The Domville 2 (The Domville #2) (8 page)

BOOK: The Domville 2 (The Domville #2)
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‘I’ve been for a run
and had a shower. Smells like you could use one. That whisky’s seeping out of
your pores.

‘A run!’ He looked at me aghast.
How he kept in shape was beyond me. A Saturday fry up was about as unhealthy as
I got. I rarely drank, Lisa and I ate healthily and were in the gym on the days
we didn’t run. Roger drank like a fish and did no exercise at all. Maybe all
the sex he had was what kept him in shape. ‘You so need to chillax, mate.
Life’s for living,’ he mumbled, shoving a forkful of food into his mouth.

‘Carry on the way you are and you
won’t be living it for long,’ I retorted, tucking into my food with a touch
more elegance and less haste.

‘Better a short and wild life,
than a long and boring one.’

‘My life’s not boring, thank you.
I love my job, it’s challenging and mentally stimulating. Not to mention it
pays exceedingly well. I live with my best friend and love of my life. For some
people that’s unattainable. I’ve hit the holy grail.’

‘You count her as your best
friend? I should be bloody insulted,’ he laughed.

‘As a male best friend, no one
replaces you, Roger. Who else would talk me through the finer points of porn at
two in the morning? Or try and manoeuvre me into various positions I’d never
tried before?’ I grinned.

‘Shit, I never?!’

‘O yeah. I particularly loved you
pinning me down to the floor by the neck as you demonstrated the best angle for
doggy style, thrusting against my backside.’

‘Shit, sorry, mate,’ he choked,
turning red. ‘We didn’t … you know?’

‘No! Of course not. Both fully
dressed, but you were that insistent I’m beginning to wonder if all these women
you fuck is just a front,’ I ribbed.

‘The day I fuck a guy is the day
hell freezes over,’ he announced firmly.

‘Glad to hear it,’ I confirmed
with a nod.

‘You’d better sort this out with
her. You’re going to be hell to be friends with if you split up. You’ll have me
showing you the wheelbarrow move next.’

‘Tell me about it,’ I sighed,
shoving a hand through my damp hair. ‘I need to see her as soon as possible.
Grab a shower as soon as you’re done and I’ll pack the car so we can shoot. As
for the wheelbarrow, thanks to your skilled tuition last night, I’ve got that
down pat too, as well as the legs over my shoulders and reverse cowgirl,’ I
winked as I tidied my stuff away and Roger spluttered, spitting his beans back
on his plate.


I pulled up in front of The
Domville and a valet rushed forward to take my keys as the porters assisted
with unloading our cases and suit garment bags from the boot. I looked up at
the top floor, knowing she was probably up there, either getting ready, or
getting ready to let me down. My stomach twisted in nervous knots. Part of me
wanted to run, not sure I wanted to know our fate just yet. That was the coward’s
way though. I’d decided I was going to win her back, show her why I could be
everything she needed. Brady Collins wasn’t one to back down when he faced a

‘Go and find her. I’ll check into
my room and take our stuff up. Don’t want some hot young receptionist thinking
we’re a couple of cock suckers. I need some pussy tonight and Mandy’s been
avoiding me all week. Shame. Tight snatch on her and she’d rival a fucking
Dyson for suction power on a BJ. Reckon we could make a go of it, if I wanted
to settle down.’

‘What did I tell you about being
on your best behaviour here?’ I scowled, trying to get him to keep his voice
down and show some decorum. ‘And that’s potentially my sister-in-law you’re
talking about. Show some respect for God’s sake.’

‘Just telling it how it is,’ he
retorted, hands in the air by way of surrender.

‘Go and seduce the hotel staff. Unless
you suddenly turn into a gentleman who respects women, Mandy’s off limits.’

‘Spoilsport,’ he grumbled. ‘Good
luck, I’ll let you know the suite number as soon as I’m in.’

‘Cheers,’ I nodded, taking a deep
breath as I left him to it and went to the private lift for the Signature
suite. I dialled Mandy, not confident that Lisa would agree to see me. Mandy
opened the lift for me and as soon as the doors closed it began its ascent. The
tech in this hotel was amazing. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket as it
started to ring, to see it was my mother. ‘Morning, Mum. Everything ok?’ I

‘Yes. I’ve just checked into my
suite. It’s amazing. I’ve never been anywhere so posh. You’re such a darling to
pay for me to stay here for a long weekend.’

‘It’s nothing Mum. You deserve
it. Is everything ok? I’m just about to go and see Lisa.’

‘Brady,’ she cried, her high
pitched tone nearly deafening me. ‘It’s bad luck to see the bride before the

‘You know I’m not superstitious,
we had a bit of a disagreement over something and we need to sort it before
everyone else starts to arrive. I’m nearly at her suite, did you need

‘I’ve got a surprise for you.
Will you come and see me as soon as you’re done? I’m in suite 420. It’s really
important that I give it to you before you walk up the aisle.’

‘Mum, I told you no presents. We
make enough money,’ I sighed, pinching my nose. My parents had never been well
off. When dad had died of cancer three years ago, he didn’t even have life
insurance. I’d cleared their mortgage and paid for mum’s annual holidays,
helping out with repairs and maintenance on their house as well. I couldn’t
have been clearer that I didn’t want her spending the little money she had on us
this weekend.

‘It’s not cost me anything,
darling. It’s really important though, promise me that you’ll come as soon as

‘I promise, Mum. I’ve just
arrived at her suite, I’ve got to go. See you later.’ I hung up just as the
lift doors slid open and strode through the lobby towards the lounge. I’d been
for a tour when I was looking for wedding venues. If the hotel and grounds
hadn’t been enough to win me over, the thought of Lisa and I spending our
wedding night in this palatial suite had clinched the deal. The doors to the
lounge swung open, revealing Mandy in her dressing gown, arms folded across her

‘Brady,’ she nodded, stiffly.

‘Mandy,’ I replied, forgoing our
usual hug and kiss greeting. She was pissed with me, her demeanour and piercing
glare gave it away, even without the tone she’d taken.

‘She’s in the shower. You’d
better sort this shit out fast. We’re supposed to be having lunch in an hour or
so, then hair and beauty will be arriving, along with the guests.’

‘Yes, thank you. I’m well aware
of the time constraints and it’s not exactly my choosing that we’re in this
situation, is it?’ I retorted, eye balling her back.

‘O, sorry. I thought you fucking
another woman last week was the catalyst. Stupid me. Of course it’s all Lisa’s
fault. How dare she be upset at that and wondering if you’re the kind of guy
she wants to spend her life with.’

‘That’s unfair, Mandy. What we
agreed is between us. I feel bad that I upset her, but I didn’t do anything
wrong. It was a mutual decision, so you don’t get to take sides here.’

‘Of course I bloody do,’ she
hissed, stepping towards me with a pointed finger. ‘You’re just the guy that’s
dating my sister.
family. I’ll always take her side, no matter
what and for the record, it was a stupid fucking idea. You should have known
better than to go through with it. Lisa would never have done that to you.
You’re a shitty boyfriend.’

‘Eleven years, Mandy. I’ve been
with her for
years. I love her. I’ve never treated her badly, I
worship the fucking ground she walks on. You know that. One mistake doesn’t
wipe out a great relationship for all the time leading up to that one bad
decision,’ I snapped. So I may not have given her the type of sex she wanted,
but she’d never lacked for anything else while she was with me. I’d be damned
if I was going to stand here and have our whole relationship called into
question. Mandy sighed and backed off, wrapping her arms around herself.

‘It was a seriously bad fucking
decision, Brady. I’m sorry, I’m just tired and upset for my sister. And you as
well, I guess. You’re right, you’ve been the perfect boyfriend, the two of you
seemed so happy. You were supposed to be my role models, the couple to show me
how love could really be. Then I find out everything’s not as perfect as it
seemed. I’m thrown, that’s all. I just want her to be happy. You too. Go and
fucking sort it out. All this drama is going to have me getting drunk and you
know what happens when I drink too much.
make stupid decisions like
fucking the man whore, otherwise known as Rampant Roger. That can’t afford to
happen again.’

‘He has nothing but good things
to say about you,’ I confirmed with a smile. Roger’s crassness about her
ability in the sack was as good a compliment as I’d ever heard him give any

‘Yeah, well tell him to dream on.
This rack is out of his price range,’ she replied, her scowl quickly

‘I’ll leave you to tell him when
you see him later. He’s dropping our gear off in his suite, then no doubt he’ll
be propping the bar up until the last possible moment.’

‘Great,’ she replied, with a roll
of her eyes, but the faintest flush to her cheeks. I may be fucking up my own
relationship, but I had a feeling I could play matchmaker between those two.
Both protested too much how they weren’t interested in a relationship and only
wanted casual sex. If they could see past their one track minds, they could be
a great couple, with an amazing sex life. Something I thought I had with Lisa.
Something I needed to sort right now.

‘Bedroom one?’ I enquired.

‘Yeah,’ she sighed. ‘She has no
idea you’re here. She may kill me for letting you in. Actually she may kill you
first. Good luck,’ she grinned as she strode off towards the dining room,
probably in search of coffee knowing Mandy.

I took a deep breath and headed
to the master suite. There was no reply when I knocked, so I walked in. I could
hear the shower running in the en-suite. Lisa loved her hot showers. There was
no telling how long she could be in there. I sat on the edge of the comfortable
super king sized bed and ran my hands over my face. The next few minutes could
change my life forever, and I was terrified. I couldn’t lose her now. Not when
we were so close to sealing the deal. So what if she’d had sex with someone
else last night? It was no worse than I’d done. We could draw a line under it
and move forward. If I could just convince her I could do better. I ran through
some of the conversations I’d had with Roger, some of the things I’d seen in
those films last night. Women liked spontaneity, a man who craved them, who
couldn’t get enough of them. I had the looks and the body. I also knew for sure
now that there was nothing wrong with the size of my cock. I stood up and
ripped my shirt over my head, suddenly full of determination. She was going to
give me one last chance to prove myself before she made up her mind. No way was
I losing her now. I stripped down, before striding into the en-suite, stark
naked and slipped into the steaming shower behind her, my cock immediately
stiffening at the sight of her sexy wet backside. I’d never get tired of this

‘Shit,’ she screamed, as I slipped
my hands around her waist, kissing the side of her neck.





‘Brady?’ I shrieked, spinning in his arms, my
heart thumping almost out of my chest in surprise and guilt.

‘God I’ve missed you,’
he groaned, biting the side of my neck as his hands reached down to grasp my
backside. I felt my eyes fill up with tears. I’d missed him too, but the memory
of what I’d done, what I’d experienced last night was still so vivid in my
mind. I gasped as Brady clutched my face in his hands tightly, then kissed me
forcefully. His kisses were always sweet, tender and gentle, never forceful. My
lips parted for him, an inherent automatic reaction. His tongue plunged into
the recesses of my mouth as he suddenly lifted me up onto his hips, his fingers
tightly buried in the flesh of my backside. My eyes widened in surprise. This
was new. I lost myself for a moment, kissing him back with as much vigour,
feeling his large cock stiffening even further against my stomach. What had
happened? I could feel his need for me oozing from every pore and it was
intoxicating. So intoxicating, but so wrong. I’d never felt this from him
before, I’d never felt this until last night and now it was happening with
Brady too?

‘Stop,’ I moaned,
pulling my lips begrudgingly away from his. ‘Stop. We need to talk.’

‘No,’ he bit back. ‘No
talking. I need you, Lisa. I’ve never needed you as much as I do now. I want to
fuck you, I want to prove to you that I can make you come, how good we could be
together. Give me that chance, please. We can talk after. Don’t take this away
from me, not today,’ he demanded, his face set in a determined line. This was
in control and dominant work Brady, the one I’d always fantasised would seep
into our personal life, but it never had. What had changed? Why now? He wasn’t making
my decision any easier at all. ‘I already know what you did. I can see the
guilt all over your face. I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to know
how it was for you. Let’s just lose ourselves in each other in case this is the
last time. Talk can wait.’ He held my gaze, his beautiful green eyes silently
pleading with mine, a myriad of emotions showing in them. Fear, hope, need, but
most of all love. I could see the love he had for me pouring out of them and my
stomach flipped, just like it had when he first asked me out all those years
ago. Like it had when he first kissed me and we first made love. Regardless of
our sexual dilemma, I’d never stop loving him either. I wasn’t sure I’d ever
love anyone the way I loved Brady.

I barely had time to
nod my consent before his mouth crashed down onto mine again as he pressed me
into the tiled wall of the shower. One hand snaked between our bodies as his
fingers found my clit, still tender from overuse last night. I tried to block
those memories from my mind and focus on the now. He was right. What if this
was our last time together? If he was prepared to give it his all, then so was
I. We owed it to each other. More importantly I owed it to him to try and take
the lessons I’d learned last night, about letting my body experience the joy of
a building orgasm, rather than repeating past behaviours that it seemed may
have been self-defeating. I knew now that I could come during penetrative sex
and Brady was larger than Simon. And I
him. Surely that should
count for something? One set of fingers grasped at the soft, wet hair at the
nape of his neck, the others dug into his shoulder blades, my short nails
raking at his skin as his deft fingers worked skilfully on my clit. Fingers and
tongue were never a problem, but this time felt different. It was his hunger
for me. He wasn’t getting me off just to please me, like he always had, he was
doing it for himself too. He wanted it as much as I did. He bit my lower lip
and sucked it hard as his fingers started to build me up to a panting, moaning

‘Come on, pumpkin. You
know how much you love to come when I tease your clit. Give this to me now as
I’m desperate to slam this cock of mine into your tight wet pussy. If we have
time, I’d like to spread you out on that chair in the bedroom facing the
mirror. Watch you finger yourself before I lick you to another climax. I’ve
never watched you masturbate. I also know we’ve never done it, but I’ve been
dreaming all night about claiming your sexy backside as well. Would you like

‘Yes,’ I whimpered.
God, never once had that been vocalised. Twelve hours ago I’d been an anal
virgin, now everyone wanted a piece of it and Brady had suddenly mastered the
art of dirty talk too. I felt my insides flood with arousal. The stakes were so
high right now. If he could turn me on like this
make me come while
he was inside me, if we could move past our stupid pact fulfilment, we could
really make this work. The thought had me giddy with happiness. ‘God, yes. I’d
love to feel you pounding me there. I’d love to have your cock in my mouth
while your tongue  licks me out as well.’

A low growl escaped his
lips as his fingers suddenly thrust up inside me, his thumb taking over on my
swollen and throbbing clit. ‘So many things I want to try with you, so many
surfaces to bend you over, or to lay you down on. I’ve never even stuck my
tongue in your arse. Why the fuck have we been so boring for all of these
years?’ His husky voice gave away how turned on he was at the thought of all
these new experiences and God, did that turn me on even more. It seemed I owed
Roger a few drinks for an obviously enlightening evening.

‘We didn’t know any
better’ I panted. ‘O shit.’ The heat radiating out from my core was intense.
Shower sex, dirty talk, promises of new positions. There really was hope for us
yet. Even if it was at the eleventh hour.

I cried out his name as
his teeth clamped down tightly on one of my nipples. His eyes holding mine,
looking for any sign that I wasn’t comfortable. He didn’t get it. The slackness
of my jaw, which dropped in surprise, along with the push on the back of his
head, encouraging him not to let go, was all the confirmation that he needed to
bite harder. My eyes rolled, unfocussed as pleasure coursed through my body and
I stiffened, held up by his one strong arm. A hard and fast climax hit me, my
muscles milking then releasing his fingers as I shuddered. I barely had time to
come down from my high, before his fingers slipped out of my very lubricated
channel and were replaced by his wide crown. He pulled a cry from my lips as he
penetrated me. Equal measures of pleasure and pain. I’d never been fucked so
many times in the space of so few hours. I pushed thoughts of guilt to the back
of my mind. We were on a serious time limit here, I really had to focus
everything on the here and now. I wanted to come, I wanted proof of our
suitability for each other. If I really wanted to walk up that aisle in a few
hours and spend the rest of my life as Mrs. Brady Collins, everything came down
to this.

‘Brady,’ I moaned. He
was teasing me, something he’d never done. He’d slip his head in a fraction,
then pull it out, rubbing himself against my clit before repeating. I wriggled
on his hips, both of my hands sliding down his back to grasp his perfectly
formed backside, trying to drag him inside me. When he finally took pity on me,
he rammed himself in so hard, the sound of our hip bones smashing together,
ricocheting off the water cascading down our chests, had both of us grunt in
surprise. He stilled inside me, letting me accommodate his length and girth as
I rippled around him.

‘Milk me, like you do
my fingers when they’re inside you. Clench then release, don’t just clench like
always,’ he ordered as he started to power into me, shunting me up the wall on
inward strokes, catching me as I fell on the pull backs. I took some gasps for
air as I nodded. He’d definitely been discussing the intimate parts of our love
making. He’d realised what I was doing wrong, just as I had thanks to Simon
last night. I used all the strength in my thigh muscles to lift myself and push
down on him as he thrust upwards and we soon found a fast and punishing rhythm.
The surprise on his face I was sure matched my own. This was hard and
passionate fucking. Something we’d never done. Something I wasn’t sure we’d
even known we were capable of.

‘O God,’ I squealed in
delight, the root of his shaft rubbing my clit on each slam. ‘Don’t stop,
Brady. Please … don’t …. stop.’

‘Lisa,’ he groaned.
‘This is … I’ve never felt anything like it.’

I nodded my agreement,
trying to keep some kind of focus in my eyes as I tried to process the
difference in my body’s reactions to him. Everything was on fire. It was as if
he was touching me everywhere at once. Each nerve ending crackled in response,
firing signals of sheer bliss and contentment to my brain. His beautiful face
was so focussed as he slanted his hips, deepening his strokes inside me,
watching his cock sliding in and out of me. We were panting hard now, the heat
coming off both of us was rivalling the water that continued to rain down on us
from above. The floating glass wall of the shower was totally fogged, it was
hard to make out anything other than what was right in front of me. My fiancé’s
happy, gorgeous, contorted in pleasure face. My orgasm started to build,
already I was closer than I’d ever been with Brady inside me. As if he knew he
sucked one of his fingers and before I knew it my arse was filled with it,
probing and sending my mind into the stratosphere as I whimpered pitiful cries
of ecstasy. If he was going all out, so was I. Somehow I managed to manoeuvre
my hand and gently pressed against his clenched opening as well. His eyes went
large as surprise registered on his face, while I waited for permission. He
gulped and nodded, taking a loud intake of damp air as I pushed and slipped
inside him too.

,’ he
yelled. ‘O fuck. Yes!’

‘Brady, my God,’ I
mewled, as he continued to plough into me, front and back, the friction
stimulating every single nerve ending inside me, making me quiver with the
voltage charging through my veins.

‘Tell me you feel it,’
he growled, his eyes darkening with unspoken need.

‘Yes, God …
I confirmed. How had we been getting it wrong for so long? Right now we were
perfect together and this could just be the beginning. We had so much to learn,
so much to experience as a couple, if this convinced us both. I started crying
with happiness as my breasts swelled, my nipples stiffening almost to the point
of pain as my toes curled behind his back. I locked my ankles as he mercilessly
rode me, almost breathless from exertion. When my climax finally hit I was
beyond spent, my jaw flexed as I tried to tell him it was happening. I didn’t
need words, the satisfaction all over his face told me that he was well aware
and couldn’t be more proud.

‘Christ, Lisa, you’re
killing me,’ he uttered. I screamed as I exploded like a confetti cannon, tears
turning to inconsolable sobs of bliss as I quaked on him. His grunts told me
how close he was too, so I summoned the last bit of energy that I had in me to
firmly rub his prostate, just how I’d been shown last night, which had him roar
in my ear as he filled me with his heat. We both withdrew our fingers and he
collapsed against me, panting heavily as I buried my face in his neck, beyond
was what we’d been missing all this time. Last night seemed
a long distant memory in comparison to the feelings flooding my body right now.
Incredible sex, with someone you loved, was even better. I moaned when he
eventually lifted me off him and gently set my feet on the floor. He tipped my
chin up, his eyes glistening with love as he dipped his head and kissed me
gently. We didn’t say anything as we slowly soaped up and washed each other
clean. It felt like a cleansing ritual, like we were washing each other’s sins

When we were done he
turned off the water and took my hand, leading me to the towel rail and
securing the softest, warm and fluffy towel around my chest as he gently rubbed
my hair with another. I put my palms on his broad chest and gazed up at him as
he made sure all of the water had been squeezed out of my hair. Could each of
us having sex with a stranger really have brought us closer? What seemed like a
stupid decision yesterday, suddenly seemed to have been the most sensible thing
we’d ever done. He kissed me again, winked at me, then turned to towel himself
off. I stood watching his muscles rippling, the small beads of water still
stubbornly clinging to his skin.

‘Brady,’ I whispered,
feeling a need to confess everything. If we were going to do this I wanted a
complete fresh start. Nothing between us.

‘Say nothing,’ he
replied, tucking a towel around his slender waist. I was distracted for a
moment, appreciating the way it hung from his hips. Showing off his toned abs
and the cut over his hips. ‘Saying yes to being my wife is still a serious
decision that shouldn’t be made while you’re high from an orgasm. I don’t want
to know about last night, I don’t care if it was crap or amazing. All I care
about is that you really consider whether you still want me, but you need to
make up your mind in the next hour. I can’t give you longer, I’m on fucking
tenterhooks here. When you’ve had time to think, send me a text and I’ll let
you know what room I’m in and get Roger to disappear for a while.’

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