Read The Hourglass Online

Authors: K. S. Smith,Megan C. Smith

The Hourglass (20 page)

BOOK: The Hourglass
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Walking over to where the guests would register for the auction and receive their paddles, I smiled seeing them so innocently sitting there on the clothed table, knowing how devious they would become tonight. The night was all ready to go, and would be a success in all areas both personal and professional. Stepping back to the backstage area, I tucked in behind the curtain where our personal beauticians were setting up for the runway show we were planning. I waved one over to touch up my makeup and hair.

“Thank you so much. Could you also see to Lisa? She’s been working very hard this evening, and I want her to feel as beautiful as she is on the inside.” After giving the girl’s arm a quick squeeze, I walked back out onto the main stage that would hold the short runway show as well as the auction. From up here I had the perfect vantage point to see the entire room. My eyes were captivated by a suave man in a tuxedo who had just strutted in, it was show time.

“Lucas, you’re here early.” I smiled as I stepped into his embrace and kissed him softly on his lips.

“Please tell me there is a coat closet or something I can get you into. My God, Brooke. I’m not sure if I love that dress or hate it.” Lucas leaned back to rake his eyes over my every curve, licking his lips as if he would devour me at any moment.

“Oh Lucas, you will have to exercise some patience,” I let my hand trail down his tailored jacket to his trousers. “Good things come to those who wait. I have to greet guests first and speak with Monica, but I assure you, you will have my undivided attention later.” Kissing him soundly I slipped my tongue into his mouth to tempt him to the edge. “Besides, I actually have something very important to speak to you about.”

I turned my head to the entrance, pretending to focus on the new arrivals as I watched Lucas out of the corner of my eye. I was curious to see if my statement aroused him or panicked him. Judging by the loss of color as his eyes quickly surveyed my toned stomach, I knew my attempt to rile him up with worry had proven a success.

“Excuse me a moment,” I murmured, stepping around him. The buzz from my clutch captured my attention as I walked toward the entryway; quickly I peeked to see what it said.

I’m here! It’s show time!




After I stepped out of the limo I made my way to Brooke, stopping so we could pose together, then I slinked my arm around her waist, smiling for the cameras while she whispered into my ear. “He’s all yours.”

The ballroom was beyond spectacular, taking my breath away as I admired every detail we’d worked so hard to achieve. Luke was in the middle of the room, champagne in hand, speaking with representatives from Nike; not knowing it had been arranged that Brooke would be the highest bidder during the auction. Sneaking up on him I lifted his champagne flute out of his hand and took a sip. Allowing the bubbles to flow down my throat I winked up at Luke, whose expression turned into a mix between panic and sheer terror. “Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce myself, I am Savannah Prescott, lead photographer for Hourglass and also Luke’s date for the evening.”

The men greeted me with firm handshakes and kisses on the cheek, and then excused themselves, probably so I could have a moment alone with Luke, who had yet to say a word.

I placed a swift kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Surprise, I made it back in time to be your date.” Luke glanced rapidly around the room, not able to even focus on me. Snapping my fingers in front of his face, I tried to catch his attention. His gaze honed in on me—finally,

“Luke, look at me, I didn’t pick out such a revealing dress to be ignored all night.”

His hands rested on my hips. “I’m sorry, babe, I’m just caught off guard. I didn’t expect you to be here tonight.”

Slipping my arms around his rigid frame, I pulled him in so his body was pressed up against mine. “Well, I’m here now, and I’m all yours.”

Luke continued to scan the room, and I knew he was looking for Brooke. Our plan was working; Luke was crumbling. Spotting Lisa, Brooke’s assistant, I decided to make it a bit more interesting. “Lisa, come over here, please,” I called across the ballroom.

Lisa stopped in her tracks and pointed at herself, to make sure I was speaking to her. Nodding my head I grinned devilishly.

“Sav, what are you doing?” Luke asked, worried, just as Lisa stopped in front of the two of us.

“Lisa, I want you to meet Luke Wellington, my boyfriend and one of our eligible bachelors for tonight’s auction. Luke this is Brooke’s assistant. Didn’t she do a wonderful job? Oh, and by the way, Lisa, you better not try to outbid me during the auction. I’m taking this man home with me and anyone else who tries to outbid me will have to deal with the wrath of Savannah Prescott.”

Lisa’s brow furrowed into a mystified expression. “But I thought…isn’t he…didn’t Brooke...I’m so confused.”

Luke quickly interrupted. “Pleasure to meet you Lisa, now if you’ll excuse us, Savannah and I were just heading to the bar.”

Tugging my arm slightly Luke pulled me toward the bar, which was right outside of the ballroom. “Not so fast, I have a few more people I’d like to introduce you to.” Luke’s body sagged for a brief moment, and then he squared his shoulders and gave in to me. Taking his hand I led him in the direction of Monica’s assistant, but before we could make it to her, we were sidetracked by Luke’s boss.

“Luke, Savannah, what a pleasure it is to see you both. Savannah, the pictures are wonderful, as usual. You did an impeccable job.”

Leaning in to hug Mr. Hemsworth, I played it up perfectly. “You all make my job so easy, especially Luke. I’m so lucky to have him in my life.”

Placing a kiss on Luke’s cheek Mr. Hemsworth smiled. “We’re always happy to sponsor such a wonderful event; I hear there was a new lead this year. Monica hired a new employee and she is responsible for all of this?” Keeping my hands all over Luke, I began to gloat about my best friend. “Oh yes, her name is Brooke Reid, and she is just marvelous, I know she’s somewhere around here. I’d be delighted to introduce you to her.”

Turning to look around the room I spotted Brooke walking in through the main entrance. “Oh, there she is now.”

Luke quickly shifted so our bodies weren’t touching, and I waved Brooke over. She smiled at the three of us and lifted her finger to let us know she’d be over in just one minute. Sliding closer to Luke, I kissed his cheek again. A bead of sweat touched my lips. “Honey, you’re sweating, are you okay?” Luke quickly pulled his handkerchief out of his lapel and wiped his forehead just as Brooke began walking toward us.

“Savannah!” my assistant called. “We need you back stage, please hurry.”

I apologized to Mr. Hemsworth. “I’m so sorry, I’ve got to get back stage, Luke knows Brooke, so he can introduce you. Again, thank you for partnering with Hourglass.”

Rushing back stage, I peered at the scene from behind the curtain. “I’m not sure what Ms. Reid needed, but she sent me an urgent text asking me to get you out of there.” Laughing to myself I let the curtain close,
this is going to be more fun that I’d ever guessed.




Sliding up beside Lucas, I laced my fingers into his and then planted a kiss on the corner of his firm lips. Moving my mouth ever so close to his ear I whispered, “Would you like to explain why Savannah was over here a moment ago?”

Stepping back, I flashed a smile to the man in front of us who was looking between us in utter confusion. “Why hello, I’m Brooke Reid, the new Design Editor at Hourglass.”

My hand extended out to shake his, while his jaw hung agape. With a slight shake of his head, he focused his eyes back on mine. “You’re the new hire Monica was raving about? How lovely to meet you. I am Mr. Hemsworth. You’ve been doing an exceptional job arranging our pages.”

As a blush rushed to my cheeks, I felt my smile grow. I was being raved about, by Monica. Holy Crap! “Why, thank you, Mr. Hemsworth. If you don’t mind, I’d love to steal my boyfriend away before the auction begins. Stake my claim so these women know he is mine when the bidding war ensues.”

Mr. Hemsworth suddenly began coughing or choking—I’m not quite sure which actually—before finally getting his bearings and speaking. “Actually Ms. Reid, I need to speak with him first regarding an issue that just arose. Can I send him back to you in a moment?”

“Of course, just be sure no other girls steal him.” I gave him a wink before spinning around and heading for Lisa, who was making final preparations for the auction.

As soon as I got to Lisa, her eyes grew large in terror. “Brooke, umm, is everything okay?”

“Lisa, everything is absolutely perfect!” I turned so that I could face Lucas and watch as Mr. Hemsworth very animatedly flailed his arms and spoke to Lucas about the new
. A full on belly laugh bubbled out, consuming me, and Lisa sent me a very perplexed look.

“Brooke? Did you hear me? I said Savannah and Mr. Wellington looked cozy a moment ago.”

I was incapable of reining in the idea that was growing in my mind as Lucas walked toward me. Glistening in sweat, his pulse became visible in his neck as he neared the spot where Lisa and I stood.

“Perfect timing, babe, Lisa was just telling me something very odd I thought you’d like to explain. She said Savannah was saying you were hers? I tried to tell her that is preposterous. I mean when will Savannah catch a hint! My God!” I threw my hands in the air and sucked in a quick breath before continuing. “If Savannah Prescott wants to play dirty, we can do that then. Come on it’s time for the auction I’ll have Lisa escort you back because I am going to find Savannah and handle her right this instant, I mean she knows I think I’m
with your baby, and now this, this! Lisa, take him away please,” I choked on my words as tears brimmed in my eyes.

“Brooke, I … I…” Lucas stuttered trying to form words as his eyes moved rapidly from my face, to my stomach, to a pissed off Lisa who looked like she might kill him at any moment.

“I’m sorry,” I sobbed. “Excuse me please, it must be the hormones!” I ran off toward the bathrooms in a flurry, as Lisa dragged Lucas to the backstage prepping area.

As soon as I stepped in the bathroom, slow applause began, and turning I smiled at Savannah and took a bow. “Oh he is done,” I laughed.

“I must say, I think I might have created a monster,” Savannah said coyly. “You ready to start the bidding?” Grabbing my hand Savannah led me out to the main ballroom.



Auction Night



the front row, I peered around the room. Brooke had done a phenomenal job with the event. Crossing my legs, I placed my bidding paddle in my lap and overheard the woman next to me raving about Luke as she pointed to his picture in the auction brochure, “He’s just perfect, don’t you think? I can’t wait to bid on him. I’m sure I’ll win. I’ve got twenty five thousand dollars in hand and I’m ready to fight for him.”

Snickering to myself I relaxed,
oh honey, twenty five thousand dollars is chump change compared to what I’m willing to spend to ensure Luke Wellington gets what he deserves.

Across the aisle I watched as Brooke took her seat, winking at me just as the lights began to flash onto the runway and Monica appeared to begin the bidding. We’d made it through the first three bachelors when I shot a quick text to Brooke.

One more to go, let’s allow a few bids before we begin the war.

Brooke glanced up and nodded at me, then took to her phone, a buzz alerting me of an incoming text message.

Perfect. I’ll place the first bid.

Grinning across the stage, I knew Brooke needed this. She’d been hurt the most out of the two of us, and I wasn’t going to let Luke get off easily. He had hurt me, but most importantly he’d hurt my best friend, my innocent best friend, and there was going to be hell to pay.

Monica began with Luke’s introduction as he floated effortlessly down the runway, stopping right next to Monica and directly in front of me. He glanced down just in time to see me flash him an earth-shattering smile. I watched the sweat begin to bead on his forehead.

BOOK: The Hourglass
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