The Fence: A Police Cover-Up Along Boston's Racial Divide (53 page)

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Authors: Dick Lehr

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Political Science, #Social Science, #Law Enforcement, #True Crime, #Criminology, #Ethnic Studies, #African Americans, #Police Misconduct, #African American Studies, #Police Brutality, #Boston (Mass.), #Discrimination & Race Relations, #African American Police

BOOK: The Fence: A Police Cover-Up Along Boston's Racial Divide
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Cox, David (brother of Mike Cox), 14

Cox, David (father of Mike Cox), 11, 12, 14, 15

death of, 21–22
Cox, Kimberly Nabauns (wife of Mike Cox)
at civil suit trial, 295, 300
courtship and marriage to Mike Cox, 25–26, 80
deposition of, in Cox civil rights suit, 283–85
informed of husband’s beating and visit in hospital, 1–4
medical career, 208
response to beating and injuries of Mike Cox, 139–40, 156–57, 158–59
response to police investigation of Cox beating, 222–23
third child born, and move to new house, 257–58

Cox, Lillian (sister of Mike Cox), 14, 80, 160

Cox, Michael Anthony “Mike” (police officer), 7–28, 49, 256–59.
See also
Cox criminal and civil law suits

becomes partners with Craig Jones, 83–85, 89
courtship and marriage to Kimberly Nabauns, 25–26, 80
crank calls and harassment of, 164–66, 169, 193–95, 221–23, 258–59, 280–81, 325
decline of work performance following beating, 281–82
depositions given by, for civil rights suit, 277–78
early police career, 81–92
early years and family of, 11–15
education of, 15–26, 56
emotional responses at civil suit trial, 302, 313–14, 318
encounter with Ian Daley after beating, 174–75
encounter with Smut Brown after civil trial, 324–25
encounters with D. Williams after beating, 209–12, 227–28, 258–59
events at crime scene and hospital after police beating of, 1–4, 139–57
fear of fellow police in, 224
on Harvard Law School panel on police brutality, 328–29
immediate injuries from police beating, 134, 139–45, 148, 155–57
interactions with Smut Brown prior to L. Jackson shooting, 93–95
interview of, by county investigator and police Anti-Corruption unit, 205–6
interview of, by Internal Affairs, 170–72
mistaken-identity incidents and, 82–83, 85–89, 91–92
passes exam and joins Boston
Police Department, 80–81
personality and character of, 15–16, 18–19
as plainclothes police officer, 8, 9–10, 62–63
police beating of, 132, 133–35
post-traumatic stress disorder as effect of beating, 158–60, 174, 195–96, 278–80
post-trial service on Boston
Police Department, 329–30
promotion of, to sergeant, 172–74
at Providence College, 25, 80, 257
relationship with wife Kimberly and children, 90–91, 159–60, 283–85
response to police Internal Affairs investigation, 189–91
return to force after beating, and given Internal Affairs assignment, 207–9, 282
shooting at Cortee’s and police response, 99–101, 105
shooting at Walaikum’s, police response, and participation in police chase following, 109, 110, 113, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121–22, 123, 124–25, 126, 127–32
testimony at civil suit trial, 300–305
testimony in K. Conley perjury trial, 267
transfers to audits and reviews division of Internal Affairs, 282–83
work on Anti-Gang Violence
Unit, 7–11, 26–28, 85, 91

Cox, Mikaela (daughter of Mike Cox), 257, 284

Cox, Mike Jr. (son of Mike Cox), 2, 80, 90

effects of Mike Cox’s beating on, 157, 159–60

Cox, Nicholas “Nick” (son of Mike Cox), 2, 90

effects of Mike Cox’s beating on, 157, 159–60

Cox, Ollie (aunt of Mike Cox), 17

Cox, Ricky (brother of Mike Cox), 14

Cox criminal and civil lawsuits arguments and examinations by Cox attorneys Roach and Sinsheimer in civil trial, 293, 294, 295, 296–97, 300–302, 305–6, 312–14

arguments and examination by defense attorneys in civil trial, 298–300, 303–5, 310–12
case against city and Boston Police, 321–22
K. Conley testimony in civil trial, 308–10
Cox family response to police handling of beating, 160–61, 167–69
Cox hires attorney Roach and files civil lawsuit, 223–24
Cox’s initial response, and failure of police department to investigate his beating, 160–62, 166–67
Cox testimony in civil trial, 300–305
civil case split into different jury trials, 291–92, 321
civil rights lawsuit filed by M. Cox, 224, 225, 295
defendants in civil case (Burgio, Conley, Daley, Williams), 223, 272, 256, 294–95, 308–11
depositions in civil suit, 277–78, 283–85
federal investigation of Cox beating, 233, 234, 240–43
grand jury testimony of, 213–16, 218–21
initial police reports on suspect arrests and Cox beating, 146, 151–55
Judge Young’s court in Cox civil suit trial, 290–92, 293–96, 297–98, 305, 314–15
jurors in civil suit trial, 295, 302–3, 306–8, 314–15, 316–17, 318–19
Police Commissioner Evans’s new police rules and, 191–93
police departmental Form 26
reports filed, 162–64
police Internal Affairs investigation, 162–64, 169–84, 187
media coverage of, 164–67, 199–201, 206–7, 287–90, 302, 319, 321–22
preparations for civil suit trial, 275–78
Suffolk County criminal investigation of Cox beating, 184–89, 199–206, 212, 213–16, 218–21, 227–34
unavailability of Internal Affairs reports, 202–3
verdict in civil lawsuit, 317–20
Cruz, Luis (police detective), interview of Ian Daley by, 176–79
interview of Mike Cox by, 170–72
Curley, James Michael, 13


Daley, Ian (police officer)

attempted arrest of M. Cox by, 135, 142–43, 205, 303, 311
becomes target of C. Jones’s anger, 206–7
Cox civil suit against, 223, 272, 295, 296, 298, 303, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318
comments about M. Cox made by, 142, 180
encounter with M. Cox after beating, 175
fired from Boston Police Department, 323–24
Form 26
report by, 163
Internal Affairs interview of, 176–79
L. Jackson shooting, police chase, and response of, 110, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 129, 130, 135, 142, 147
official incident report by, 151–53
placed on leave, 289
refuses further interviews, 179, 190
Suffolk County investigation and Anti-Corruption Unit questioning of, 218–19, 229–31
targeted as culpable in Cox beating, 241–42

Davis, Willie J. (attorney)

Cox civil suit and his client K.
Conley, 291, 294, 309, 316, 319
prosecutor’s failure to give FBI report to, 264
represents K. Conley in perjury trial, 260–64, 269–71, 274, 326–27

D. E. Cox Landscaping, 14

Delahunt, Bill (Congressman), 326

Dershowitz, Alan (attorney), on police perjury, 217

Doherty, Ann Marie (internal investigations chief), 199, 228

her statement on police blue wall of silence, 277

Don Bosco Preparatory High School, 57–58

Dorchester neighborhood, Boston, 13, 68, 81

Dovidio, Daniel (police officer), 147, 221, 257

crime scene handling, deceptive actions, and code of silence followed by, 149–50, 191
report about Cox beating by, 163
testimony in Cox civil suit trial, 306–7, 312
update on, 358

Doyle, Michael (police officer), 52, 53, 54, 57, 59, 61, 254

Drechsler, Thomas (attorney), 218, 232–33, 277–78

his defense of, J. Burgio in Cox civil suit trial, 294, 299, 305, 311

Drumgold, Shawn, 71–72

Dudley Square, 15, 81

Dwan, Bobby (police officer), 105

discovers document helpful to K. Conley perjury conviction appeal, 327–28
Internal Affairs interview of, on Cox beating, 181–82, 220
L. Jackson shooting, police chase and response of, 110–11, 115–16, 119, 123, 127, 129, 132–33
partnering with Kenny Conley, 46–47, 60–61, 62–63, 254
placed on leave, 289
update on, 359


Early Intervention System (EIS), Boston Police Department, 67, 97, 190

“8-boy” code (no person to be found), 86

Endicott, John, 188

Evans, Jimmy “Marquis,” 42–43, 95, 106

arrest of, 143, 147, 151, 214, 229, 324
at Cortee’s club, 98–99, 113–15
get away from Walaikum’s, police chase and arrest of, 113–15, 119–21, 123–33
murder of Lyle Jackson and, 107–9
murder trial, 234, 244

Evans, John “Tiny,” 29, 42–43, 95, 106–7

arrest of, 143, 147, 151, 238
at Cortee’s club, 98–99
get away from Walaikum’s, police chase and arrest of, 113–15, 116, 118, 119–21, 123–33
murder of Lyle Jackson and, 107–9
murder trial of, 234, 244

Evans, Paul (police commissioner), Cox beating case and, 184, 199, 200, 257, 273, 277, 321, 330

new police rules issued by, 191–93
places officers Burgio, Williams, Daley, and Dwan on leave, 289–90
slow initial response to Cox beating, 167, 172–73
writes op-ed piece in
Boston Globe
and announces crackdown on police perjury, 288–89

Evans Club, 58–59


Farrahar, Paul J. (police investigator), investigation of Cox beating conducted by, 203–6, 218, 219, 222, 228–29, 240

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