The Dark-Hunters (619 page)

Read The Dark-Hunters Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: The Dark-Hunters
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He winced and then glared, wishing he’d known about it. “I would have killed your father had I known.”

“But you didn’t and that’s why I hated you even more. You knew what kind of hell I’d lived in before you married me. That my father was abusive and harsh. What did you think I was going to do on my own in a world where a woman couldn’t even shop unless a man was with her?”

He pulled her down, over him. So close that he could feel her breath fall against his face. “All I could think of was my father killing you because of me and then making me live, knowing what I’d done to you, what I’d forced him to do. He would never have given me the peace of death. And I knew that was the one thing I wasn’t strong enough to bear … living on after your death that I caused.”

Zephyra wanted to forgive him. She did. But she’d been hurt so badly. Those early years with Medea had been so difficult, and while Artemis had given them shelter, she’d never been kind to either of them.

She’d changed so much since the night he’d left.

But then he’d changed, too. He wasn’t the same little boy who was afraid of angering his father. The fact that he’d stalked and killed his father’s lineage proved that.

Kill him.

It was what War wanted her to do. What Artemis wanted.

But what of her desires?

His silver eyes burned into her as the tormented pain in them reached far into her heart. “Forgive me, Zephyra, and I swear not to the gods but on my honor and soul that I won’t ever disappoint you again. Let me do what I should have done all those centuries ago.”

“And that is?”

“Give you my heart, my loyalty, and my service. No one will ever divide us again. I swear it on all that I am.”

Zephyra raked her nails lightly over his chest. “The only one who ever divided us was you.”

“And your angry stubbornness. I left, but you wounded me deep on my way out the door. You brutalized my dignity and my manhood. Had you not gone on the attack, I might have stood up to my father. But it was hard to rationalize staying with you when you said the very things to me that he did.”

She frowned as she tried to remember their fight. His words still rang in her mind, but hers … those were hazy or missing. “What did I say?”

His features were shocked. “Don’t you remember?”

“Not really.”

Stryker reached up and placed his fingers against her temples. With his god’s powers, he replayed that night for her. It was something he’d never done. He preferred to remember her holding him in her arms. But it was time she remembered exactly what she’d done to him.

He and his father were alone in the cottage that Stryker had called home with Zephyra.

Almost fifteen years old, he was gangly and lean. Not quite at home in his body, he’d been clumsy. Apollo had grabbed him by the hair, his face contorted by rage. “Do you really think I would tolerate you and that whore to breed? You will do as you’re told, boy, or I’ll rain down the wrath of the gods in a way that will make all past punishments look like paradise.”

He’d tried to fight, but his powers were nothing in comparison to his father’s. “She’s all I’ve ever wanted, Father. Please don’t ask me to do this.”

Apollo had yanked harshly on his hair before he released him. “I’m not asking you anything. I’m telling you. If you’re not gone from here by dawn, I will have her raped and beaten until you can’t even recognize her.”

Stryker had been horrified by the threat. “She carries your grandchild.”

Apollo had seized him by the throat and shoved him back against the wall. “You test me again, boy, and I’ll have you womanized and serving in Artemis’s temple alongside Satara and the rest of her pasty maids.” He’d flung Stryker into the opposite wall. “Come dawn if you’re still here, you will watch her brutalized until she dies.”

Tears had filled his eyes as he looked up at his father, his heart breaking. “Why would you do this to me?”

“You are my legacy. Through you, I will overthrow Zeus and rule this putrid world. It’s time you grew up and were the man you were supposed to be. Disappoint me in this and, so help me, I really will turn you into a woman, and you can share in your little wife’s fate if you disobey me again.”

Apollo vanished.

Stryker slid to the floor as he looked around the room where, for the briefest of times, he’d been truly happy. It was the only time in his life that he’d felt loved or wanted. Not as someone else’s destiny, but for himself.

He sobbed like he’d never done before. He knew he had no choice but to obey. How could anyone run from a god? Apollo wouldn’t be denied, and he would take pleasure in making them suffer for defying him.

“I won’t let them hurt you, Phyra,” Stryker whispered as he forced himself to stand. His heart breaking, he gathered a few items. The green hair ribbon she’d worn at their wedding. The tile of her in her wedding dress and a small vial of her perfume. He paused at her vanity table where she sat every night and morning, preparing herself for bed and for the day.

All he’d wanted was to put his head in her lap and have her brush her fingers through his hair and tell him everything would be all right. That she would be safe.

But it wasn’t meant to be.

Tonight he was going to ruin her and he knew it.

Wanting to die over it, he placed his items in a small purse that he secured to his belt.
I should leave before she returns.

No, he couldn’t do that to her. In spite of what his father thought, he wasn’t a coward. He couldn’t leave her without some explanation. Leave her to wonder why he hadn’t come home or where he’d gone. To think him dead or worse, to watch for his return while he knew she’d never see him again. She deserved to hear the truth from him.

Drawing a ragged breath, he sat down and waited for her to return.

The moment she did, she took his breath away. Frail and petite, she was more beautiful than even Aphrodite. Her green eyes had flashed in the dim light while she moved to light more lamps.

Her smile bright, it had made him instantly sad at the knowledge that he would never again see anything so spectacular. “Why are you sitting here in the darkness?”

He’d cleared his throat, but the hard lump in his stomach had merely drawn tighter. “I have something I need to speak to you about.”

She set her parcels on the table. “As do I. I—”

“No, please, let me speak.”

Frowning, she’d frozen in place. “I don’t like your tone, Strykerius.”

She’d never liked to hear sternness in his voice. It was why he’d tried so hard to never show her that side of himself. “I know, but what I have to say can’t wait.”

She’d flounced to stand by his side and smooth the scowl on his face with her delicate fingers. “You look so serious.”

His tongue had felt so thick in his mouth that he feared it would choke him. All he wanted was to pull her into his arms and hold her forever.

Instead he was going to break both their hearts.

It has to be done.
An image of her being attacked tore through him with a ferocity so raw it made him flinch. He had no doubt his father would carry out that threat.

Taking a deep breath for courage, he forced himself to speak. “I’m leaving.”

“That’s fine,
When will you be back?”

He placed his hands on her upper arms to steady himself. “I won’t be back. Ever.”

The light had gone out of her eyes and struck him like a fist in his gullet. “What?”

“My father has a wedding for me planned tomorrow. If I don’t leave and divorce you tonight, he’ll kill you and the baby.”

Rage had twisted her beautiful features into the mask of a gorgon. “What!” she roared. She shoved him away from her.

He’d reached out toward her. “I’m sorry, Phyra. I have no choice.”

She’d slapped his touch away. “Yes, you do. We all have choices.”

“No, we don’t. I won’t stay here and watch you die.”

She sneered as she raked him with a repugnant curl of her lips. “You’re a worthless coward.”

That had set his own anger off. “No, I’m not.”

She slapped him hard across the face. “You’re right. Being a coward would be a step up for you.”

Stryker had stood there, his cheek stinging as she railed against him. He couldn’t even really hear all the insults. Only the words “pathetic,” “worthless,” and “coward” rang in his ears over and over again.

“I’m doing this to protect you and the baby. I’ll make sure you’re both taken care of.”

“There is no baby,” she spat at him. “I miscarried it.”

He staggered back. “When?”

“This morning.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just did. So don’t worry about it. There’s no baby in need of a coward for a father.”

“I’m not a coward!”

She shoved him again. “Get out of my sight, you pathetic excuse for a man. I don’t want you here. Gods, I can’t believe I was stupid enough to let you into my bed. Stupid enough to trust you.”

“I love you, Phyra.”

She’d grabbed a bowl from the table and flung it at his head. “Liar! You disgust me!” She’d literally beat him out of the door and then slammed it shut in his face. But not before she hurled her wedding ring at him.

Stryker had stood on the other side as he listened to her breaking and throwing things inside. He splayed his hand against the wood, wanting desperately to open the door. But why bother? She hated him now.

But not nearly as much as he hated himself.

“At least you’ll be safe.” He’d left her plenty of money. “And if you hate me, at least you won’t miss me.” He let his tears fall as he leaned his head against the door and clutched at the knob, desperate to open it and return to her.

If only he could.

He took her tile from his purse and looked at her face before he gave it one last kiss, then turned and walked away.

Zephyra gasped as Stryker pulled out of her mind and left her with the lasting image of him clutching her tile in his hand as he turned and left their cottage.

She narrowed her gaze on him. “Your father was going to have me raped?”

“It’s what he said. I had no reason to think he was joking.”

Her anger vanished under a wave of astonishment. “You were protecting me.”

“It’s what I’ve been trying to get through to you. Why else would I have left you when you were the very thing I lived for?”

Angry at the world, she kneed him in the side.

“Ow!” he snapped. “What was that for?”

“For being such an asshole. You ever keep a secret from me like that again and I swear I’ll gut you over it.”

“You were fourteen,” he said defensively. “I thought if I told you what my father threatened, you’d be terrified.”

He was right. Especially given the fact that she’d been attacked before him. That was why she’d loved him so much. He’d kept her safe, and it was why she’d hated him for leaving. Fear of being on her own, of not being able to protect herself or Medea …

That was also why she had merged with the gallu. She’d wanted the strength to protect her daughter. To make sure no man ever forced himself on her.

Still angry, she slapped at his chest. “I could beat you senseless.”

One side of his mouth quirked up. “I told you to feel free so long as you did it naked. Like this, I’m at your mercy.”

Zephyra’s cheeks colored as she became aware of the fact that she was straddling him. How could she have forgotten that?

His gaze darkened. She took in his entire naked body. He was ripped and gorgeous. Absolute perfection.

And he’d proclaimed himself at her mercy. Leaning forward, she breathed in his ear, “You are insufferable.”

Stryker sucked his breath in sharply as she tongued his lobe, sending chills over him. Her actions were so tender and loving while she continued to insult him. He couldn’t help but laugh.

“You find me funny?”

“I find you delectable.” He moved to suckle her breast. “Wonderful and delicious.”

She sucked her breath in sharply. “You’re a sick man to love a woman who hates you.”

“If I am, then I want no cure.”

She shook her head at his teasing tone. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Just hold me. Let me love you the way I should have all along.”

She moaned as he drove himself deep inside her body with one full, hard thrust. Gods, how good he felt. In his arms, it was hard to remember why she was supposed to hate him.

Maybe because she didn’t really hate him after all. As he’d said, they were soul mates. Partners. Without him, she’d been incomplete, and now that she had him back …

It was wonderful.

And as he slowly made love to her, she realized that she was standing at the same crossroads where he’d been the night his father had demanded he leave.

She knew where the one path led. It was desolate loneliness spent in bitterness over the past.

The other was even more terrifying. For that road meant that she’d have to trust in him again. That she’d have to allow him back into the place where only he could do her harm.

Dare she chance it?

Looking down at him as he took her hand into his and laid her palm against his cheek, she knew the answer.

She didn’t want to live without him.

Her heart pounding, she locked herself around him and rolled over until he was on top of her.

Stryker frowned slightly as he sensed a change in her. A softening in her touch as she dragged her nails down his spine. That gentleness combined with the sight of her under him was enough to push him over the edge. He had to fight to restrain himself and wait for her.

But when she came, she screamed out his name, and in that one instant he knew he would kill or die for this woman. She alone held that power over him. Joining her release, he growled in satisfaction as his body spasmed.

Collapsing against her, he held her tight. “I love you, Phyra,” he whispered in her ear.

Then, in the lowest of tones, he heard the words that meant the most to him. “I love you, too.”

*   *   *

Menyara paused as she felt ultimate power behind her. It rippled in the air and made the hair on the back of her neck rise. “Why are you skulking about, Jared?”

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