The Harem (11 page)

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Authors: Paul Preston

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Harem
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I placed a pillow on the floor in front of me and the slave girl obediently lowered to her knees, licking up and down my aroused shaft as I lashed her with the whip. She put both her hands around the base of my penis, clamping her lips down over the bulbous rim and sucked passionately on the head, all the while accepting the soft lashes upon her pale white flesh. As she sucked, she arched her back, pressing my shaft between the smooth cleavage of her breasts. She bowed lower and took the sensitive underside of my scrotum in her mouth and suckled me there, before licking back up to the top. She swallowed the full length of my shaft down her throat, from root to tip, until tears dripped from her eyes. The sight of her tears and the fact that my Harem girl was so eager to please, triggered my response. I completely filled her open mouth with my semen. As she tilted her head back to swallow, two white streams of creamy fluid slipped out of the corners of her mouth and ran down over her cheeks and chin, dripping into the cleavage of her breasts. I continued ejaculating, coating the skin of her breasts. She took me in her mouth again, tugging up and down on my penis to extract another mouthful of my issue, and the Harem girl swallowed it with ease, sucking out the last tender drops. I shivered with pleasure.

I picked her up off the floor and laid her down beside me. I released both clamps and rubbed a soothing lotion generously on each of her red swollen nipples. I picked up her chin, forcing her to look me directly in the eyes. I smiled, dropping my slave owner persona.

“Did you like our little sexy games, Cynthia?”

She nodded yes and smiled. I whispered in her ear.

“I can’t express to you how much making love to you has meant to me. And I hope I’ve proven to you by now, without a shadow of a doubt, how attracted I am to your body, exactly as you look right now. Can’t you see how I can’t keep my hands off you, Cynthia? And let the memory of my unfaithful wife and the Flaccid Bastard be damned.”

She looked at me and kissed me with tenderness. Cynthia and I cuddled up in my bed like a happily married couple and went to sleep peacefully, her body pressed close to mine, my hands cupping the crescent of full luscious breasts.

Chapter Ten


My first thought upon awakening was the sweet words Master Jeremy whispered in my ear before we fell asleep in each other’s arms: how he couldn’t keep his hands off my body and how he was attracted to me “exactly as you look right now, let the Flaccid Bastard be damned.” It was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. I couldn’t think of a time in my life I had woken up so happy to be alive. I felt… healthy again, whole, ready to move on with my new life. I took a breath in and smiled. Even though Master Jeremy had pleasured me in every available orifice last night, he still left me wanting more. I had the overwhelming desire to please him again with my mouth.

When I turned over in bed to give him a good morning kiss and offer my services, Jeremy had already arisen. He was standing at the far end of the room, staring intensely out of a sliding glass door. He seemed focused on something in particular in the back yard. His eyebrows were creased together and there was a detached sad expression in his eyes.


He didn’t appear to hear me in his disturbed state. I shivered. The room was very cold. The weather outside must have dropped overnight. I noticed a layer of silvery frost covering the grass outside. I got of bed and approached him.

“Is there something wrong, Jeremy?”

He didn’t respond. I put my arms around him. The sliding glass door was open a crack and all the frigid air from outside had made his skin ice cold. I slid the door shut.

“You’re freezing. Come back to bed, Jeremy. I’ll warm you up.”

He suddenly began speaking in a peculiar soft voice, barely above a whisper, while staring with a blank expression out into the distance. I leaned in closely to hear him.

“Three years ago, back when I was married, my Father had a heart attack while mowing the back lawn. My Mother wasn’t home at the time. Obsessed with my wife, hoping to keep her happy, I was out picking up something or other she asked me to buy for her. When Mom returned home, she discovered my Father lying next to the goddamn mower. By the time the paramedics arrived, his heart had already stopped beating…”

I didn’t know what to say.

“That’s terrible. I’m so sorry for your loss, Jeremy…”

“Neither of my parents told me of his heart condition. If I knew, I would have physically stopped him from exerting himself by working in the yard.”

“Of course, you would have.”

I followed Jeremy’s gaze and then noticed what he’d been staring at. An old rusty red lawn mower sat abandoned at the far end of the lawn, near a canopy of pine trees. Apparently it had been left there, after the incident. The sight of it obviously upset him.

“He refused to hire a landscape company to cut the grass. My Dad could be stubborn like that. I think he felt it was his lawn, his property, and he wanted to take care of it himself. I had just bought him a big green and yellow John Deere riding mower, but he preferred to push that crappy old broken down mower around. He had been doing it for years. He was a physician himself, a Neurosurgeon. I’m sure he knew to avoid the exertion and was well aware of the risks. I should’ve been there to physically stop him from cutting the grass. I should’ve been there, mowing the lawn for him, after everything he did for me, instead of running errands for that chain smoking unfaithful bitch of a wife I had.”

“It wasn’t your fault, Jeremy. These things happen. Don’t blame yourself. How could you have known about his heart condition, if no one told you?”

“It was my fault. I was directly responsible for my Father’s death.”

“No. Don’t say that.”

Suddenly Master Jeremy slid the sliding glass door all the way open and walked outside through his patio and into the frigid air, completely naked.

“Jeremy! You’ve got no clothes on! It’s cold out there! What are you doing? Where are you going?”

I picked up Jeremy’s robe, wrapped it around myself and ran out after him, instantly shivering from the biting cold. Jeremy had already walked briskly across the lawn in long strides, seemingly oblivious to the chill in the air. Before I could reach him, he picked up the mower by the rusted silver handle, and like a nude Greek Olympian throwing a discus, Jeremy swung it around and around, and smashing it violently against the bark of a pine tree. By the time I reached him all four wheels of the mower as well as the metal handle had broken off. He picked the underside of the mower up and continued to smash it over and over into the tree, slicing his palms on the blade. Blood was dripping down his wrists. I became hysterical, trying to stop him from injuring himself any further.

“Please Jeremy! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! You’re injuring yourself! You’re bleeding! STOP IT!”

Jeremy stepped back from the wreckage, breathing deeply. Thank Goodness the mower was old and the blade was dull. I could see the cuts on his palms were superficial, but they still needed tending to. We walked, arm in arm, out of the cold and back into his bedroom. I found a first aid kit in the bathroom cabinet and tended to his cuts. I called Billingsley through the intercom system. Luckily he was on duty. I asked him to immediately bring me some hot tea, the clothes I arrived in last night and several large sturdy trash bags. I put a warm blanket around Jeremy and sat him up in a chair. Billingsley arrived almost immediately with everything I requested. After I put the hot mug in Jeremy’s shivering hands, I dressed quickly and went out with Billingsley into the back yard. We disposed of the demolished mower parts in several bags and carried the heavy metal pieces to the trunk of my car.

When I came back in the bedroom, Jeremy was sitting in the exact position as I left him. I tried to talk to him, but he was unresponsive, appearing to have slipped into some kind of catatonic state. I asked Billingsley if he would be OK and he told me not to worry, promising me that he would give Master Jeremy the best possible care. Billingsley assured me that, though he was a butler, he had some basic training in medicine and first aid. If Master Jeremy’s condition took a turn for the worse, Billingsley planned to refer him to a physician. I didn’t know what else to do. I exchanged phone numbers with Billingsley and told him to call me as soon as possible with news on Master Jeremy’s condition. Though I felt terribly guilty about it, I left Jeremy in the care of Billingsley and returned home to get rid of the bags of broken lawn mower parts in the dumpster behind my apartment complex.

It is late in the evening Saturday night as I finish this journal entry. I tried calling and texting Master Jeremy to see how he was, but didn’t get a response. I placed my cell phone near me, staring at it periodically throughout the afternoon, wishing it would ring with good news. By the early evening I couldn’t wait a moment longer so I called Billingsley for an update. He reported that Master Jeremy was at present resting comfortably, which put my mind more at ease. I still worried about Jeremy and wondered why he had behaved so erratically this morning. I hoped he would call so I could see him again later in the week. Then, before retiring for the night, I received the call I had been waiting for all day.

Chapter Eleven


Late Saturday night I called Cynthia on the phone number she left with Billingsley. Deeply ashamed, I apologized for the way I had acted this morning and I told her I hoped I had not jeopardized our relationship by my crazy behavior. She told me not to worry about it and put my mind at ease. She said she felt even closer to me now after I opened up to her. I thanked her for removing the broken mower and told her how nice it is to look out of my bedroom window and not be constantly reminded of the death of my father. I mentioned how I felt she was a healing presence in my life and she told me how she felt the same way. She sounded so excited on the phone. She had just got on the scale and had lost fifteen pounds since starting a diet last Monday, the day we met at Starbucks. She was planning on doing twice a day workouts at the Gold’s Gym to get herself into the best shape of her life. She had just started a fast, using purified water, lemon, maple syrup and a pinch of ground cayenne pepper. I told her how happy I was that we met and how I thought we were having a positive effect on each other’s lives, as friends and lovers. I suggested that we get together later in the week so I could take her shopping for new clothes to fit the new trim body. We made arrangements to meet at the Express clothing store at Montgomery Mall around 6PM Tuesday evening. She said she finished her workout at 5:30, so 6PM was perfect.

Next, I called Sapphire on her cell, hoping we might be able to get together soon, but it went right through to her voicemail. I kept thinking of her lovely breasts with her hooped nipple rings, an image that I thought about hundreds if not thousands of times a day. I kept thinking about the hot sex we had in the Pleasure Room and longed for the next moment we could explore our dominant/submissive relationship. If not for my attachment to Cynthia and Eve, I would have already developed an unhealthy fixation on Sapphire and most likely have pushed her away with my emotional neediness. I was happy to have three women to share my life with and my love.

I was concerned for Sapphire’s health after she called herself a crack whore. However horrible it may sound, my first thought was to give Sapphire what she needed, to stop her from rejecting me, even if it meant enabling her drug addiction. I made a vow to myself to be stronger around Sapphire. I had already formed an unhealthy attachment to her, similar to the one I had with Debbie.

Soon after the separation with my ex-wife I realized that I’d been in a dysfunctional Co-Dependent relationship with her. I started religiously going to Co-Dependent Anonymous meetings every Monday from 5-6PM. I don’t really believe in a Higher Power, but I’ve gone ever Monday since my divorce to feel less alone and to listen to the stories of other people working through their issues.

I hoped Sapphire’s addiction to crack cocaine wasn’t true. I texted her an invitation to come over to my home for dinner Wednesday evening at 6, promising I would let her study. I was happy to receive a text back from Sapphire that she would be happy to come for dinner Wednesday night.

So with Sapphire, Cynthia and Eve, I found three lovely women to join my Harem. If their schedules permitted, I would be able to meet each of them once a week for private sessions in order to build the trust between us, while continuing to meet all three every Friday night as a group. I decided to remove my posting on the Adult Friend Finders website.

I got another text from Sapphire that read, “Be ready to party with me.” I’ll need to fight off the impulse to buy her drugs, I thought to myself. Would I be able to? Am I strong enough? I wasn’t sure…

I woke up Sunday morning feeling refreshed and looking forward to the day for the first time in months. Even though I wasn’t a big fan of church and hadn’t been to one since the day Evelyn saw me there, I couldn’t wait to see Eve again. I retrieved the note she left me with the name and address of where she worshipped, the Presbyterian Church of Christ.

I showered, shaved, slapped on some cologne and took my tea from Billingsley to go. I thought I would surprise her by showing up a tad early. In the note she said she would be teaching Sunday school from 9:30 to 10:30 and the regular church service would start at 11, so I could meet her a few minutes early to get a seat for the main service. I pulled up; parked and arrived at the church in Bethesda at about 10:15.

I heard a hymn being sung and looked over the parishioner’s heads from the back of the chapel, each person holding a hymnal and standing rather stiffly. I wandered down a long wide corridor looking for Eve, peeking into each doorway and empty meeting room as I walked by. About half-way down the hallway there was a long glass window built into the wall and I saw her in the Sunday school classroom, surrounded by playing children. She looked much different than before. I spied on her, undetected from the doorway. She was kneeling with her back to me, interacting playfully with a group of children. She was wearing a very sexy sweater dress that clung to the contours of her body. The hem of her tight dress rode up the back of her thighs. She must have had on the G-String panties I had given her, since the flesh of her firm perfectly rounded cheeks were completely exposed to my view. I became immediately and painfully aroused, ogling her. Eve wore the stripper heels I bought for her and she had let down her long silky blond hair so it cascaded in ringlets all the way down to the small of her back. As she played with the children, the thought crossed my mind that Eve would make an excellent mother. Suddenly, as if sensing my presence, she looked over her shoulder and saw me leering at her through the window. Eve gave a toy to a crying child to comfort him. She stood up, pulled down slightly on the hem of her dress and slowly turned around…

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