The Hourglass (9 page)

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Authors: K. S. Smith,Megan C. Smith

BOOK: The Hourglass
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“Were you just at Savannah’s?” I asked removing myself from his hold and folding my arms over my chest protectively.

“I was. She called me from the airport and asked for a ride home. Said we needed to talk. Savannah said she wanted me back, but I told her how I felt about you and that I didn’t want to hook up with her anymore.” Lucas’s eyes were filled with concern as he took hold of my hand, his voice was so even and I could hear the ache in it as he told me about my friend’s betrayal.

“She called?” I said in horror as he confirmed everything I had just accused Savannah of, my supposed best friend.

“Yes, I know things have been awkward between you two, and I just wanted to make it better. But then she tried to kiss me and I was shocked. I’m so happy with you Brooke, and I thought if I could just fix that piece of it all, we could put that confusion behind us and move forward together. Brooke, I think I’m in love with you,” still holding my hand, he began caressing the tender spot above my thumb with his own.

Standing there looking at Lucas I burst into tears. “I can’t believe she would do that to me! How could she?” I wallowed as he pulled me into his crisp white shirt and let me bawl my eyes out.

“I know sweetheart, I am just as stunned,” he soothed, rubbing my back. “Why don’t we just take the day, go up to my cabin in the mountains and enjoy some time away? It’s you and me babe, we can handle anything together,” he crooned kissing me with every bit of conviction his words held.

I let myself feel his soft warm lips on my own, focused on how he made my heart skip a beat, despite the fact it was being crushed by the betrayal of my friend.

“You’re right,” I agreed leaning back so I could look into his dark green eyes. “It’s you and me now. Don’t worry about Savannah; I’m done with that drama.”




so-called best friend’s accusations, I decided to take a jog before heading into the office. I was in no way ready to deal with Brooke just yet. After tossing on a pair of running pants and a hoodie, I slipped my shoes on and headed for City Park. Anger radiated through my body as I remembered Brooke accusing me of being a whore. Where did she get off talking to me like that? It isn’t like I was the one who summoned Luke. He’s the one who sought me out. The wind was slapping my face as I turned the corner into the park replaying the last hour I’d just spent with Luke.

Damn, I’ve missed you so much, Savannah.” Taken
I glanced over at Luke who was still holding tightly onto my hand. “Listen, this entire thing with Brooke has gotten out of hand, don’t get me wrong.
I enjoy spending time with her, she’s a great girl, but she’s not you.”

Pulling my hand from his,
I stared out the window not sure whether I should be excited or angry at him. We rode in silence for the majority of the drive. Then, upon
pulling into my complex,
Luke jumped
out of the car,
my things,
and helped
me up to my place. “You want me to take your luggage to your bedroom?”
With an awkward feeling, I glanced at him and
pulled in a deep breath. “Luke, I’m not sure what to say to all of this.”

there trying to avoid eye contact, but Luke closed
the distance, running his hands up my arms and back down
gently wrapped
them around my hips, pulling me in so my body
pressed tightly against his. “Don’t say anything, there’s no reason to talk, just let me show you how much I’ve missed you.” Slipping his fingers under the hem of my shirt,
he slowly started
to massage my
hips, instantly causing goose bumps to prick my skin while my
from deep within. His cool breath hit my neck,
followed by the warmth of his lips. Luke trailed
kisses from one side of my neck to the other, finally bringing his lips to meet the corner of my mouth. So much of me wanted
to show him what he’d
been missing out on, but I
do that to my best friend. I
had given
her my blessing and damn it
I was
going to stick to my word.
It wasn’t
Brooke’s fault I
I had feelings for Luke.

Placing my hands on his chest,
I pushed his body away from mine. “I can’t, I can’t do this to Brooke. Damn it Luke, why did I have to tell her to go for it? Why did it take me handing you over on a silver platter to my best friend to realize that I have feelings for you, that it is more than just sex?”

His baffled expression lasted less than a second before he was trying to seduce me again. “Take Brooke out of the
this isn’t about her. I’m done with her;
it’s me and you, Savannah. I think I’m in love with you.”

Forcing further distance between the two of us,
I crossed the room toward the door trying to keep myself from betraying my best friend. “Prove it Luke, if you love me,
end things with Brooke,
and make
it right, I’m not going behind her back, I can’t.”

Luke closed
the gap between us
pulled me
him again and placed a light kiss on my cheek. “I promise I’ll make this right.”
last look at her, he opened the door
and left.

The day was more than half over when I finally walked into my office and collapsed into the chair. I pulled up the files from my trip to New York and started working on edits only to be interrupted by my assistant. “Savannah, I tried to call you but for some reason your phone kept going straight to voicemail. Mr. Wellington stopped in early this morning and told me that he was going to be picking you up. I hope it didn’t cause any confusion.”

Looking up from my edits I shook my head. “Not at all, thank you for keeping track of me. Would you mind checking to see if Brooke is in the office? I really need to speak with her.”

My assistant darted out of my office shouting over her shoulder, “I’ll go check right now.” A few minutes later she walked back into my office. “I’m sorry, but it appears that Ms. Reid is out of the office and by the looks of it she won’t be returning today.” Rolling my eyes in frustration, I thanked my assistant and asked her to close my door.

I dialed Brooke’s cell and waited as it rang two times and then went directly to voicemail. “Brooke, we need to talk. This morning got way out of hand. I need you to let me explain before you begin jumping to all of these conclusions. Call me and we’ll meet for drinks.” After hanging up, I relaxed back in my chair and then shot a quick text to Luke.

Were you able to talk to Brooke? Call me later.

I spent the rest of the day in my office behind my computer screen editing photos from the New York shoot, not having heard a word from Brooke, nor Luke. Around eleven-thirty that evening I decided I’d better go home and unpack.

Throwing my dirty clothes into the washer I began my first load of laundry just as a knock sounded at my door. I traipsed over and pulled the door open to find Luke standing there with a grin spread across his face; my stomach instantly began flipping. “Are you going to let me in?” Stepping back out of the doorway, I motioned for him to come in and then closed the door behind us.

“So, have you talked to Brooke?”

Luke nodded his head, not giving me anything further.

“And… what’d she say?”

Sucking in a deep breath, he ran a hand over his face. “She’s not happy with me or you, but I told her the truth. I told her I’m falling in love with you and I want to be with you. I explained that I enjoy spending time with her, but the connection between you and me is completely different. When I’m with her I enjoy her company. She’s smart, fun, and beautiful, but she’s not you.”

Backing up until my calves connected with the couch I sank down. “And what was her reaction to all of this?”

Luke sat, pulling me onto his lap so I was straddling him. “She’s angry, mostly at me for not being completely up front with her from the beginning. But she’s mad at you too.” With a sigh I hung my head. Luke took his finger and lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes. “Babe, she’s going to be fine, trust me. Her biggest thing right now is time; she’s hurting and asked that we both give her time to digest all of this. She promised me when she’s ready she’d get in touch you. You’re her best friend, she won’t stay mad forever.”

Slumping down further into his lap, I leaned my head against his chest taking in his masculine scent that I’d missed so badly over the past two weeks, while his arms wrapped tightly around me. In one swift move Luke lifted me off the couch, his lips crashing down upon mine, tangling our tongues while he walked toward my bedroom.

The next morning, I awoke tangled in sheets and the lingering smell of a lustful evening. Rolling over I searched for Luke, but came in contact with an empty pillow. I sat up and peered around the room. A clattering noise coming from down the hall captured my attention. Hopping out of bed I pulled a silk nighty over my head and made my way toward the kitchen. Luke stood by the coffee maker in nothing but a pair of boxers. Sneaking up behind him I inched my fingers around his waist.

Turning, he looked down at me while wrapping me in his arms. “Morning, gorgeous.” He leaned down and gently kissed my lips. “I made some coffee.” Kissing my lips once more, he pulled two mugs from my shelf and filled them to the brim. When he lifted the mug to his lips, he practically drank its entire contents in one sip. “Listen,” he said drawing me against his chiseled body. “I’ve got to get going, early morning at the office. I’ll give you a call later tonight.” Luke walked off toward my bedroom and reappeared fully clothed in record time.

I followed him to the door and pushed myself onto my tiptoes to brush his lips with mine. “Have a good day.”

Winking at me he pulled my door open and then stepped out, but he turned back toward me before making his way to the elevator. “Remember to give Brooke her time, I know it’s going to be difficult, but she needs it.” Nodding, I smiled and waved while Luke went on his merry way.




passed since the knock down crazy fight with Savannah. I hated the way it had gone down, but I was so mad in the heat of the moment. Now, she despised me it seems. She was purposefully ignoring me, and it stung each time she’d leave a room I entered or turned her back to me. Lucas told me that he’d let Savannah down gently but she had asked for space. When he was down at Hourglass for a final sign off on the boards, he kept a safe distance between us so we didn’t “rub it in her face.”

Driving to my meeting at the condominium, I just wanted to bawl my eyes out. How had this whole thing gotten so screwed up? I screamed aloud and beat the steering wheel, overwrought with emotions. Of course the guy who was stopped beside me at the red light had to stare directly into my jeep and look at me like I needed a straightjacket. Pulling into my usual visitor parking space, the pain in my heart left by the void of my best friend seemed to be wrenched open even more.

Carl waved as I walked in, and then the manager, Antonio, escorted me to his office.

“Well Ms. Reid, just a few papers to be signed. I have you down as moving in three weeks from tomorrow. You’re going to be…”

As his monotone, business voice drone on, I spaced out, nodding when he paused and hoping I appeared to be listening attentively. Finally getting into the condo was so exciting, but it just wasn’t as ideal as it should have been. I had sent up prayer after prayer that Savannah and I would repair our friendship, but we had made no progress. Grabbing the pen and flourishing the paper with my scrolling signature, I made it official. I’d be my ex-best friend’s neighbor by the end of the month.



I slipped back into my jeep and checked my phone to find a text from Lucas.

Hey babe, want to do dinner and a movie at your place tonight?

A smile spread across my face as the exasperation and frustration washed away. Thank God I had Lucas in all this. He was my rock, my sanity. He’d held me several nights as tears streamed down my face. Today though, I decided I was done with it all. I’d texted her phone a few times when Lucas wasn’t over, and even tried to call once with no luck. Lucas had gone above and beyond to regain my trust, and the sexual tension was becoming insatiable. Unlocking my phone, I queued up the text to respond.

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