The Hourglass (10 page)

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Authors: K. S. Smith,Megan C. Smith

BOOK: The Hourglass
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Sounds perfect, bring clothes for work tomorrow. I want you in my bed tonight. ;-)

Swinging by the Mondo Vino for a nice bottle of wine to go with dinner, I was in and out, trusting the connoisseur’s recommendation. I wanted tonight to be flawless. After grabbing my purse and the bottle of wine, I hustled to my room changing into something a bit more tempting. Just as I smoothed my little black dress over the red lace beneath, I heard the buzzer alerting me to Lucas’s arrival. I quickly slipped my stilettos on and pressed play on the remote to start the music, before rushing back to the door just to let him in.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he crooned, kissing me on my cheek as he juggled the bags of takeout that were filling the foyer with the mouth watering aroma of fresh bread and Italian food. Once he set the bags down, Lucas spun around and pulled me into a ballroom hold, twirling me about the improv dance floor. With a lavish dip, he kissed my lips and then slowly moved down to the prominent cleavage I had put on display for him.

“Let’s skip dinner.” The groveling in my voice gave away the desire burning inside me.

With a groan, Lucas’s mouth sealed over mine as he brought me back upright and pushed me against the wall. As we frantically peeled each other’s clothes off, unable to get to skin on skin contact quick enough, I sighed in appreciation when I was finally able to take in the sight of Lucas in all his glory. He licked his lips, and I could see my neediness being reflected back at me. When he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he carried me off to the bedroom for a night of lust-filled passion.

The smell of bacon woke me up at the same time I heard the sound of the sizzle. I climbed out of bed, and draped myself in my silk robe. The aroma from the kitchen beckoned me toward it, just to discover a chiseled Lucas standing in his briefs over my stove making breakfast.
This was officially heaven.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he cooed over his shoulder, pecking my forehead. “Breakfast will be done soon. Go have a seat in the dining room.”

Taking the few spare minutes to gather the laundry scattered through the living room, I slowly ambled my way around picking things up and folding them. Something buzzed from under the couch. Crouching down I spotted Lucas’s phone, lit up and vibrating. Pulling out the cell, a text flashed on the screen.

I want you back in my bed, how do I make that happen?

Rage welled and I quickly deleted the text then slid the phone back under the couch. I took my seat at the table just as Lucas walked out and put a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of me.

“Oh Lucas, this looks delicious.” I forced the words despite my lack of appetite. Shoving the food around on my plate, my brain kept rehashing the text I’d just read. She was relentless, and I was furious. Savannah Prescott was after my man, the man I care for, the man — dare I say, I loved.

“Hey babe, I’m going to hop in the shower real quick before I head in for work,” Lucas said pulling me back from my thoughts.

“Okay,” I replied, shaking myself from my wayward thoughts. “Have you spoken with Savannah?” The question slipped out before I could stop it.

Halting a moment, Lucas turned toward me with a pained expression on his face. “No, she doesn’t really want anything to do with either of us since I told her I love you. Is that still bothering you?” Stepping toward me he drew me against his firm chest.

“Not really,” I lied. “I just can’t believe this is what it’s come to.”

Leaning back, Lucas looked into my eyes. “You’re hiding something, what’s up?”

Averting my eyes downward, I hid my face. I hated that he could see right through me, yet still at times seem like such a mystery to me. “She texted you,” I muttered beneath my breath.

Freezing in place Lucas let out an exasperated huff. “Brooke, I can’t stop her from pursuing me. I have told her repeatedly that I’m in love with you, but you know Savannah, she’s relentless.”

I shook his hold off with a shrug of my shoulders and stepped away from him. I was hurt, and angry from Savannah’s betrayal. But more than that I was stunned by how much my best friend had changed. Burying all the hurt and pain, I was done. The friendship was a moot point; she had pushed it all too far. She thought she finally wanted a relationship, when we both knew she did not do relationships.

Dressing quickly, I was ready to go before Lucas was. When he donned his three-piece suit and strutted out, my mouth watered in delight. “Got time for a quickie,” I teased as I straightened his tie.

Placing two firm hands on my butt, he growled in my ear. “Oh how I wish Brooke Reid, but sadly I have a meeting this morning to discuss next quarter’s advertisement campaign, and so I must jet.” Lucas mustered up his best pouting face as he adjusted himself in his trousers, and then winked.

“How about lunch?” I called to his back as he strode out the door. “We can meet at the café in the lobby.”

As he shook his head no before even turning to face me, I already felt the sting of disappointment, “I don’t think I’ll be able to, but I’ll call you if something changes.”

With a nod, I grabbed my stuff and followed him out, locking the front door as I went. The perfect gentleman, Lucas opened my jeep door and ushered me in. Waving a goodbye, I blew him a kiss and headed off to work, laughing to myself about how preposterous it was to be taking two vehicles to the same building because of hurt feelings. Absolutely ridiculous.

Thinking of Savannah reminded me of the text message. How low would she stoop? Striding into my office, I was fuming with rage again, recalling her backstabbing. As I sat at my desk, the second set of photos from her recent New York trip were scattered across my desk. The first lie, or was it the second? Throwing my hands in the air in anger I scoffed. It was
lies. My eye caught my assistant, Lisa, standing in my doorway looking a frazzled mess.

“Ms. Reid, I apologize. Umm, I was just bringing you a few messages and seeing if you needed anything.” Looking back at the photographs on my desk, I thought of a lot of things I needed, but one clicked in my head. Maybe it was because the best-friend gloves were off, or just my irritation with her at the moment, but this really wasn’t Savannah’s best work. It was good but I could tell she had been distracted, probably daydreaming about
boyfriend, while she was taking these photos and it showed.

“Yes, can you get these back to Savannah and tell her they are just not up to the level of workmanship I expect from her. The lighting is far too dark for a spring photo shoot. I need her to edit them or give me something I can work with besides this.” I picked up a few of the proof sheets and tossed them at my white-faced assistant.




office shuffling through photos, I leaned back in my chair, releasing a giant sigh just as Brooke’s assistant walked in. I glared up at her for a moment then lifted an eyebrow, questioning her presence. “Is there something I can help you with?” I snarled.

Her body froze, and it took her a minute to remember her reason for being in my office in the first place. She scurried over to my desk and set down a group of photos from my New York session. “I’m sorry to bother you Ms. Prescott, but Ms. Reid asked that you revisit these pictures. She believes that you can do better. The lighting is not working with her layout. She asked that you fix these or prepare new photos.”

My mouth gaped at her words, and my body instantly seared with heat. I leaped from my seat and snatched the photos off my desk. With barely a glance, I stormed past Brooke’s assistant.

When I arrived at Brooke’s office, I shoved her door open and tossed the photos across her desk. “What in the hell do you mean I can do better? You and I both know these pictures are perfect. Bad lighting my ass.”

Brooke leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. “Savannah, I know your work and these just aren’t up to par. You either need to adjust your edits or re-shoot; they simply won’t go with the layout as they are.”

My blood boiled. “Listen, Brooke, I’m not sure if you are aware of this or not, but I am the lead photographer for Hourglass and my work is perfect. Don’t act like these haven’t been approved by Monica. If she saw something wrong with them she’d have already pointed it out.” My voice growing louder as I continued. “You need to figure out how to make these photos work, because there’s no way in hell I’m making any further edits, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to waste money on another shoot.”

Brooke thrust herself out of her chair, slamming her hands against the desk, and I could tell she was getting ready to lash out at me just as her eyes grew to the size of golf balls. Snapping her mouth shut she stood there, silent, until I heard a throat clear behind my back.

Spinning on my heels I came face to face with Monica. “Ladies, is there a problem?” she asked, clearly annoyed.

Shaking my head I answered, “No, we’re just reviewing photos.”

Adjusting her glasses she glared at the both of us. “The last time I checked,
reviewing photos
does not require shouting like lunatics. You two need to pull yourselves together before you’re both looking for new jobs.” In the blink of an eye she spun around and left us.

Before I could turn around Brooke muttered under her breath. “Fix the damn photos, Savannah.”

Furious with her, I whipped around and glared at her. “Kiss my ass, Brooke,” I chided, before storming out of her office. I unlocked my phone and sent a text to Luke.

Early lunch?

I didn’t even wait for his response, I hopped into the first elevator I saw and took it straight up to his office. His assistant greeted me with a smile and led me into Luke’s office. When he spotted me his expression filled with surprise.

He rose from his chair and pulled me in for a quick kiss. “Hey, what are you doing up here?”

Smiling, I pulled my keys from my purse, jingling them in front of him. “I was hoping we could grab a quick lunch.”

Luke looked down at his watch. “Sure, I’ve got to follow up on one thing before we go. Would you mind picking me up downstairs? I’ll meet you outside the back door so you aren’t fighting the valet line.” With a nod I dashed out of his office and raced for my car, ready to escape this hell hole.

Lunch was just what I needed, one-on-one time with Luke, which I’d been missing out on lately, as his schedule was more hectic the closer we got to spring. “I was thinking we could get away this weekend, just you and me, maybe head up to the mountains for some skiing, what do you think?”

His face flashed a devilish grin. “I’d love to babe, but you know how busy I am. Maybe we can do it next weekend?”

Excited that I wouldn’t have to wait too long, I smiled. “Sounds good.”

As soon as my car was parked in my usual spot Luke leaned over and gave me a swift peck on the cheek. “I’ve gotta run, I’ll call you later.” Jumping out of my car he darted toward the elevator and vanished behind the closing doors. That was the last I saw of him for the rest of the week.

Friday rolled around, and I was still furious with Brooke for her comments about my work. On my way to the restroom I passed by Monica’s office, and spotted Brooke sitting in front of her desk when I glanced in. Stopping a moment, I overheard Brooke explaining something to Monica that made me intensely curious as to what they were discussing. I looked around and noted that the coast was clear, so I quietly leaned closer to Monica’s door to eavesdrop.

“I’ve got everything covered, it’s all loaded into the computer system, and everything is expected to go off without a hitch. Lisa will be in attendance if you need anything; she and I have gone over the program several times. I promise you, Monica, everything will be perfect. The weekend will be marvelous.”

“It very well better be,” said Monica. “If for any reason something goes wrong I expect you to be there to clean it up Ms. Reid.”

I bolted down the hallway to my office and fell into my chair, hoping no one saw me snooping around. Brooke’s heels clicked against the floor as she stopped at her assistant’s desk. “Lisa, please be on time tonight. We have no room for error, especially with me heading out of town.” Lisa’s quiet voice replied something back and the sound of Brooke’s stilettos clipped across the marble floor down the hall.

Slipping out of my office, I strolled by her assistant’s desk. “Hey Lisa, big plans this weekend?”

She glanced up at me, her eyes filled with curiosity, probably wondering why I was speaking to her. Finally, she stammered out an answer. “Umm, well, yes, actually I’m heading up the Hourglass corporate business meeting this weekend while Brooke is out of town.”

With Lisa words, it hit me. I now knew exactly what Brooke was preparing for so diligently. Every year all of the head honchos from each of our corporate offices come to Denver to meet with Monica and her team where they discussed all things Hourglass. It required a ton of planning and coordination, so much so that Monica’s team had to be assisted by different sections of the company to pull it off successfully. That was where Brooke came into play; Monica must have asked her to help.

Pulling myself out of my wicked plan, I looked back down at Lisa, “Well, I’m sure it will be wonderful, you’ll do great.” Hurrying back to my office I called up the online shared file that had everything each team had been working on. Clicking on Brooke’s folder I scanned the multitude of saved documents. Flight schedules, dinner reservations, cocktail RSVP lists – everything that would make this event run.
, I thought as I continued skimming the file.
Brooke thinks she can walk around this office telling people how to do their job, I’ll show her.
Clicking on her folder, I dragged it to the trashcan and the pop up window appeared on my screen,
Would you like to permanently delete this file?

Leaning back into my chair I contemplated hitting the OK button, knowing full well that would cause Brooke a shit storm of problems and sure fire way to ensure her weekend plans, whatever they might be, were completely ruined. I smiled and clicked OK, watching the files disappear one by one for good. Pleased with the revenge I’d just executed, I powered down my computer, grabbed my things and left for the day.

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