The Game Plan (4 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: The Game Plan
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Cassie rubbed her stinging bottom.  Maybe Rob was right after all; maybe things could change for the better.



Chapter Two



Bryon stood in the doorway of the family room watching his kid brother tossing fruit loops into Cassie's mouth.  Shaking his head and feeling very old all of a sudden, he sat between them, picked up the remote and promptly turned off the TV.

Hey!  W
re watching that
Glenn protested, trying to get the remote back. 

might be, but the midget here is grounded, remember
he said calmly, looking at Cassie.
Sorry, kidlet, but you know the rules.  No TV, phone, or stereo until your grades come up. 
ll help you if yo
re having trouble

re mean
Cassie stomped her foot.
re not my father or even the boss of me.  My grades are none of your business

m making them my business, young lady.  Consider yourself fortunate
m not your father, otherwise we would not be having this discussion right now because yo
d be across my knee for blowing off your restriction.  As for not being the boss of you, I actually am.  As are Rob and even Glenn, here. 
m good in History and English.  We can get you caught up in no time

I do
t need your help
Cassie hissed, stomping away. 

Bryon winced at the familiar door slam as Glenn glared at him with contempt.
Why did you have to go and do that?  We were having fun.  She even let me hold her last night

Because she needs to learn that rules are enforced.  Do
t even think of crossing me about this, mister.  Now, I hear yo
re having problems in Chem.  Did you ask Rob for help?  H
s great at that stuff

Shove it, Bry
Glenn sneered, leaving the room and slamming the front door.

Bryon sighed, flipping the TV back on.  Cartoons.  It figured.

Two door slams?  What did you do
Rob asked sleepily.
s only 7:30 in the morning

One was pissed because she was reminded about being grounded.  The other was pissed because he lost his cartoon buddy

You watched toons until you were 25.  Lay off him.  Plans

Gonna take a jog then meet the guys in the field to work out some moves.  You

I need to spend some time in the office to get things together for our new project.  With Glenn gone, wh
s gonna keep an eye on her

ll take her with me
Bryon stood up, stretching his back.
Could you let her know to be ready in about an hour

Yep.  Thanks.  By the way, you mentioned having an idea

s been a while since we engaged in our extracurricular activity, but I think Miss Cassie would benefit from having
around, as well as a little exhibition
Bryon grinned.

Ron returned the grin, nodding.
You might be right.  Yo
re better at age-play than I am; i
s your thing.  Mine is more hard-core scenarios.  I like an audience and you like being the audience.  Works for me

s watch for the opportunity and then take it

Deal.  She needs to learn respect and the only way that will happen is through submission.  Knowing her, we will only gain that with some humiliation and a lot of love
Rob sighed.

Okay, w
ll play it by ear. 
ll be back in a few
Bryon said.

Let me know if you want to work on some plays later, okay
Rob said, seeing Bryon give him a thumbs up as he left for his run.  Rob went upstairs and knocked on Cassi
s door.

Cassandra, open up.  I
s me
he ordered firmly.

Cassie held her breath.  He did

What do you want
she asked through the door.

Please unlock the door, I want to talk to your face.  Thank you
he said patiently as the door slowly opened.  He looked around her room.

re going to be going out to the practice field with Bry today, so bring some things to do.  Like your homework.  H
s going to leave in an hour.  When you get home, you need to clean this room.  Ahhh, think before you say anything.  You do
t want to start your day with a sore rump, do you

Cassie just glared at him, saying nothing.

Satisfied, Rob leaned over to kiss her forehead with a smile.
Good girl, you can control your temper if you try. 
ll be at the office for a few hours then
ll meet you on the bleachers so we can critique Br
s players, ok

I hate football

I know.  Tha
s why i
s so much fun trying to teach you. 
ll see you later

Cassie watched him leave, completely confused.  Who was this man?  Begrudgingly, she admitted that she LIKED him.  Sort of.  This was despite his spanking her like a naughty
young lady.  It did
t make sense; the fact that he manhandled her should make her resent him, not feel attracted to him!  It was way too confusing.  Shaking her head, she quickly dressed and grabbed her backpack along with the specia
Gina slipped her last night.

Bryon eyed her as they drove to the practice field after stopping to get some hot chocolate and apricot muffins at Starbucks.

I know you do
t want to be here today, Hot Pocket, but I thought yo
d be more comfortable outside in the sunshine instead of being stuck in Ro
s office

Cassie rolled her eyes.  When were these guys going to stop comparing her to angry foods?  It was bad enough that Glenn called her Chili Pepper!

Bryon sighed, getting no response.  He pulled into his spot on the side of the athletic department and grabbed his gear bag from the backseat of his jeep.  He held his hand out for Cassi
s backpack, snapping his fingers.

Come on, you know the rules.  The men carry your bags.  We also like to open doors for you, but you rush out of the car too fast
he said in good humor, watching her roll her eyes again as she sourly handed him the pack.  She followed him into his office, looking around.  Like Bryon, everything was neat and organized; even his workout clothes were clean, folded and placed neatly on the shelf.  Control freak.

Hey Coach!  W
re ready on the field...  Hey Cassie-girl!  Gonna play defensive line for us today

Go get the guys warmed up, Mr.  Harrison, and stop flirting with my roommate.  Sh
s off-limits to you
Bryon frowned, pointing to the door.  The young, blonde man chuckled and trotted out of the room.

Cassie smiled.  Harrison was really cute!


* * *


Cassie pretended to be studying way back on the bleachers, waiting for Bryon to get involved in his practice.  Glancing around, she pulled out the joint from her back pack, lit it up and happily took a few hits.  Between the warm sun and he
.  Cassie quickly found he
happy place

She leaned back, eyes closed, relaxed and lost in her own world.

She cursed when the sun was blocked.  When the clouds did
t leave, she opened her eyes to see Bryon standing in front of her, hands on his waist, his expansive frame cutting off the sunshine.

Where did you get it, Cassandra
he demanded, his voice a low rumble.

Get what, Bry
Cassie smiled sweetly.  Bryon held up the remainder of the joint that she had placed in the metal bench.  Cassie paled.

Let me guess.  It was just sitting here when you chose this spot.  I came up here to see if you wanted me to get you some lunch and this is just laying here, nice as could be

s not mine
Cassie said hesitantly.

I might be a jock, young lady, but
m far from stupid.  Where did you get this

I found it

Okay, so yo
re not going to tell me. 
m guessing it was Gina

No!  Why do you always blame Gina
Cassie repudiated, watching as he started to rummage through her backpack.
Leave that alone, i
s mine

You know wha
s going to happen when Rob hears about this. 
m seriously tempted to take care of this myself.  One nasty word from you and I will.  Get up, w
re going home
he directed, putting the lighter into his pocket  before holding his big hand out to help her down the bleachers. 

Scowling, Cassie reluctantly accepted his offer, still feeling too light headed to avoid falling.

His grip remained tight as he pulled her alongside him to where the team was practicing.
Mr. Harrison, do you think you can work the lines without me?  Cass needs to get home and finish some things

No prob, Coach.  See ya later, Cassie-girl.  Let me know if you want to catch a movie
The young man winked. 

Bryon frowned.
She will do no such thing.  Get back to work or you can start running laps until

Cassie plopped in the front seat of the jeep, crossing her arms.  Bryon joined her, pressing back in his seat to consider her before starting the vehicle.

Why, Cass
he asked, seeing her shrug.  She had
t said one word since his threat.  He left a message for Rob to let him know that they had left the field and had started the short drive home.

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