The Crown of the Usurper (55 page)

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– Governor of Ersua, co-conspirator of Anglhan Periusis and King Urikh.
Brotherhood, The
– A widespread administrative sect responsible for many of the functions of the empire, including criminal law, taxation, trade, infrastructural organisation and the suppression of pre-empire superstitious beliefs. Proselytisers of the Book of Askhos. The upper echelons of the Brotherhood are members of the cult of the Eulanui.
– veteran captain of the XXI, placed in charge of the prisoner company when Marradan comes under attack.
– Legionnaire of the XIII, employed as runner and herald by King Ullsaard.
– First captain of the XIV legion.
– A general of the empire of long years and staunch ally of King Lutaar. Son of King Tunaard II and last survivor of the dynasty that ruled Ersua prior to Askhan conquest. Killed by Ullsaard.
Daefas Maron
– Alias used by Anglhan whilst working for Urikh in Ersua.
– First captain of the Fifth Legion, uncle to Lutaan.
– Native peoples of Enair. Considered dour, headstrong, sometimes rebellious. Enairians are typically of larger build than the other peoples of Greater Askhor and are valued as soldiers in the legions.
– Hierophant of the Temple.
Erlaan/ Erlaan-Orlassai
– Prince of the Blood, son of Prince Kalmud, grandson of King Lutaar. In his early twenties, Erlaan was heavily warped by the intervention of Lakhyri and his priests and was accepted by the Mekhani peoples as the reincarnation of the Great King Orlassai.
– The peoples native to Ersua. In recent generations, Ersuan tribes have interbred with Nalanorians, Anrairians and hillmen from the Altes Hills and so are considered something of a mongrel people in other parts of the empire.
– Legionnaire of the XIII.
– Legionnaire of the XIII.
– Captain of the XIII legion. A former fisherman, farmer and bandit of the Linghan people in Salphoria, Gelthius has served as a debtor on Anglhan's landship, joined Salphorian rebels, been involved in the fall of Magilnada to the Askhans, was drafted into the Thirteenth Legion and fought in the overthrow of King Lutaar. He longs for a return to a quiet life.
– First captain of the XVII Legion, general to King Urikh.
– Member of the Brotherhood in Askhira, found aboard the ship of Haukin Maanam.
Haukin Maanam
– Pirate and smuggler working the Nemurian Strait out of Askhira.
– Youth of the Temple sent to Marradan precincts of the Brotherhood. Inscribed with runes of communion that allow Lakhyri to manifest partially through his body to communicate between the precincts.
– Catch-all term for various tribes found in the Ersuan Highlands and, more numerously, the Altes Hills. The hillmen come from a mix of Ersuan and Salphorian stock and are known for their fierce territorialism and banditry.
– estate manager and vintner of Apili.
– Slain son of Allenya, second eldest of Ullsaard. First captain of the First Magilnadan legion.
– First captain of the XII.
– Captain of the XVII.
– Prince of the Blood, eldest son of King Lutaar, father of Erlaan. Infected by a devastating lung disease whilst campaigning along the Greenwater River.
– Governor of Maasra.
– Chief handmaiden of Queen Allenya.
– High priest of the Eulanui, elder brother of Askhos, architect of the Askhan empire, known to the Nemurians as the Pale Man.
– Senior Brother.
– Legionnaire on disciplinary duty from the XXI, attacked by Loordin.
– Legionnaire of the XIII.
– Second eldest of Ullsaard's wives and mother of Urikh. Wayward, headstrong and adulterous, Luia tests the patience of her husband constantly and owes her continued prosperity, perhaps even her life, to the intervention and protection of her older sister.
– An infant, daughter of Urikh, grand-daughter of Ullsaard.
– First captain of the XXI, nephew to First Captain Donar.
– Previous incumbent of the throne of Askh, incarnation-puppet of Askhos usurped by Ullsaard.
– Natives of Maasra, of normally tanned skin due to the sunny climate of their homeland. Some undertake the Oath of Service and have their tongues removed so that they may not speak out of turn to their masters. This has led to the rise of a secret sign language unknown to other peoples.
– Son of King Aegenuis.
– First captain of the III.
– Savage desert-dwelling tribes of Near- and DeepMekha, with distinctive dark red skin. Dispersed hunter-gatherers that utilise stone weapons and tools. Led by shamanic tribal chieftains.
– Youngest queen of Ullsaard and mother to Ullnaar.
– Governor of Anrair.
– Sergeant in the Thirteenth Legion, latterly Companion to King Ullsaard.
– First captain of the II.
Naamas Dor
– Engineer of the XIII.
– Elder worshipper of the Temple.
– The peoples native to Nalanor. As the oldest members of the empire outside of Askhor, Nalanorians are generally staunch supporters of the empire, and seen as traditionally conservative in outlook and politics. The presence of the Greenwater's headwaters means that most Nalanorians are accomplished fishermen and sailors, valued across the empire, and they are also respected for the productivity of their farms.
– Wife of King Urikh.
– Non-human species that live on a chain of volcanic isles lying off the coast of Maasra. Standing more than twice as tall as a man, and of broad girth, Nemurians are heavily muscled, covered with thick scales and possessing prehensile tails. Extremely secretive, the only Nemurians known to the people of Greater Askhor are those who hire out their much-sought after services as mercenaries. Nemurians are also well known for the skill in metalworking and the quantity of iron in their weapons and armour, an element still rare in the empire.
Nok'ka –
Man-speaker of Nemuria.
Noran Astaan
– A noble of Askhor, sole heir of the Astaan family and royal herald in service to Prince Aalun. A long-time friend and ally of Ullsaard. Noran lost his youngest wife and unborn son in a legion camp whilst supporting Ullsaard. Married to Anriit, lover of Meliu. Rendered comatose stopping an assassination of Ullsaard, granted life through the intervention of his friend and Lakhyri.
– Nemurian who carried Noran across Nemuria.
– The native peoples of Okhar. Most populous peoples of the empire, Okharans are seen as listless and lazy by the natives of other provinces, and the bountiful wealth of their province encourages a culture with little love for physical labour and a deserved reputation of indolence within the Okharan nobility.
– Mother of Ullsaard, former courtesan in Askh and lover of Cosuas.
– Headman of Thedraan.
– First captain of the X.
– Captain of the Brotherhood legionnaires under Leraates, veteran of the X.
– Headwoman of Thedraan.
– Son of Meliu, youngest of Ullsaard. Clever and cultured, Ullnaar is studying civic law at the colleges in Askh, under the tutelage of Meemis.
– King of Greater Askhor, conqueror of Salphoria. Married to Allenya, Luia and Meliu. Father to Urikh and Ullnaar. Haunted by the disembodied spirit of Askhos.
– Son of Luia, eldest of Ullsaard, former governor of Okhar. As heir of the family, Urikh has spent considerable time expanding his personal assets and influence across the empire. Usurper of the Crown.
Altes Hills
– Low mountain range stretching coldwards from the Magilnadan Gap to the coast of Enair. This range forms the duskwards boundary of coldwards Ersua and all of Anrair. Sometimes referred to simply as the Altes.
– Smallest imperial province, located between Okhar, Ersua and Mekha.
– Ullsaard's estate in coldwards Okhar. Vineyard, winery and villa.
– Founding city of the empire, capital of Askhor, birthplace of Askhos. The largest and most advanced city of the empire, boasting the Grand Precinct of the Brotherhood, the Royal Palaces, the Maarmes arena and circuit and many other wonders of the world.
Askhan Gap
– The widest, and only easily navigable, pass in the Askhor mountains. Protected by the Askhan Wall and dominated by the harbour at Narun.
– Large port city on the coast of Maasra, with a harbour on the Nemurian Strait.
– The homeland of the Askhan empire, situated in the dawnwards region of the empire, bordered by the Askhor mountains and the dawnwards coast.
Askhor Wall
– A defensive edifice stretching the entire width of the Askhor Gap, built in the earliest years of the empire to defend against attack from the neighbouring tribes.
– Current capital of Salphoria and former seat of King Aegenuis's court. Lying several thousand miles to duskwards of the Greater Askhor border.
– New settlement at the mouth of the Greenwater.
– Most coldward province of the empire, brought into the empire during the reign of King Lutaar's predecessor. A land of strong winds, frequent rain, large marshlands and heavy forest. Enair has no major cities and relies on timber trade and sea fishing for its low income. Birthplace of Ullsaard.
– Most recent province of the empire, situated dawnwards of Nalanor and separated from Salphoria by the Free Country. Consisting mostly of the foothills of the Altes Hills, Ersua is now Greater Askhor's main source of ore for bronze.
Ersuan Highlands
– A range of mountains that separates Ersua from Nalanor, curving several hundred miles to duskwards between Ersua and Anrair.
– Ersuan village close to the villa at Menesun.
– Harbour town on the Greenwater, capital of Nalanor, whose quays are owned by the Astaan noble family.
Gesian River
– Tributary to the Greenwater in Nalanor, from duskwards of Geria.
Grand Precincts of the Brotherhood –
An imposing black stone ziggurat situated on the Royal Hill in Askh, predating the founding of the city. The centre of the Brotherhood's organisation, it is here that ailurs are bred, the fuel known as lava is created and the great library of the empire – The Archive of Ages – is found. Adjoining the precinct are the highest law courts of Greater Askhor.
Greenwater River
– More than seventeen hundred miles long, this is the greatest river of the empire and main route of trade and expansion.
– A meeting place of the Mekhani tribes, razed by Ullsaard at the outset of his campaign in Mekha.
– Village in Salphoria, populated by a tribe of the Linghan peoples. Birthplace of Gelthius.
– Area of Askh, dominated by the sporting circuits and arena of the same name, where ailur chariots are raced and wrestling tournaments take place. Maarmes is also home to the bloodfields of Askh, where nobles can resolve disputes in mortal combat. All duels on the bloodfields are to the death. Commonly, such duels are over marital disputes; if a marriage proposal is opposed, a noble that kills the head of a noble family undertakes to marry the daughters of that family.
– Province of the empire situated hotwards of Askhor, with a temperate climate and long coastline. The chiefs of the Maasrite tribes acceded to the empire without battle. They initiated the Oath of Service by cutting out their tongues so that they could raise no opposition to the conquest. Its people are known across the empire for their placid disposition and its wine is considered the best in the empire. Nemuria lies just off the coast of Maasra.
– A city founded by Baruun at the coldwards extent of the Altes Hills, in opposition to the rise of Askh. Magilnada has changed hands through many Salphorian chieftains since its founding, until its status as a free and protected city was guaranteed by agreement between King Aegenuis and King Lutaar. Conquered by Ullsaard, it was subsequently razed following treachery by its new governor, Anglhan Periusis.

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