The Gift (11 page)

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Authors: Kim Dare

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The Gift

by Kim Dare

When he reached the spirit's erection, Nicky carefully wrapped his lips around the tip. He'd always liked going down on men, even before he came to his master. There was something about it that always made his own arousal peak, but the spirit wasn't used to the sensations as Charles was.

His hips bucked wildly, Nicky only just managed to ride out the motion.

The spirit put his hand on the back of Nicky's head.

Nicky forced himself to stay still and not panic. He closed his eyes for a moment.

"He doesn't like anyone's hand on the back of his head,"

Charles said for him.

Nicky opened his eyes and looked up at them both.

The spirit took his hand away. "I'm sorry, I..."

Charles took the spirit's hand and softened the correction by leading it back to Nicky's neck. "He likes you to touch him here."

He guided the spirit's fingers to trail along his neck, underneath his ear, to touch the sensitive little spot which made a shiver run down Nicky's spine. He gasped, sucking firmly around the spirit's cock.

The spirit groaned his pleasure.

A few moments later, Nicky felt another hand on the back of his head, a more familiar touch that didn't make him feel panicked. He looked up at his master.

"You said..." the spirit whispered to Charles.

"I am not just anyone," Charles said simply, "I am his master."

Nicky blushed at the truth in the statement.


The Gift

by Kim Dare

As much as he wanted to please the spirit, be couldn't quite make the stranger his first priority. He couldn't help but tilt his head at a certain angle to give his master the best view of his mouth sliding over the spirit's cock.

He knew Charles didn't miss a moment of it. His eyes absorbed every detail of it and Nicky knew in that moment Charles meant it when he said this would be the first and the last time. Charles wouldn't share him again. Because as much as he could see the enjoyment in Charles's expression, he could also see the possessiveness in his eyes, and feel the possessiveness in the hand on the back of his head.

Nicky slid his mouth up until he could slip his tongue out and flicker over the spirit's foreskin. Nicky looked up at him.

The spirit was watching him just as intently as his master, but with far more confused arousal on his face.

Charles's grip tightened on his hair, tugging slightly to get his attention. Nicky looked up to his master. Charles put a hand on the spirit's waist. Nicky saw his intention.

If he didn't do something soon, he would go insane watching Nicky go down on another man. Paranormal or not, the spirit was in his place and he didn't like it at all. The memory of the other times he'd shared his bed with two or more partners began to fade in his memory.

If the spirit was a real man, Charles knew he wouldn't be able to take it any longer, he would have to call it off. He would have to pull Nicky away from the third man and mark his territory.

For now, for the half an hour the spirit would exist in this world, he could just about convince himself to share. The 98

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by Kim Dare

marking could come later. He trailed his fingers over Nicky's collar, bringing both their attentions to the strip of leather, reminding Nicky who he belonged to.

When Nicky moved, to take a new position which would allow Charles room behind the spirit, the spirit didn't need coaxing. He turned quickly onto his side, eager to keep his cock enveloped in Nicky's hot wet mouth. Charles slid close behind him, letting his erection settle snugly between the spirit's buttocks.

The spirit tensed for a moment. Nicky dipped his head lower, until the top of the spirit's shaft must have slipped into his throat. The spirit clearly forgot about anything else.

Charles grabbed the lube off the bed side table. He held it in his hand for a few long moments, forcing himself to let it warm in his hand so it would feel more pleasant against the spirit's skin.

Leaning back, he slipped his hand between his cock and the spirit's buttocks. He was as tight as any inexperienced human, but he relaxed very quickly around his fingers when Charles slipped slid one and then two fingers into the tightly puckered hole.

The spirit pushed himself forward into Nicky's mouth.

Without a hand on the back of his head, Nicky could ride the movements out easily enough. It wasn't really the spirit moving now anyway—it was his fingers pushing the spirit into Nicky's mouth.

Eventually, Charles judged the spirit ready and lined himself up against the spirit's back.


The Gift

by Kim Dare

"Say yes." He whispered in the spirit's ear, but it was Nicky's eyes he met, over his shoulder. Nicky let the spirit slip from between his lips.

"Yes," the spirit moaned, trying to push back against Charles's erection and forward into Nicky's mouth at the same time.

Nicky met his master's eyes and whispered, "Yes."

Charles thrust forward, burying himself inside the spirit in one easy motion. The spirit froze. Charles and Nicky did the same, waiting him out. Gradually he started to breathe again, to move again. He wriggled between them, trying to get more stimulation without knowing how to.

Charles didn't waste any time setting his rhythm. He put his hand back on Nicky's head, guiding him into a complimentary motion. Nicky murmured his approval of his master's touch, deep in the back of his throat. The vibrations would be wonderful. Charles thrust harder into the spirit.

The spirit pushed back, enjoying the roughness. He wasn't Nicky, Charles was willing to be a little bit rough if the spirit thought he could take it, but he wasn't going to trust the spirit's control too far. Charles tugged at Nicky's hair until he got the message and kissed his way back up the spirit's body, replacing his mouth with his hand. He didn't want the spirit in Nicky's mouth when he came.

Freed from any obligation to hold back, Charles pushed the spirit hard and fast into Nicky's receptive hand. In moments, the spirit's muscles tightened around him. His grip on Nicky's shoulder turned white knuckled too. The idea he could hurt 100

The Gift

by Kim Dare

Nicky, by accident or design, was enough to kill any chance Charles had of coming right then.

The spirit climaxed into Nicky's hand. Almost at the same instant, he began to fade away. Everywhere he touched Charles's skin tingled. He reached past the spirit and took a firm grip on Nicky's arm, just in case he should get caught up in whatever was calling their third man away from them.

Nicky looked enchanted. Charles turned his attention to the spirit. He sparkled all over with dozens of little points of light as he became more and more translucent.

"Merry Christmas, spirit," Nicky said with a smile.

Whatever the spirit would have said in return was lost. The spirit vanished.

"Wasn't he supposed to say something about remembering the spirit of Christmas and keeping it all through the year?"

Charles asked.

"I think he was a little bit distracted," Nicky said with a shy smile. His eyes dropped in submission as he came completely back to his master. Then his expression dropped too. "You didn't come."

"Neither did you," Charles pointed out.

"I know but..."

Charles stroked his cheek. "I could have if I wanted to, but I'm not inclined to wait out my recovery time before I remind you who you belong to."

He rolled over Nicky, pushing his pet onto his back and looming over him. He thrust his tongue into Nicky's mouth, reclaiming the space the spirit occupied until so recently. His 101

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by Kim Dare

tongue swirled in his mouth, wiping away any trace of the spirit's touch. Nicky was his.

Nicky clutched at his shoulders, ran his hands over Charles's back, pulling his weight down on top of him. Charles let a little more of his muscle mass press down against his lover, but he wasn't quite willing to suffocate Nicky to prove his point.

When Charles pulled away, Nicky gasped from breath and grasped for his body, reaching out to Charles. Charles grabbed his wrist and pulled him up off the bed. "I want you in our bed."

Nicky hurried to keep up, tumbling off the bed and barely keeping his feet as Charles dragged him back to their bedroom. Slamming the door behind him, Charles pinned Nicky to the door.

"Never again," he whispered against Nicky's lips.

Nicky returned the kiss, never denying his master entry into his mouth. When Charles broke the kiss, Nicky bit his lip, looking up at his master. "I wouldn't mind."

Charles frowned at him. His grip on Nicky's tightened, until he knew it would leave a mark, maybe just so it would leave a little mark and stake his claim to Nicky. He studied Nicky's eyes. There was a light in there he hadn't seen there for a long time.

Someone else put the light there. That was not acceptable.

Charles didn't give a damn if the spirit no longer existed in the real world, Nicky wasn't supposed to want him...

Charles pushed down his jealousy and really looked at Nicky. "You just like me feeling jealous. You're getting off on 102

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by Kim Dare

me hating the thought of anyone else ever touching you. You little..."

Nicky cast a nervous look up at him.

Charles shook his head, grinning down at him. He pulled Nicky back close and whispered in his ear, "If you had any idea how many guys I've warned away from you over the years, you'd come in your pants."

Nicky smiled against his shoulder. "I'm not wearing any."

That was certainly true, Nicky pressed against him, bare from tip to toe. Their erections brushed against each other, trapped between their bodies, curving up towards their stomachs.

Charles brushed their lips together. "I want you, now."

Nicky nodded. Smiling an invitation, he took Charles's hand and walked backwards towards the bed. Charles followed him, wondering what his pet had in mind.

Without hesitation, Nicky crawled onto the mattress and lay down, with his back to Charles, inviting him to spoon behind him. Nicky rarely asked for anything specific, but the look he cast over his shoulder was a clear hope Charles wouldn't decide on something different.

Charles lay down behind him. Nicky immediately put his hand back behind him, pulling him closer. He guided Charles's arm around him, not down to jack him off, but just around him. Charles got the idea, he held his pet close. He pressed a kiss to Nicky's neck. A few lube slick moments later he slid inside him.

The position forced them to go slow, barely rocking together a few inches at a time. Charles trailed his lips over 103

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by Kim Dare

Nicky's neck. "Do you have any idea how amazing you are?"

he whispered.

Even at this angle, he could see the blush stain Nicky's cheek at the simple compliment. Nicky closed his eyes, his lashes fanned down over his cheeks. He threaded their fingers together, pulling Charles closer still.

"I wish we could stay like this forever," Nicky whispered softly.

"Forever," Charles agreed.

On edge as they both were after their time with the spirit, it didn't take much longer before they came, Nicky first and Charles a moment later. Charles didn't rush away. He held Nicky closer than ever, feeling every moment of his heart rate returning to normal and his breathing even out.

They didn't spend enough time doing that, just savouring each other's bodies. Even after Charles let Nicky go and turned him around in his arms. He couldn't stop touching Nicky, running his hands over Nicky's body, not to tease or excite, just to enjoy touching the man he loved.

He didn't say it often enough either. It always seemed like such a stupid thing to say, as if he were stating the obvious for no other reason than form demanded he do so. He frowned as he realised just how rarely he said anything like that.

"What you said earlier, master, we really don't have to,"

Nicky offered.

"Have to what?"

"The ring and everything," Nicky said.


The Gift

by Kim Dare

"We will do everything." Charles said firmly. "Although you will have to pick out a different ring."

Nicky nodded. He looked down, but a moment later he snuck another glance at his master. "Maybe you should choose them both, you know best what you would like and..."

"You will choose."

Nicky bit his lip. "Maybe if I knew what you didn't like about the last one?" he suggested.

Charles stroked his hair back. "Your choice was not the problem, your method of payment was."

Nicky frowned. He nodded, but it was an automatic nod, which said Charles was the master and Nicky would agree even when Charles was wrong.

"I can't accept something this important being bought with another man's money, pet," Charles said as gently as he could.

"I didn't mean to take control or..."

"Hastings's money has no place in our relationship," he said more firmly. No one else had any place in their relationship.

Nicky hesitated, watching his fingers draw patterns on his master's skin. "It wasn't his money," he blurted out suddenly.

"I know I should have been more careful and made the money he gave me last, but ... well, when I agreed to belong to him, I forgot to tell him about an old savings account I opened before I had a master."

The colour on Nicky's cheek told its own story. He'd forgotten because he hadn't really trusted Hastings to provide for him.


The Gift

by Kim Dare

Nicky took a deep breath. "After he moved away I ran out of the money he left me. I remembered about the old account and I cashed it in and the wallet was what I had left from that..."

Charles stroked Nicky's hair, the long blond strands trailing through his fingers. Nicky hadn't kept anything hidden in back up when he came under his protection. He'd even used the last of the money Charles insisted remain entirely his to buy the ring for him. Nicky really did trust him in a way Hastings had never seen sight of.

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