The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles) (4 page)

BOOK: The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)
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Finally, I looked at the last of the Appointed.  Her name was Jenna and she looked like an angel with blonde hair and sky blue eyes set within a heart shape face.  She was beautiful and delicate and only fourteen years old.  She was the newest of the Appointed with the ability to see auras. 

I frowned as worry twisted in my gut.  I wasn’t allowed to brood much because I felt Ky touch my shoulder and I had to push the worry away.  I looked up into his deep blue eyes.  He smiled softly, “I think it’s time to tell everyone why they are here.”

I nodded and then, looked toward Bastian who smiled at me and then, placed his forefinger and thumb to his lips and whistled loudly.  I winced as everyone turned toward me expectantly. 

Bastian walked forward and stood beside me probably because he realized how I felt responsible for all of the people in the picnic area because all it took was one wrong vision and they could perish.  Bastian patted my shoulder to give me his silent support.  His voice was low when he spoke, “I am sure everyone is wondering why you are here.  We haven’t had any disturbances lately but last night that all changed.”

“With Alex’s dream,” Leighton said and everyone looked at him.  I met his eyes, feeling my heart drop. 

“You were there?” I asked, frowning. 

He nodded, confirming that he had been, “I saw everything, Alex…Well, heard everything,” he said, looking deeply remorseful, “I would have told you but I thought if I did then he wouldn’t have given you any information.”

“Who?” My dad asked, stepping forward.  Concern marked his face. 

“Lucifer,” I said, watching him flinch, “Lucifer visited me in my dreams last night.”

“Lucifer?” Raina asked, alarmed, “As in the devil?”

“Yes, and he’s not as pleasant as he sounds,” I said with raised brows. 

“That’s not something to joke around about, Alex,” My dad said with wide terrified eyes. 

“I know it’s not, Daddy,” I said and then, shook my head, “I thought I could soften the blow but I don’t think I can.”

“No,” he said as his eyes darkened, “You can’t.  Why did he visit you?”

I shifted,  “To give me a message and to intimidate.  The most important thing is that he’s sending his demons after us.”

He paled visibly, “Alex, you’re not telling us everything.   What happened and don’t leave out anything.”

I frowned as I met my father‘s eyes, “I’ll tell you what you need to know and nothing else.  He threatened me and he threatened all of you,” I said, shifting, “He also kept touching me but he really didn‘t hurt me.  He just made it very uncomfortable to be in his presence.  I tried to push myself from the dream.  It was harder than the others and when I was finally able to do it, it hurt and my nose bled.”

“That happened again today,” Bastian said, frowning, “When you had the vision in the library.”

I nodded, “Anyways, I think it’s just a freaky side affect of talking to the devil,” I said with a shrug, “Still, I did have a vision.  These demons will be attacking people we know…people we love…not just the Appointed.  I already know one of them.  His name is Brady Forrester.”

“I know Brady,” Sarah said, frowning, “He’s in my English class.” 

“I do too,” Leighton said as his eyes darkened, “He’s a really good guy.”

“We’ll have to protect him and of course, we’ll have to protect our families and Kelly,” I said, looking over at the table where she sat but instead of my eyes resting on her, I looked at Jenna.  My breath caught in my throat as pain slammed through my head.  The vision came hard and fast.  One moment, I was looking into her face and the next,  I saw her standing beside Kelly and my brothers fighting demons. 

My eyes widened as I saw her pointing toward demon possessed people in what seemed to be a parking lot.  She was telling Kelly which ones to heal.  I blinked, confused. 

The pain ended as the echo of my scream fell around me. I swallowed, tasting the metallic flavor that was quickly becoming familiar to me.   I reached up and touched my nose as blood poured from it once again.  My head spun and then, I was falling as everything went black.





















Chapter Four



              I blinked against the bright white light surrounding me like a blanket.  Instantly, fear slithered through me as I recognized where I was.  I was in the same place I had been after Asmodis‘ attack.  The problem was an obvious one.  After Asmodis attacked me, I had died.  I swallowed as I looked around, fighting the fear building within me.   The irony hit me and I nearly laughed.  I fought demons and a nosebleed is what brought on my demise.               

“Alex,“ a familiar voice said, too happy for where I stood. 

I sighed and then, I turned I finding two people standing within the mist.  Their smiling faces calmed me and I was able to give a genuine smile. 

I walked to them and was instantly embraced by Reverend Boothe, our original protector.  He was Bastian’s uncle and had passed the duty to him when Asmodis had killed him. 

I pulled back and looked into Reverend Boothe’s familiar face.   His skin was less wrinkled than in life and his hair which had been grey at his death had become brown like in his youth.  Still, he was comfortable…familiar. 

I looked at the other person and a tear slid down my cheek.  Micah, Ky’s mother, stood before me.  She didn’t appear sick anymore.  Instead, her long black hair shined as it reached for her waist.  Her skin was the same mahogany as her brother and son.  Her brown eyes shined bright with love.

“Am I dead?” I asked through tears of fear and of joy. 

Micah laughed, “No, Sweetheart.  You aren’t dead.”

I frowned as I looked around again, “Then, I’m confused,” I whispered as I looked at them with wide eyes.

“You’re in between, life and death,” Reverend Boothe said, softly, “It happens sometimes when you pass out and sometimes, when you sleep.  That’s when we are able to reach out to you.  That’s why you hear of people getting visits from departed loved ones in their dreams.”

“We are sorry that we had to come to you this way but we were desperate,” Micah said with raised brows, “We’ve been trying to reach you since Lucifer’s visit and trying to visit you in your dreams wasn‘t working.”

“You’re the reason my nose has bled?” I asked as relief washed over me, “I thought I was dying.”

“We couldn’t find another way,” Micah said with a guilty smile, “I couldn’t visit your dad.  He has this wall that he‘s built.  I guess it helps him deal with his gifts.” 

“Well, I wish you could have found a way that didn‘t scare me half to death,” I said, narrowing my eyes. 

Micah smiled, amused,  “You’ll be okay.”

I frowned as I looked at her and then, Reverend Boothe, “Why were you so desperate to reach me?”

Reverend Boothe pursed his lips and then, raised his brows, “We were desperate because things have changed and even you who can see the future don’t realize how much and that’s dangerous.  You can‘t keep doing everything the way you‘re doing it.  It will get you killed.”

“I realize that.  Semarias told I can’t be the sacrifice anymore,” I said with a shrug.

“That’s not the only thing,” Micah said with a raised brow, “Though I’m glad you now know that you can’t keep putting yourself in danger for everyone.  Maybe I won’t worry so much.”

“Then, what are you talking about?” I asked as my frown deepened. 

“Think, Alex,” Micah said, gazing at me pointedly, “Things have changed.  For example. maybe Kelly won’t be the first one that the demons will target.  Maybe someone’s gift is more important.”

I frowned, “Whose gift would be more important than Kelly’s to a demon.”

Reverend Boothe raised his brows as he looked into my eyes, “What if there was someone who could see whether someone was possessed?” Reverend Boothe asked.

“That would be great,” I said with wide eyes, “They could tell Kelly and she could cast them out and we could defeat them much easier.”

“Now, think.  Who would have that gift?” Reverend Boothe asked. 

I frowned as I thought of my father who could see ghosts and then, Jenna who could see auras.  My mouth dropped open as I remembered the vision I had just before finding myself in their presence. 

“Oh no,” I said, feeling my heart drop, “It’s Jenna.”

“Yes,” Micah said but I shook my head.

“She doesn’t live with anyone who is Appointed and she doesn’t have a physical gift,” I said, suddenly worried, “She‘s by herself.”

Reverend Boothe nodded, “You need to figure out a way to keep her safe.”

I raised my chin determined, “I will.  I promise.”

Micah stepped forward, “Now, you must go back,” she said, caressing my face.  Her eyes darkened in sadness, “Tell Ky that I am so proud of him and that I love him.”

“I will,” I said, hugging her quickly and then, turning to Reverend Boothe and embracing him. 

“Do you remember how to get back?” He asked, smiling.

I nodded as I looked down at the floor.  It opened to the scene of everyone surrounding me and calling my name.  I spread my arms and with one more look back at my old friends, I fell back into my body.


              “Alex!” I heard Ky saying from somewhere far away.  Light began to dance in red  spots behind my eyelids as consciousness came within reach.  I moved closer to waking up only to move away again as people kept calling my name.

“Alex!” I heard again but this time it was Gloria’s sweet voice. 

The worry which laced just that one word brought me fully out of the darkness.  I inhaled sharply as I forced my eyelids open.  Ky’s face was directly above me.  His hand was gently caressing my cheek.  He sighed in relief as he peered down at me.

“Are you okay?” He asked, frowning.  I could see the panic fading from his eyes.

I nodded still dizzy.  My head swam as I tried to create a coherent thought.  Instead, everything was jumbled and I said the first thing that popped into my head.  Unfortunately, it made me seem crazy,  “I was just talking to your mom and Reverend Boothe.”

“What?” Ky asked alarmed.  His face paled and the panic returned. 

I shook my head as my mind cleared, “It’s not what you think.”

“Good,” Lynne said with wide eyes and I couldn‘t help but to think again that something was off about her.  I shook my head, she seemed just fine as she continued, “Because that totally sounded like you had died.”

“No, I just spoke to dead people,” I said, frowning as I realized how crazy that sounded too.  I sat up and tried to get to my feet unsuccessfully.  Thankfully, my father and Ky helped me.  I took two unsteady steps and then, lowered  myself slowly to the bench.

“You said you spoke to my mom?” Ky asked looking entirely too hopeful.  I could see the tears beginning to fill his eyes. 

“Yes,” I whispered, “I spoke to her and Reverend Boothe.  They were the ones who were giving me the nosebleeds not Lucifer.  They were trying to reach me by making me pass out.”

“So, they nearly killed you to talk to you?” My dad asked looking angry, “They should have just came to me.” 

I shook my head, “No, they made me pass out so they could speak to me…not kill me.  They couldn‘t come to you.  You have some type of block up,” I said, looking around until my eyes met Jenna’s, “If it makes you feel any better, it was for something really important.”

“Like what?” Drake asked and I turned to him.  His eyes scanned my face and my heart clenched.  Micah was his sister and I realized that he was hanging on every word I said.

“We’ve been wrong about something and it could get us killed but one person is in more danger than the rest,” I said, looking around until I met Jenna’s eyes again, “Jenna, can you tell if someone is possessed by looking at them?”

Her eyes widened, surprised, “Yes,” she said and shivered, “I didn’t know that until we fought Jezebel though.”

I nodded as I looked around at the others.  I watched as their eyes brightened with the knowledge. 

“Holy crap,” Lynne said, looking at Jenna worried, “That means that they won’t come for Kelly first.  They’ll come for you, Jenna.”

I rolled my eyes.  Leave it to Lynne to be too blunt and frighten the girl half to death.  Jenna backed away with her eyes as wide as saucers, “No,” she said, shaking her head, “They wouldn’t.  My gift isn’t…a big deal.”

“It is to them,” Will said, frowning, “It is to us too.  You would be able to tell us if someone is possessed.  We wouldn’t have to hunt them.  We would be in less danger.  You would tell Kelly and Kelly could just pull them out.  We could defeat them quicker.  You are the reason we would win a war.  You are one of our biggest weapons against demons.”

“She’s our most important weapon.  That’s why we have to protect her,” I said, glancing at Daniel as my mind delivered the solution to Jenna being alone, “Even when she’s home, she can’t be by herself.”

“I can make sure that happens,” he said, softly but he only glanced in my direction.   

I nodded, “And Jenna…You will have to tell us if you see anything.”

A tremble traveled through her as her eyes met mine, “I can do that,” She said as if she were trying to convince herself. 

“I know you can,” I said, reaching forward and grasping her hand, “I promise we won’t let anything happen to you.”

She nodded but I could see the fear in her eyes.  I wasn’t sure if the fear was because she didn’t believe in us or because she didn’t believe in herself.

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