The Domville 2 (The Domville #2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Domville 2 (The Domville #2)
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‘I’ve never … this is …’

‘You’re an anal virgin?’ he asked, wonder in his voice.

‘Yes,’ I whispered, embarrassed.

‘Even better,’ he groaned. ‘Pussy now, arse later. I have lubricant in my

‘You usually travel to hotels with lubricant, looking for a score?’ I
panted, figuring there was no point being insulted. This was just sex, nothing

‘Always helps to be prepared,’ he chuckled. ‘But no, I don’t always
“score” as you put it. I’m not attracted to every woman I see, they have to
have something about them. Like you. I could fuck this arse all day and never
grow tired.’

‘I thought you wanted to fuck my tits,’ I reminded him, pushing back
against his probing finger, desperate for more incredible sensations.

‘I’m going to have all three. Tits, arse and pussy. You’re going to be
thoroughly fucked tonight, Leanna.’ He twisted himself under me, planting his
face back on my clit as his finger continued to thrust gently, exploring
unchartered territory. I squeezed my thighs around his cheeks as I flexed
against his mouth, riding his face like a Cheltenham Cup winner. I needed to
come. Now. It didn’t take long before I shattered above him, not caring this
time who heard my cries of pleasure, or that I was soaking his face with my
climax. I felt totally uninhibited for the first time in my life. I was a
sexual woman, I had needs. There was nothing wrong with having them fulfilled,
even if it was by a total stranger. As I lay trembling, I felt him slide out
from under me, then the tear of foil. Looking in the mirror I saw him tear at a
condom with his teeth. He quickly covered his already erect penis and stood
behind me, angling it towards my well lubricated entrance. ‘Hold on tight,’ he
warned. I nodded and braced myself, still unprepared for the force at which he
slammed into me, his fingers boring holes into my hips. My muscles tensed
around him.

It was a weird feeling, having someone new inside me. It felt alien and
unnatural. Guilt saturated my system again for a moment as I contemplated
telling him to pull out, so I could flee back to my suite. What good would that
do? I’d already done it. I’d crossed that line. He was already inside me. I was
a cheater, just like Brady. I’d come this far, I may as well see it through.
Something had to help me decide what in the hell I was supposed to do tomorrow.
My hips bashed against the granite as he pounded into me hard and fast, my
breasts swinging in the concave of the sink. I forced myself to lift my head,
to watch us in the mirror. My cheeks were hot pink, dewy with exertion. Simon’s
eyes were closed, his handsome face was screwed up in pleasure. I was really
doing it. I was being fucked as wildly as I’d imagined I could be. The speed
and friction inside me felt good. Really good. My muscles clenched even tighter.

‘Jesus, Leanna. Are you trying to break my cock?’ he gasped, his eyes
snapping open. ‘Relax, you’re so tense.’

‘I am … relaxed,’ I panted, trying to match his forward thrusts with
backward ones of my own.

‘You’re not, you’re fighting coming. You’ll never come if you tense up
like that. Let go,’ he ordered. I screwed up my face in confusion. I wasn’t
doing anything differently to normal, other than being more vigorous and vocal.
Why would he think I was tense and that it would stop me coming? He took me by
surprise, grabbing my shoulders and easing me upright as he continued to plough
into me from behind. One hand started playing with one of my breasts, the other
moved down to stimulate my clit again, making more mewls of pleasure leave my
mouth. ‘That’s it,’ he murmured in my ear as he bit it. ‘Feel how you’re
letting go? I play with you and you’re not tense, you come so easily. I fuck
you and it’s like you’re terrified of coming with me inside you. Your whole
body stiffens as you fight it. Remember how good it felt coming earlier, focus
on that.’

‘Why do you care what it’s like … for me,’ I enquired between gasps for
air, as my overstimulated body sent jolts of sensation firing through my synapses.

‘I’m not one of those
it’s all about me
kind of guys. Making a
woman come, knowing that you’ve done that, that you have the power to put that
look on her face? It’s almost better than coming yourself,’ he confirmed. I
looked at his reflection in the mirror, surprised. Our hips continued to dance,
his hands roving over my body until I didn’t know which bit of me he was going
to tease with his deft, expert fingers. His lips were on my neck, sucking,
nibbling, biting and kissing. His pelvis slapped loudly against my curvaceous
backside as his thick shaft powered into me again and again. I used every ounce
of strength I had in me to focus on relaxing, on not letting my internal
muscles do what they normally did during sex, clamp as tight as a vice. It
wasn’t long before my eyes shot wide open in surprise. I was feeling things.
Internally. Pleasure spreading out from my very core, racing up my spine into
my head. My God, was this what sex was supposed to feel like? I had no idea
penetration could be so enjoyable. The thought that maybe it was me with the
problem and not Brady, crossed my mind. Before I had time to ponder that
thought a loud cry erupted from my mouth. I was close, so close.

‘Simon, O God, I … I … please,
’ I begged, some tears of
bliss seeping from my eyes.

‘Leanna, I’m so close,’ he groaned. ‘Come for me, see how much better it
feels to let go.’

I nodded as we held each other’s gaze in the mirror. The look of
contentment on his face, my naked body with a stranger’s hands pawing at it,
was all I needed to explode. It was like a pleasure grenade detonating inside
me. Ripples of expanding pleasure, radiating from my core to my extremities. I
sobbed as I squealed in ecstasy, Simon growling loudly in my ear as his body
tensed up and shuddered behind me as he found his own release. We both
collapsed onto the sink, Simon’s front to my back as we tried to recover our

‘That was …’ I shook my head. I didn’t have words. Penetrative sex had
always been flat, dull and left me itching to come.
was everything
I’d always imagined it should be.

‘That was just round one. I love your body so much that I could spend the
night fucking you,’ he whispered in my ear, gently kissing my cheek.

‘If that’s how good I’m going to feel each time, yes please,’ I grinned,
feeling incredibly wanton.





My eyelids fluttered open to find myself in pitch darkness.
I looked to my right, just about able to make out Simon’s body lying next to
me. To my left was the iPod docking station and alarm clock. It was seven a.m.
The Domville obviously had black out curtains, as none of the morning light was
to be seen anywhere. Flashes of the night before came back to me as I gently
stretched my aching body. My God. The things I’d done with him. Things I’d
never imagined. I’d experienced so many orgasms from him being inside me,
including anal sex. I bit my lip as I felt my cheeks colouring up with
embarrassment. I may have played the part of Leanna last night, but inside I
was still Lisa. I felt ashamed. Not to mention today was the day I was supposed
to be getting married. The happiest day of my life. Except how could it be when
I was waking in another man’s bed, questioning whether I could live with a man
who’d never made me feel a fraction of what I had sexually last night.

Simon had commented last night
that he came to London on business now and then, always staying in The
Domville. He’d suggested exchanging numbers, for this to be a casual hook up
thing whenever he was in the city. I may have broken out of my mould for one
night last night, but I knew deep down that it wasn’t me. I wasn’t the casual
sex kind of girl. I loved the stability of a relationship, of holding hands
while doing the grocery shopping, snuggling together watching a film, having
someone’s shoulder to cry on. God, if I could have my relationship with Brady
and a sex life with Simon in one package, I’d be the happiest girl alive. I
couldn’t face any awkward conversation this morning. I had too much to think
about before making a decision that would affect Brady and I for the rest of
our lives. When my eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness I snuck out of
bed, managing to locate my clutch, dress and shoes. Knickers were a whole other
matter, I had no idea where they were. In the grand scheme of things they
weren’t important. I crept from the bedroom into the lounge and stood by the
front door, doing up the zip on the dress and then trying my best to wriggle it
over my head and tug it down. I was out of breath by the time I was done and
decided to carry my shoes. I was exhausted and slightly hung over. I didn’t
need a broken ankle as well.

I carefully opened the door and
slipped out, closing it quietly behind me. I quickly made my way to the private
elevator for the Signature suite, wincing as I moved. I’d never ached so much
in my life. Not even after running around Hyde Park at the weekends with Brady.
I’d used muscles last night that I didn’t even know I had. I sank into the
corner of the lift, after swiping my card for the top floor, covering my eyes
as I let out a huge sigh. The biggest dilemma of my life and I only had eight
hours to make a decision. Less if I didn’t want all of our family and guests
dressed and waiting for me to walk up the aisle. I padded through the foyer of
my suite and the lounge doors slowly swung open for me. I blinked as the wall
of sunlight saturating the room hit my eyes, dazzling me for a moment.

‘Thank fuck!’ came Mandy’s
furious voice. ‘I’ve been worried sick about you.’

‘Mandy?’ I called, shielding my
eyes from the brightness as I tried to locate her. She was sitting up on the
sofa with matted bed hair and a duvet wrapped around her.

‘It’s one thing copping off and
sneaking in at 1 a.m. but I had no idea where you were or if you were coming
back. It’s morning,’ she scolded.

‘I’m so sorry to make you worry,’
I sighed as I made my way over to her and plonked myself down on the sofa
opposite, with a moan as the leather connected with my tender bottom.

‘It’d better have been worth it.
I slept on the bloody sofa waiting for you, instead of wrapped in sheets that
touched Sam of Nevada 6’s body.’ I giggled as she glared at me.

‘It was so, so worth it, but now
I’m even more confused,’ I confirmed, giving her a
help me

‘Ok, I’m going to need full
sordid detail. First though, I need caffeine and food.
Sod waiting until Anita’s timed breakfast schedule of nine-thirty.’ She reached
behind her for the portable touch screen that controlled everything in the suite
and almost instantly Gaston, our personal butler, appeared. Mandy reeled off a
list for a full English breakfast, along with croissants and muffins and a
large pot of black coffee. I asked for the same, but with a pot of hot
chocolate instead. I needed some sugary energy if I was going to make it
through this morning, let alone the whole day and night. It was nearly eight
thirty by the time we’d eaten and I’d filled Mandy in on my night of sexual

‘You’d seriously never orgasmed
via penetration before?’ she asked, not for the first time, still with a look
of complete horror on her face.

‘I thought I had, once or twice,
but after last night I’m thinking no,’ I confirmed, with a gentle shake of my
head. ‘God, Mandy. What if it was me all along? What if Brady was doing
everything right and it was because I was tensing up when he was inside me? I
know we’re not adventurous, wild and uninhibited, but something like that you
can learn. We could work on that if the basics were right. If the lack of
orgasms when we were having sex was me holding back all this time though …’ I
broke off, feeling overwhelmed with mixed emotions.

‘What if it wasn’t? You’ve
experienced great sex now, how are you going to marry the guy and live with him
knowing you’ll never have it again?’

‘What the hell am I supposed to
do?’ I cried, even more frustrated than I’d been before I’d had a night of
fantastic carefree sex.

‘Drag him up here and fuck him,
pronto. Try and relax, like you did last night and see what happens.’

‘Mandy!’ I scolded with a frown.
‘I can’t. I’ve had a total stranger inside me less than four hours ago. That’s
so wrong.’

‘You get married today and he’s
going to expect sex tonight, less than twenty-four hours after someone else was
inside you. What’s the diff? A few hours, a few days? He fucked you as soon as
he got home from his bachelor party. He didn’t care that he’d been inside
someone only the night before.’ She raised an eyebrow as she gave me her best
listen to me
face. I blew out a deep breath as I contemplated her
advice. She was right, but it still felt seriously wrong.

‘Distract me. Tell me about piano
boy, then I’ll go and have a shower and decide what to do.’

‘Well I wasn’t wrong about his
fingers,’ she grinned wickedly, holding hers in the air and flickering them.
‘Pretty decent shag all in all. Getting after-hours access to do it in the
swimming pool didn’t hurt either.’

‘Ewwwww. I swam in there
yesterday.’ I scrunched up my face in disgust. ‘Thank God I didn’t go for an
early morning swim today.’

‘Probably full of someone else’s
spunk anyway, Sis. Pools are hot beds for night-time activity. Anyway, I read in
some article that spreading semen on your face has amazing anti-aging benefits.
Just go and snorkel in the pool daily instead of buying that expensive crap you
order from Creamy Delaware or whatever.’

‘Crème de la Mer,’ I chuckled.
‘And you’re supposed to be the makeup artist, with unparalleled knowledge of
beauty products.’

‘Like the studios can afford
expensive stuff like that,’ she scoffed. ‘If stars want luxury items, they
bring their own with them. I swear my friend Summer has the best skin I’ve ever
seen and she just uses some cheap body butter for babies’ bums.’

‘She has got great skin,’ I
nodded. ‘She’s the nicest actress I’ve ever met. Honest, down to earth, so
pretty and sweetness personified. I’m glad she’s coming today. She’s my
favourite of all your friends.’

‘Mine too, but she may not have a
wedding to come to at all,’ Mandy reminded me. ‘Go and shower, but you need to
make your mind up fast. Bloody Anita’s going to be marching in all Hitler like
with her clipboard, whistle and elite commando ear piece before we know it.
You’ll give her a heart attack if you call it off at the last minute.’

‘Shit, I bet she’s been trying me
on my phone already,’ I sighed, opening my clutch to extract it.

‘Ignore her for now, she’ll just stress
you even more. Go and shower, then you need to talk to Brady and decide whether
it’s on or off.’




I scrubbed my hands over my face. I’d barely slept
a wink all night. Roger had kept me up until all hours, plying me with brandy
as he insisted I watch porn with him, to get more tips on how missionary wasn’t
the only position available to me. When I’d finally convinced him that sleep
was more important than moving onto BDSM films, which were a couple of miles
further down the sexual experience road than I needed right now, I’d tossed and
turned for hours, with images of Lisa having sex with someone else.
Did I
want to know if she had?
I really wasn’t sure which was the lesser of two
evils. Always wondering if she had, or knowing that she had and that it might
have been better than it was with me. I looked at the clock to find it was only
six a.m. I got up and put on my running gear, hoping some fresh air and
exercise endorphins might clear my head. I checked on Roger before heading out,
but he was face down in the guest room, snoring his head off. I tucked in my
earphones and cranked up the music on my iPod before setting off on my usual
route around Hyde Park.

It was odd not having
Lisa running by my side. We ran together each Tuesday and Thursday morning, as
well as Saturday and Sundays. Was Roger right? Were we too set in our ways? We
did have a perfected routine for most things, but neither of us had ever
expressed any dissatisfaction with our lives. We were happy. At least I thought
we were happy, in every area except during the act itself. She always came when
I used my fingers or tongue. I just couldn’t understand where I was going wrong
with my cock. I wasn’t small by any stretch of the imagination, and while I
hadn’t been as sexually aggressive as maybe some women liked, I was sure it was
pretty hard to screw up thrusting in and out of a woman. If Roger was right,
that Toady had fucked that woman I’d slept with last week and she’d come for
him, but said it wasn’t as good as it was with me, then what if it was Lisa
that had the problem? What if she walked away from me, only to find I was never
the issue? Was I prepared to let her embarrass me by cancelling the wedding at
the last minute, only to come back to me some time down the line?

I ran faster, pounding
my feet into the path below me to get out some of the aggression and anger I
was feeling. I’d never been so wound up. I was a laid back, placid guy, but the
events of the last day had played havoc with my emotions. Lisa was the love of
my life. I knew that unequivocally. Even sleeping with another guy wouldn’t
change that. I still wanted her, I’d always want her. Nothing would alter my
feelings for her. I just had to convince her of that before she made a decision
that could ruin both of our futures. This was no different to convincing a jury
of my client’s innocence in court and I was damned good at my job. I just
needed to view this as another challenge like I faced every day at work.
Convince Lisa that I was the man for her and we’d work through the sex issues
together. My pace picked up as I ran with renewed determination back home.
Roger was still sleeping as I headed to my en-suite to shower and change into
my indigo jeans and a crisp pale blue shirt. I went to make us both a proper breakfast.
Sausage, bacon, fried bread and tomatoes, mushrooms and baked beans. I brewed
some coffee and yelled for him to come down. I chuckled as I heard him
stumbling down the stairs.

‘Morning, Sleeping

‘Jesus, how are you
looking so fucking fresh, mate?’ he moaned, rubbing his eyes as he staggered to
the island to sit in front of his fry up. I shoved a cup of black coffee in his

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