The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1) (4 page)

Read The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1) Online

Authors: Ever Wood

Tags: #free erotica romance doctor exam series

BOOK: The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1)
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Beau reaches around my
front for the tie on my robe. “No,” I whisper and shake my head.
“I’d rather stay covered.” I’m not sure why I say this. I’ve
already been completely naked in front of Doug and the twins. I
guess it’s because of the people in the room. I’m afraid if I take
off my robe, I would be inviting others free access to my

Yet, I find I like
watching the couple next to me. I’m embarrassed when I feel wetness
drip from between my legs.
Beau must feel

The woman hisses as the
British man touches the vibrator to her bare crotch. She begins to
massage her undersized breasts as he slowly penetrates

Lift your ass up a
little,” Beau tells me.

What? Why?

I start to get to my feet,
but he holds me halfway and flares my robe out behind

back slowly,” he says and guides me down with a hand on my hip.
Right onto a slim vibrator of his own.
Dr. Beau!

I’m so excited now that I
have no trouble easing myself onto the device. The vibrator tickles
and teases as I watch the man thrust the phallus in and out of the
woman. She’s crying out now, close to release.

Beau continues to guide my
hips as I move up and down and around the vibrator. My thighs start
to burn as I ride faster and faster. His breath is as ragged as
mine is. He lets go of the vibrator to seize the front of my robe
in both hands and rip it open. One hand goes back to anchor the
vibrator while the other grabs my bouncing breasts and plucks at my
nipples. I’m exposed for all to see, but I’m too far gone to care.
I realize I’m about to climax. My toes curl and I dig my nails into
Beau’s thighs and explode in spastic ecstasy the same time as the
woman next to me.

I fall back against the
good doctor, spent.

He guides my hand to the erection through
his pants. “Make me come, Tesh. Please. Oh, fuck, please.”

I glance back at the couple. The woman looks
drained, but the man’s not through with her yet, snapping on a pair
of nipple clamps that make her scream out. He pulls her up by the
chain and she gets to her knees on the chaise to relieve the
tension on her poor nipples. “Turn around and get on all

Obediently, she does as he orders and
wiggles her ass at him. The man laughs and starts working on her
bum with that huge phallus vibrator.

I’ve seen enough. I turn toward Beau and
straddle him, enclosing us behind my pink robe. I reach for the
zipper on his pants and his eyes roll back. His member springs free
and I stroke up and down in a slow, steady motion. He buries his
face in my breasts while I continue to pump my hand.

Oh, fuck, that feels
good, Tesh. Don’t stop.”

I cup his balls with the other hand and draw
my finger along his perineum.

Beau moans. “Tesh, don’t stop. I’m

I stroke more rapidly using both hands in
tandem now.

I’m coming.”

He grunts once and ejaculates directly into
a handkerchief he whips from his pants pocket.

Nice and tidy. I like that about Dr.




It’s All About The


I’m done.
I’m tired of all this. I’m tired of meeting men,
and I’m
really, really
tired of this pink robe. I just want the solitude of my room.
Only, I have no idea
my room is. I head back to the Parlor and tears,
real tears, pool in my eyes when I see Camryn inside.

She’s sitting at her
make-up table brushing her long hair. The room is deafening with
the chatter and laughter of several women. Somehow, Camryn hears
the door open and glances over. When she sees me, she throws the
brush down and rushes over. “What’s the matter,

Okay, this is exactly why I’m best friends
with her. She just knows.

I shake my head, because honestly I have no
idea what is the matter.

She takes me in her arms.
“You’re having a great time, aren’t you?”

Am I?
I did share a lot of laughs with Doug and Jase and a great
orgasm with Beau.
I never want to think of
the Bear Twins again
. So, what’s wrong?
Even as I ask the question, I realize the answer. The fireworks are
missing. I put all my trust in The Gentlemen’s Ranch and the
infallibility of their avant-garde matchmaking techniques, but they
did not deliver. At least with me.
I can’t
believe I fell for all the hype!
Did I
really think that with one glance across a crowded room, my eyes
would lock with the man of my dreams and it would be love at first
What bullshit.
Only, isn’t that exactly what happened with Glasses? Yes, but
he isn’t one of my matches, so it’s still an epic fail.

I give Camryn the condensed version. “I’m
just exhausted.”

I notice she has traded in
her white robe for her favorite bright pink leggings and a white
hoodie. “We’re supposed to wait here for Sophia, but after that
we’ll get some tea and talk before bed. I want to hear all about
your day.”

Sounds good,” I tell her,
although the mention of Sophia sends a stab of jealousy through me.
I wonder why the Steward would be spending time with one of the
men. Shouldn’t that be prohibited due to her official capacity here
at The Ranch?

The object of my envy
picks that moment to enter the Parlor. She, too, has shed the
period dress she wore earlier and now wears a pair of jeans and
expensive off-the-shoulder silk blouse. Her hair is down and flows
down her back in blonde waves. She looks gorgeous. And, I want to
hit her.

The conversations break off.

Good evening, ladies.
Before you retire to your rooms, I wanted to go over a few items
for tomorrow.” She gestures for us to sit and we do. “In the
morning, you will each have a routine gynecological exam. After
that, you will have another one-on-one with your suitors and then
rate them on a scale of one through four in order of preference,
one being your top pick. Your ratings will determine the final two
for your last date. If a man consents to be in your final two, he
is agreeing to enter into a monogamous relationship with you
outside of The Ranch. But, be warned. One or all four of your
suitors could bow out at this point if they don’t see a future with
you. If that happens, we will invite you back to The Ranch for
another stay.”

How often does that
happen?” one of the women asks.

Rarely. Our success rates
attest quite soundly to the effectiveness of our advanced

I snort and the woman that
asked the question makes a sound of relief.

Now,” Sophia continues,
“your last date with the final two will consist of a Blindfold Test
and be held in one of seventeen private grottos located on the
estate. The only rule about tomorrow is, there are no

Soft, excited murmurs echo
throughout the room.

Camryn’s wearing a
shit-eating grin on her face. “And, what exactly happens during
this test?”

Surely, you can figure
that out, Ms. Kennedy. You will be blindfolded and alone in a steam
bath with the men of your dreams.”

But, what if the man of my
dreams is already taken?
I want to ask





The next morning, a knock
outside our room wakes me. I yawn and crawl out of the enormous
four-poster bed I share with Camryn to answer the door.

A livered servant stands
there half-hidden behind a bouquet of yellow roses. “Flowers for
you, my lady,” he says formally.

Oh, my, they’re

I step aside so he can
place them on the dresser in the room. Then, I see the other item
in his arms. A fresh pink robe.

He hangs the robe discreetly on the back of
the door and hands me a card. “Directions to the medical facility,
my lady. You have an appointment at 9:00 AM.”

All right. Thank

I close the door and inspect the vase on the
dresser. A white card sticks up out of the center of the
arrangement. “Pick me. Love, Jase.”

What’s that?” Camryn asks

Just flowers. I’m going
to shower. My appointment with the doctor is in an hour.

Hopefully, I won’t get
mine for a while yet. I’m so hung over.” With that, her head
disappears beneath her pillow and she goes back to

I go into our massive
bathroom to take a long, hot shower. As the steam pours over my
body, I wonder who I’m going to pick. I might not have fireworks
yet, but I should at least follow this through.

Jase is currently at the
top of the list.
I adore yellow
The Bear Twins are definitely
But, I think I will try those beads
I like Doug the Surfer, but Beau
the Optometrist is smoking hot.
partial to glasses what can I say?
suppose I’ll know more after our dates today.

Since I don’t have to figure out what to
wear, I’m ready with plenty of time to spare and leave Camryn to
her hangover.

The palace is quiet as I pad through the
corridors and out through the front doors.

I have to walk through the
gardens to get to the medical building and from the moans I hear
behind the foliage, several people have already decided to take
advantage of the no rules day. I glance over at the life-sized
chessboard where Jase and I played yesterday and notice a woman on
her back with her legs in the air and a man doing a face plant
between her legs.
It’s a little for early
for that, isn’t it?
By the level of her
screams, he’s very good at what he’s doing.
Maybe not.

I turn a corner and
stumble upon a woman bent over a bench with her robe thrown over
her head while an Adonis of a man fucks her from behind. His hands
dig into her hips to hold her in place and her large breasts swing
wildly beneath her with every thrust. Suddenly, the man signals and
another one of the bachelors steps forward. They drag the woman off
the bench and push her to the ground on her back. The Adonis kneels
in front of her and lifts her legs straight into the air. His
sculpted ass clenches as he pounds into her while holding her
ankles wide. The second man straddles her face on his hands and
knees and begins to shove in and out of her mouth. Her groans of
ecstasy are muffled by his enormously large member.

Instinctively, I take a
step forward to help her, save her from this terrible abuse. But,
then I remember.
Multiple partners. Rough
Oh, yes, these questions and more
spelled out in black and white on the profile. From what I read,
there’s not an erotic dream in existence that can’t be fulfilled
here at The Gentlemen’s Ranch.

I turn away and pick up my
pace. I’m running by the time the medical facility finally comes
into view, and I breathe a sigh of relief and duck

A pretty receptionist nods
politely and tells me to take a seat. It’s not long before a nurse
comes out. “Tesh Morgan?”


I nod nervously and stand.

Follow me,

My heart is beating a mile
a minute, but I’m not sure why. It’s just an exam, I tell myself.
One I’ve been getting every year since the age of

Right in here,” the woman
directs me.

The room is large, much
larger than I’m used to for a doctor’s office. It’s white,
clinical, and all of the normal torture devices are there and even
some I don’t recognize. “Have a seat,” she says, pointing to the
table. “The doctor will be right in.”

I chew on a fingernail as
I wait, my eyes roaming the vast room. Even though I know it’s
coming, the knock startles me when it arrives. “Yes.”

I turn to smile at the
doctor and my jaw almost hits the floor.
It’s him! Glasses!

For a moment, I can’t
breathe, I can’t talk. I just sit there staring at him.
Oh, hell, no! I can’t let this man exam

He gives me a small smile
of recognition and then strides directly over to me with an
outstretched hand. “Dr. Brett Rand.”

You…you work here?” I
stammer out.

He looks down at his white
doctor’s coat. “Either that or I’m selling ice cream.”

I thought you were one of
the men.”

No, I’m not.” He puts
down the clipboard he’s holding. “Is there a problem, Ms.

Is there?
I can’t think of a good enough reason at the
moment. And, his brusque professionalism has me simply shaking my
head. “No…no, I’m fine.”

Let’s get started then,
shall we?” He steps in close, almost between my legs, and threads
two hands under my hair and begins to knead the back of my neck and
around my throat. “Are you sick at all?”

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