The Dark-Hunters (623 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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Stryker took Zephyra’s hand as they followed the Greek god out of the human world and into Tartarus. Ash brought the statue of War down and returned him to the place where he’d rested for centuries. Ker was taken to a small cell and locked inside.

“I’ll deal with you later,” Hades promised.

Ker spat at him and slammed her hand against the door. “This isn’t over. I’ll be free again and we’ll celebrate your funeral march.”

Stryker ignored her threats as he looked at Nim who was clutching a small stuffed pink bunny. “Where’s my daughter?”

Nim pointed to a small door.

Unsure, Stryker started toward it, then paused as he heard an explosion so loud it temporarily deafened him.

The door slammed into the far wall where it fell back and pounded a man into the ground.

“Stop!” Hades shouted.

The door slammed into the man three more times before it obeyed him.

As the smoke cleared, Stryker saw Menyara. With her arms folded, she left the room and cast a menacing glare at Mache who was bleeding profusely while the door held him in place. “That’ll learn him to keep his hands to himself.” She turned back to her cell. “Medea, love, your parents are here.”

Acheron shook his head as he took Tory’s hand into his. “Feeling rather stupid for having worried now.”

“Don’t,” Menyara said. “Until you negated War’s powers, we were stuck here. That poor fool didn’t realize until it was too late and I had a chance to hurt him back.”

Zephyra ran to her daughter and grabbed her into a tight hug before she pulled back to make sure nothing had happened to her.

Nick stepped forward, his face troubled. “What about my mother? What did War do to her?”

Hades put his hand on Nick’s shoulder. “There’s nothing he could do. Ker could show you the souls to weaken you, but they have no power over them. Your mother is back where she belongs, as are the others.”

Ash cast his glance in the direction of the Elysian fields.

“Ryssa thinks of you,” Hades said quietly. “And she’s happy, Acheron. She doesn’t blame you at all. That was Ker playing with your emotions.”

“Thank you.”

Hades inclined his head before he looked at Stryker. When he opened his mouth to speak, Stryker held his hand up.

“I only want to know if she’s with her husband and children.”

“She is.”

“Then I’m at peace.”

Zephyra frowned at the catch in his voice that belied those words. But perhaps he was right. He couldn’t change anything, so why torture himself?

His head hung low, Nick turned to leave. Menyara went with him while Jared hung back, glaring after them.

“If he kills Nick, Jared will die, too,” Menyara’s voice echoed around them.

“What?” Zephyra said.

Menyara paused. “It’s true. So think before you send him after my Nick again.”

Zephyra narrowed her gaze on Jared. “Why didn’t you tell me that?”

His features were blank and hollow. “You know why.”

Because he wanted to die, too, and that was one thing she could never allow him to do. “For that you won’t have a moment’s freedom for your service.” Zephyra squeezed Medea’s hand. “Take him to Kalosis. I’m sure your father has a hole adequate for his punishment.”

Nim took a step toward Jared, but Simi stopped him. “Wait.”

He stepped back, his face a mask of fear, unsure of her intent.

Smiling gently, she pulled a small bear out of her coffin-shaped purse and held it out to him. “It’s a Teddy Scare,” she said. “Much more fierce than your bunny.” She placed it in his hand before she flounced toward Acheron. “QVC time, akri.” She disappeared.

Jared stared after her as if amazed by her act of kindness. “You should go with Acheron, Nim.”

Nim shook his head defiantly, then returned to Jared’s body. Jared cursed. “I really hate demons.”

Medea’s gaze held a trace of sympathy before she placed her hand on his arm and took him back to his captivity.

Tory peered into the room where the statue of War was now encased. “Do you think he’ll go free again?”

Hades cut a chiding glare to Stryker. “I’m sure there’s another asshole out there who’ll free him.”

“But not this one,” Stryker said. He looked at Ash. “Thank you for your help.”

“I would say anytime, but…”

Stryker held his hand out to him. “Enemies forever.”

“Or at least until you learn to leave the humans and Dark-Hunters alone.”

“When you leave my Daimons alone, I’ll stop, too.”

“I can’t let the Daimons kill the humans.”

“And I can’t stand by and watch my people die over a curse my father gave them. So long as the curse stands, we hunt.”

“Then our war is far from ended.” Ash shook his hand, then took his leave with Tory.

Stryker draped his arm over Zephyra’s shoulders. “You ready to go home?”

She nodded.

Without another word, he took her back to his palace in Kalosis. As soon as they were alone, he glared at her. “You were supposed to stay out of the fight.”

“And let you get my daughter killed? Never.”


She folded her arms over her chest. “My daughter.”

“So we’re back to that, are we?”

“Absolutely. Besides, I had no intention of watching you die.”

Stryker arched a brow at that. “No?”

“No. I would much rather kill you myself.”

*   *   *

Menyara paused at the picture of Cherise holding Nick on his first day of school. The frame was set on his nightstand next to his bed. “Your mother was so proud of you.”

Nick didn’t speak.

Turning, she watched as he grabbed a bottle of Scotch and opened it. “Did you learn anything tonight?” she asked.

“Such as?”

“How much you need to know your powers.”

He took a deep swig before he answered. “I knew that before the fight, Mennie.”

“Yes, but are you willing to learn now?”

He paused. “What do you mean?”

Her resolve shone in her eyes as she cornered him. “You are part demon and part human. In order to function in this world, you will have to be taught by someone who has powers similar to yours.”

“And that is?”


Nick scoffed. “Ash is a god.”

“Yes, but before he was a god, he was half human and half Charonte. Only he has the powers to help you.”

Stunned, Nick dropped the bottle straight to the floor where it shattered.


Two Weeks Later

Zephyra sat in Stryker’s chair as she listened to the sound of faint music playing. For the last fortnight, she and Stryker had been after the gallu to use them to convert more Daimons, but they were proving difficult.

In the meantime, there were only a few dozen gallu Daimons while the rest of their army needed to continue to feed on the humans.

“We will get you,” she whispered. Like Stryker, she had no intention of watching their people die while Apollo lived so blithely on. Especially given the fact that if Medea were to ever marry again, her children would be born Apollite.

And they, too, would be cursed …

The door opened.

She glanced up to find Stryker there with a sword in his hand. Scowling, she watched him as he crossed the floor and placed it on the desk in front of her. Without a word, he knelt by her side.

“What are you doing?”

“I promised that at the end of two weeks I’d allow you to kill me.” He looked pointedly at the sword. “I’m keeping my word.”

She arched one brow at that. “Really?”

He inclined his head to her. “You own my life, Phyra. I lay it in your hands.”

She pulled the sword from the desk, then rose with it in her hand. She angled the perfectly balanced sword and admired the gleaming edge. “You would allow me to kill you?” She placed the point directly over his heart.

His gaze locked with hers. “On my honor.”

She pressed the tip into his shirt, but not deep enough to pierce his skin. “Would you die for me, Stryker?”

“Is that not what I’m doing?”

“No. You’re upholding your honor and that’s not what I want.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I want you to stand by my side and never, ever fail me again.”

Sincerity burned bright in that swirling silver gaze of his. “I would never fail you.”

“Swear it on your life.”

His gaze hardened. “That I can never do.”

She pressed the point in until it drew a bead of blood. “Why can’t you?”

“Because you are my life,” he said, his voice cracking. “And I can’t live another day without you.”

She dropped the sword to the floor. “I despise you for what you make me feel.”

He pulled her into his arms until she was kneeling on the floor in front of him. “And what is that?”

“Weak and vulnerable. You are my soul, and I will never forgive you if you take that from me again.”

He smiled at her. “Have no fear, love. I will always be right here with you.”

As he dipped his head to kiss her, the door behind him crashed open. Angry at the interruption, he turned to growl at Davyn.

However, the words died on his tongue as he saw the man’s face. “What’s happened?”

“We can walk in daylight.”

Stryker’s scowl deepened. “What?”

Davyn nodded. “I was caught out in the dawn while trailing after the gallu. I thought I was dead, but I’m not. For the first time in centuries, I saw the dawn and I lived. I lived!”

Stryker exchanged an amazed look with Zephyra.

“The gallu are immune,” she whispered. “I never dreamed that their blood would allow us to walk in daylight, too.”

“You never tried?”

She shook her head. “I didn’t dare.”

A slow smile curled his lips. “We have our freedom.”

“The dawn of the Daimon is here and the end of mankind is beginning.”

This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2008 by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

All rights reserved.

For information address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

ISBN: 0-312-94706-2

EAN: 978-0-312-94706-4

St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / November 2008

St. Martin’s Paperbacks are published by St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

eISBN 9781429954457

First eBook edition: June, 2011

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Title Page


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18




They would be coming for him.

Cratus stood on top of the highest point of Olympus, staring out at the beautiful setting sun. Ribbons of warm color split the darkening sky, reminding him of a brilliant fire opal glistening and twinkling. Nowhere else was it more breathtaking than here, and he wanted to watch it set one last time before he submitted himself for his well-deserved punishment.

He wouldn’t ask for clemency. There was no need. He knew better than anyone the wrath of Zeus. For centuries, he’d been the Olympian god’s hammer, carrying out his justice.

Now that justice would come for him.

“Run and I will run with you.”

He glanced down at the small form of his sister Nike. Where his wings were black, hers were a pure white. Her dark curly hair was wrapped with a white ribbon that matched her gown. The personification of victory, she’d been his accomplice throughout his entire life.

They, along with their brother and sister, had been the sentinels of Zeus. Beloved guardians, they had been treasured by the father of the gods even above Zeus’s own children. Until Cratus had committed an unforgivable sin—he’d spared a life he should have taken. It wasn’t his place to question his master, only to do his bidding. He still couldn’t understand why he’d done it. The gods knew compassion was an alien emotion to him.

Yet here he was …

Time to die.

Cratus sighed wearily. “I can’t ask that of you, akribos. You still have Zeus’s favor. Don’t jeopardize that for me. Besides, no one can run from Olympian justice. You know that as well as I do. No matter where I hide, they will find me.”

Nike took his hand and held it to her cheek. “I know why you did it and I respect you for it.”

And that changed nothing.

What was done was done. Now there was nothing left except the punishment.

He glanced away from the sun to see her there by his side, her beautiful face still tucked into the palm of his numb hand. In all eternity, she was the only one he’d ever really trusted. His sister with the haunting pale blue eyes, whose courage and loyalty was without equal. For her, he would do anything.

But he would not sacrifice her for his stupidity.

“Stay here where it’s safe.”

She tightened her grip. “I would rather be with you, brother. To the end as always.”

He stroked her cheek tenderly before he dropped his hand away and looked down to where the gods’ temples were nestled like jeweled eggs among the evergreen foliage. “Stay here, Nike … please.”

She nodded, but he saw the reluctance in her eyes. “For you only.”

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