Just Three Words (Soho Loft Romances)

BOOK: Just Three Words (Soho Loft Romances)
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Sometimes the one you want is the one you least suspect...Accountant Samantha Ennis craves order and structure. As the bookkeeper at the boutique advertising agency she owns with her three best friends, it’s her job to apply logic to the chaos. When one of those best friends, laid back Hunter Blair, moves in to share her loft apartment, Sam’s carefully organized world is thrown wildly askew. Hunter Blair’s been the coolest one in the room since elementary school. Until recently, her biggest worry in the world was which of the girls in her cell phone to call on a Saturday night. But it’s not long before Samantha sparks a fire in Hunter that has her questioning her old habits and longing for new ones. Isn’t it a bad idea to fall for one of your best friends? Samantha and Hunter are about to find out.

Table of Contents
Praise for Melissa Brayden

Waiting In The Wings

“This was an engaging book with believable characters and story development. It’s always a pleasure to read a book set in a world like the theater/film that gets it right…a thoroughly enjoyable read.”—
Lez Books

“This is Brayden’s first novel, but we wouldn’t notice if she hadn’t told us. The book is well put together and more complex than most authors’ second or third books. The characters have chemistry; you want them to get together in the end. The book is light, frothy, and fun to read. And the sex is hot without being too explicit—not an easy trick to pull off.”—
Liberty Press

Heart Block

“The story is enchanting with conflicts and issues to be overcome that will keep the reader turning the pages. The relationship between Sarah and Emory is achingly beautiful and skillfully portrayed. This second offering by Melissa Brayden is a perfect package of love—and life to be lived to the fullest. So grab a beverage and snuggle up in a comfy throw to read this classic story of overcoming obstacles and finding enduring love.”—
Lambda Literary Review

“Although this book doesn’t beat you over the head with wit, the interactions are almost always humorous, making both characters really quite loveable. Overall a very enjoyable read.”—
C-Spot Reviews

How Sweet It Is

“‘Sweet’ is definitely the keyword for this well-written, character-driven lesbian romance novel. It is ultimately a love letter to small town America, and the lesson to remain open to whatever opportunities and happiness come into your life.”—Bob Lind,

“Oh boy! The events were perfectly plausible, but the collection and the threading of all the stories, main and sub plots, were just fantastic. I completely and wholeheartedly recommend this book. So touching, so heartwarming and all out beautiful.”—
Rainbow Book Reviews

Kiss The Girl

“There are romances and there are romances…Melissa Brayden can be relied on to write consistently very sweet, pure romances and delivers again with her newest book
Kiss the Girl
…There are scenes suffused with the sweetest love, some with great sadness or even anger—a whole gamut of emotions that take readers on a gentle roller coaster with a consistent upbeat tone. And at the heart of this book is a hymn to true friendship and to human decency.”—
C-Spot Reviews

Just Three Words

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Just Three Words © 2015 By Melissa Brayden. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 13: 978-1-62639-379-0

This Electronic Book is published by Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

P.O. Box 249

Valley Falls, New York 12185

First Edition: April 2015

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


Editors: Lynda Sandoval and Stacia Seaman Production Design: Stacia Seaman Cover Design By Sheri ([email protected])

By the Author

Waiting in the Wings

Heart Block

How Sweet It Is

Soho Loft Romances

Kiss the Girl

Just Three Words


In writing
Just Three Words
, I had a blast returning to characters I’ve grown to love and to a place I love to write about. Sometimes it’s hard to believe this is my job. However, I am more than aware that there are numerous people responsible for bringing this book to life and giving me the chance to do what I enjoy.


Many thanks to Bold Strokes Books and the whole fantastic team, who have shown my books a great deal of love and thoughtful care. I’m beyond lucky to work with you.

My family puts up with a lot—whether it’s me staring off into space for extended lengths of time, canceling plans in order to meet a deadline, or stopping them mid-sentence to write down something awesome they’ve said to me (that is now going in a book). I’m blessed with the best group of cheerleaders ever.


Working with my editor, Lynda Sandoval, is not only educational and fun, but inspiring. The passion she’s shown for the books we’ve worked on together makes me excited to get up each day and write more. And that’s everything.

Thanks to Nicole Little, Georgia Beers, and Rachel Spangler for their continued love and friendship. I don’t know where I’d be without them in my corner—both in writing and in life.


Alan and I have known each other since we were thirteen years old, and no one else on the planet gets me the way he does. I’m reminded on a daily basis how lucky I am.

Lastly, thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you for spending a little bit of your time with my books. I’m so very grateful.

In memory of my snuggly writing partner, Tucker Benjamin.


It was the kind of night that felt important. While that wasn’t a thought nineteen-year-old Samantha Ennis voiced out loud to the three girls in her company, it was definitely a tidbit she filed away for herself.

There was a gentle breeze brushing the streets of Greenwich Village as they walked to the Cornelia Street Café. It was close to midnight on a Thursday, and the neighborhood was still very much alive with college students and hipsters and even the occasional gutsy tourist. Samantha sent a sidelong glance at the other three girls next to her. They dotted the narrow sidewalk to her left as they chatted about anything and everything. Hunter and Mallory she’d gotten to know over the course of the last year, as freshmen at NYU, but Brooklyn was the new addition to the group. Yet when she’d arrived at the first meeting of the school year of the LGBT Student Interest Group, Sam had a feeling that the fresh-faced blonde in the ponytail was a keeper. And after the foursome spent the past few hours planning the group’s upcoming film series at a nearby coffee shop, it felt like they’d found their missing puzzle piece. The four-way synergy had been palpable as they’d spun one idea for the film series into another in a planning session that just felt somehow ordained. But it wasn’t just their ability to work well together. They’d had the best time, too, laughing and getting to know one another better, which made the work feel fun. And after all that, they were certainly deserving of the late-night junk-food meal they sought.

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