Carina and I have been nonstop with our mini love notes, gifts, and sexual escapades. The man should be wiped out. Unfortunately for him I'm not done yet.

"Sure" Carina giggles. "You're wearing down easier in your old age" She teases.

"Don't make me prove myself again" He warns.

The text message I've been waiting for finally pops on the screen. I tap a response hoping Carina keeps him distracted for the moment. The roaring in my ears blocks out their playful banter. Shit I'm nervous. I tug on my shirt, then shove my hands in my pockets trying to go for nonchalance. Epic fail.

"You okay over there?" Marco chuckles at my discomfort, "Do you need some attention?"

"I'm good" I croak. Carina's brows arch in surprise. Then they narrow in suspicion. Fuck she's going to castrate me when she realizes that I expedited the order to arrive for his birthday and not Christmas like we originally planned. I hate being predictable. A car for Christmas is fucking predictable. An Aston Martin is anything but.

Carina stalks over to me. She grabs me by the hair, not in the sexy-manner-like-this-morning-with-Marco but in the-I'm-going-to-kick-your-fucking-ass way like Desirae. "What haven't you told me about
papi chulo
?" Carina whispers in an aggressive but sultry tone.

"Um" I stammer "Maybe that gift you and I were working on came sooner than expected?" I squeak like a fucking pussy. I don't let anyone manhandle but I'll allow Carina this exception.

The little vixen punches me in the solar plexus. "That's for withholding vital information from me" She growls. She then rubs her body all over me instantly making my dick hard. "This is my thanks."

"You two okay over there?" Marco motions between us. Carina's bipolar actions have him wary of approaching either of us.

"Just peachy" Carina bubbly replies. "Is that your phone?" She over-exaggerates the question. This time I narrow my eyes at her. We're moments away from the big reveal and she's about to blow it.

Marco jogs to the coffee table. He glances up at me surprised to see the front desk calling his phone rather than mine. "Soriano" He barks into the phone.

Carina and I hold our breaths watching his face. It's really hard trying to play nonchalant when we know what's going on. Marco speaks briefly with the guys downstairs. He puts his phone down sighing in frustration. "They need me at the front desk. I've gotta sign for a package."

"Why are you pouting?" Carina goes for distraction.

"I just want to take a shower and crawl into bed with you guys. Anything else can wait for tomorrow."

"How about we get this out of the way and we can tell them to hold all other packages for tomorrow?" I attempt to compromise. Regardless of how he feels there's no way in hell I'm letting him avoid going down to the lobby. I've had to swindle, save, sell, and barter to get this beauty.

"Only if you two come" he attempts to throw a wrench in it for effect.

"Done" Carina cheerily replies. She pulls us out the door towards the elevator. Marco leans his head back against the wall as the numbers descend. Anticipation and apprehension war with me. For years Marco has talked about owning one of these. It's one of those "I'll never get to it on my bucket list but it made the list anyways" kind-of-thing.

"Mr. Soriano" head of security greets us in the lobby. His eyes are bright, nothing like Marco's reticent gaze. "We just received a package and you're required to sign for it."

"So I've heard" Marco laments. Carina smirks while I bite my lip. Otherwise my shit-eating grin will spoil everything.

Marco grabs the small package which I know contains the keys to the car; he half-hazardly signs on the meaningless document. "By the way did you see the sweet ride out front?"

Exactly as I asked them to do it; Marco's a sucker for eye-fucking people's rides. "What is it?" He asks before creeping behind a pillar. It's his polite way of taking a peek at the car while being able to slip away without bringing any attention to him.

"Holy shit" Marco shouts before sprinting through the glass doors of the lobby. He nearly runs over one of the valet attendants. Apparently everyone's got a boner for the car.

"Caro do you know what this is" Marco vibrates with excitement. He's jumping up and down like a little kid making everyone around us burst into laughter.

"No baby but I'm sure you're about to school me" Carina rolls her eyes playing her roll perfectly. Her beaming smile lets him know that she wants to hear all about it.

"This, my little vixen" He flails his arms all around the car, "Is an Aston Martin Rapide S; it's a fucking wet dream! This is one of the rare luxury four-door sports cars with a V12, V-fucking-12 engine!"

"Is he going to wet himself?" Someone close by asks. Chortles and giggles erupt.

"The color kind of reminds me of the Incredible Hulk" Carina purposely inflames him.

Appleton Green
thank-you-very-much!" Marco huffs indignantly. "Look! Black leather interior with mahogany panels. And! And! Entertainment system and ventilated seats!"

"Open your gift" I softly instruct. The man is about to have a coronary.

"As soon as we get upstairs" He waves me off. "I need a few more minutes before the owner reclaims this masterpiece."

"Marco" my firm tone snaps his eyes away from his lost love. "Open the gift now."

He blinks a few times. His brain hasn't quite caught up yet. He's still vibrating with adrenaline and lust. Marco clumsily tears open the small package not caring about the wrapping. All eyes are on him.

"Happy birthday baby" Carina's husky voice has all the men shuddering.

"You deserve the best" I step forward to a shocked Marco.

"You mean" he gasps. "That's" He points to the Aston Martin. His face pales. His eyes widen.

"It's yours" I quietly confirm. Marco's eyes bounce from the keys in his hands, to the car, to us.

"Fuck me really" He shouts. He nearly tackles Carina violently kissing and hugging her. I brace myself for his attack. He tightly wraps his arms around me while peppering me with kisses. The stubble on his chin sends goose bumps all over my body. He's shouting obscenities while dragging me to the car.

"Are we going for a ride?" Carina waggles her eyebrows.

"You will not disrespect my baby" Marco admonishes. Carina gapes as he reverently strokes the sleek car. "Get in but don't touch anything."

"Oh hell no" She indignantly mutters. "Keep this shit up and I'm returning it."

"Over my dead body" Marco growls. "Best birthday ever" he crows honking the horn as we go from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye.

"I don't want to die today!" Carina screams at the top of her lungs.

I howl with laughter loving the priceless expressions on their faces. Marco zips out of the busy streets going for open highway. He pushes the pedal to the floor testing the V12 engine.

This is what I live for.

My man.

Our girl.

The loves of my life.

Other Titles by Senayda Pierre:

Attraction (Prequel to Irresistible)

Irresistible (Book 1: Irresistible series)

Temptation (Book 2: Irresistible Series)

Reverence (Book 3: Irresistible series)

Killer Antidote

Coming Soon:

Surrender (Book 4: Irresistible series)

Forsaken (Book 5: Irresistible series)

Scandalous (Book 6: Irresistible series)

Unintentional Sacrifices (series)

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