The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell (44 page)

BOOK: The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell
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From the very beginning of its creation K-BIGA was a joke. During our Second World War K-BIGA supported dissentient groups within the Hau’rino Empire and its allies. The problem was, those groups were either infiltrated by, or run by, a HIDSO agent. Thousands of people were sent to their deaths by K-BIGA both during and after the war. Because of their incompetence, K-BIGA started to turn to mind control techniques. Despite international law, K-BIGA was still running some form of mind control up until the outbreak of the Tylkuoply hive war..”

“Why would they turn to mind control techniques when its so obvious that they have a problem with procedures?” Parker asked.

“Because they’re hyper-incompetent.” Mynik’ny’nuta responded in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

“Right.” La’jyn’eu continued. “But K-BIGA never would have created something like the hive just to control people. They wanted information not slaves. But SAW was different.

They were ashamed of their past, minus the part on the Khin’kyn’ko civilization. Although they no longer practiced slavery, they still had a slave holder mentality. In effect… they acted like an emperor who was dethroned, but still act like an emperor. They deeply resented the rise of the Hau’rino Empire and their own mediocrity. Hence the cultural wars as seen in their movies. Their culture told them that we were weak-perfect slaves. But we proved them horribly wrong throughout history. At the beginning of the Tylkuoply war… we were strong and formidable… and they were weak and NOTHING. And then there’s the other thing.”

“What? What other thing?” Mynik’ny’nuta said being very curious.

“Oh… nothing much. It’s just that my insider said that there is a SAW double agent in that Ty’nys’tu laboratory. And she strongly believes that he is either directly, or indirectly, running things there. And that’s all that I know.”

“So you’re saying that SAW basically created the hive? What… because they wanted to rebuild a long dead empire?” Parker asked being confused.

“No. SAW never would have intentionally created the hive.”

“Then what are you saying?” Parker asked him, being far more confused than before.

“I’m saying that intentionally no they wouldn’t. But unintentionally... yes. The data that they were receiving from the laboratory was incomplete and inaccurate. I learn that from my insider. She said that some people were withholding valuable data from one another. In short, the hive was dropped into the laps of SAW. A little information here that looks promising. And then later… a little bit more. All the while being blinded by greed, power and ignorance of consequences. Everyone in the laboratory knew what the consequences are… but they were pushed by their superiors to proceed. My insider kept on complaining about that.”

Roughly five minutes later, the alarm on Parker’s watch went off. La’jyn’eu and Mynik’ny’nuta stood up (both were wearing their spacesuits) and put on their helmets to their spacesuits.

“How are the two of you gonna keep up?” Parker asked them.

“Inertia.” La’jyn’eu responded with a smile.

Both La’jyn’eu and Mynik’ny’nuta then opened the door that led to the outside of the shuttlecraft and then stepped out. They held on to its side so that the shuttlecraft’s inertia would caused them to travel at the same speed as the shuttlecraft. After 30 seconds Parker got a call from New Horizon.

“Shuttlecraft A-5301 please identify yourself and state your intentions.” The male voice said over the intercom.

“This is Commodore Parker and I urgently request to talk to Admiral Lowenthal immediately.” Parker responded.

“One moment please.”

The Warrant Officer (who was talking to Parker) informed the officer on deck that Parker wanted to talk with Lowenthal. The officer then told the Warrant Officer to contact Lowenthal to inform her that Parker wanted to see her. Lowenthal then thought for a moment and gave the go ahead. The officer than told the Warrant Officer to let Parker proceed.

“Sir. I scan the shuttlecraft and I got a echo of Parker’s signal. See.” The Warrant Officer mentioned.

“It’s probably a glitch. But I’ll have maintenance take a look later.” The officer said.

The Warrant Officer then gave Parker permission to proceed. Parker got up, went to the door that led to the outside, opened it and let in La’jyn’eu and Mynik’ny’nuta. La’jyn’eu then helped Parker get into a spacesuit. Both Parker and Mynik’ny’nuta went back to the door and waited for La’jyn’eu.

Double Shock went over to the cockpit and manually put in the flight path for the autopilot. He then went to the back and set up the small amount of explosives near the engines. He then hooked himself up to their spacesuits, programmed the door to the outside, opened it and had them step outside. Both Parker and Mynik’ny’nuta went out first. Mynik’ny’nuta was watching and calculating the distance to the EOD Ultra Class ship’s airlock. La’jyn’eu was holding on to the door frame with his right hand, with his index finger on his left hand he was lightly touching a button on the door’s console. He was also looking at it to make sure that neither his hand, nor his finger move. Mynik’ny’nuta then patted Parker who in return patted La’jyn’eu. La’jyn’eu then pushed the button. The plasma door deactivated for two seconds, which caused a rush of air to come out and pushed the three of them away. When the plasma door reactivated, the ship’s door closed.

The three of them then drifted to the EOD ship. When they got to the airlock, La’jyn’eu opened it, turned around blocking the entrance, and pointed to the shuttlecraft. The shuttlecraft turned and headed over to New Horizon. Between five to ten seconds later it exploded. La’jyn’eu (who was already in the airlock) quickly grabbed Parker pulling him in and then Mynik’ny’nuta. La’jyn’eu then quickly closed the airlock and three seconds later they heard metal hit the outside part of the airlock.

“Congratulations Parker…” La’jyn’eu said after they took off their helmets. “…you’re dead.”

They then left the airlock area. As La’jyn’eu started to take off his spacesuit, he noticed that Parker was doing the same.

“Not yet… later.” La’jyn’eu told Parker.

Double Shock then left to finish off the guards (there were seven of them). Earlier in the day Double Shock asked Parker how many guards and/or people were on the ship, and Parker said that he didn’t know about the guards, but added that there shouldn’t be anyone else on board since they would be on high alert. Parker then added that if there are anyone else on board than it probably would be scientists and/or engineers.

“I’m done with the guards. Head on over to the observation area on Deck 15 if you two want to watch me.” La’jyn’eu said to both of them over the intercom.

“Come on… let’s go. I wanna watch the master in action.” Mynik’ny’nuta said in a eager tone of voice.

Both of them then hurried on over to the observation area. When they got there, Mynik’ny’nuta then told Double Shock that they’re ready.

“Enjoy the show.” La’jyn’eu said.

They then watch as he drifted over to Galactic Prime carrying several oxygen containers tied together.

He then went over to the gun ports. Using the oxygen containers as a bomb, he set it up to were, when the gun ports fire it would set off the bomb. He then headed over to one of the exhaust vents for the engines and went down inside of it.

“He does realize that if they test the engines he will die… don’t he?” Parker asked her.

“Remember the motto of the HIDSO?” She said.

They then saw him come out (without the oxygen container for his suit) and headed back to the EOD ship. After it took a little longer than normal she asked him over the intercom if he was okay.

“Disappointed?” La’jyn’eu asked her. “Now head on over to the other observation area on the other side of the ship.” He added causing both of them to basically run there. He then headed over to New Horizon and repeated the same thing that he did with Galactic Prime.

Since he ghost hacked New Horizon earlier he knew where to go when he got inside the ship. He made certain that nobody would be in the area near the airlock that is closest to the bridge. He also deactivated the security inside the maintenance and air ducts. When he got inside, he quickly headed over to the nearest maintenance duct.

When La’jyn’eu got inside the maintenance duct he took off his spacesuit and then sabotage the door. He then headed to the elevator shaft sabotaging any door along the way. When he got to the elevator shaft he programmed the elevator door to lock shut. He then opened the top part of the elevator and check to see if anybody was in it. He then climb down into the elevator. He stop the elevator one floor below the bridge. He then climb back out into the maintenance duct. He then went to an air duct that led to Lowenthal’s office. Went he got to Lowenthal’s office he used Parker’s PDA, ghost hack the door to Lowenthal’s office and lock it. He then took a rope, tied and secured it, and, using his legs to hold the rope, he came out of the air duct upside down. When he got close enough to her, he snapped her neck. He then let go of the rope at the same time he did a cartwheel landing on his feet. He then shot Lowenthal in the back of the head to make certain that she was dead. He then  put Parker’s PDA (it had some of Parker’s blood on it) on the table. He then used her access code and then deleted all files on Golden Hyperion. He then left and headed back to the airlock.

When he got back, he put his spacesuit back on and headed to the airlock. He then access a computer console and deleted his Cobra virus. With that he got into the airlock and headed back to where Parker and Mynik’ny’nuta is. When he got there, Mynik’ny’nuta noticed that he was carrying a laser rifle. But she didn’t say anything about it.

“We need to leave and head on over to the bridge… RIGHT NOW.” La’jyn’eu commanded. They then left in a hurry.

“It’s a good thing that I already programmed the autopilot and the weapons.” La’jyn’eu said when they got to the bridge.

Both Parker and Mynik’ny’nuta found a seat up front and sat down. La’jyn’eu went to the Captain’s chair and sat down. He then pushed a button and the ship started to leave. They then heard someone from Galactic Prime over the intercom, demanding an answer to what they are doing. When they got no response they then threaten to open fire if they don’t either stop or respond.

“Go ahead… but I already checked your fire.” La’jyn’eu said out loud (but not over the intercom).

After a couple of more threats, the three of them watched over the monitors as the gun ports on Galactic Prime was destroyed, then followed by the gun ports on New Horizon.

“Now it’s time to really piss ‘em off. Hey Parker.” La’jyn’eu said.


After La’jyn’eu saw both ships started to leave (then stop) he pushed another button and the Ultra Class ship fired upon both ships knocking out their sensors.

“Don’t you wish you could see the looks upon their faces? Especially now, since they just found out that their engines have just died.” La’jyn’eu said with a smile.

Parker didn’t say anything, he only laughed. He put both of his hands on his sides because it hurt him when he laughs.

“Now… let’s see if Starbase 231 finished repairing those sensors.” La’jyn’eu said.

When the ship came close enough, La’jyn’eu fired upon the starbase knocking out their sensors.

“Guess not.” La’jyn’eu said causing Parker to laugh a little.

The ship then went on the far side of Vegas (where Roscadia is not located). And headed to where the beach resorts are. When they got there the three of them boarded a shuttlecraft and left. They arrived at a beach hut that the mafia told Parker to be at on Friday. Both Parker and Mynik’ny’nuta got off.

“My debt… is now repaid to both of you.” Double Shock said. He was standing in the door of the shuttlecraft. “Hey Mynik’ny’nuta.” He added.


“The race is on.”

With that, La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o, a.k.a.. Double Shock, in the body of Little John, closed the door to the shuttlecraft, headed back to the EOD Ultra Class ship and left the Vegas star system. Mynik’ny’nuta went inside the hut as Parker stood there watching him leave. When he saw the EOD Ultra Class leave, Parker said ‘Thank You’ and went inside.




Captain Henderson of New Horizon, Vaistll and Mad Dawg was standing in the conference room on New Horizon. It was 04:43 in the morning and neither one of them could get any sleep. They were too deeply disturb by all that just occurred. Mad Dawg was so shocked that he got drunk. Neither one of them could believe that the EOD had someone like that. Thirty-six people killed in two days. Ramirez was right, “lethal to the extreme.”

“So what are we going to do now?” Captain Henderson said.

“If your pussy ass crew weren’t such huge pusses that they are… we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Mad Dawg said with slurred speech. He was holding a bottle of hard liquor.

“Now hold on…!” Captain Henderson said. He was starting to get very annoyed by Mad Dawg being piss drunk.

“You two knock it OFF!” Vaistll said getting annoyed herself.

“Are you tellin’ me to shut up girl?” Mad Dawg said.

“Yes… I… am.” She said.

“Then you’re gonna need some of this.” Mad Dawg said handing her the bottle of hard liquor. She took the bottle and threw it. Mad Dawg didn’t say anything. Mad Dawg isn’t stupid, even when he is drunk. He’s not dumb enough to fight another officer.

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