The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles) (11 page)

BOOK: The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)
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Chapter Fifteen



We entered the building through a side entrance which had obviously not been used in a while.  The door had fallen to the side, leaving a gaping hole with paper and wood cluttering the threshold.  We moved the door and rubbish out of the way as quietly as we could. 

Upon entering a musty aroma hit us, causing us to fight to keep from coughing.  It was ice cold and it was only made worse by the darkness marred only by the open door.  I had to fight the shiver that raced down my spine to step further into the building. 

When we were all inside the small hall like area just beyond the door, we stood perfectly still as we listened for any movement within the darkness.  It became apparent a few minutes later that no one knew we had arrived.  Slowly, I turned to my father and my friends, hoping that the confidence of my vision lasted long enough to give them instructions. 

              I gazed at each of them the best I could in the darkened hallway, “We’ll need to split up if we are going to find all of the possessed,” I whispered, wincing as my voice carried further than I wanted it to. 

We listened in silence again but when nothing came for us, I squinted at the Appointed trying to make out their faces.  Finally, my gaze settled on Sarah, “Will you go with Gloria and Drake, so they have someone with a more physical gift?”

“Of course, Alex,” She said, offering me a small worried smile. 

My heart clenched as my mind brought forth the image of our possessed Appointed and then, the one person familiar to all of us within my vision, “Remember, if you see Leighton or my mom or anyone else we may know, it’s not really them.  They are possessed.  Just try not to kill them if you have to fight them.  If you hurt them, Kelly can heal them if they’re still alive.” 

“Okay, Alex,” She said in a small voice.  I could tell that she really didn’t want to think about harming people she knew.  I could only hope she would be strong enough to do what she must when the time came.

I squinted again and found Clyde easily, “I need you to protect Raina,” I said, looking into his dark eyes. 

“I can do that,” he said, looking around the darkened room until he found her and stepped to her side. 

“Daddy, I’ll need you to go with Daniel and Will,” I said, softly, realizing there was about to be an argument.   

“Why can’t I go with you?” He asked, frowning. 

“Because it needs to happen this way,” I said, determined, “If you’re with me it will distract you.  You’ll try to protect me instead of doing what you need to do.”

He gave a heavy sigh, “You’re right,” he said, “I’ll go with them.”

I turned my gaze to Daniel and then, Will, “Do not mess with time and under no circumstances, do not transport anyone anywhere until you are outside and demon free.”

Neither of them were happy but they both nodded.  Finally, I looked at Jace and Catherine, “You’ll be with me,” then, I smiled at Ky as I took his hand, “You too.”

They both nodded, “Can I use my gift?” Catherine asked. 

“As long as you don’t do permanent damage,” I said and she nodded.  I took a deep breath and slowly, let it out before whispering, “Okay.  It’s time.” 

We turned on the flashlights we brought with us, illuminating the area in which we stood.  I realized that it would attract the demons to us but we couldn’t risk tripping in the darkness.  I turned and began down the hallway until I found a set of metal stairs which led to the top floor of the building. 

“Daddy, Daniel and Will, this is where you will go,” I whispered as they looked up into the darkness, “As soon as they spot you, run to the door.  Don’t use your gifts.  Just run and when they possess you, let them.  Daniel, do not use your gift even to save someone.  If you do, it changes the vision and it could change the outcome.”

He nodded, “I’ll do what needs to be done.  I promise I won‘t use my gift.”

I smiled weakly and nodded, “Thank you,” I said, “You‘ve just given me less to worry about.” 

Will, Daniel and my dad turned and rose up the stairs as quietly as they could.  I watched until they had disappeared into the darkness before taking a few steps forward where a hallway stretched across from the stairwell.

I turned to the group behind me, “Sarah, go with Drake and Gloria here,” I whispered and she nodded.

“Is there anything different to tell me than you told them,” she said pointing her chin up the hallway.

“No.  The same rules apply,” I said and she nodded before turning with Drake and Gloria to walk down the hallway. 

When I could see them no longer I led the rest of the group a little further down the hall until we came to another set of stairs.  Just beyond the stairwell was the entrance to the factory’s work room.  I gave Raina a guilty smile realizing she would understand what I had not told her within a matter of seconds. 

“Me, Jace, Catherine and Ky are going up there,” I said, pointing up the stairs.  I shifted uncomfortably, “Count to a hundred before you go in.  Take ten steps and run out and toward the door where we entered the factory.  Do not hesitate.”

“Are you saying we’re going to see them first?” She asked with wide eyes, “In other words are we the bait?”

I nodded, “Yes.  I’m sorry but I promise this is how it needs to be.  Let them think it was easy.  Think of nothing once they possess you but where Jeremy, Jonathon, Kelly and Jenna are.  They’ll tell the others.  They will go to them.  When your demon is cast out.  Fight.”

“No worries about that,” Clyde said.  Still, I could see the fear in his eyes.   

I hugged Raina and then, began to walk up the stairs behind Ky.  I waited at the top of the stairs, listening.  It wasn’t long before I could hear the hisses of the demons below.  Then, there were hurried footsteps.  I was too focused on the sounds of my friends running from the demons that I didn’t realize that the hissing was in front of us too. 

It was only Ky’s hand on my arm that pulled me back to where I needed to be.  I blinked as I realized that he was trying to show me what was in front of him.  I looked around Ky who had stopped walking to see the possessed form of Leighton.   


              “Catherine, use your gift,” I whispered as I watched the demon possessed body of my friend step toward me.  It was clear that he would hurt us if given a chance. 

“I can’t,” she said in a shaky voice, “It’s Leighton.”

My heart clenched at her words because I understood what she meant.  The body was Leighton’s.  It would still hurt him too.

“Leighton would want you to do it,” I said and Catherine glanced at me.  Her eyes widened, “He wouldn‘t want to hurt us.  He wouldn’t be able to live with it.”

That was enough.  Her face hardened as her decision was made.  She turned back to him and stretched out her hand. 

“You can’t move without pain,” she said quietly at first but gaining strength, “With every step you take excruciating pain slams through your bones and muscles and fire enters your veins.”

A howl of pain slammed through the air so forcefully that I had to cover my ears.  Catherine’s gaze stayed on him as tears rolled down her cheeks.  My heart clenched, “Run now and then, you can release him,” I said, not needing to explain that he would have to be out in the parking lot where Kelly was to be healed.

She nodded and we ran down the stairs.  When we reached the bottom, she called up the stairwell, “You’re released, Leighton.”

  We turned to run again and nearly run into Clyde’s wide chest.  I put my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming.  Catherine did let out a little squeak as I looked up into his eyes.  I sighed relieved to see that they were not pulsing crimson, “You frightened me,“ I said with wide eyes, “Where’s Raina?”

“I’m right here,” she said, looking around Clyde, “Your dad, Will and Daniel are here too.”

“Daddy, are you okay?” I asked with worry clear in my voice.

“I’m fine, Baby Girl,” he said, softly, “Are you?”

“I’m okay,” I said as we walked, “We saw Leighton.  He’s probably right behind us.  Where are the other demons?”

“I don’t know,” Raina said as we came to the wider part of the hallway, “They chased us out of the work room but then, they were gone.” 

I nodded.  Raina, Will, Clyde and my dad stayed in front of us while Daniel dropped behind to study my face.  I heard Ky growl low in his throat though I didn’t understand why.

“I wonder where our angels are,” I said, realizing that somewhere along the way, they had disappeared. 

“They’re still here,” Raina said, looking around, “I’m sure they’re just hidden from sight.”

I nodded sure that they would reappear.  After all, they were in my vision and they were very visible. 

We took two more steps before Clyde stopped in front of me. 

“What’s that?” He asked, frowning. 

I looked around him to see a black cloud, blocking the door.  I didn’t even have time to scream a warning before it reached out and swamped Raina.  I heard her scream as tears wet my eyes. 

“No!” I cried out as my dad was taken in to, “Daddy, no!” 

I could feel Daniel push me below the stairs as I heard Will scream in pain.  Tears fell down my cheeks as he pushed me further and further beneath the stairwell.  

“Stay here,” he said fiercly as I heard Clyde curse.  The darkness surrounded him as a howl of pain broke through the air.  Daniel pulled Ky, Catherine and Jace below the stairs with me. 

“Take care of her,” he said, looking into my eyes as he began to back away. 

“What are you doing?” I asked, terrified as I realized this was not part of my vision. 

“What you’ve always done for me and the others,” he said, standing in the middle of the hall. 

“He’s sacrificing himself,” Jace said as the black cloud swamped him.  A scream broke through the air.  I didn’t realize that it wasn’t Daniel’s scream until Ky placed his hand over my mouth.  Tears fell down my cheek, coating his hand as I felt my heart break into.  






















Chapter Sixteen

Facing the Darkness


              “He didn’t have to do that,” I said, shocked as we watched the black cloud dissipate and the new demon possessed Appointed run down the hall toward the door where we had entered the building. 

Ky put his arm around me, “He knew that,” he said, looking into my eyes.  For once, he didn‘t seem angry with Daniel.  He rubbed my shoulder trying to reassure me, “But he’ll be okay.  Kelly will pull the demon from him.” 

I shook my head, “I’m not sure,” I said, feeling my heart sink, “I didn’t see what would happen if he took this path.  It‘s something new.”

Ky peered into my eyes and I could see the worry there, “It will be okay,” he said, caressing my face, “I promise.”

I nodded as he stood even though I could see he was worried that he had just lied, “Alex, if we’re going to help him or any of the others, we’ll need to continue.  Right now, we have to get out of here.  We have to finish this.”

I nodded realizing he was right as he reached out his hand.  I took it as he pulled me to him.  I held him close to me for a few moments, as the understanding that we were all going to be possessed within a matter of minutes slammed through my head.  I felt Catherine grab my hand.

“We’re here with you,” she said, softly and I did feel a small comfort in that. 

I nodded and then, sighed, “I know you are,” I said as I released Ky.  I raised my chin, “You’re with me no matter what.”

“That’s right,” Jace said.  I glanced at him and smiled. 

“I’m alright now,” I said taking a deep breath, “Let’s bait some demons.”

“How do we do that?” Catherine asked, frowning. 

“The same way the others did,” I said, raising my chin, “We quit hiding.” 

“Okay,” Catherine said, stepping out into the open with Jace at her side.  Ky and I followed their lead. 

Only seconds passed before the cloud appeared again.  I narrowed my eyes as I studied it a bit longer than I should have.  The bodies of the fallen angels twisted within it and each of them were reaching for us.  Everyone else looked at it as mesmerized as me. 

“I think we need to run toward the exit,” I said, softly, hoping not to cause it to sweep down and take us. 

“Me too,” Catherine said with wide frightened eyes. 

The cloud moved closer and we all took a cautious step back before turning and running.  As the hallway widened, Ky pulled us ahead of Jace and Catherine.  A moment later, I heard Catherine and Jace’s screams of pain.  I tried to keep the tears from coming but I couldn’t causing me to run blindly toward the exit with Ky as my only guide. 

He pushed me ahead of him right before I felt a violent tug spin me around.  Ky was ripped away from me as the darkness began to cover him. 

“Ky!” I screamed, taking a step forward. 

“No, Alex!” He yelled back, “Run!  Don’t stop! Run!”

My heart broke as I looked toward the exit.  I looked back at him as his beautiful eyes turned crimson.  I backed away and then, turned and began to run again, making it to the exit a few seconds later.    Drake, Gloria and Sarah were there waiting for me.  Semarias suddenly appeared by my side. 

“Where is Catherine, Jace and Ky?” Gloria asked, concerned. 

“All of the others that entered with us are possessed,” I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. 

“What about us?” Drake asked, frowning. 

“It means we’re next,” I whispered, “Which is why we need to run.”  


              We had reached the corner of the factory when I heard Sarah’s scream rent the air.  I took a deep breath convincing myself that in one more turn we would be there.  Her possession wouldn’t last that long.  Drake grabbed my hand and I looked beside me to see that he was pulling me and Gloria along.  Still, the cloud of fallen angels had reached us, cloaking us in darkness. 

Their whispers surrounded me as they moved closer and closer.  Then, suddenly I could make out what they were saying. 

“Don’t touch the male,” a demon snarled and I frowned too confused for my fear to take over. 

“He’s already been tainted by us once,” another demon said, “We can’t have him again.  It will destroy us.”

“We’ll just kill him,” they hissed, “As soon as we take these.”

My eyes widened as I understood. I looked at Drake, “They can’t possess you again,” I said as Gloria’s screams burst through the air.  Tears ran down his face and I could tell he was listening but didn’t know what to do. 

“The only way you can help us is to run to my brothers and sister and Jenna.  Tell  Kelly no matter what, do not stop pulling demons out,” I said and he blinked and then, nodded as the dark cloud moved closer to me, “Run!  Now!”

He gave me one last look and then, released my hand as he ran in the direction of my siblings and Jenna.  The darkness lapped at me leaving searing pain like acid had been injected into my veins and it was now running freely through my body.  I closed my eyes and screamed as the dark cloud cloaked me.  Slowly, the pain subsided and though I could still see out of my eyes, I couldn’t control any of my movements and there was another voice in my head.  Fear slammed through me as I realized that my body had received its fallen angel. 






















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