The Hourglass (15 page)

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Authors: K. S. Smith,Megan C. Smith

BOOK: The Hourglass
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Brooke squeezed me even tighter than I was squeezing her. “I promise, Sav. It’s you and me, always has been, always will be.” In that moment I knew without a shadow of a doubt my best friend was back in my life.

Cozying up on her couch, I started in on her. “Okay, so I think it’s time we get down to the brass tacks.” Tapping the pizza app on my phone I plugged in a quick order while Brooke poured us two glasses of sangria. After handing me my glass, she sat back down on the couch and lifted her glass into the air. “Here’s to making that asshole’s life a living hell.”

Clinking our glasses together, we both shouted the word, “Cheers!” We sipped our wine as the scheming and plotting to destroy Luke Wellington began.




had spent days just acting normal and playing it out. We didn’t want Lucas to catch on to us knowing, so we kept up the ruse of not speaking to one another when in public. Tonight was Friday though, and Lucas and I had a date.
Phase One
of the Lucas Wellington take-down was in full swing. I had about ten minutes before he showed up and was applying my makeup when the buzzer sounded. Savannah jumped around in excitement, sloshing her wine in her glass as I scurried over to the intercom.

“Hello?” I called.

“Hey babe, it’s me,” Lucas crooned into the speaker. “I know I’m early but I just couldn’t wait to see you.”

Savannah made a very unladylike gesture behind me and mouthed an obscenity or two as I pressed the button to speak again. “Okay, well umm, I guess I’ll buzz you in. I’m not quite ready yet.” Savannah grabbed her purse and ran into my bedroom to hide out as I made my way to the front door. I scanned the room once more so I could ensure nothing of Savannah’s was in view and that my cell was in perfect position on the coffee table.

“Lucas,” I cooed as I opened the door. “Well don’t you look spiffy?” I batted my eyelashes and turned up the charm. “If you’ll just go make yourself comfortable on the couch, I’ll be just a few minutes longer.”

As soon as I shut my bedroom door, Savannah burst out of the closet, the picture of trouble, with her phone in hand. Sitting on my bed side by side, she pulled up his contact and typed out a text message.

Hey handsome, is that your Range Rover I see in my parking garage?

Listening for any noise in the front room, we heard none, but Lucas was quick to reply.

Nope, sadly.
not me. I’m at a business meeting tonight.

Scoffing at the phone, I held up two fingers so she’d know to move on to the next stage.

Bummer! I guess that keeps me from procrastinating and putting off what I had planned. Have a good night.
me after if you are free. ;-)

Next Savannah pulled up my cell number and began shaking violently trying to restrain her laughter.

Hey Brooke, you know running into you at the park really made me think. We should talk. Can I come by your condo tonight?

As soon as I heard my phone ring with the text message I fell beside Savannah in a fit of giggles. The couch squeaked a little in the front room and I heard a cough follow shortly thereafter. Jackpot! Although what I didn’t expect came next, in the form of a text message reply to Savannah’s phone.

Look Savannah, I was just emotional. I really would rather you stay away.
I don’t want to associate with a woman who would steal my boyfriend.

Jumping up from my bed I made my way to the door fuming. How dare he! Savannah chased me down, grabbing hold of my arm and shaking her head no. Leaning in she whispered. “We will get him, trust me.”

With an impatient sigh, I opened the door and peeked out. Lucas sat up ramrod-straight and turned to face me with a smile plastered on his face. “Sorry Lucas, I’ll be just a minute longer.” I closed the door with a soft click.

When I glanced at Savannah, she visibly relaxed.

“Okay, say a prayer, I’m going now. I’ll see you later.” I tiptoed across the room and hugged Savannah tightly before I went back to the door.

“All set,” I announced with a twirl.

“Brooke, you look breathtaking. How did I get so lucky?”

“I ask myself that every day,” I taunted with a wink.



Thirty minutes later we pulled up outside a fancy Italian restaurant, ironically one I’d wanted to try since it had recently opened and was getting rave reviews. Shame it had to be tonight that I actually ended up here. As we walked into the hostess area, the mouthwatering smell of garlic and herbs made my stomach grumble in starvation.

After confirming our reservation with the hostess, we were quickly seated in a cozy booth. The ambiance was perfect for romance; candlelit tables covered with white linens, surrounded by the bottles of wine that they kept stocked in the infamous cellar.

Wine, I definitely wanted a glass, maybe a bottle to help me survive the night. In a flash, a tall man in a crisp white button up shirt and tie came to our table.

“Good evening, welcome to Casa di Cottura. My name is Giovanni, and I’ll be your server this evening. Can I get you two a glass of wine from our cellar?”

Instantly I licked my lips in desperation for what he was offering. Lucas spoke up, ordering us each a glass of some fancy Merlot he was familiar with. I smiled as Giovanni excused himself and went to get our wine and bread.

Sitting in an awkward silence a few moments, I finally forced myself to speak up after the waiter set the wine and bread down and took our order.

“So how is work going? We have been so busy with that Annual Charity Auction coming up.”

Lucas nodded as he took a sip from his wine. “Yes, my bosses are gearing up as well since we’re the big sponsor. It’s a great cause to help get clothes to the kids in America who are in need. I’ll even be up on the auction block.” He smirked.

“Oh really? Well I guess I’ll have to start saving now. A man like you will probably be in high demand.” The waiter reappeared and placed our meals in front of us, saving me from having to stroke Lucas’s ego anymore. Thank God!

My chicken parmesan looked delicious, the breading a perfect golden brown with some freshly shredded mozzarella and basil garnishing the top. Carefully cutting off a piece, I brought it slowly to my mouth ready to savor the flavors that I could already smell. Without notice I tossed my fork down, slid out of the booth and hightailed it to the bathroom covering my mouth en route. After a good twenty minutes, I trudged my way back to the table to a concerned looking Lucas.

“Lucas, I’m not feeling well,” I explained before he could even ask. “So strange, I thought I was better but every time the smell of food gets too close I just get nauseous.” I shrugged as Lucas’s expression faltered. “Would you mind just taking me home?” I asked coyly.

“Of course, I’ll just get the check,” he soothed, waving the waiter over to our table. “Giovanni, it seems the lovely lady is not feeling well, so we’ll need the check.” Giovanni nodded in understanding and went to walk away.

“Oh and a box please, I’d hate for this to go to waste,” I amended.

“Of course,
. I’ll be right back with two boxes.”

Back in the car the silence continued. I knew I had to talk despite my sudden “nausea,” so that Lucas stayed invested. Savannah had beaten into me how critical that was to our plan.

“I am so sorry Lucas, I hope we can reschedule soon.”

“Of course, of course,” he readily agreed as he pulled into a space. Escorting me toward the elevator I could feel the tension in his arm as he moved us rapidly through the lobby. Once we were at my condo, he said goodbye and was back in the elevator before I could even close the door and lock it.

“Holy crap, next time text a girl and let her know you are on your way home!” Savannah called from behind me.

Giggling I turned to her and gave her a quick hug. “Sorry, he drove like a speed demon. But look, I got takeout.”

Savannah’s phone rang and she walked over to look at the screen, her jaw dropping when she saw the name. “Well I’ll be damned,” she said as she answered the call.

“Hey Luke, business meeting end early?” She paused as he spoke what I can only guess was a lie. “Uh huh, well that’s a shame. I’m not at home anymore, didn’t want to sit in on a Friday.” Another pause before she spoke again. “Yeah, we will plan something soon. Have a good night.”

After hanging up the phone, she tossed it on the couch and then started laughing hysterically. “What a tool!”




Brooke met me downstairs bright and early so we could go for a run. Heading out of our building we took off in the direction of City Park, heading for our usual route. “So, I was thinking I’d call Luke and see if he wants to go out tonight, I can tease him with the idea of an amazing evening in bed and then leave him high and dry.”

Brooke chuckled. “I love that you are so willing to use your body for the greater good of women everywhere.”

Shoving her shoulder, I laughed. “What can I say? This body is saving friendships, one player at a time.” Laughing together, we ran for the next hour before calling it quits.

Taking the elevators up, I got off first and turned to Brooke. “You coming down after you’re all cleaned up?”

She shook her head. “I can’t. I have to go into the office to do a few things, but I’ll be back in time for your fun filled night with Luke.” Stepping out I winked as the doors closed on my best friend. Heading into my condo, I went straight into the shower.

Wrapping my towel around my damp body I sat down on my couch and picked up my phone, dialing Luke’s number. He answered almost instantly. “Good morning beautiful.”

Chuckling silently to myself, I pushed my mirth aside and replied, “It would have been much better had I woke up next to your naked body.”

A low moan escaped Luke’s mouth. “You’re telling me. I thought about you all night and remembered that you owe me an evening in bed since our last one was interrupted.”

Grinning I fist pumped the air.
Sucker, you’re already eating out of the palm of my hand and you don’t even know it.
“Oh I know, I am so sorry about that. Why don’t you swing by tonight and I’ll make up for it?”

I could hear the movement of the phone as Luke shook his head. “I think you should come to my place, say 7:30?”

“Perfect, see you then.”

Before I could hang up Luke called out my name. “Savannah, wait…”

Wondering what else he could possibly want I replied, “I’d rather come, but I can wait too.”

Luke’s seductive voice rang through the speaker. “I’m not sure I can hold out that long to hear you moaning my name, how about a quickie over the phone?”

A grin spread over my face.
Just as
I didn’t think this could get any better.
Standing up I walked into the bathroom, pressed the speaker button on my phone and began my morning routine, all the while Luke’s husky voice crooned through the phone. “Let me know when you’re naked in bed, I want you to make yourself come for me, baby.”

Rifling through my makeup bag I began taking my cosmetics out of the bag and setting everything out on top of my vanity, ready to give Luke an Oscar winning performance. “I’m here baby, lying completely naked on my soft sheets, just for you.”

“Good girl, now I want you to imagine what I am going to do to you tonight, imagine me kissing you from head to toe, enjoying every inch of your beautiful body.”

Pretending I was in the beginning stages of being utterly turned on I moaned. “Oh Luke, I’m tingling all over.”

I swirled my makeup brush in the eye shadow and applied a base coat to my right eye and then my left, as Luke went on, “I want you to feel the warmth of my lips kissing you from your neck all the way to your belly button. Imagine I am there right now and my face is inches from being between your legs lapping your insides up until you explode in pleasure.”

Clasping my hand over my mouth I tried to stifle a loud laugh as I applied concealer with the other hand. I sucked in a deep breath and composed myself before I responded to Luke as convincingly as possible. “Oh Luke, I am so wet for you. I need you inside of me, I need you here, baby.”

His breathing began to pick up on the other end of the phone and I knew I was giving him a great show. “Luke, how bad do you want me? I need you to tell me, I need to know how ready you are to be inside of me.”

Quickly pressing the mute button on my phone I let out a belly laugh as Luke continued. “I’m so damn ready for you. I am so hard right now and can just imagine how wet you are, ready for me to be inside of you. I need you to help me finish baby, let’s finish together.”

Applying the top coat of powder to my face I quickly pressed the un-mute button and moaned noisily, giving Luke exactly what he needed. “Oh Luke, I’m right there, I’m…I’m coming for you baby, oh Luke!” I screamed loudly as his quick breathing rang through the speakers.

After my show stopping performance I needed breakfast, so I grabbed my bag and headed out toward my favorite coffee shop. I picked up a blueberry scone and hot chocolate and walked through the brisk air toward the nail salon where I always got manicures and pedicures. I sat down and searched for the massage remote. Finally finding it I selected my desired setting as I relaxed in the plush leather chair. Sinking my feet into the hot water that was bubbling beneath me, I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed Brooke to finalize our plan for this evening.

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