The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1)

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Authors: Ever Wood

Tags: #free erotica romance doctor exam series

BOOK: The Gentlemen's Ranch (Erotica Series, Book 1)
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The Gentlemen’s


(Erotica Series, Book






Ever Wood






Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2013 Ever Wood

All rights reserved.

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Table of



Meet &


Nate (&



It’s All About the


The Blindfold






By all formal accounts, The
Gentlemen's Ranch is one of the most successful, upscale dating
clubs in the country. In whispered rumors, however, people speak
provocatively of a delicious den of dark delights.

I know the truth.

Any woman lucky enough to get
an invitation is guaranteed to walk away with the man of her

But, only if she is willing to
pay the price of admission.


- Anonymous Participant (The
Gentlemen’s Ranch, 8/15/04)







really got us an invitation?” I ask Camryn. “To

My best friend smiles as
she stretches a thick, velvet-covered square toward me. I can
barely see her teeth past all the canary feathers.

I shrink back from the
offending missive. “I don’t know, Cam, I’ve heard some pretty wild
stories about that place.”

Exactly,” she purrs and folds her long legs underneath her as
she sits on my sofa. Oh, sure, what does she have to worry about?
Almost six-foot-tall, blonde, articulate, socially savvy. Oh, and
an attorney. Every man in the place will be fighting over
All of which begs the question, why
the hell am I even friends with her to begin with?
I glance down at my yoga pants and t-shirt and
shrug. I may look like a slug now, but I can clean up quite nicely
when I have to. I’m only five-five, but I have a pretty rocking
body and long black hair. Neither one of which come easy. Or

Do you realize how many
women would die for this?” she asks.

How many?”

Rhetorical question,


She throws a pillow at me
and I swat it away.

I can tell by the look in
her eye, she’s gearing up for her closing arguments. “Come on,
Tesh, aren’t you tired of trying to find the right man on your own?
I know I am. I’m tired of going to clubs. I’m tired of meeting men
only to find out that they still live in their mother’s basements.
And, think about it. Let’s say we do meet someone we find
interesting. How do we know he’s
? We could waste years trying to figure
it out. That’s why we
The Gentlemen’s Ranch. I refuse to settle for a
lame husband who thinks romance is screwing like the Energizer
Bunny for three minutes and then passing out. Trust me, there are a
lot of them out there. I want someone that I’m compatible with
For the rest of my life.”

I feel like I should throw a gavel down.

She sits forward and hands me the invitation
once again with a wicked glint in her eye.

With a petulant sigh, I
take the invitation out of her hand and open it up.


The Gentlemen’s

Invites You

Check your inhibitions at
the door and find out which one of our eligible bachelors is
perfect match.
Success guaranteed.

Day One:
Meet & Greet

Day Two:
Blindfold Test

Day Three:
The Selection


*Medical Exam


Pretty cryptic, isn’t
it?” I snort. “And, what’s this about an exam? I don’t want some
random doctor poking around inside me.”

Camryn rolls her eyes.
“Oh, grow up. This is a millionaire’s club, Tesh. I’m sure they
want to make sure all participants are disease free. In fact, I
would insist upon it myself. Shit, Tesh, look at the men on that

I do and I see what she’s
means. Drop-dead gorgeous. All of them. I don’t tell her that the
chances that the men at The Ranch look anything like the models
that grace this invitation are slim to none. “Like I said, I’ve
heard stuff. Orgies, kinky parties, sex toys. I’ve even heard that
the women have to surrender their clothes at the door.”

Even Camryn has the
decency to blush at that statement.

I know, but if it helps
me find my husband, I’ll do whatever it takes.” She stands up and
grabs my hands. “Come on! What do we have to lose? We’re both close
to thirty and our eggs are shriveling faster than a pair of
Siberian balls.”

I laugh, but inside my
stomach clenches at the thought of stepping that far out of my
comfort zone.
Can I really do this?
I suppose I could ask for a few days off at the
Accounting firm, and you never know, my “Mr. Right” just might be
there. I look at the photos again. I actually hope the men at The
like these guys. My passions have always been more cerebral in
nature, preferring brains over brawn any day.

I take a deep breath. “All
right, I’ll go.”


Meet &


Our limo turns onto a wide
tree-lined private road and the glass window fogs in front of my

Stop gawking!” Camryn
snaps at me. “You look like some country bumpkin.”

I try, but I can’t help
myself. The Gentlemen’s Ranch is not a ranch at all, but a palace.
From the 13th century if I’m not mistaken. Tall turrets frame a
grey cobblestone castle with wide front steps. The impressive
structure sits on its own island in the middle of northern
California’s Lake Champlin against a picturesque mountain backdrop.
Immaculate gardens and spreading lawns dip down from the palace’s
high vantage point overlooking the lake. An old stone bridge
supported by three sweeping arches beneath the roadway provides the
only access to the island.

It is absolutely stunning.
Fairytale stunning. I can’t believe a place like this exists in the
United States. It belongs in England or France. Anywhere, but

I turn and see Camryn
frantically brushing at the non-existent wrinkles in her skirt and
realize what’s wrong with her. She’s a nervous wreck! My confident
little attorney has more hives than a bee colony. Of course, I
won’t tell
this. I’m still smarting over the time she let me trail a
five foot piece of toilet paper on my heel for over an hour at my
birthday party last year. Karma, baby.

Stop fussing!” I yell at
her just to get even. I guess we’re both a little

A flush creeps over my
face when I think about the profile and contract I had to fill out.
The Gentlemen’s Ranch is quite thorough in ferreting out the most
intimate details of its guests. The men I meet are going to know
more about me than I know myself.

The limo rambles over the
bridge and I take Cam’s hand. “Relax. This is going to be
Now, I’m reassuring her? That was
some damn argument.

She simply nods, her neck
getting redder by the minute.

The limo finally comes to
a stop in front of the palace, and a gentleman in some sort of
medieval livery opens the door. He sweeps him arm out in a formal
bow. “Good evening, my ladies. Allow me to welcome you to The
Gentlemen’s Ranch. Please follow me.”

Still holding onto
Camryn’s hand, I step out and follow the butler or groom or royal
servant or whoever he is up the stairs. The inside décor is as
remarkably authentic inside as outside with long medieval tables,
tapestries on the walls, and fireplaces big enough to stand upright
in. Servants in all manner of dress rush throughout the palace with
trays of food or linens.

I realize I’m gawking again and snap my
mouth shut before Camryn has a chance to chastise me.

Welcome, ladies.” I turn
to see a woman approach. Her blonde hair is piled atop her head in
artful ringlets, and she’s dressed in a heavy gown with a tight
corset that barely contains her ample breasts. If the woman so much
as blinks, I’m going to get an eyeful. “My name is Sophia, and I am
the Steward of The Gentlemen’s Ranch and will be your attendant
through much of your stay.”

I nod to her. “Nice to meet you. I’m Tesh
Morgan and this is Camryn Kennedy.”

Sophia smiles warmly. “Now, if you will come
with me, we can get started.”

Started?” I blurt out. “What about our bags? Is it possible
to settle in our rooms first?” I’m thinking I need a little more
time and maybe a glass of champagne or three before I’m anywhere
near ready to

I’m afraid there is no
time for that,” Sophia says, starting away and expecting us to
follow. “You’re the last women to arrive. The party has already
begun and introductions must be made.”

Camryn gives me a
what the hell?
look and
I swallow back my nerves.

Sophia stops at a door
leads us inside. Velvet couches, mirrors, and make-up tables are
scattered throughout the room. I see an area marked with my name
and I wander over to inspect the perfumes and creams. “No time for
dawdling now. Robes are hanging up at each station. Please disrobe
and put them on.”

I fucking knew it.




Okay, this is degrading,”
I mumble.

Sophia waves a dismissive
hand in the air. “It is certainly not meant to be degrading at all,
Ms. Morgan,” she scoffs. “The men at The Ranch are searching for a
lifelong partner that will excite them both physically and
intellectually. Don’t let your inhibitions limit you. To them, the
female form is to be celebrated and worshiped, not

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