The Harem (15 page)

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Authors: Paul Preston

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Harem
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“Get up on the bed, slave girl, spread your legs out and open your thighs.”

Leaning back on her elbows to watch my reaction to her, she spread her legs out in a wide V shape. I tied a sash around each ankle and knotted them to the bedposts.

“Now lean forward, and present your wrists to be tied as well, submissive.”

Looking at me with trust in her eyes she extended her wrists toward me to be bound. I tied her arms tightly over her head to the other bedposts behind her, effectively splaying her body beneath me.

“Are the ropes too tight, submissive?”

Eve shook her head no. I placed my hands on the oiled skin of her inner thighs and buried my face and tongue in her vagina. I licked and sucked on her folds and swirled my tongue over her clitoris as she writhed underneath me, moaning. I put two drops of the clitoral cream on her nub, rubbing it in with my fingertip in circles, while my thumb entered the outer folds slightly. Her thighs shook and trembled as she moaned out. She was ready.

I took her hands and closed them around the silk sashes and told her to hold on to them. I put on a condom and slipped the tip of my penis inside her little by little, a few inches at a time. Eve opened her mouth and breathed in.

“Are you alright so far, Eve.”

She nodded her head, yes.

“I have a condom on, so don’t worry.”

I pulled out, squeezed the lubricating gel over my condom and onto the outer lips of her labia and entered her again, this time slipping in deeper.

“Mmmm…” Eve moaned.

“Are you OK?

“More than OK…”

My penis slipped further and further in, until I had penetrated her completely. I increased the speed and intensity of my thrusting, afraid I was going to lose control and make love to Eve too violently. I pulled out, untied the knots on her ankles and entered her again, this time holding her behind her knees, her legs tilted back above her head.

“Eve, I want to be your Dominant and I want you to be my submissive, in bed. I will tie you up and take you like this, whenever I see you. I will ask you to do other sexual acts with me and you will obey. I may ask to discipline you during your training with a paddle or a whip. Would you like that?”


“Please address me from now on as My Lord, Sire or Master Jeremy.”

“Yes, My Lord. I will obey you in all things. I am yours, from this day forward. Use me as you see fit.”

“Now I’m going to untie your wrists, turn you over and enter your vagina from behind. I’m afraid you’ll get sore if we make love too much longer, so I’m going to ejaculate inside you.”

“Yes, Sire.”

I pulled out and noticed my condom was covered with the white effluence of her secretion. I untied her wrists, flipped her over, entered her from behind, and rode her roughly for just under a minute until I could hold back no longer, shooting my seed in several convulsing bursts inside her. So much for the numbing body balm. With a woman such as Eve, I’ll need to buy a stronger brand.

Perhaps, since it was her first time, it was good, I didn’t last very long. I turned Eve over to embrace her. I became concerned when I saw tears dripping down her cheeks.

“Are you OK, Eve?”

She nodded yes, smiling.

“You’re crying.”

“I’m just so… happy.”

“Are you sore?”

“No, not right now. But I have to use your bathroom.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

When she was in the bathroom, I disposed of my condom and got my white handkerchief from my suit jacket. She climbed back in bed with me and I patted her vagina with the cloth and showed it to her.

“See. Just a tiny spotting and no discharge of blood.”

“It was so natural and easy. Why did I wait so long?”

“I’m sure you’ll make up for lost time, Eve. You’re one of the sexiest women alive, Eve.”

“You’re such an amazing lover, Master Jeremy…”

Eve yawned and my eyes began to feel heavy as well. We turned on our sides, my palms over her breasts. I squeezed her body close to me and we fell asleep peacefully together, listening to the waves breaking on the shore and receding back into the ocean over thousands of smooth pebbles…

We both awoke in the late morning and sat up. In the night our bodies had shifted and Eve’s hand had closed around the base of my penis. I had a towering erection, as usual, especially with Eve’s hand touching me.

“Good morning, Eve.”

“You’re aroused again, Sire.”

“It happens every morning.”

“Then I shall pleasure you with my mouth every morning and several times throughout the day if you wish, My Lord.”

“You’ll make an obedient submissive, Eve.

“I live to serve you, My Lord.”

I placed a pillow on the floor beside the bed and Eve kneeled upon it.

“Please hold out your hands to me, palms up.”

I squeezed a small amount of lubricating oil into her palms. With one hand she cupped my testicles, rubbing them gently and with the other she continued to squeeze and firmly stroke the base of my shaft, sliding up and down on the slick skin. She shut her eyes and closed her lips around the head of my penis and sucked on me, swirling her tongue around the rim. Her full breasts swayed as she moved her mouth up and down my shaft. It didn’t long before Eve brought me to the edge again, with her hands, mouth and lips.

“Look into my eyes, Eve.”

She looked up at me from below, sucking hard on me and winking once. I exploded into her mouth. She tilted her head back to swallow and I sprayed her breasts with several streams of fluid. She finished me, sucking out the remaining drops and swallowing once more, without ever breaking my eye contact.

“Stay kneeling on the pillow and wait for me, submissive. Don’t move.”

I left the room and returned shortly. Eve was kneeling in the exact same spot. I walked behind her and affixed a slender black collar around her neck with an O-ring at the front and the back. I placed her arms gently behind her, cuffing her wrists and attaching the wrist restraints to the O-ring at the back of her collar with a single chain. I stood her up in front of the bedroom vanity mirror and slipped her open crotched G-string back up her legs. She looked at herself in the mirror, the residue of my semen dripping through her ample cleavage. I turned her around so she could look over her shoulder to see what she looked like from behind.

“From now on, Eve, while in my home as my submissive you will be exhibited in this manner, with oiled breasts and a lubricated vagina, ready to serve me with your mouth and body, with the residue of my issue coating your lovely breasts and wearing only an opened crotched G-sting. When you’re ready, you will also give me access to your other openings for my pleasure. In addition, I will also need to periodically discipline you in the Pleasure Room, where you will submit to the whip or the riding crop while under restraint. If you agree to these new conditions, I will need you to sign a special contract, between myself as your Dominant and you as my submissive. The safe word we have established for you remains the same.”

“If you free my hands, my Lord, I will sign any contract you place in front of me with an open heart. I put my trust in you completely, My Lord.”

At breakfast, Eve sat in my lap and took her nourishment from my hands, all the while smiling and staring deeply into my eyes. Billingsley served the food and poured the tea, noticing the semen on my submissive’s breasts. Eve didn’t notice the raised eyebrows of my manservant and didn’t seem to be embarrassed in the slightest to be paraded in front of him. I was exceedingly proud of all she had overcome, the repression she had left behind in the last forty eight hours. I smiled, happy and content with my new sub, the memory of my ex-wife’s infidelity pushed into the back of my mind. With the help of my three Harem girls, I was finally on the path of recovery, of healing.

After our morning meal, I had Billingsley bring out the new contract and I went over it with Eve. I emphasized that she had the power to cancel the contract with me at any time and that our Dom/sub relationship only existed within the walls of the Harem. I know some Doms take the relationships with their subs to the extreme, requiring their subs to be obedient and subservient inside and outside of their bedrooms. That arrangement may work for them, but I have always preferred to keep the sex games confined to the boudoir and give my sub total freedom to live her life as she wished, as an equal to me. That way she would come to me only if she enjoyed spicing up her sex life by being dominated, rather than feeling forced to submit out of fear.

Before Eve signed the contract, she asked if our relationship outside the Harem would remain non-exclusive. I explained that she could take on no other Dominant, but outside the Harem, she was free to date and become involved with other men. If she developed an emotional bond with a man she dated, she would have the right to break the contract and permanently leave the Harem. She admitted that two men at church today had already given her their business cards. Eve asked if she was allowed to get to know them. I told her I wanted her to explore relationships with other men, if she could still keep a place in her schedule for me every Friday night, and at least once or twice during the week for our training sessions. She agreed, and told me she was glad to have an open and honest relationship with me. I released her bound arms and we signed the contract together. We embraced for the first time as Dom and sub. Billingsley made a copy for Eve in my office and gave it to her. Hopefully the new relationship between us will work out in a way which my marriage to Debbie never did.

We showered, dressed and drove back to her new apartment. As we hung up her new wardrobe, the moving men arrived and dropped off the furniture. Just like husband and wife, we decorated Eve’s home.

Soon it was time for Eve to start getting ready for her night shift at the restaurant and I had a Co-Dependents Anonymous meeting to get to. I told her I’d stop by the bar at TGIF’s later tonight or later in the week to see her. I took off her collar and put it away in the bag for our next session. Eve and I affectionately kissed goodbye, parting as the best of lovers, the best of friends.

Chapter Fourteen


I met an extraordinary man Monday night.

I just finished my first shift at Potomac Fields, an inpatient psychiatric hospital in Maryland. I started a one month rotation there today, as an elective in my final year as Chief Psychiatric Resident at Georgetown University. After my month is up, I’ve planned a two week vacation in Nice to visit my parents in France. When I get back I have just six months left at Georgetown before I start my Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry at UCLA in Los Angeles, California.

I certainly wasn’t expecting to meet anyone, especially at a Co-Dependents Anonymous meeting. Since I couldn’t make it to my regular meeting in DC, I found one in Rockville, close to Potomac Fields, and decided to go. I’m still trying to get Butch out of my system, out of my life. I need the support group, at least once a week. I was really relieved to do my fellowship year in California. I’m really looking forward to leaving behind the abusive man on the East coast for good. Next July can’t come fast enough for me. Until then, I promised myself, no men, no dating. Meeting Jeremy came at the most unexpected time for me. I suppose I should open myself again, but I still think it’s too soon.

The meeting was held in a poorly lit church basement on Rockville Pike. It was a small group, about fifteen people, mostly women. After we started the meeting with a moment of silence, we recited the first four lines of the Serenity Prayer.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to accept the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”

The group leader read a document from the foundation guidelines, shared a few short announcements and then we split up into 3 groups of 5. My group had three younger women in it and a slightly older man. The man had his head bowed so nobody could see his face and he was not speaking or making eye contact with any of us. I observed him scribbling in a small notepad, as each of the girls shared fragmented pieces of their recovery stories. It came time for me to share my story with the group.

“Hi, I’m Chantelle, and I’m a Co-Dependent.”

The moment I spoke, I saw the gentleman look up from his little notepad, lean back in his chair, smile pleasantly and… wink at me. Flirting with someone at a Co-Dependent’s meeting is quite frowned upon, of course. He did it in such a subtle manner I’m sure no one else other than I noticed it. Of course, I looked away, but not before noticing how sharply dressed, well groomed and ruggedly handsome he was. Qualities you rarely find in American men and something I know the French value quite highly, me included, I’m afraid. For the first time in a long time I felt my heart race and my stomach tighten, just by seeing someone attractive. I wanted to look back at him, but it was inappropriate, so I looked into the eyes of the three women as I shared my story.

I told the group that I was a psychiatrist, but that didn’t prevent me from having co-dependency issues. I explained how I was alone in the US, and one night while driving downtown a police officer named Butch McAdams pulled me over for a broken tail light. He was so nice to me. Rather than giving me a ticket, I followed the officer to an Auto Parts store and he personally changed the bulb for me. It seemed like such a considerate thing to do. I could tell he was attracted to me and asked for my number. I stupidly gave it to him and he called me a few days later. I went out with him to dinner a few times. Eventually, one night when I was particularly lonely, missing France and my parents, I let Butch stay the night. He wanted to have sex with me and even though I wasn’t particularly in the mood, I let him. I gave him control over me, in order to please him I suppose, which is one of the issues I’m working through in intimate relationships. At first Butch was very sweet to me, but after several dates he started becoming very controlling and manipulative. He drank heavily when he saw me, demanding more of my time than I was willing to give.

He was intensely jealous of other men. Even if I merely looked at another man, it would cause us to argue. Despite all of this, I dated him for over six months. I should have broken it off right away, but I stupidly thought his behavior would eventually change. I deeply regretted ever opening up to him. When I told him I just wanted to be friends; he squeezed my arm so tightly it left a bruise. I got away from him that night, but I think he’s been stalking me ever since. I keep seeing a police car drive by my apartment near Georgetown University. I think it’s him.”

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