The Dark-Hunters (845 page)

Read The Dark-Hunters Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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Certain social rules exist regarding time-jumping—for instance, no Were-Hunter is allowed to remove a human from their time period without the human’s permission. (Demons and gods are exempt from this rule. Come to think of it, demons and gods are exempt from
rules.) It is also worth noting that magnetic and electrical changes of the aurora borealis make it impossible for Were-Hunters to travel too far north, so Alaska and some parts of Scandinavia and the Ukraine are basically Were-Hunter-free zones.

The Weres share the psychic abilities of their Apollite cousins in varying degrees, but only the Katagaria can willingly give up their powers to another Were or bestow them upon a human. It’s not a much-talked-of practice and it is rarely ever done, since most Katagaria Were-Hunters are understandably reluctant to completely surrender their magic to another unless it is a case of extreme circumstances.

Never, ever let a Daimon kill a Were-Hunter if it is at all within your power to stop it. When a Daimon claims a Were-Hunter soul, the Daimon absorbs their powers until that very strong, very virile soul dwindles inside them. You do not want any Daimon to have that sort of leverage. He’ll take that upper hand, and he’ll smash you flat with it … right before he kills you.


You want to fuck with Artemis, fuck with Artemis.
You want to fuck with me … make out your will.


Like each animal is broken down into a distinct scientific genus and species, so the Were-Hunters are broken into
familial descriptions of each race that Lycaon mixed with Apollite blood. These are:

(hawks, falcons, and eagles)
Niphetos Pardalia
(snow leopards)

As mentioned before, most Weres in their lifetime will only ever be born into, run with, find their mate in, and die amongst the patria of their birth. In the last few hundred years the widespread presence of known sanctuaries (thanks to mass communication systems) has afforded Weres more opportunities to intermingle, but even that is only normally done on a social basis. Jackals especially have been known to stay far away from other Were branches, but they will always have a representative member to speak for them at the Omegrion.

is the ruling council of the Were-Hunters. Similar to a senate, one representative from each of the Arcadians and Katagaria is sent to voice the concerns of that patria to the Omegrion. That representative is known as the
The Omegrion makes laws that govern all Were-Hunters. It is responsible for setting up sanctuaries and safe houses. The members of the Omegrion can also call out a blood hunt for anyone who is determined a threat.

Savitar oversees the Omegrion, though nobody’s exactly sure how he got the job. Based on how most of the Weres work, one can only assume Savitar—with all his Zen and mighty power—is the essential alpha male. He plays the role of impartial mediator between the Arcadians and the Katagaria. The Omegrion meets on Neratiti—Savitar’s island home off the coast of … wherever he decides to put it. Despite having the Omegrion over for the occasional powwow, Savitar himself still remains a mystery to even the Weres. No one is allowed past the council doors of the Omegrion meeting room.

The human saying “curiosity killed the cat” apparently came from an Arcadian panther who once tried to take a look around Savitar’s palace. And no, satisfaction did
bring it back.

Another interesting tidbit I learned when I heard the “curiosity” story is that there are no Arcadian jaguars anywhere in the world. Savitar destroyed them all when they “pissed him off big-time.”

Were-Hunter or not, I don’t suggest you piss off Savitar … even little-time.

The same goes for Artemis (are you surprised?), with regards to the current state of the jackal patrias. In the ancient world, the Tsakalis’ numbers were legion. And then, centuries ago in Egypt, they fought for Bast against Artemis. War was openly declared by the goddess on their species (both Katagaria and Arcadian). They have since been hunted to near extinction. While some of their Arcadian clans have tried to make peace with Artemis, those of the Katagaria refuse.



A = Arcadian


K = Katagaria







(A) extinct


(A) Anelise Romano

(K) Myles Stefanopoulos


(K) Wren Tigarian







(A) Damos Kattalakis


(A) Alexander James

(K) Darion Kattalakis


(K) Dante Pontis







(A) Arion Petrakis


(A) Dorian Kontis

(K) Draven Hawke


(K) Stefan Kouris







(A) Jace Wilder


(A) Adrian Gavril

(K) Michael Giovanni


(K) Lysander Stephanos







(A) Patrice Leonides


(A) Constantine

(K) Paris Sebastienne


(K) Vincenzo Moretti







(A) Vane Kattalakis


(A) Leo Apollonian

(K) Fury Kattalakis


(K) Nicolette Peltier

Safe Houses

You just have to learn to hum a lot so you don’t hear their bullshit echoing in your head.

Damien Gatopoulos

There exist throughout the known world
—sanctuaries where humans and animals can gather without fear of being hunted. Each sanctuary has its own laws, but by rights, all limani must abide by human law first and foremost. More information on these and other safe houses can be found online at

688 Ursulines Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70116
(504) 555-1635
Hours of Operation: 24/7
Motto: Don’t bite me, and I won’t bite you.

This premier New Orleans biker bar in the heart of Vieux Carré is owned by the Peltiers, a Katagaria bear clan. The owners, Nicolette and Aubert Peltier (known affectionately to all as Mama and Papa Bear), decided to found Sanctuary as a safe zone after two of their cubs (Bastian and Gilbert) were brutally killed by Arcadian Sentinels. Mama and Papa Bear currently run Sanctuary with the help of their twelve children.

Sanctuary is also home to the Howlers, the popular house band for the club. Their specialty is heavy metal with lots of attitude. They play covers as well as original songs, and are always ready to play requests from the ladies. For other entertainment, Sanctuary has pool tables, video machines, and pinball, and poker tournaments three nights a week. There’s also an ongoing tattoo contest … be sure not to go up against an Arcadian Sentinel, or you’re sure to lose.

When visiting Sanctuary, you will often hear requests for the bartender to “Hold the human hair.” As Were metabolism is very high thanks to their animal ancestry, Sanctuary always has on hand a full complement of liquor strong enough to make any human completely drunk with one shot. The experienced staff at Sanctuary has been instructed not to dispense this alcohol to humans. The menu is varied, but specializes in Cajun and carnivorous delights (exotic entrées available upon request). All meats are served fresh from the kill that morning with a loving smile.

Like any other limani, Sanctuary has its rules. Number one: Spill No Blood. Your attitude is welcome, but check any and all weapons at the door. This is the place to come and hang out, be seen, and just drink and eat in peace. If two warring parties are present and both want to leave, the hunted gets a head start, and the hunter is not allowed to follow. As a last resort, there is also a room full of cages in case some animal decides to get nasty. Sanctuary also boasts a resident vet, medical doctor, and Were himself, Carson Whitethunder (accredited).

Another rule of note: Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Sweet Home Alabama” is a song played on the jukebox only to warn Sanctuary’s clientele of the presence of Acheron. As much as you might like to hear it, please think twice before making your musical selection.

Adjacent to the bar, Peltier House is the living quarters for Sanctuary’s hidden animal population (including the dragon in the attic). This historic mansion was constructed in 1801. It has more alarms than Fort Knox and is always guarded by at least two Peltier family members.

Top Five Requested Songs at Sanctuary
1. “Splendid Suicide” by Warchild
2. “Winterborn” by Crüxshadows
3. “(Don’t Fear) the Reaper” by Blue Oyster Cult
4. “Bad Magick” by Godsmack
5. “Get Stoned” by Hinder


Twin Cities, Minnesota

This happening Goth nightclub gets its name from its owner, Katagaria Were-panther Dante Pontis. Be warned, this isn’t Sanctuary and Dante will kill anyone who threatens his people. In fact, Dante will kill just about anyone who makes him angry. At last count that was estimated to be about one out of every five people. You could be next.

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