The Fence: A Police Cover-Up Along Boston's Racial Divide (54 page)

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Authors: Dick Lehr

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Political Science, #Social Science, #Law Enforcement, #True Crime, #Criminology, #Ethnic Studies, #African Americans, #Police Misconduct, #African American Studies, #Police Brutality, #Boston (Mass.), #Discrimination & Race Relations, #African American Police

BOOK: The Fence: A Police Cover-Up Along Boston's Racial Divide
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Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

K. Conley interviews with, 246–47, 248, 249–50
R. Walker statements to, 264, 267

Fernandes, Valdir, 97, 228

Flynn, Kevin, 53

Flynn, Raymond (Boston mayor), 65, 67

Form 26

reports, 162–63

Fornero, Tim (friend of Mike Cox), 21, 23–24

Fort Point neighborhood, 204

Foster, Jodie, 294

Four Corners neighborhood, 7–8

Frederick, Roy (police officer), 126, 238

Freire, Mark (police officer)

L. Jackson shooting, police chase, and response and, 111–12, 114, 116, 117, 118
medical treatment of, 3, 4

The Friends of Eddie Coyle
(Higgins), 260

Fyfe, James J., 197


gangs in Boston, 10–11, 29, 70.
See also
Cortee’s (club)

Gate of Heaven Church, South Boston, 53–54, 56, 58

Gay, Jennifer (wife/girlfriend of Kenny Conley), 247, 267, 326

Gelzinis, Peter, 210, 289

Gladwell, Malcolm, 262

Goslant, Carol (juror in Cox civil trial), 295, 302, 315, 316, 318–19

grand jury testimony, Cox-beating criminal case, 213–16

Green, Diana “Dee” (police officer), 173–74, 210

Griffiths, Sherman (police officer), death of, 59, 64


Harmon, Larry, editorializes about Cox and Conley cases, 288–89

Higgins, George V., 260

Holliday, Marcello, 237–38, 243–44

Hoopes, Tom (attorney), 230, 231

his defense of I. Daley at Cox civil suit trial, 298–99, 304–5, 311, 323

Hopkins, Tommy, 254

Horton, Joe (police officer), 132

housing projects, 13

Humboldt Street gang, 11, 70

Hussey, Jim (police detective), 277, 282, 283

interviews conducted by, not available to criminal investigation, 184–86, 187, 202–3
interviews conducted by, in Internal Affairs investigation, 176–84, 219, 250


ice-slip theory as explanation for Mike Cox’s injuries, 146, 147, 153

Identification of Plainclothes Officers rule, Boston Police Commissioner’s, 192

inattentive (tunnel) vision, 132, 183, 261–63, 309, 317

Internal Affairs Division, Boston Police Department, 74, 146

M. Cox beating and, 162
M. Cox reassigned to, 208–9
complaints made to, 96
interviews conducted by, 170–72, 176–84, 250
interviews conducted by, available to federal investigators, 243
interviews conducted by, unavailable to prosecutor B.Peabody, 184–86, 187, 202–3
investigation of Cox beating by, 162–64, 169–84, 187
St. Clair Commission report and, 66, 67
Irish potato famine and emigration to America, 50


Jackson, Derrick A., 200

Jackson, Lyle, 27, 33, 95

death of, 4, 113
police response to shooting of, 109–13
shooting of, at Walaikum’s, 3, 4, 99, 103–4, 107–9
trial of persons responsible for death of, 234–40, 243–45

James, Cornell (police officer), 81–82, 83

Johnson, Vincent (friend of Mike Cox), 22–23, 24, 330

Jones, Craig (police officer, partner of Mike Cox)

alerts Cox family of police responsibility for beating of M. Cox, 3–4
anger about treatment of M. Cox, 190–91, 206–7
attends Mike Cox after beating, 143–44, 156
becomes partners with Mike Cox, 83–85, 89
comment by D. Williams on Mike Cox beating reported by, 154, 161, 180, 214–15, 305–6, 313
Cox civil suit trial and, 297, 298, 301, 305–6
interactions with Smut Brown prior to Lyle Jackson shooting, 93–95
as plainclothes police, 8, 9–10
on police reports, 151–52
shooting at Cortee’s and, 99–101, 104
shooting at Walaikum’s and participation in police chase by, 110, 113, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121–22, 123, 124–25, 126, 127–32
testimony in Smut Brown murder trial, 238
update on, 359–60
wedding, 257
work on Anti-Gang Violence
Unit, 7–11, 26–28, 85

Jump-out Boys, 93–94

jurors in Cox civil suit trial, 295, 302–3, 306–8

deliberations of, 314–15, 316–17
verdict of, 318–19


Kelly, Paul V. (federal prosecutor), 201

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 11

King, Rodney, police beating of (1991), 197, 200, 274, 321

Koons, Stacey (police officer), 274

KOZ gang, 29


Lilly, Lenny (police officer), 207

his testimony in Cox civil suit trial, 306

Little Greg, 43, 98, 106, 107

Louima, Abner, police abuse of, 248, 329

Luna, Carlos A. (police officer), 59–60


McAllister, Kimberly (FBI agent), 246, 247, 249–50, 267, 353

McBride, Dave (police officer), L.

Jackson shooting, police chase and, 115, 116

McDonald, Danny (police officer), partnering with Kenny

Conley, 45, 46, 254

McDonough, Bob (juror in Cox civil suit trial), 295, 302, 307–8, 317

McGrail, Bobby, 53

McGrory, Brian (columnist), on

Cox civil suit verdict, 321–22

Malaguti, Billy (police officer), 254

Martin, Ralph C. (district attorney), 201, 232, 288

criminal investigation of Cox beating case and, 184–87, 201–6, 220, 221, 233
police Internal Affairs interviews unavailable to, 184–86, 187, 202–3

Mathers, Cortland (judge), 69

Mattapan neighborhood, Boston, 13, 30, 33, 68

policing of, 81, 83

media coverage of Cox case, 164–67, 199–201, 206–7, 232

Menino, Tom (Boston mayor), 102, 199, 200, 321

Merritt, S. Theodore “Ted” (U.S. attorney), 325

Cox civil suit trial and presence of, 310–11
investigation of Cox beating led by, 241–43, 300
obtains perjury indictment against K. Conley, 248–49, 253, 308, 322–23
sets perjury trap for K. Conley, 250–53
Smut Brown testimony and response of, 245–46
trial of K. Conley for perjury and role of, 263–65, 327

METCO program, 35, 38, 56

middle class, black, 13–14

Milton Academy, Mike Cox as student at, 17–20

Moakley, Joe (Congressman), 326

Moore, Tiffany, murder of, 70–71

Morehouse College, Mike Cox as student at, 25

Morton Village housing project, 125, 127, 128

Murphy, David C. (police officer), 257

handling crime scene following
Cox beating and, 147–48, 191
update on, 358–59


Nabauns, Kimberly.
Cox, Kimberly Ann Nabauns (wife of Mike Cox)

Nancy Whiskey’s (bar), 272, 323

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 11, 160

Nation of Islam, 160

Newman, Paul, 242

New York City, police brutality case in, 248


O’Brien, Peg, 48–49, 54

O’Connell, Dan (attorney), Cox civil suit and defense of D. Williams by, 298, 311–12

O’Connor, Thomas H., 13, 50, 58

Oleskey, Stephen L. (state prosecutor), 73


Peabody, Bob (Assistant District Attorney), his work on criminal investigation of Cox beating, 188–89, 201–6, 223, 233–34, 240, 271

grand jury questioning directed by, 213–16, 218–21, 227–31
his theory of culpability for Cox beating, 218

Peabody, Endicott “Chub,” 188

perception, inattentive, 132, 183, 261–63

Pierce, Indira (wife/girlfriend of Smut Brown), 29, 35, 36, 37, 38–39, 40, 42, 325, 326

Pitino, Rick (coach), 25

plainclothes police officer

clothing of, 8, 9–10
definition, 10

police abuses, Boston.
See also
police brutality, Boston

blacks subject to, 67–69
botched drug raid and death of A. Williams, 102–3, 167, 173, 200
Brighton 13 case, 26, 72–77
S. Drumgold case, 71–72
research on, 197–98

police brutality, Boston

beating of John L. Smith, Jr., 26, 72–77
beating of Mike Cox, 132, 133–35 (
see also
Cox, Michael Anthony “Mike”; Cox criminal and civil lawsuits)
code of silence surrounding, 145–46

police brutality, Boston

M. Cox serves on Harvard Law panel about, 328–29

police brutality, New York City, case of Abner Louima, 248, 329

police brutality, Providence, Rhode Island, 102, 167, 200

police chase and capture of suspects in Lyle Jackson murder, 109–36

conclusion of, in Woodruff Way cul-de-sac, 129–30
failed management of crime scene following, 141–55
foot chase and arrest of suspects, 130–32
K. Conley and B. Dwan actions in, 110–11, 115–16, 119–20, 129, 132–33, 135–36

police beating of Mike Cox at conclusion of, 132, 133–35 (
see also
Cox criminal and civil lawsuits) police reports on suspect arrests and Mike Cox’s beating following, 146, 151–55

police code of silence.
blue wall (code of silence) police corruption, Boston, 38, 217–18, 232, 288

lying on search warrants, 60

police cover-ups, Boston, 26, 60

police officers mistaken as suspects, Boston, 82–83, 85–89, 91–92

police perjury, 69–70, 276

Bill Bratton on, 216–18
Police Commissioner Evans announces crack down on, 288

police union, 73–74, 218

Providence, Rhode Island, police brutality incident in, 102, 167, 200

Providence College, Mike Cox at, 25, 80, 257

Public Integrity Policy: Rule 113, Boston Police Commissioner’s, 192, 198

Public Protection Bureau, 73



Boston Police Department recruitment and hiring and, 78–79
M. Cox beating and, 279–80
police officers mistaken as suspects and role of, 82–83, 85–89, 91–92
“Southie” reputation for bigotry, 251, 310
stereotyping of, and police abuse, 64–65

racketeering convictions, 201

Rattigan, Jimmy (police officer)

hospital treatment of, 3, 4, 140
on Ian Daley’s involvement in Cox beating, 177–78
L. Jackson shooting, police chase, and response of, 111–12, 114, 116–17
testimony in Smut Brown murder trial, 238

Reagan, Ronald, 294

Roach, Stephen (attorney) adds K. Conley to M. Cox civil lawsuit, 256

on Cox civil suit depositions, 283–84
Cox civil suit trial and role of, 293, 296–97, 300–303, 304, 305–6, 319
first meeting with M. Cox, 168–69
given go-ahead by Cox to pursue possible legal action, 195–96

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