The Crown of the Usurper (56 page)

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– Capital of Ersua.
– An arid land hotwards of Nalanor and Ersua, divided into the semi-scrub of Near-Mekha and the deserts of Deep (or Far) Mekha. Home to the Mekhani tribes.
Menes River
– Waterway of Ersua that flow duskwards from the Menes lake.
– Ullsaard's estate in hotwards Ersua, granted by right of conquest.
Naakus River
– A river in Near-Mekha, considered the border between Greater Askhor and Mekha. Site of Ullsaard's camp during his Mekha campaign and proposed location of a new Askhan settlement in the region.
– Province of the empire lying to duskwards of the Askhor Gap and first to be conquered by King Askhos. Consisting of rich farmlands, Nalanor was once the centre of trade of the empire, but as Greater Askhor has grown, the province faces stern competition from Salphorian importers and growing farmlands in Okhar. Despite this, Nalanor is considered the gateway of the empire, as it is linked by the Greenwater to other parts of Greater Askhor and sits next to the only secure route into Askhor.
– Largest harbour on the Greenwater, situated on the border of Nalanor and Askhor. Known as the Harbour of a Thousand Fires due to its many light towers that allow safe navigation even at night. Many decades of construction have made Narun a huge artificial laketown boasting dozens of docks and quays. Almost all trade along the Greenwater passes through Narun at some point on its journey and most of the empire's shipbuilding is centred in Narun. The jewels in the crown of Narun are the stone-built docks of the King's Wharf.
– A chain of smoke-shrouded islands situated to dawnwards of the Maasra coast. Home to the inhuman Nemurians, little is known of this realm other than its volcanic nature and richness of iron. Nemuria is protected by arrangement with the empire so that no ship may approach within a mile of its shores.
Nemurian Strait
– A narrow stretch of water separating the shores of Maasra from the isles of Nemuria.
– Province of the empire flanking the Greenwater River coldwards of Askhor and bordered to dawnwards by Maasra, duskwards by Ersua and hotwards by Mekha; of rich farmlands, vineyards, forested uplands and numerous harbour towns. After Askhor, the richest province of the empire, due in large part to its much-prized marble and linen.
– Former capital of Nalanor, now mostly deserted but still home to the second-largest precinct of the Brotherhood.
– Town in Maasra, situated in the parched farmlands in the hotwards region of the province, where the great aqueduct terminates to provide irrigation.
– City of Nalanor, duskwards of Narun.
River Ladmun
– River that runs along the border of Anrair and Enair from the Altes Hills.
Royal Way
– The broad thoroughfare running from the main gate of Askh up to the palaces on the Royal Hill.
Salacis Pass
– Site of famous battle in the Ersuan Highlands.
– Lands situated to duskwards of Greater Askhor, separated from Ersua by the Free Country. Populated by disparate peoples and tribes. Formerly ruled over by King Aegenuis from the capital at Carantathi now conquered by King Ullsaard and made the latest province of the Askhan empire.
– Village in Okhar.
Sea of the Sun
– The body of water lying to dawnwards of Askhor and Maasra.
– Ullsaard's home village in Enair.
– Town in Enair where the XVI and XVIII legions were ambushed during Enair's conquest.
– Ersuan town situated a few miles from the Altes Hills.
Ualnian Mountains
– Range in Salphoria, site of Carantathi.
– Large herbivorous creature with prominent nose horn, used as a beast of burden throughout Greater Askhor.
– Large species of cat bred by the Brotherhood as beasts of war and status symbols for Askhan nobility. Possessed of savage temper, only female ailurs are ridden to war, and do so hooded by armoured bronze masks. Known to attack in a berserk frenzy when unmasked.
– Large reptilian creature native to the deserts of Mekha. Employed as beasts of burden and war mounts by the Mekhani tribes.
– Ailur owned by Ullsaard.
– Large, snakelike beast native to Maasra, employed by Askhans as mounts for messengers and skirmishing cavalry.
– Giant reptile used by the Mekhani as mounts.
– Large, wolf-like beast used by Salphorians to draw war-chariots.
A member of the Osprey Group
Lace Market House,
54-56 High Pavement,
As you rise, so shall you fall
An Angry Robot paperback original 2012 
Copyright © Gav Thorpe 2012
Gav Thorpe asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978-0-85766-132-6
eBook ISBN: 978-0-85766-134-0
Cover artist: Paul Young at Artist Partners.
Set in Meridien by THL Design.
Printed in the UK by CPI Mackays, Chatham, ME5 8TD.
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This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

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