The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell (40 page)

BOOK: The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell
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She then looked at Parker with an evil cold look. It was a look that told Parker that he doesn’t even exist to her. At that moment, he finally understood what is meant when it stated that the hive consumes people – it treats them like food.

“I obey.” Little John said in that trance like voice. “La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o is now awaken.” Little John said after a little more than a minute.

Mynik’ny’nuta then took the sharp stick that she used earlier and re-dipped it into the jar of Liquid Death. She then touched Little John’s tongue with it. When she did, he fell over dead. She then squat down over Little John’s dead body.

“Why do you do that for!?” Parker asked being confused by her actions.

“Do you seriously believe that I would allow this fool to walk around with my beloved Emperor in him? You’re not a Hau’rino national so you wouldn’t understand.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“When I mentioned that Little John must ‘sleep deep within the darkness,’ that told his symbiote that he was no longer needed. Meaning: his knowledge, his memory, talent, skills, etc. is no longer needed. That in effect, he is being prepared for the afterlife. When I said that La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o must ‘awaken within the light,’ it told the symbiote to do the reverse. However… Little John’s soul is in the way, but not anymore.”

She then took the stick and once again, she re-dipped it into the jar of Liquid Death. Then she touched Little John’s tongue with the stick. After she put the lid back on, she went outside and burned the stick. After several moments passed by, Little John’s body started to twitch. Then after a minute-and-a-half, Little John woke up and took a very deep breath.

Little John just sat there looking confused. He looked like a person who never saw Parker before. Let alone knew what Parker is.

“Where are my manners?” Mynik’ny’nuta said in English. “Ryan Parker… this is La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o. La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o… this is Ryan Parker.”

Both of them were looking deeply confused at her for two different reasons. Parker for the obvious reason. And Little John because he didn’t understand how he knew the language that she was speaking. For Little John, it was as if he was someone else.

“Do you know what this is La’jyn’eu?” She said to Little John, showing him the jar of Liquid Death in it. Both his mouth, and he’s eyes opened wide in shocked. Little John then looked at his hands with a confused worried look on his face.

“What have you done to me Mynik’ny’nuta? Why did you bring me back? I… I…” Little John said.

Little John then looked down at his stomach then up at her with the look of fear in his eyes. He then rapidly stood up and both of them started to argue in her native tongue. Parker finally realized who, or what is standing before him in the form of Little John.

“Oh my God… you’re Double Shock.” Parker said.

“Yeah. And who in the hell are you?” Little John/Double Shock said.

“He’s the one who is responsible for us being here.” Mynik’ny’nuta said.

Double Shock turned to Parker with deep hatred in his eyes, grabbed Parker’s throat and said. “What would possess you to unleash the hive upon this world!?”

“I-I-I I can’t breathe. You… can… have… that… jar.” Parker said.

“How ‘bout I’ll kill you and take it from you?” Double Shock said.

“Now, now La’jyn’eu… you know that you have to get through me in order to take it. So how about a truce and a compromise?” Mynik’ny’nuta said.

“I don’t do business with the hive. I kill it. I destroy it.”

Mynik’ny’nuta than said something in her native tongue. Double Shock then let go of Parker and then stormed out of Parker’s house cursing under his breath.

“What did you tell him?” Parker asked holding his throat and coughing.

“I reminded him of his honor. That when someone saves your life you are indebted to them until the debt is repaid.” She answered.

Parker and Mynik’ny’nuta then went outside to talk with him. They saw La’jyn’eu standing outside staring up at the gas giant in deep fascination and curiosity.

“It’s name is Vegas. This moon that we are on is called Roscadia. We… err… my species is called human. Humans come from a planet called Earth. Earth is in a far away star system. Humans call your species Apollinarian. I’m really am sorry to hear about your family.” Parker said.

“No girlfriend or wife. It’s what I always called a job hazard. My parents died before the Tylkuoply war broke out. Four of my siblings died in our Second World War. The other two died before the war against the hive broke out. My Emperor… and my job is my family.” La’jyn’eu said. He then put his hand on his stomach. Parker then gave him the jar of Liquid Death.

“Please… help us.” Parker said.

La’jyn’eu then thought about it. “Alright.” He said.

“Let’s go inside first.” Parker said. With that, the three of them went inside.

“What do you want Parker?” La’jyn’eu asked.

“I want to join the EOD.”

“Why? And who, or what, is the EOD?”

“Yes Parker. Please tell us why you wish to join them. And while you are at it… why don’t you also mention your plan on joining them. I’m certain that La’jyn’eu would love to hear it.” Mynik’ny’nuta said in a condescending tone of voice.

Parker then started to tell them his plan, but Mynik’ny’nuta interrupted him and asked him to answer the question of why he wish to join them. She added that she already heard his plan and she don’t want to hear it again. As Parker was mentioning his reason why he wanted to join the EOD, both La’jyn’eu and Mynik’ny’nuta kept on interrupting him. Both of them knew that he was hiding the real reason why and they were trying to get it out of him. Eventually Parker caved in and told them. When Parker was done, both La’jyn’eu and Mynik’ny’nuta look at each other. Mynik’ny’nuta had the look of; ‘Oh my God’ and La’jyn’eu had a smirk on his face.

“What!?” Parker said a bit annoyed by their reaction.

“Never mind Parker. I don’t think we need to hear your reason. It came in perfectly clear to me.” La’jyn’eu said causing Mynik’ny’nuta to smirk, then turned away. She was trying to hide the fact that she was suppressing the urge to laugh.

“Parker… please tell me your plan.” La’jyn’eu continued.

“You know…” La’jyn’eu said when Parker was finished. “…it’s good for you Parker that she brought me back.”


“Because Project 21 would have seen right through your plan. They would have come after you.”

“Yeah… well the EOD would protect me.”

“Don’t be so naïve. You have no value to them. Other than…”

“What are you talking about!? There’s both of you and that jar!”

“We’re not your slaves Parker. We’re individuals. And I would rather kill you than to allow you to turn that jar over to the EOD. I need it far more than you do. Don’t worry Parker. When I’m done with repaying my debt to both of you… I can guarantee you that the EOD will take you in. So don’t worry. Okay?” La’jyn’eu said.

“Yeah. I guess.”

“Is there some type of a report on when your people picked up Mynik’ny’nuta?”


“Let me see it.”

Parker than went and got the copy of the report and gave it to him.

“Parker… are you tired?” La’jyn’eu asked him.

“No I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Go ahead and take a nap. If you want I will wake you as soon as I’m done.”


Parker then went into his bedroom and went to sleep. When La’jyn’eu finished reading the report he got up and went into Parker’s bedroom and woke him up.

“Parker.” La’jyn’eu said lightly shaking Parker awake.

“What is it?” Parker said being slightly frustrated because he’s tired and want to go back to sleep.

“I hate to wake you… but I want to read the report on Vaistll Adnrwal.”


“Where is it?” La’jyn’eu said in a stern voice.

“Let me get it.”

Parker then got up, went into the living room, and gave the report to him. He then went back to bed. After one hour, Parker came back into the living room. He couldn’t sleep because both of them were watching TV and talking.

“What are you two talking about?” Parker asked.

“Did we wake you?” La’jyn’eu asked.

“No. So what were you two talking about?”

“I was telling him relevant information on Little John.” Mynik’ny’nuta responded.

“Come again?” Parker said.

“Remember when you saw me and Little John standing there and our synood’tynd (syn-nude tend) was touching?”

“A what?”

“A synood’tynd is that dendrite looking thing that was coming out of our mouth.”

“Oh yeah. Now I remember. What about it?”

“I… um…”

“She consumed Little John, except for his soul. And what I mean by ‘consumed’ is that, it is the same as when you copy something from one hard drive to another.” La’jyn’eu mentioned.

“Yes. I consumed him. His knowledge, memory, etc. I then gave La’jyn’eu the knowledge of the English language and human body language.” Mynik’ny’nuta said.

“Oh. Well… that explains a lot.” Parker said.

“I finished reading that report on Vaistll Adnrwal. She won’t become a major factor in my efforts to help you. But right now… you need to listen to us and do actually as we say you do.” La’jyn’eu said.


“Never mind. We need you to send a message to Admiral Lowenthal.” Mynik’ny’nuta said causing Parker to look at her in a shock and confused manner.

“What!? How come!?” Parker said.

“Shut up! And do as we say!” La’jyn’eu said in a stern commanding voice.

Parker then did as he was told. They told him what to say. He got very upset about how he had to, basically tell Admiral Lowenthal his plans. When he tried to speak out against it, they ordered him to shut up and just do it. Parker felt like a prisoner in his own house. He somewhat trusted them, but he also strongly felt like he was losing control of his plan.

“Does the Project 21 HQ where you are station at, has a cloning facility?” La’jyn’eu asked.


“Just answer him!” Mynik’ny’nuta snapped back.

“Yes!” Parker said out of frustration.

“Good. Let’s go.” La’jyn’eu said.

“What to the Project 21 headquarters?” Parker asked them.

“No. We’re going to the Project 21 headquarters.” Mynik’ny’nuta said.

“But that’s what I said.”

“No, you put it in the form of a question. And there’s no question about it… where going to the Project 21 headquarters.” She said. Her attitude only increased Parker’s frustration.

“Where’s your car?” La’jyn’eu asked Parker.


“Where… is… your… car?” La’jyn’eu asked him again.

“It’s outside in the driveway. And why don’t we take Little John’s car. You have his keys La’jyn’eu.” Parker said. His frustration was growing at that point.

“Because we’re taking YOUR car not his.” Mynik’ny’nuta said.

“Why?” Parker said with increased frustration.

“Shut the fuck up. Keys?” La’jyn’eu said. For those who personally knows La’jyn’eu, by this point in time all of them would agree on one thing: he does not like Parker. But isn’t obvious why he don’t?

“Here!” Parker said grabbing the keys off a hook on a board near the door. When he grabbed them, one of his fingers on his right hand caught a hook and deeply scratched him.

“Ouch!” Parker said causing Mynik’ny’nuta to roll her eyes and shake her head.

The three of them then got into Parker’s car. With La’jyn’eu behind the wheel. La’jyn’eu then turn the car around doing a 180, rapidly, without leaving the driveway. Parker was very surprised that they didn’t hit Little John’s car.

“Jesus! What the hell!? Parker yelled.

“Dude… you need to relax.” La’jyn’eu said in a calm manner.

“Which way?” La’jyn’eu asked.

“North.” Parker responded.



La’jyn’eu then pulled out fast. He was traveling at high speed on the wrong side of the road.

“You’re on the wrong side of the street! And it’s quicker to go the other way!” Parker yelled out.

“Oh.” La’jyn’eu said. He then did a perfect 180 and kept on traveling at the same speed.

“You’re gonna have to slow down, or you will get us killed! Or pulled over.” Parker cried out.

“Relax. I’m not gonna get us killed.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You already died.” Parker cried out again.

La’jyn’eu then looked at Parker with one eyebrow raised and a smile that showed a great deal of confidence. He then went faster.

“Holy shit!” Parker yelled out. La’jyn’eu just went through a red light missing some cars.

“You’re crazy! You are fuckin’ crazy man!” Parker cried.

Mynik’ny’nuta then lean forward in the back seat and said. “You know Parker… the motto of the Hau’rino Imperial Department of Special Operations, the HIDSO, is, ‘Sometimes the crazy thing… is the right thing’.”

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