The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles) (12 page)

BOOK: The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)
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Chapter Seventeen

Opened Eyes

              I looked out through my eyes, realizing how strange it was to feel nothing physically.  There was no cold, no heat…no pain.  I was as disconnected as I could be from my skin, muscles and bones. 

“I suppose I could thank you for the use of your body,” the voice of the one who possessed me, whispered in a disconnected version of my voice, “Though I doubt you’d accept it.” 

“Who are you?” I asked, trying not to be affected by the odd feeling that I was floating even though I knew I certainly was not. 

“My name is of no concern to you,” the demon said and I couldn’t help but to be annoyed.  I didn’t know if the demon who possessed me was female or male.  I didn’t even know what level demon it was.  I knew nothing. 

“You’re right,” I said, sarcastically, “It’s not like you’ll have my body long enough for us to create an emotional bond.”

The demon laughed, “Lucifer said you were funny.  We’ll be together for a long while as soon as my brothers and sisters possess the rest of the Appointed.”

I could hear the hisses of demons around the corner and would have smiled if I was still attached to my body. 

“It sounds like they are being defeated,” I said and I experienced a wave of uncertainty. 

“They aren’t,” the demon replied, “My brothers and sisters are too strong.”

“I doubt it,” I whispered as the demon frowned.

“Why do you doubt it so much?” It asked and I could feel it’s anger.

“Because we’re stronger,” I said as confidence rose in me once more. 

Slowly, I felt my body begin to walk.  I would have grinned in triumph if I could when I saw that we were walking around the corner of the building and into the middle of the battle in my dreams.     



Relief flooded my soul as I saw the scene from my dream, playing out but this time I could see more.  I could see all of my friends who had been possessed.  The sight of their eyes pulsing red broke my heart. 

“Does this look like we’re losing?” The demon asked, glancing around until my eyes rested on my siblings and Jenna.  For the first time, I noticed that Drake was behind them nearly hidden from the demons. 

Kelly glanced around once and raised her hand toward a group of people, “Demons are a disease,” she said, loudly, “In the name of Jesus you are healed.” 

I laughed when I felt the demon’s anger, “It does look like we’re winning…again.” 

“You’re the one who killed Jezebel,” the demon said, flatly. 

“Was she a friend of yours?” I asked, sarcastically. 

I was startled when the demon answered, “She was my sister...My true sister.  We were made at the same time.”

“And you chose me to possess?” I asked, confused, “I would think you’d want me dead.” 

“Yes, I did choose you to possess. I wanted the last face your loved ones see when they die to be yours,” the demon said, “That alone would torture you for eternity.” 

“I thought you would just possess them,” I said, trying to control the horror I experienced at the demon’s plan. 

“My brothers and sisters aren’t as strong as me,” the demon said, angrily, “They’ll be pulled out.  They’ll die.”

“And you think, you won’t?” I asked as I saw Kelly look toward me with tears rolling down her cheeks. 

“No,” The demon said.

“You’re wrong,”   I said just before Kelly began to speak.

“Alex, you are healed in the name of Jesus,” she said and immediately, I heard the scream of the demon within me.  I closed my eyes as pain worse than the possession filled me but just as quickly as it came, it faded. 

When I opened my eyes, I realized I had been thrown backward.  A female fallen angel stood in front of me.  The scars where her wings had been ripped from her back stretched down the length.  I looked toward Kelly and saw that she had paused. 

“Kelly, remember to continue!” I screamed, “Don’t stop just because you think we’re hurt!  You have to keep going!”

She nodded and turned toward my father.  The demon which stood before me, turned and reached for me, “You will die, Alex,” She said, flashing perfect white teeth.  I crawled backwards, trying to escape her reach.  A moment before she could touch me, a flash of light blinded me.  I blinked the spots from my eyes and found that she was gone.  Only Semarias stood in front of me with a sword of flames so hot they burned white poking through the empty air. 

“Thanks,” I said in awe as he pulled the sword back.  Immediately, the flame died and he was gripping the golden handle of what looked to be a sword with a glass blade. 

He grinned when he saw my eyes widen, “You’re welcome,” he said as he offered me his hand and I took it.   He pulled me to my feet.  I saw that Jace and Catherine were no longer possessed and Catherine was already putting some of the demons in serious pain.  Sarah had been freed as had Will and Clyde.  My father was standing to the side of Jeremy blowing his breath so strongly that it was throwing the demons backwards.  Still, there were others.   Kelly had not stopped and was still, pulling the demons out bit by bit.  I glanced around trying to find Ky and Daniel but I couldn’t see them.  My heart clenched in fear. 

I saw my mother still demon possessed run past me toward Kelly and I winced as the demon was pulled from her.  Semarias stepped forward and sliced through the demon with one quick jab.  My mother’s eyes widened in fear. 

“Alex,” she said, terrified. 

“It’s okay, Mom,” I said but just as I took a step toward her the earth began to rumble and I was thrown backwards once again.  I groaned as I landed on the concrete hard, blinking as spots danced before my eyes.  As soon as my sight cleared, I sat up and glanced around.  A few feet from me, I saw the crack in the earth beginning to widen.   

The angels had stopped fighting.  Instead, they surrounded the opening, placing their flaming swords upon it and searing the ground.  A horrific scream rose into the air as a light too bright to look at burst upward.  Howls rent the air as the light faded.  I blinked as I stared down at where the crack had been sealed.   An eerie silence came over the parking lot where a moment ago a battle raged.  I glanced around in awe.  In an instant the tide had turned and we had defeated the demons and their king.  
























Chapter Eighteen

Conclusions and Consequences


A violent tremor shook down my spine as I glanced around.  The fear should have been gone.  The panic should have dissipated but it had not.  I looked toward my siblings mentally cataloguing who was with them.  My heart siezed as I realized there were two missing. 

“Where is Ky?“ I asked, shaking uncontrollably, “Where is Daniel?“

Each question made my heart squeeze.  I trembled as my eyes moved quickly from one place to another, searching each of the people who were sitting up and looking around confused.

Semarias stood beside me and offered his hand.  I took it still looking around.  He smiled as he pointed, “I believe one of the objects of your worry is walking toward you.”

My eyes followed the point of his finger and I sighed in relief as tears coursed down my cheek.  I broke into a run meeting Ky in the middle of the parking lot and kissing him hard. 

“Alex, I’m okay,” he said, pulling me closer to him.  He pulled back and looked into my eyes, “You didn’t think I’d leave you here to get yourself in trouble, did you?”

I smiled, sadly, “No, but Daniel is still missing.”

“Let’s go find him,” he said, taking my hand and turning around to search.  Minutes passed before my heart began to sink.  He wasn’t among the others in the parking lot.  He was truly missing. 

Dispair took me and all hope of finding him left.  He had gone against the vision.  Tears burned my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as my heart was crushed over and over again.

Then, I heard him.  His voice drifted to me and I felt my soul lift in hope as I followed the sound of his voice.  He stepped out of the bushes, brushing himself off and looked around with a grin on his face. 

“Did we defeat them?” He asked, looking around confused.  I laughed and then, broke away from Ky and threw myself into his arms. 

He seemed surprised but slowly, he embraced me back, “Do not ever scare me like that again,” I said, pulling away, “And don’t sacrifice yourself for me.”

“How do you think we feel when you do it?” He asked, laughing. 

“At least, I know what’s going to happen,” I said, realizing that I was still standing too close to Daniel.  I stepped back awkwardly and looked back toward Ky.  My smile died on my face.  Ky had been watching the whole exchange.  His eyes had darkened and he looked worried.  Slowly, I walked back over to him and took his hand but it felt like stone in mine. 

“I’m glad you’re okay,” I said to Daniel, offering him a weak smile. 

“Well, I’m glad my sacrifice helped you be okay for a while,” he said and then, looked at Ky, nodded once and then, walked away. 

I glanced up at Ky and immediately, I was sorry I did.  There was a darkness in his expression that worried me.  We had won the battle and I had been frightened that I had lost him to the demons.  As I gazed up at him, I worried I had lost him again…This time, in a different way. 



It was silent as Ky drove toward my house.  I studied his face which was stoic.  His eyes were dark.  I blinked back tears but one fell down my cheek anyway.  Slowly, he glanced at me and flinched. 

“Are you mad at me?“ I asked with wide eyes as he pulled the car into the back driveway.  I noticed that my mother, brothers and sister had not arrived.  I  was relieved.  I did not need to explain what had happened to her.

He met my eyes and I frowned at the expression in them.  It was lost and afraid but also, angry.  My stomach churned as he shook his head. 

“I’m not mad at you, Alex,” he said and then, sighed, “I’m just upset because I realized something today.”

“What’s that?” I asked, cautiously.  He frowned and then, took my hand in his.  I should have been relieved that it didn’t feel so stiff but I wasn’t.  I was suddenly afraid that he was going to break up with me. 

“You love me, don’t you?” He asked, frowning.  He seemed to be holding his breath as he awaited my answer. 

“Yes,” I said, readily because it was the truth.  My heart was bleeding at just the thought of losing him.

“But you love Daniel too,” he said gazing into my eyes. 

I blinked in shock, “He’s been in my life since I was little.  Of course, I love him,” I said, admitting it because he deserved that. 

“You love your angel too,” he said as his frown deepened. 

“Of course,” I said, tilting my head as I studied him, “He’s my friend.”

“He doesn’t love you as just a friend,” he said pointedly. 

Sadness cloaked my features, “I know but we would never be together that way.”

“Is it only because he’ll fall?” He asked with a raised brow.

I blinked surprised.  I hadn’t really thought about that but I was still pretty sure the answer was no.  I shook my head in denial, “No, he is just my friend,” I whispered. 

“I can’t help but not believe you,” he said but he seemed more sad than anything. 

“I’m sorry about that,” I said, hurt that he couldn’t trust me, “But I’m telling the truth. 

“The point is that I can’t compete with a guy who is your guardian and is here probably even now and a guy you’ve had such a long history with,” he said and then, pressed his lips together. 

“I’m not asking you to compete with them,” I said, raising my chin, “I’m asking for you to trust me.”

“I realize you didn’t ask me to compete but whether you like it or not it’s still a competition,” he said, clearly upset.

I swallowed back tears as I gazed into his eyes.  I was frightened and heartbroken as I opened my mouth to ask the question that I was most afraid to ask, “Are we breaking up?”

“This is where I ask the question that tells me whether I can quit competing…At least for right now. Do you want to break up?” He asked, as tears filled his eyes, “I‘m trying to give you the choice.  I‘m trying to make this easier…for you.”

I blinked surprised that he thought that I’d want to let him go.  I shook my head.

“No.  I don’t want to break up,” I said as the tears fell down my cheeks.  I was hurt that he had even asked.

He pulled me into his arms as I sobbed in hurt and relief, “I don’t want to lose you,” He whispered, “But every time you’re near Daniel and every time you speak to Semarias, I feel like I’m going to.”

I shook my head as I peeked up at him beneath my tear drenched lashes, “The only way you’ll lose me is if you want to,” I said, through my sob. 

He held me close as he kissed the top of my head, “That will never happen.”

I was silent as he held me, realizing that what he said was probably not true.  If I did not figure out how to separate my friendships from my love life I would lose him.  I closed my eyes and decided to relish this moment because if being part of the Appointed had taught me anything, it was that nothing was permanent.               

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